June 24, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Red Estate Real Estate For Rent t rvi(es Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications
You? 0o**meo,, ,00 HOODOO W THo*r er mo0i,e
Olympic Ave., 426-6593 after home, old out-of-date house? NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF SALE or part
5:00 p.m. ONe and two bedroom then trade for a new quality 3 FRANCHISE APPLICATION OF VALUABLE MATERIAL OF VALUABLE MATERIAL the e:
-- Our business is Hood Canal, so we have to know it well. units. B6/17tfn bedroom home by Collett, call No. 5335 ON STATE LAND ON STATE. LAND c o n t r a
~~ Frank Tobinski and Associates for In the Matter of the Application STATE OF WASHINGTON, STATE OF WASHINGTON accord
-- Over 21 yearslxperience with 2 offices at Union and Hoodsport. THREE ONE-bedroom furnished free equity appraisals. 426-]818. of Pacific Northwest Bell DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL uncomrn
--10 professional real estate sales people to assist you. apa rtments. Utilities paid. T6/24 Telephone Co. for a franchise to RESOURCES, Bert L. Cole, RESOURCES, Bert L. Cole, may be
-- Specializing in Hood Canal Properties - homes, waterfront, $65-$80 roD. Furnished 2 ~--'- construct, operate and maintain Commissioner of Public Lands. Commissioner of Public Lands. subseqt
recreation parcels of every description & acreage. , bedroom trailer, washer/dryer.GET YOUR chimney cleaned aerial phone cable with multiple Notice is hereby given that onNotice is hereby given that on advised
-- Exclusive Sales Agents for :Alderbrook Golf & Yacht Club ' Hood 426-4329. S6/24-7/]5 now before you have a fire. crossings upon a portion of State Tuesday, the 29th day of June,Monday, the 28th day of June, Domesti
Canal's Prestige Address." 426-2582. W6/17-7/8 Route No. 3, in Mason County, 1971 commencing at ten o'clock1971 commencing at ten o'clockconstitUl
-- Largest volume office on entire Canal. FOR RENT homes -- unfurnished Washington. in the forenoon of said day, at the in the forenoon of said day, at the m a Y -~.
and furnished. $90 --$150. CallEXCAVATING, CLEARING, WHEREAS, the Pacific Port Orchard District Shelton District Headquarters,cancellaI
timber !
We C,n Sell Itl 4264,]5 if no answer call eve. grading, hauling. Gordon B. Northwest Bell Telephone Co.,aHeadquarters, located at Port located at Shelton, County of debarrne
after 5. $6/24-7/] Moore, phone 426-4378. MG/Jtfn corporation, has filed with the Orchard, County of Kitsap, State Mason, State of Washington, by bidding
Washington State Highway of Washington, by the District the District Administrator of said
-C, lients ready and waiting to obtain various properties. WANTED A small family to rent BATHROOM AND kitchen Commission, under the provisions Administrator of said District. the District, the timber on the request
--'Hot Line' direct to Seattle for no-toll service to all of Greater a charming little two bedroom remodeling. Roofing, patios,of Chapter 47.44 RCW and timber on the following described following described state land will Washingi
Seattle residents, home in the woods on Arcadia carports. Smaller jobs also. Call amendments thereto, an state land will be sold at public be sold at public auction to the or MaSt
Road. References required. Osborne's 426-6241. 10/15tfnapplication for a franchise toauction to the highest bidder, to highest bidder, to wit: person
--LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH OUR OFFICES FOR BEST $85.00. Write: R. E. Rempel, construct, operate and maintain wit: MASON COUNTY reason
COVERAGE POSSIBLE!! 34213 18th PI. So., Federal Way, BACKHOE SERVICES with iate aerial phone cable with Application No. 34967 Application No. 33847 propose(
public h
multiple crossings line upon Morris Cre~k located C-1200 Thinning located office
As your Agent we aim to protect your interests as our own! Washington. 98002.6/24-7/8 model 15 ft. backhoe. 15 years ' a portion of State Route No. 3, in approximately ll miles by road approximately 9 miles by road
experience. Also sewage systems. Mason County, Washington, for a northwest of Belfair. The sale is north of Shelton. The sale isFedera
ANNOUNCEMENT FOR RENT -- Two bedrooms Top workmanship. Earl T. Mart, period of twenty-five (25) years, composed of all timber bounded comp0~'ed of all timber 40 inches Washing'
with kitchen privileges, $70.00426-3053.6/11tfn at the following locations: by sale area boundary tags in Unit or less in circumference measured June t(-
To get better acquainted and enjoy the Canal we month. Inquire 610 Dearborn. Beginning at a point on theNo. 1 on part SE1/, SW]/4 of outside the bark ]2 inches above time. RI
invite the following couple to play golf and have K6/17-7/8 GENERAL HAULING West side of SR 3 as now located Section 16, part HE1/, NWl/, of the ground plus all trees marked will no
and of record in the office of the Section 21; in Unit No. 2 on part with blue paint bounded by sale received
dinner at Alderbrook as our guests: ONE BEDROOM furnished nice Top Dirt Director of Highways at Olympia, 5Wl/4 SWl/4 of Section 16, part area boundary tags and property F o rest
Free golf and dinner atmosphere, see manager at 604 sand-Pit Run--Gravel Washington, said point being NWl/4 NWI/4 of Section 21, all in lines in Unit No. 1 on part NE 1/4, Building
Franklin or call 426-2549. 5-Yar¢l Dump Truck opposite approximate Milepost Township 23 North, Range 2 part N1/2 S1/z; all timber marked on or
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder of Shelton D6/24tfn and Loader Station 16+00, located in the West, W.M., containing 35 acres, with blue paint bounded by sale Dated I~
Tel.-FRANK--426-3153 Southwest quarter of the more or less, comprising area boundary tags in Unit No. 2 Maule,
Call our office to arrange date and time, or bring this BUSINESS SPACE. Looking for also Light Clearing 3/4i.tn Northwest quarter of Section 31, approximately 290 000 bd. ft. of on part SE~-/~-NEl/4,-part NE]/4 SEJ/4; Olympic
ad with YOu, and watch for your name to appear! professional business man to share Township 22 North, Range 1 Dougl:as fir, 40,000 bd. ft. of in Unit No. 3 on part NEI/4; all ;
our spacious office on First West, W.M.; thence in a generalhemlock and white fir and 30,000 timber marked with blue paint
Street, Shelton. Phone 426-1818. LANE HOUSE MOVING northerly direction along the bd. ft. of pine and cedar, or a bounded by sale area boundary
C6/17tfn westerly side of SR.3 at a distance total of 360,000 bd. ft. i tags and property lines in Unit
Houses Raised, Foundations varying between 23' and 25' west Mi nimum acceptableb'd: No. 4 on part N1/z HE1/4; all timber ""
HOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE ONE BEDROOM furnished and Leveling of the centerline of SR 3, toe $4,585.00. bounded by right of way
apartment, close to downtown, point opposite approximate Timber will be sold on a cashboundary tags on part NE]/4, part
Milepost Station 17+30; thenceor installment plan basis. Timber NWl/4 SEll4 of Section 30, NO1
UNION and Insurance Aaencv.. - HOODSPORT $85.426-4000. WG/24tfn Phone 426-8147 1/27tfn directionC°ntinuingatin a general northerly must be removed prior to JuneTownship 21 North, Range 4
898-2581 877-521 1 TWO BEDROOM home, partly a d!stance varying 30, ]973. West, W.M., containing 238acres, PETITIOn
furnished. References, deposit, from 25' to 70 west of the On or before June 29, 1971,more or less, comprising
LIVE WHERE OTHERS VACATION Mann Real Estate 426-6592. {T centerline of SR 3 to a point at 10:O0 a.m., each bidder must approximately 840000 bd. ft. of (
.................. ELL ROLUX SALES opposite approximate Milepost make a minimum deposit of Douglas fir and 30:000 bd. ft. of S U P E F
i Station 17+83; thence crossing $458.50 in the form of cash, hemlock and white fir, or a total WASHI[
Sales--Service- Supplies SR 3 at Milepost Station 17+85 money order or certified check, of 870,000'bd. ft.
SUMMER SPECIALS ~o, RENT- Two bedrooms couNT~
with kitchen privileges, $70.00 CALL 426-3544 to a point 70' east of the Said deposit shall constitute an Minimtum acceptable bid: Estate
centertine of SR 3 thence opening bid at the appraised $16,800.00i. Deceased
mmm month. Inquire 610 Dearborn. For free delivery -- Jack Manley continuing in a general northerly price. Upon award of this sale, the Timber'will be sold on a cash Noti¢
ACREAGE INTOWN... SOUTH HILL... ] KG/17tfn 8/20tfn d i rection a,t a point respective deposits shall be or installment plan basis. Timber stanle
approximately 25 east of and returned to the unsuccessful must be removed prior to administr
Three acre tract of land with Have you been looking for a | LIVE IN luxury, two bedroom, parallel to the centerline of SR 3 bidders. On the day of sale, the September 30, ]973. of the ab
sweeping view of the city. full-basement home? Here's | waterfront, wall to wall carpeting, HAND SAWS to a point opposite approximatepurchaser must pay the balanceOn or before June 28, 1971, the clerk
apprecJateY°U II have tOtneSeepo[en[la,thls.one oTt° with°he withaveeXtrastr etlargeanC°rnerc r 'l°t | 426-4951electric heatafterand5more,p.m. SG/lOtfnin Allyn. & TABLE SAWS Milepost Station 18+66 and between the bid deposit and the at 10:00 a.m., each bidder must final r!
• . p d e s d u brag
building here Only $5 750 and on two si e Ha r n ~ / thence leaving the ,ight-of-way; full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of make a minimum deposit of distribut!
- . ,. d s. s 3 bed o..m., ~ SlHIJ~I~I~ENED thence commencing again at a sale fee, or may, if the purchaser $1,680.00 in the form of cash,the coU'
a good value at th=s price Let recre
• • ation room, 2 fireplaces, | D U P LEX A ARTMENT, point opposite approximate so elects at the time of sale, pay money order or certified check, distribUte
usshow you this one. plastered walls, 1-car garage j fireplace, garage, view, carpeted. 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Milepost Station 18+89 at a noint an additional amount, to bring Said deposit shall constitute an estate t(
and view over the bay. Also | 426-4428. JG/10tfn ~ --
Ph. 426-6687 25' east of the centerllne of SR 3; the total amount of the deposit, opening bid at the appraised entitled
HMeArTLOa K FeAdRoMom i24~!t Can J thence continuing in a general exclusive of fees, to equal 10% of price. Upon award of this sale, the d ischar
C "home h omnanYF~U~t.l~leSr northerly direction ate point 25' the full bid price based on therespective deposits shall be represellt
needing some finish work and ' " / BUSINESS SPACE. Looking for
professional businessmantoshare sWIMMING POOLS east of and parallel to the cruise estimate, provided that returned to the unsuccessful and petit
located on 20 acres of good | our spacious office on First centerline of SR 3 to a point such deposit shall not be less than bidders. On the day of sale, the probate_,~
p a s t u r e I a n d. S o m e GARDFN RPA I= / Street, Shelton. Phone Olympia Septic Tank opposite approximate Milepost $2,000.00. This balance may be purchaser must pay the balanceat 10:Ou
outbuildings and many features ~- _ ",-~¢-;","; "~..~.*" ".;" . | 491-2270. C6/17tfn Station 22+32 located in the paid by personal check. Purchaser between the bid deposit and the at whirl
..... ,~ ~ h .... ÷ .... ~,~ uver 1o~ o~ Depth to mis large / bulldozing, backhoe Southwest quarter of Section 32, must also furnish within 30 days full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of person
~n~nr==,.'i'=f,="~l"q"rdj~ ...... lot with plenty of garden space | LEASE -- OPTION bring your and dump truck service Township 23 North, Range 1 of date of sale a surety bond of sale fee, or may, if the purchaser maY aP~
West, W.M., in Mason County, $1,0 0 0.0 0 t o g u a r a n t e e so elects at the time of sale, pay thereto a
-"" ................ and even has dog runway. Very trailer to this beautiful Surgewater conditioners. Washington. compliance with all terms of the an additional amourit, to bring
comfortable 3 bedroom home / 40-acre-stream, lots of fish and Date(
DOWNTOWN... with large cheerful kitchen./ deer, 7 miles southwest of Together with aerial bill of sale. All checks, money the total amount of the deposit, June,
Nearly all refinished 2 Has separatel-cargaragewith/ Shelton.$150 per month. Maple GLEN PARR telephone cable crossings of SR 3 orders, etc. are to be made exclusive of fees, to equal l0% of clerk
bedroom home with carpets, shop area. So pleasant in so| Valley Land and Homes. located at the following Milepost payable to the Commissioner of the full bid price based on the SuP~
drapes, "good roof, solid many ways. Let us show you / 426-1203. Evenings426-6961. 426-6539 Sholton, Stations: Public Lands.
foundation, and excellent this one at the low price of| 6/17-7/8 8/GtfnMilepost A C C E S S R O A D cruise estimate, provided that BYL
such deposit shall not be less than Houger,
heating system. Even has only $10,500. / 17+92, 18+24, 19+68, 20+81, REVOLVING FUND: $105.00 to $2,000.00. This balance may beand Nyll
partial basement and separate | ~ -- DAY & SONS ' 17+93, 18+30, 20+00, 20+87, be paid on day of sate. paid by personal check. Purchaser of Houg
1-car garage with small workIUI/'tlIIMTAII~I ~lll~tA/ | room for rent. Downtown area. CUSTOM 17+94, 18+34, 20+04, 21+27, Accessibility: via Department must also furnish within 30 days Attorne
shop area. Well worth seeing at ,.,.,v,.,,,,.,-,,,.,, ,,,~,, . .. | Inquire 100 West Pine. L6/17tfn 18+01, 18+37, 20+24, 21+56, of Natural Resources access, of date of sale a surety bond of 1122 De
a low Drice of only $9,000 Here's agooo JDeoroomnome / ROTOVATING 18+08, 18+45, 20+29, 2]+63, Complete contract and $2,000.00 to guarantee Seattle,'
.... with fireplace and large fenced / FURNISHED STUDIO apartment Lawns, Gardens, Farm work -- 218+11, 18+51, 20+32, 2]+89, specifications may be examined at compliance with all terms of the TelephO
LESSTH*" yard. Just a short walk from| available at Lawton Apartments,machines no job too large or 18+]9, 18+63, 20+61, 22+32, Port Orchard District bill of sale. All checks, money
~1~ Callanan park. Covered patio| 723Pine. 5/20tfn 18+20, 19+63, 20+75. Headquarters, County Auditor's orders, etc. are to be made
3 M!LESOUT... and carport. S14,500. " 1 small. 426-87S0 4/9tfn NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS office, and office of the payable to the Commissioner of
• ~ " ~ ~ O ~ • ...... ' ..... ' ' i~ That a hearing will be held on Olympia. ' ~ A' 'C,C E S S: ' R O A D " SF
'~: ~ i~l~ ~. t ptJPLEX, ONE~.,ed~rqom,, .~EREBYGIVEN: Commissioner of Public Lands,~ Public Lands. '
ft,,elba(e, w/w~¢arpe¥,~d~abil~rtes.~ |- " #aid application by the
ne~ly all the way to the m .... ,~ ~' ROY To be sold at Port Orchard~ REVOLVING FUND: $105.00 to
~n~ly all - . . Co fy two bedroom home on | Includes laundry, water, garbage Je i Washington State Highway District Headquarters, on~' be paid on day of sale.
property. A good Duy a~ Canitor Hill ~'- - ...~.,. ~,, / carport. Adults. No pets,$]O0.00 MARY
$12 500 and quite level land ~" L.omes ...... y .,,
' " furnished and the owner will/ month lease. 426-1479.5/6tfn Commission at. its office in the Tuesday, June 29, 1971, at 10 Accessibility: via public coUNT
Highway Administration Building, o'clock a.m. access.
carry contract. A real good l Olympia, Washington, on the Any sale which has been Complete contract and 29,]971
DOWN PAYMENT starter home at only $6,500./ FOR RENT: Trailer space close 19th day of July, 197], at 1:30offered, and for which no bids are specifications may be examined at N O
PROBLEMS~ / to downtown. Call 426-4426. p.m., or as soon thereafter as received shall not be reofferedShelton District Headquarters,GIVEN=
29, 197
How about a newer 3 bedroom CREEK FRONTAGE / lo/9tfn hearing may be had. until it has been readvertised. If County Auditor's office, and be hel
D A T E D a t OI y m p ia, all sales cannot be offered within office of the Commissioner of
home with 1½ baths, fireplace, JIM TrttlUlM / REX MOBILE Manor -- a real Washington, this13th day of the specified time on the Public lands, Olympia. schOOl ¢
attached 1-car garage, and a.,,--v.,,,,,... ,__ . / spacious family mobile park, Pile Driving--construction May, 1971. advertised date, the sale shallTo be sold at SheltonDistrict to the¢
schOOl .~
corner lot location. $300 uver tUU o~ --on,age on / offering two months free rent or Land orWater. W.M. Foster continue on the following day Headquarters on Monday, June proposal
should put you in and monthly Goldsborough Creek_ with this / free electrical hook-up, your
payments including tax and 3 bedroom home. Extra large I choice. 426-4560 for more Bulkheads -- Marine Facilities Assistant Director for between the hours of ten o'clock 28, 1971, at 10 o'clock a.m.
insurance around $135. Won'tlot at 110 x. 183'. Large / information. Mc3/lltfn Drag Line-- Clam Shell -- Loaders Highway Development a.m. and four o'clock p.m. ~!
last long and at this low o~arden spot and fruit trees. | Heavy Equip. Hauling ~6/24"7/1"8"3t be Saidsold timberfor not°nlessSaid thanland willthe offered,AnYandSalefor whichWhich nohaSbidsbeenare i
downpayment it sure beats Fenced and sidewalks in. Has| E~ tfn appraised value, as appraised by received shall not be reoffered ,'Shi
paying rent. Check now on this separate 2-car garage. $16,500 / MT. Vl NOTICE OF MEETING the Commissioner of Public Lands until it has been readvertised. If approXir
one. on terms. / OF MASON COUNTY in the manner provided by law, a all sales cannot be offered within the ma~
ACREAGE... BUSINESS MINDED???? |/ tHq ic Tank BOARD OF EQUALIZATION notice of which is now on file in the specified time on the
the office of the Auditor of advertised date, the sale shall for bY
A/~Z,¢~ Notice is hereby given that Mason county, and District continue on the followin~ day taxable
Seventy beautiful acres suitable WE HAVE A NUMBER OF | ~-#~.~11~I;~ Inltmllahon$ the County Board of Equalization between the hours of ten o clock 311-79 't
will convene at 2:00 p.m. on July Adm'nistrator of said district. Knight
for cattle tn the Matlock area. GOING AND SUCCESSFUL l 50D-gal., 750-gel, 1,000-gal. 6, 1971, at Mason County Bert L: Cole a.m. and four o'clock p.m.
One half cleared with pasture BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES J 2 Bedroom Drain Fields, Ditch Digging,Courthouse, Shelton Washington, Commissioner of Public Lands* Said timber on said land will used,
and creek running thru AVAILABLE WHERE |
Backhoe, Trencher for Hire and will continue in session and 6/3-10.17-24-4t be sold for not less than the mainten'
appraised value, as appraised by ~°:oel:~
property. $50,000 wit~ termsOWNERS WISH TO RETIRE. | Un{:urnishec/ days, and not to exceed notice of which is now on file in district
-- owner willing to carry CHECK ON THIS AND SEE / :Sharer ~ ~l~ke adjourn from time to time for a the Commissioner of Public Lands
period of not less than three (3) ~ in the manner provided by ~aw, a Board .o
contract. WHAT MIGHT FIT YOU. Available NOW No Pets Phone 426-3660 twenty-eight (28) days. Meetings NOTICE OF SALE the office of the Auditor of said 19717",
A ROY DUNN / CONTACT MANAGER Cr$-2157, Belfair |/27tfn will beheldonJulyB, 9,15, and OF ABANDONED VEHICLES county, and District TAXL*
b, at other times as required, to Notice is hereby given that onAdministrator of said district.
• 4 '3]00 Lfn ..... " publicly examine and equalize the Monday the 28th day of June, Bert L. Cole TAX LE
| |O RAILROAD AVENUE 426-4447 / BOB OGDEN assessmentScurrent ear extended in the 1971, at 10:00 a.m. in the Commissioner of Public Lands The
Y on the taxable morning at Shelton Auto Parts, 6/3-10-17-24-4tpreC
Evenings Call -- | MOVE IN TODAY- Installation Service property of said County, for taxes Route i, Shelton, Washington the ~------ withi
to be levied in the year 1972, and following cars will be sold: follOt
A. ROY DUNN 426-4601 / O n e a n d t w o b e d r o o m to correct all errors in valuation, 1959 Plymouth, lic. No. BPN PreCi=
DON BROWN 426-6388 | apartments, with carpet, drapes & Carpeting - Formica -- description or qualities of 910, ID No. M13415763. MatlC
property assessed by the assessor. 1965 Chevrolet, lic. No. JBY
appliances. Ceramic and Linoleum Th9 owner or agent of any 284, ID No. 164375W115095. ~at,;o
Apts. taxable property who feels there 1961 Volvo, ,ic. No. AQM TIMBER SALE
Licensed, Bonded orexemptions,.may file a petitionShelton Auto Parts. Raymond TIMBER FOR SALE. OLYMPIC oC~l~
are inequities in their assessment 82]~, IDNo. 277656. NATIONAL FOREST 0 n
Uv~L~,~..~Jl. ~0~il0 Homos 2329 Jefferson St., & Insured and appear De, ore the Board atL. Drebis, Jr., Owner No. 2209 NATIONAL FOREST, RING 05
the time and place appointed. R23000001. 6 70 SALE, located within T. 21 tV
.-_--..-v-_--_--_--_--_--_--_-. .-_-_-_-_-~-- ~"~'="----- ............. Mgr. Apt. 11 or Appeal forms may be acquired
EIGHT YEAR old registered TA .... ---'-- .... .-" ..... phone 426-8663. /24 15 and 22N., R. 6W., W.M., partially
_ r~r_ u.vr.P( Payments1970 Phone 426-3155 from Clerk of the Board at surveyed. Public notice is hereby
thoroughbred gelding, gentle. 1o Bon Pr~-, '~'~, -- ,"-~ - --
• "-"-~ =-"me ¢15000 426-2708 . .. -,.%¢ ~o,~ ~-oeoroom. l~z Shelton, Washington. Date June
....... ~, • • • Darn mooim home. 1313 Cote Sp given that pursuant to th
BG/] 7 24
" --------------------- 5. F6/24-7/1 . -~_-_--__-w-v-~_--~_-~-~_------- - -~, 3/6 tfn 14, 1971. provisions of Section 5 of Public
Vera Elliott NOTICE OF HEARING Law 273, 78th Congress (58 Stat.
~E-BRED milk COW, ~ Lost & Found Clerk, Board of
Equalization NOTICE IS HEREBY 132-16, U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and pOi
a chicken incubator, and a FOR SALE 1967 Rex Mark !11 12 Instruction County of Mason, GIVEN: That the Board of the Cooperative Agreement for
chicken brooder. Inquire at by 60, double expando, small LOST WEEK ago 6-montb old Washington County Commissioners did,, on the Management of the
June 7, 1971, direct the Clerk to Participating ]=orest Properties in N
Matlock store. P6/24tfn 426-8069.equity' takeE6/17.24over payments, labradorMay havefemaledlstemper.HillcreStcontactarea" CERAMICS, ARTS and crafts at 6/17-24-2t prepare a Resolution declaring the Shelton Cooperative GIVE
REGISTERED SHETLAND silver ~ Mike Bourgault 426-1843. B6/24 Exceptional Foresters, an their intention to establish "all Sustained Yield Unit entered into 197]
dapple stud, 2½ years. 426-5095. CLEAN, USED mobile homes,
B6/24 only 10%down. As low as $83.00 LOST WHITE 6 ft. pram with intermediate care facility for theNOTICE TO CREDITORS AND ONLY those roads by and between the United States Corer
per month on approved credit, oars near Twanoh State Park. mentally retarded. Airport No.4207 dedicated to the publiC inthe Plat of America and Simpson Timber with
of Beacon Point" as County Company, dated December 12, port!
WE_ANER PIGS, wormed_well Shelton Home Center, Taylor Reward. 426-3242. B6/24.7/1 Shelton; Highway ]01. IN THE SUPERIORCOURTOF Roads, all located in Mason 1946, 9,100 M board feet of Roac
~arteo on gram, ~:).uu. P,none Towne, 426-4455 5/Gtfn Greenware, glazes, stains toolsTHE STATE OF WASHINGTON County, Washington. timber marked or otherwise pro=P
• ,F:~ O~U :~,V~E ~ S~H P~P f brushes, finished ceramics gifts IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF FURTHER, said Resolution designated for cutting will be sold Hi,n'
LOST -- 10 ft. fibreglass boat, on for sale. Free instruction daily, MASON.
did declare the establishment of to Simpson Timber Company, its e
Hammersley Inlet, white. Pleaseevening classes Monday and In the Matter of the Estate ofsuch roads as a public necessity Seattle, Washington, on June 30, Drop
call 426-4222. Oars in boat. Thursday 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. CedarVERNON C. GUSTAFSON, and did direct the Clerk of the1971. The minimum acceptable Mr. i
Y N 0 e $6/] 7-24
426-4963. B6/24 " SHELTON wood products for sale--picnic Deceased. Board to set public Hearing bid per M board feet is: deSC,!
tables, planters, trellis, ,~r}d NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thereon Douglas-fir, $58,70; western
ow. du, to HOME CENTER r.r c,s fencing:5/27tfn •• that the undersigned has been FURTHER, said Re~olution hemlock and other coniferous Cour
freshen in Oct, $225.00. Seven AT TAYLOR" TOWNE appointed and has qualified asdid instruct the County Engineer species, $18.90; Additional the !
administratrix of the estate of to report on ,~said road deposit required for slash disposal 25,
~)Gn.~hGo~31dsGC;~.~125.00. Phone ~fOUCOULD MISS YOUR BEST BUY TREE TOPPING, falling and Ve~no~lI C. Gustafson, deceased; establishments ann request the,is $1.23 per M board feet for all West
KIRKWOOD BROADMORE clean-up. Phone 426-3532. ,n persons having claimsProsecuting Attorney to review above species. In addition there is shOW
BOARDING KENNELS, dogs .. " McB/Gtfn L(I~| Pu lKatlons against said deceased are hereby and give approva~ to the stepsan unestimated volume of all sA~a~(e
required ~o serve the same dulytherein orderea, species of hardwood which will be
t~olden West Villa West Olympian
over 20 Ibs. All cement in and out - "
runway. $1.75 per day Mel Ru SINGER TUNE up special.., verifiea'°nsaidShirelyGustafson NOTICE IS FURTHER paid for at $1.00 per M board on
or Earl W. Jackson attorney ofGIVEN that said Hearing will befeet. In addition there is within coUl
426 4455 SHELTON
Kennels 426-2387. N6/10tfn " Any make sewing machine. A
On Ollfm~l-$helf0n Freew, ySinger expert will come to your CALL FOR BIDS record at ..the address below held at the orrice of the County the sale area an estimated 153
K-9 KLIPS, professional .13o die u DAY home and: Adjust and balance The City of Shelton will open stated, and file the ~ame wi+~. +~.~
T i ......... Commissioners at the Courthouse acres of all species of logs subject GIV
clipping and pet grooming. Call ~ dl, dr ~lb ~ ~ dr ~, ~,, ~,tensions; check fabric-handlingbids for fire, theft, liabilityClerk o sa d Court together with in Shelton, Washington, at 2:00 to per-aCre pricing which will be will
I men = r -r 1"I" 1" T ~P "1" ~ ........ -
Mrs. Kimball for appo'nt t. mecha nism, de-lint thread (including property damage and proof of such service Within tF~,,~ p.m., Monday, June 28, 1971. All paid for at $24.24 per acre. All of abar
426-8988.8/31tfn handling assembly; oil entire bodily injury) false arrest, (4) months after.the date of first interested persons may appear at the Alaska yel low cedar Coul
machine; inspect motor; lubricate collision and comprehension publication oT this. notice, or the said Hearing to be held for thedetermined pursuant to public a.m.
motor if needed; check wiring for coverage insurance, on the 3rd same will be barrecl, purpose of hearing the Engineer's hearings lobe surplus to needs of anY
DOG CLIPPING and grooming, safetv~ Only $9.50. In Shelton day of August 1971 at 2:00 p.m. DATE of first Publication. report on said County Roads. ~ domestic users and processors as, ~t
For appointment, call Mrs. ... ..... _. , .
LaMont. 426-4164. L9/17tfn ...... ~r----.--__--__------_-------------- contact Kay s Draperies, ]29 in the CommisSion Room, City the 27th day of May, 1971 " DATED this ~th day of June,stated herein, if any, is exempted rot'
Railroad, 426-6207. Singer Hall, Shelton. Shirley Gustafson "
r n broke WQIIt~ to PAMt
Center, South Sound Center, The specifications for said Administratrix of Estate ~ 1971. from Domestic Processing, A total
gelding pony. Phone 426-6152. ~..__-------_______ _ _ Lacey. 491-3400. insurance coverage are on file in Address: P.O. Box 212 Board of County volume of 500 thousand bbard 197
the office of the City Clerk and Hoodsport, Washington ~ Commissioners of Mason feet in addition to that which is
F4/22tfn .... CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, available to prospective bidders Earl W. Jackson, County, Washington SUrplus to needs of domestic users
WANT TO lease -- 3 bedroom accurate. ~'recision grinding Now during office hours. ~,ttorney for Estate Ruth E. Boysen, and processors as stated herein, if.
REGISTERED AUSTRALIAN home up to $200.00 per month, at Saeger Motor Shon Hili,'ro=~ Helen W. Stodden p.O. Box 96 Clerk of the Board any, is texempted from Domestic
terrier male puppies. Phone References. Phone Olympia Phone 426-4602. 1/15~n ..... City Clerk Battle Ground, Wash. 98604 ChiefBY BettYDeputyCOleAuditor notifiesPr°cessing'Forestlf successfUIservice priorbidderto
426-6152. FJ/25tfn 943-8530. M6/17-7/8 6/17-24-2t 5/27,6/3-10-17-24.7/1-6t 6/17-24-2t award that he will not export all
Page 18- Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday June 24, 1971