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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 24, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 24, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Lilliwaup Skokomish urc ear ISSIO MASON COUNTY 4-H horse project members spent three days at the Fair Grounds last week getting instruction from several persons on the care and handling of their horses. Among those who worked with the young people were Dr. Joe Johnson from Washington State University and Jim Taylor of Olympia. Here, some of the participants in the game groom their horses. L mer c The Lake Limerick Fire Station, Station 4 of Fire Protection District 5, has been accepted by the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau for recognition as providing 8th class fire protection. The effective date of this action is June 1. As a general rule on residences this will mean a reduction in fire insurance premiums as follows: Within 2 miles of the fire station about 50 per cent; within five miles but over two miles about 30 per cent. This may vary somewhat between insurance companies, type of policy, how old insurance policy is and so forth. On Homeowners policies, for instance, remember this applies only to that portion of premium Ire which is being paid for fire insurance. Also, some insurance companies may be slow to recognize this new protection. However, if an insurance company is reluctant to recognize this new rate, it should be pointed out to them the savings which are available from other companies and chances are they will meet the competitive rate. Commercial properties also will benefit from this improved fire protection (however, commercial properties are rated on an individual or case by case bases.) Although the premium reduction may not be as great, generally, it will be a substantial percentage. This reduction applies only to IS rl properties within the boundaries of Fire Protection District 5. Persons having insured properties in this area should contact their insurance agent and ask for an exact quotation. This rating is due in large part to a very active group of volunteers. There are openings for five additional volunteers at Station 4. Drills start at 7 p.m. every Tuesday evening. Anyone who is getting bored with TV, wanting to get some exercise, looking for a hobby, wanting to learn something new and interesting, or just wanting to help, should give this a try. District 5 has a very active program of training in all phases of fire protection, rescue, and first aid. It should be pointed out that the quarters being used as a fire station are being provided on a temporary basis by the Lake Limerick Golf and Country Club which is allowing the use of a portion of their maintenance shop building. Anyone wishing more information should call Capt. Glenn Robbins at 426-6953 or Capt. Tom Brokaw at 426-3864. Do not call the Fire Department Emergency number unless you have an emergency (fire, first aid, etc.) To call from 426 phones for an emergency dial operator and ask for ZENITH 8311. Pioneer By ANN WHEELER PIONEER - The Eastern Star Social Club from Port Orchard, of which Leona Clay is a member, held their third annual picnic at the Clay Gardens on Spencer l.ake last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Auseth of Philhps Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Jalmer Auseth of Agate attended the Grange convention in Longview this past week. "~Id" C1~y of the Spencer Lake Fuschsia gardens was honored for Fathers Day with a charter trip to Westport for some salmon fishing. The gift was from his daughter and son-in-law Dr. and Mrs. Anderson from Maryland and Mr. Clays grand-daughter and husband Mr. and Mrs. Wally Pederson from Quilcene and granddaughter Sherri Kennedy and friend Paul Kopcyzski and son Robert from Seattle. Fishing was very good and all the men limited. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Batstone and family are now at their Spencer Lake home for the summer. Dave Byrd of Shelton and now with the U. S. Coast Guard received painful cuts and bruises ions IU By MRS. RAY KRATCHA SOUTHSIDE I'he Actions 4-H club meeting was held at Toni Matson's house June 16. Lennie Christensen called the meeting to order. Kim Dyson led the flag salute and 4-H pledge. They discussed the car wash, which is going to be July 10 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Jess Mobile Station. Members also talked about the picnic they helped plan for June 23 at Panhandle Lake. Members who attended were Carol Christensen, Lennie Christensen, Kim Dyson, Susan Goodburn, Marilee Matson, Mike Matson, Robert Miljour, Karen Miljour and Christie Bacon, reported Christie Bacon. Mrs. Tom Weston and children spent four days on Whidbey Island as guests of Mrs. Eva Holt. Mrs. Eva ttolt of Whidbey Island and Mrs. John ttorn of Texas were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Weston and children Saturday. Friendship club met June 16 at the home of Lela Hootman. There were seven members who attended and they celebrated the June birthdays. They had a work party and are working on Christmas gifts. Hostess Lela Hootman served. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Asche and Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Way and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Asche and Winston Sunday for Father's Day. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Asche and Winston were Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Stice of California. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha were dinner guests of Mr. and Wherever you hail/rom you're always welcome at our brewery. We have tours going on every day ]rom 8 to 4:30. So drop in, up or over, etc. Olympia Brewing Company Now celebrating 75 years in the same location, Tumwater, ff'ashington. *Oly *@ when his motor cycle skidded in loose gravel on the Phillips Lake Hill and threw him to the pavement. A quick trip to the hospital and sixteen stitches kept him from the expected visit at the Bill Jackson home on Phillips Lake. Amos Babcock is now home from the hospital and trying to catch up on the garden work. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hall are spending their vacation building a patio on "~etr lot on~-Phillips Lake. Peggy Whitney and Winnie Watt from Port Orchard spent the Mrs. John Cookson and Jackie Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Jordan stopped by on their cycle at Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha Thursday evening. day at Leona Clays home on Spencer Lake Tuesday to celebrate Leona's birthday. The Agate Grange will meet as usual June 25 with Pot Luck at 6:30 p.m. Nancy Kunze of Spokane, who is visiting her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kolowinski of Phillips Lake, celebrated her 5th birthday with games, cake and ice cream for her neighbors and friends. I I I Your Standard Man, C. C. COLE & SONS, INC. Can Solve Your Problem. He's In Shelton - 426-4411 Standard Oil Company of California We Will P INI ',I'IERI( OF YOUR HOME FOR ONLY LABOR & MATERIAL For the average 3-bedroom home You do the trim Free Estimates & Advice DRY WALL * PAINTING -- EXTERIOR & INTERIOR LICENSED & BONDED * ALL WORK GUARANTEED PHONE By VIVIAN OLSEN LILLIWAUP - Monday was the "first day of summer" and for Charles E. and Emilie "Millie" Diesen at their Eldon home it marked their 60th wedding anniversary. The Diesens, who came to Eldon in 1930, were married in Seattle June 21, 1911. Both Charles and "Millie" spent their school days in Seattle and their romance began when they met at a dance. He was a plumbing contractor before his retirement and their move to Eldon. Here with them for the anniversary was one of their three sons, Charles, Jr. and his wife, who came from Seattle on .the weekend. The other sons are Edward of Jaunita and Howard of Bremerton. The Diesens have four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. To celebrate the inauguration of the New United States Postal Service July 1, Postmaster, Faith Evans, of Lilliwaup invites members of the community to visit the Post Office and share the hospitality of the Post Office personnel who serve you. A free souvenir commemorative envelope, or a first day cover with a new U. S. Postal Service commemorative stamp will be issued for only 8 cents. Every Post Office in the United States will celebrate this Postal Service Day and it will be the first time in History, that every post office will offer a first day cancellation. The local post office offers a photographic display of modern Postal Service jobs and functions, as welt as Historical Stamp Posters. Postmaster Evans states that cookies and coffee will be served to visitors and everyone is welcome to come join in the celebration. By MARY VALLEY SKOKOM1SH - The Skokomish Community Church will have as their guest speaker June 27 Miss Jean Hanson, Missionary to the Colombian Indians. Following the morning service there will be a potluck dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilkinson and Arvid Johnson attended a reception Sunday afternoon at the Matlock Grange hall, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin on their 25th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Smith and grandchildren, Raeanne and David attended the graduation of Martin Rose at the Ellensburg College, where he received his B. A. degree. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sjoholm and Martin Smith drove to Longview Thursday, where they attended State Grange Convention. Mr. and Mrs. Sjholm took the 5th and 6th degree. Mrs. Bea McCoy had as her house guest recently, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Patterson of Medford, Ore. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sjoholm were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jones of Cloverdale, B.C., Mr. and Mrs. Gunner Sjoholm and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller Is Given Award Robert E. Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Miller, Bayside, Calif., recently received the Society of American Military Engineers ROTC Award in the U. S. Air Force training program at Washington State University. Miller, a graduate of Shelton High School, is majoring in mechanical engineering at WSU. He plans to receive an Air Force officer's commission in February, 1972. Les Sjoholm of Shelton. aft ernoon Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley,C Mr. and Mrs. George Valley and Cleora West Jan, Monica and Angela Marshall, The Mr. and Mrs. George Lozier and Graham as granddaughter Pam of Tumwater, Charlene enjoyed a picnic on the South The Fork of the Skokomish on Doherty Father's Day. the The Hood Canal Women's held in Club Father's Day breakfast was well attended with about 160 enjoying the breakfast. Rev. and Mrs. Howard Spear and family returned Saturday from a three week vacation to Kansas,' where they visited relatives and friends. They reported very warm weather and were glad to get back to the northwest. The community extends their condolences to Mrs. Verne Hill and family in the death of Mr. ltill. Standard Rev. Wesley Gains officiated at the wedding last Saturday Who's Braggin'? We happen to KNOW where you can have a brand new. NO LEAK Windshield AT 3rd & Grove "Where Your Windshield is Guaranteed Not to Leak" Thanks to some people who care, you can't see our Islandhouses for the Quadrant carefully planned it that way. And you're the beneficiary of their uncommon care in developing one of the Northwest's most nat- urally magnificent recreation prop- erties. We're talking, of course, about Hartstene Pointe. On Hartstene Island in the southern reaches of Puget Sound. Near Shelton, Washington. Our Islandhouses blend with and compliment their natural surround- ings. On-site inspection becomes a happy discovery of outa' sight com- forts.., tucked away on your own" special island. Cozy fireplaces, car- peting, drapes, and artful use of Northwest cedar throughout. Plus everything else you'd expect to find in a first class condominium. Our Islandhouses have something going for them investment-wise, too. Value grows all the while you're en- joying the place. What else could you ask for.., for Sl 7,950 ? How about amenities: stene Pointe there's a lodge, an Olympic-size pool, and 3½ miles of owned private beach. All outa' sight ! j Drive out this weeke0O Your Island is calling. Presented by: Recreation property QUADRANT A Weyerhaeuser Company Bellevue, Washington 98 -- Site Phone : Representative on site seven WeyerhlLett~ Richard Bouillon Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 24, 1971