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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 24, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 24, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ine I Couple Atten YATEs dancing enthusiasts were coming This past out of the woodwork around square Olympia and Lacey as quare IC ance onven on approximately 3,300 square held at Longview. As always it work is classified that was a taboo they were exuberant with dance lovers from all over the was a rewarding experience seeing subject of conversation. They did expectation. For about two yours United States and Canada invaded how this organization helps get to pet some of the porpoise, from the time they left Shelton the area. The location where all influence a great deal of They saw the Dole Pineapple (about 2 p.m.) they were to be Church FIRST BAPTIST this fun took place was the St. legislation for man's betterment, fields where they learned it rains guests of Brakeman Bill and Crazy ~ 910 East Dearborn CHURCH ~------------------------------" Martin PavillionatLacey. And here's another place where almost constantly. This past Donkey on Tacoma's KTNT, Legal Publications Chuck and Maria Bridges the leaders say they fail to see any weekend the Bragets along with Channel 11. Even the little galsLEWISB.WYSONG,Pastor 5thand Cote attended the two day event from signs of that disease known as the Mike and his roommate, John, joined the line as it filed past their Sunday School ..... 9:45 a.m. Downtown SheltOn /F~ ~"="-----------"---------- -----"--"---~ the Island. Friday evening dancing generation gap. Watching the took a Boeing 747 and hopped two favorite TV personalities. A MorningWorship •. ll:00a.m. June 27, 1971 'S SALE John D. Robinson was from about 8 p.m. until small-fry busy as bees all week over to Maul. When they weren't glance at the TV monitor aboveC.Y.'s& Cadets .... 6:00p.m. 1905 Sheriff of Mason midnight; then for another hour with their activities and serving on driving around looking at thetheir heads gave them the Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m. "THE GOD WHO County Washington or so the group held a sing along, committies makes Grangers scenery they spent any other free opportunity to see themselves on Bible Study (Wed). • 7:00 p.m. IS THERE )! T OF By Ann' Rose Chief h ITON Bright and early Saturday wonder what is meant by that time swimming and soakingupsun live television• Rusty went as a ~ VIISH CorneiliusCiVil DeputYc. Chavelle morning after breakfast the group now popular phrase - generation on the beaches. While on Maul, member of Pioneer's Weblo Den ~~-""-lMte Vle~u' / 911:0030 a.m•a.m... MorningSUndaYworshipSCh°°l Attorney for Plaintiff headed for Olympia to dance in gap. And when the Junior Kay picked out a shirt for Rusty and Lisa not thinking she d get to " * ...... Plaintiff 3631 Seattle First the Rotunda of the Capitol toGranges ranging from the veryand a pretty shift for Lisa of be on TV was beside herself with-,,. ~,a a I 7:30 p m ........... Evenin~ IMONT, National Bank BIdg• qualify for a square dance badge young through teenagers put on gorgeous Hawaiian print, happiness when sfie was allowedAlliance I.nurcn j " Gospel Hour Seattle, Washington - 7 24 4t proclaiming that fact for all to their degree work it can certainly of a writ 6/3-10-1 - - While- they were away the to join the others and get the Washington & "J" Sts. I Wednesday Bible Study t of the ~ see. That took a bit of time as not put some of the subordinate Yates family pet-sat their two anticipated kissfrom Krazy / 7:00 p.m. State of too many could dance at one time granges to shame and vow to do dogs, Doc and Fritz and also the Donkey. Sunday School .... 9:45 a•m. J Speaker: Professor Hugh .~lisbury :erms at SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Morning Worship I 1 •00 a.m. J Dir. Christian Ed. - Tom m4rwlek ~Ohomish No. 10773 and when the plans were made it better in the future. And when two banty roosters, Red and Afterwards the group was ld dated IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF was figured that only about a they read their reports to State Orange. Doc got lonesome and divided into two groups, one Evening Service .... 7:00p.m• J ,* The Morning Worship is Pr=,,=, ~n.r t ~ 7 30 o.m. J oroaocast live over KMAS 1971 on THE STATE OF WASHINGTON couple hundred would take part Grange it makes one wonder went back home to Island Shores going with Bill and the other _.., ....... ~Wed., . : ...... , 1280 k • lidCourt!N AND FOR THE COUNTY OF inthe Rotunda dancing, where they find all the time to once and Fritz couldn't quitegoing with Crazy on atourofthe EARLEVERS, Pastor J c. 1971, inMASON. N They also attended a accomplish so much! named RICHARD HENRY THOMPSO , manage to get his directions TV studio. Then as they bid their ~e abovePlaintiff vs BETHANY LOU workshop for a while Saturday Down at the A1 Nagel home straightened out a few days later hosts goodby and received gum r~ ~-i e sum ofTHOMPSON •Defendant. _ and learned some new steps. And their oldest daughter, Jerry, had a and wound up at the Bridges and an autographed post card, the Hundred STATE OF'WASHINGTON Tu J United Methodist Church J Maria reported she picked surprise this past weekend. The home. When Kay and Elwood group headed for the nearest 100the THOMPSON DEFENDANT: )~Ogether HE SAID BETHANY LOU numerous ideas and tips at the phone rang and low and beholdcame to pick up their animals we MacDonald's for a fill-up before 1 G and King Streets J Y O U A R E H E R E BY sewing clinic• But what was so the party was calling from the told them they had missed heading home. J REV. WILLIJaM ANDREWS, Minister l taxed atSUMMONED to appear within fantastic was that other than the Marina where her folks had their summer, as it had arrived and left Down at the George Waite j Summer Services: 10:00 a.m. J rarest at sl.xty (60) days after the date or gals wearing the dress designed for boat tied at the State Park dock. all in the same day, Monday! home good news seems to be | Church School begins at 9:00 a•m• J r annum the first publication of this • 80, and summons, to-wit within sixty the Convention every other dress The caller turned out to be This past Monday Cub Scout taking precedence over the recent L. U.M.Y• at 6:30 p•m• | sum of aays after the lOth day of June, was completely different and Valorie Fisher now of Tacoma,Pack 155 of Shelton were loaded bad news. First, Dave is getting HUndred 1971, and defend the above there were no two alike. Once one but formerly of Kamilchie where (but stuffed might be more along very good now and evenI ] ,211.80)entitled act on n the above of the callers remarked they talk the two gals were close friends for accurate) into four cars to travel had a glimmer of hope Of being entitled Court and answer the about the generation gap, but we many years. And it had been to Tacoma. Altogether there were released from the Longview CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER DAY SAINTS (ecutioncomplaint of 'the plaintiff, and f Mason serve a copy of your answer upon sure can't see any signs of one about four and a half years since between 30 and 40 boys, four Hospital where he had ]~een | Connection & 12th Sts. Phone 426-2805 | , duly m_e undersigned attorney at his here where the age ranges from the two friends had seen eachMorns, and one Dad and two or confined since two weeks ago, | Priesthood Meeting .......... 9:15 a.m. and by ortice below stated; and in case or five or six years old clear through other. So the Nagel family drove three siste:s. Dressed in the when he was injuredin a | Sunday School .... " ............... . ....ll:O0 a.m. / :0 Sell at YOur failure so to do, judgment Senior citizens. During the Grand over to the Marina apd the two traditional scout uniform motorcycle race. I Sacrament Meeting .... iiiiiiiiii ] to lawwill be rendered against you J .............. 5:00 p.m. / roperty,according to the demand of theFinale Saturday evening there families enjoyed a delightful scrubbed and polished (probably COmplaint which has been filedwerearoundl,200dancersonthe couple ofhoursvisitingtogether, thefirsttimesinceschoolletout) NVKIH$1 BAPTIST D-E J South With the cierk of said Court. floor all at the same time. Kay and Elwood Braget . That the cause of action Sunday to rest their sore returned home this Tuesday with nerein is for divorce. Phone 426-2488 the Charles L• Hyndman aching leg muscles Chuck and gorgeous tans and the envy of all | 23 W. C. St. at Olympic Hwy• Rev. Paul Butterfield Attorney for Plaintiff Maria and their family attended a their neighbors and friends Bible Study .................................. 9:45 a.m• Charles L. Hyndman horse show. And heading for following almost two weeks in Worship ......................... 11:00 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Attorney at Law work Monday took some real Hawaii. They made the trip to Christian Training .............................. 6:30 p.m. 205 8th Street and Hoquiam Washington 98550 intestinal fortitude for both visit their son Mike, who is • Tuesday - Prayer Service & Bible Study ............. 7:30 p.m. • 20, Area Cod~ 206 Chuck and Maria. Incidently for employed at Kailua on Oahu with Your Guide to _ lows:Telephone532-3291 those that hadn't heard, Maria the Navy Underwater Research Expert Services in Meson County .... of 6/10-17-24-7/1-8-15"61 returned to work as an L.P.N. at and Development. He is a civilian First Church of Christ, Scientist ence NOTICE OF SURFACE the Shelton-Mason Hospital last employee of the Navy as a result ft; Monday a week ago. 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash. WATER RIGHT of the Oceanographic Degree he APPLICATION NO. 23054 And attending another earned while in the Navy. Sunday School ll:OOa.m.--Church ll:OOa.m. STATE OF WASHINGTON Convention all last week was Chet Although he had to work each of Auto Glass Floor Covering Wednesday evenmg testimony meetings 7:30 p.m. Reading room located in church. Reading room hours DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Streckenbach. He represented thethe week days they were there, OLYMPIA. Harstine Grange as their delegate his folks used his car and did a lot --Linoleum --Carpeting -- 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Man. & Fri. TAKE NOTICE: Expert Installation --Tile --Formica T h a t E A R LR O L A ND at the State Grange Convention of Island seeing. And since his v~/LU HM of Bremerton, JIM PAULEY, INC. as hington on May 3, 1971, filed FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH J application for permit to divert REX FLOOR COVERING J Arcadia and Lake Boulevard J the public waters of an unnamed Mt. View [ ED CHAMBERLAIN, Minister ,stream (Cress Creek) tributary of Kneeland Center Ph. 426-8231 Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 J Bible School ....... 9:45 a.m. Family Service ...... 7:00 p.m.J _flOods Canal in the amount of J Worship ...................................... 11:00a.m. J u.01 cubic' foot per second, su bject to existing rights, Auto Repairing ] Gunsmith I Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:00 p.m. | continuously each year for the I- -- Maj0r Overhauls I I Repairing Modern and I Child Care Service Available at11:00 Service | I Antiques purpose of domestic supply that J -- Brakes & Ignition I Precision Scope & Sight ~- J I Mounting t.n e a pproximate point of 1817 Olympic Hwy. No. Mt. View - Welding & Tune-ups / Shotgun Choke Alterations, ulversion is located within ED'S SERVICE Government Lot 2 of Section 20, I all gauges I IShooting Supplies. Township 22 N, 'Range 2W. W. ..... 1st 426-1212 M., in Mason County. [219 So ' IWARREN A. GIRARD Point Any objections must be Automotive Service i Route2, Box T,S Phone 426-250] accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) record ng fee and fileo With the Department of Ecology Barber--------~--- ----- nsurance 24,Within1971.thirty (30) days from June For Appointment Call Men's Hair Styling ~ LetTIredus OfdoShOpping?it for you! • Razor Styling Auto-Home-Boat-Life-Health Witness my hand and official * Shampooing ~| Business-Preferred Risk? • Regular Hair Cuts ll~,~.~j ason seal this 27th day of May, 1971. wa locate the lowest cost. Sell Glen H. Fiedler Alex 4~.6-3971 * SCissor Contouring ~ Insurance Is our only business. at Department of Ecology BERNIE'S HAIR STYLING ARNOLD & SMITH much 6/17-24-2t For Appointment Call 426-2072 INSURANCE AGENCY -- 1618 Olympic HWy. S. 116 N. 2nd. 426-3317 anti de for ng. $. of this ' 0 prize in the Shelton merchant s aar ,f Values sale event is Oak, Shelton A winner will be selected each Beauty -- Complete Hair Care -- Wigs - Wiglets - Switches -- Merle Norman Cosmetics -- Free Demonstrations ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON 6th & Laurel 426-4582 Janitor * Carpet Cleaning * Building Cleaning and Maintenance * Residential - Commerlcal Shelton Janitorial Service Adolph Rapacz Route 3, Box 725, Shelton 426-8936 or 426-6870 Building t New Homes ! :Remodeling! OLYMPIC VIEW CONSTRUCTION CO. Paul Brown Wee Dosser 426-4312 426-8427 Masonry -- Fireplaces -- All Brick and -- Block Work MASON'S MASONRY Phone 426-2278 Cable TV Rental Service 1 I Almost Anything Anywhere / I Bulldozers-Loaders-Pumps | For Service Call J Folding Banquet Tables | 1{19 jl& Chairs' H°spital Beds' EtC'LEW RENTS / j ----- .------ ----- 12216 W. 4th, Olympia, 357-773q Carpet Cleaning Sign Painting ] --Carpets, rugs, walls J * All Types / I * Truck Lettering / -- Floors, Furniture I * Cartoon Illustrated Signs 1 --" Housewide Cleaning I * Personalized Business Card & ] AL FURNISH I Letterhead Designs / ServiceMaster of Mason Co.~Phil Sharpe 323 S. Frqnt St. | Phone 426-1121 J Phone 426-2661 j Chain Sews I Travel ] I New and Used-Rentals J I -- Air - Rail - Steamship J I -- Bus - Hotels - Tours J Oregon Chains & Accessories J No Extra Charge for Our Service J Small motor tune-up & repairs I Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily I Angle Travel Res. Center J Mike's McCulloch Shop l 401 Railroad Ave. [ 2215 Oiymplc HWy. N. 426-4639 L426-8272 426-4134 Concrete- tTruck & Equip. Repair-------! I-- Ready-mix Concrete J I Trucks * Cats / I Engines -- Transmissions I I --Concrete Culverts & Blocks I Logging Equipment / I - Sand, Grave , Brick & Ston j Differentials& welding| I-" Fireplace Screens & Tools I SUMMIT TRUCK J I GRAYSTONE of 5HELTON | & EQUIPMENT REPAIR I 75~ Park 426-3344 L224 S. 12th 426-2512 ] :)rugs - Helena Rubinstein Cosmetics -- Prescriptions Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics NEI L'S PHARMACY 5th & Franklin ~. 426-3327 TH IS SPACE CAN BE HAD How About You? I St, David's Church : Fourth & Cedarl Shelton, Washington 8:00 A.M.-- Holy Communion 10:00 A.M.-- FamilvSerwce The Church Is always open for meditation and prayer. 206 MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOUR I SYNOD E. Wyandotte ROLAND HUBER, Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 1971 Divine Services 8:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class at 9:15 SHELTON CHURCH of the NAZARENE Located in Memorial Hall, 2nd and Franklin Lowell Keene, Pastor Phone 426-1298 Sunday School ........................... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ........................ 11:00 a.m• Junior Fellowship .................... 6:00 p.m. Evening Service .......................... 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday ................. 7:30 p.m. Fi hermen's CI b " S U i: P.u.D. AUDtTORIUM --3rd & Cota From 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. every Sunday I ih SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 1971 ' i Bible Study: LELAND WILKINSON, Minister i Speaker: TO BE ANNOUNCED o, Faith Lutheran Church 7th and Franklin WORSHIP 8:15 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. i CHURCH SCHOOL: 9:15 a.m. Christian Worship, Fellowship, Education, Service Kenneth Robinson, Pastor Phone 426-86 ! I SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 152 1 Monroe St. Mason Younglund, Pastor TEEN CHALLENGE WITH IREV: AND MRS. GRADY FANNIN PRESENTS: DRAMATIC FILM: U N H O O K E D Friday, June 25, 7:30 p.m. Sunday School .............................. 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ......., ....................... 11:00 a.m. "THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE LIFE OF CHRIST" Christ's Ambassadors .......................... 6:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service ............................ 7:00 p.m. Wednesday-Bible Study and Prayer ................ 7:00 p.m. REVIvALTIME, Sunday, KGDN ................. 3:00 p.m. Thursday, June 24, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19