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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 25, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 25, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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NO. 28 VOLUME XXXIV. SHELTON, MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1920 IFOURTH I, ROGRAM EARLY PIONEER WOMAN s -- EIGHTY-[0UR 8th is CALLED BY DEATH TH[ HAHD fHAt[ Primary Electiofi, Second Tuesday / CUT TO ON]] DAY in September, 14th. --GkDE STUDENTS Had Lived in&apos; Washington State General Election, Tuesday after first Monday in November, 2nd. Seventy-five Years --'--% BY GAS SHORTAGE -- DIPLOMAS * ", ' thev are ,to be voted uon, June 30. numbered among the earliest of ,p e,• Washington pioneers, passed away , / % First Day for filing Candidacies, __ . Sixty days prior to the date of the MAN EVENTS TO TAKE PLACE PRACTICALLY EVERY SCHOOl, at he family home at Mima Monday. / / % Primary Election, July 16th. DISTRICT 1N COUNTY REPRE- Mrs. Croll wad born in Monroe Last day for filin Candid$cies, MONDAY WITH BASEBALL Thirty days prior to date of Primary GAMES AND PICNIC SAT- county, Missouri, June 10, 1836, and / / $$ SEATED IN LONG LIST came to this state at the age of " Election, Aumast 14th. URDAY AND SUNDAY PUPILS FINISHING nine, 75 years ago, after a residence / | 0 Registration Books to be closed 20 GRADE SCHOO of one year in Oregon. $$ / days prior to Pibmarv Election Day, After watching the gasoline situs- _ She is survived by one son, W. It. / August 25th. Jigny-four mpm . gr .ea [teTS, Mrs. Peter McKenzie, ofoMud :   1 Registration Books open again im- tion for the past two weeks the com- ...... man were an _ Woodruff, of Portland; two daugh- mediately after Primary Election day mittees in charge of the Fourth eel- .this year by the a tra::terllre2uaelBay, and Mrs. S. Burtis, of White IbqlDf and remain open until 20 days prior ebration in Shelton have decided o to eighth grade g tt . . .g!" [Salmon; by one sister, Mrs. Pauline # ,ant Mason County as a result, el eiE. McElfresh, of Redmond, Oregon, $ to General Election day. Books to be forego the attempt to spread a den- three state examinations laela m J "| and by three brothers, William and $ closed October 13th. ' eral program over three days, for uary, May and June.. ..... |Rufus Packwood of Centralia, and | No person can vote at either the fear sufficient gas could not be se- County Superintendent Mrs. lmgnlElisha Packwood of Bellingham. t Primary or General Election, unless cured to enable the courtty people to come on three days. Therefore Mon- vho has just completed the list says/ t registered, da.v, July 5th, the regular holiday, it is a remarkable record for the i ' ]ADOPT NEW TEXT will be the big day with features on county but might have been consider-LOCAL ELKS HELr ' Saturday and Sunday for all who ably longer but for the fact that  lean get here. • [ Logging being the main industry some students who lacked but a few  .... " ...... --'----l of this section with many old-time credits failed to return for the June 'OLYMPIA DEDICATE " -- BOOKS FOR ALL examination and consequently will *  l experts engaged in this work, a lib- •  [ eral share of the prizes are designed receive no diploma until next year.  for 'contests which will be attractive This eighth grade diploma allows TEMPLE SATURDAY --COUNTY SCHOOLS "'° '°"°'° o,,, a boy or girl to enter any acdredited picnic in Kneeland Pm'k Sunday all high school in the state of Washing- the old timers can spend a plc.asant on without further examination, hour and tlnd oht fliends. The usual Meet of these young people are SIIELTON WII, L ADD ITS QUOTA IOARD OF EDUCI ION A,'I'TS patriotic exercises and a memorial planning to use their diplomas. The complete list of graduates TO THOUSANDS rHO WILL BOOKS TO BE USED 31:RING address by a selected speaker will be qven at Kneehmd hall at 11 am. vith their district numbers is given INVAIE CAPITAL CITY NEXT FIVE YEAR Sunday. 'below, also the iirteen honor students TOMORROW PERIOD  s with their averages. Rachel Gilbert Three Basel)aU Game of District No. 30.9 is the  honor stu- dent with an average of 98.8. Prae- Shclton will add its quota of Elks The County Board of E(h:catlon Each a ftel,noon ball games are tically every disfrict in .,o county is and friends' to the thousands that .... ruder the chairmanship of County scheduled with strono' te'uns and represented in these lists, will invade Olympia tomorrow to Superintendt'nt Mrs. Knight has just'these shouhl attract all ball lovers Honor Students help the Olympia Elks celebrate the comp!eted the adopiion'. of toxtbook for the three days. Satm' av's 'ame Name Average dedication of the new home. Word to be used in the s:h,)o, of Mason will be between the Shelton re'ular • 'nine and Cmnp 2's sluR'p'c'rs; Sunday .. 98.8 was received here yesterday from County for the next five years. .Rachel Gilbert ............ • O15mlaia that Shelton Elk recd re- This -doption is made m,.cordin' the Teddy Tigers of Tacoma will be Alford Allen ................ 96.6 ' " hlarvcl Wandell .............. 95.5 ain home on account of the gaso- --'--- t law, and books so adopted mut here, and on Monday Mc.Cleary's Clara Bell ................... 95.3 line shortage because if he could  be used for five years. Old books best is scheduled to tussdc with the Elizabeth Gilbert ............ 95.3 secure enough to ge to Olympia a Te:- which the districts have on hand arc home team. It will be three (lays of ...... to t exchanged for the new ones. hard work :for the hone boys, if Katherine Wilson ............ 94.4 sufficient amount would be furnished , ' Alvin Carlson ............ 94.2 him there to make the return trip. A certain c,xchange rate is givey for they win out in these grants. Shel- "'" hese old books, thus saving thddis- ton's Band will be made up to fifteen W Rei g4 mOmlymPmcelSbPal!ngotPoO ,,,.!_., .,,..un! the foot of tl, ehiit. Two of the chil- • o ison ............ :::: : i dx.-n'd Daffy ........... 92.7 expects a deega '  " "lar III,LII |]ll[l dr¢a were thrown through.the wind- tricts on the exchange. The present pieces and is scheduled to give sever- shield and suffered severe cuts about books have been used for five years al 'concerts during the celebration ',ennt ;e:i ! °in THROUGH WINDSHIELD period. Do;!I. :::::::::::::::::::::: 92:1 Ek:gathferh2o:O ,. ,the head. The car did not overturn and are somewhat worn. The Board took into consideration Chairman Johnson is anxious to have every business house represent- s ARE BADLY CUT UP Jl'eanor Mitchell . .......... 91.7 Everet, " " "and the 'other occupants although the heavy expenses the districts ........... ractcall every cty in Western I .uther shaken up were othmvise an- wouht be subjected to this year and ed in the auto parade Monda morn- ud 910 factp " Y " • • Helen R y ...... ^^" ........... is expected to nartepate injured. ' made the least number of ehanes ing, and invites all orgamzations. °Nta°°2!i! L'st °f Gradu at : :i, itaf :ie::t:! P°nSc:e:cl:kr f ig E3uCHSA! NILN 71VI s S G The Gebaroffs were driving up the deemed expedient. The arithmehcs, farmers and individuals who will add Highway on a week-end trip from grammar, language, spellers, histor- to the length and attraction of the e Seattle where Mr. Gebaroff is a man- ies and readers were the only looks parade. The prizes aggregate $40 .Adams, Go'g'a ................  or tile even- OI0 C Allen, Alftrd .................. 309/smoker are sche(!ule f HILL ual training teacher in the public exchanged. All other books are to and will be worth while to spend a E hel . 8 / in entertainment. ' __ schools. They remained here for sev- be the same as used the past yem'. little time in decorating the cars. It :Bailey, ................. ille re ram will take I ' ' ,,',"^-,'-" ....  -- 4  ree vaudey. P_g.._ o +^ o. 0 given is also exl)eeted that some of the An accident o'ccurred last Sat.urday eral dys while the boys were decorated floats at the big Elks ded- ication in Olympia Saturday will be t ..............  "- ]place in tapial ar.r°xowed:o n the hill south of town when a medical attention and the 'car re- /in the afternoon, ant wm ........ by the dedication exercises at 4:00 Andrew Gebaroff and paired. Mr. Gebaroff said the brakes ZI0' HOUR NE/ ! FOR containing hm wife and family got would not slow the car down enough DLYPIA BASEBALL I P. m. Governor Hart will be the car driven br brought over to Shelton as the eoff- I main speaker on the dedication pro- beyond control and left the road near to enable him to make the curve. REINSTATEMEI00 OF tribution of the Shelton Elks to the , interest, FANS LAROR UNDER [gram in the lodge room. The new [ High, Climbing Contests i ] Elks building will be open to visitors WAR RISK INSURANCE I bucking and falling and a tug of" win" 1 i)00LUSlON OF VICTORY all day. RELIEF NEEDED ALL AROUND . For the loggers high climbing, ARTME.NT MAKES FINAL has been arranged as contests be- i, i 3AME WITH CAMP TWO NINE IN 5,000 CHICKS BURNED Bellingham, Wash., June 19.--Condemnation DRIVE TO REACH MEN WHOSE tween picked men from the camps, TIME EXPIRES JUNE 30TH and those not flmiliar with real log- - proceedings started by the city of Seattle in con- ging will see somethinr of the '!! CAPITAL CITY CITED AS strength and skill required in get-  i CLEAN UP ON SHELTON W.H. Itannum, who is interested nection with its plan to build a power plant on the ranch proposition, this upper Skagit river will be opposed by Whatcom "For the man who left the ring out the big timber which daily ,i, ered the loss of five rheas- :for to January 1, 1919, and has passes through Shelton on the log- 1 Local baseball fans are quite stir- md young chicks when his brooder County, Prosecuting Attorney Loomis Saldrey an- ermitted his government insuran'eeiging trains. Of course, there will -red u over reports appearing in house at Sharp's Crossing was burn: nounced 4eddy. The action will be based on the  lapse, the zero hour is near. uly be the greased pig and greasy pole Olympm papers this week regarding ed Monday. The chicks na(t aou theory that the proceedings, if successful, would t will be too late. In spite of and other fun stunts; street sports , . baseball game played there last reached the stage to be turned out warnings many still do not appre-I for the young, he war dances by the 'i Sunday in which the Shelton baseball for themselves. Mr. annum aso take $3,000,000 of taxable property off the tax rolls clare the great personal loss they Skokomish Indians, and last but not i teim was said to have been cleaned lost his personal effects and barely will sustain if they do not reinstate I least grand balls at Kneeland's Hall at once.' This is on both Saturday and Monday even- !! up by the Olympia nine. rhe team got his auto to safety. Of this county. The preliminary hearing on the their insurance !i played by the Capital City nine was sufficiency of the petition will be held in the super- the urgent message sent out this lugs. the Camp 2 aggregation and not the week to ex-service men by Bradle5 z This is the official program out- I Shelton club. : lOt court here. ' T. Fowlkes, state representative of lined on page 2, but it is not all the , the Bureau of War Risk Insurance in attraction which. Shetton will offer ta !i The local boys say that DEATH. SUMMONS -- a last effort to enroll the itelinquents its visitors for the annual eelebra- ! -will have the mistake , J home to them when they ', Shelton club on July 25th. Although OLYMPIA PIONEER As will be noted by the above dispatch What- ho are letting the chance of a life- ion, and another installation will the Camp 2 boys are good players com County will take issue with the City of Seattle time slip through their fingers, be noted ha the final plans, including Mr. Fowlkes tells of the huge eco- special features by the ladies' or- i and turn out a first class brand of -- tO condemn an extensive water power site in that nereid loss to the country which will ganizations which are working for  11 ball the local boys want to warn FRANK P. McFADDEN, WELL result from the fact that for various the Mason County Memorial Fund. .' heir Capital City friends that they KNOWN IN MASON county. The grounds on which the opposition are i reasons the soldier-citizens of this largely based is that the proposition, if successful, great commonwealth have allowed , !! would deprive Whatcom County of some $3,000,000 oe. four million dollars in govern- merit 00nsurance to la,se 00ost of ;EHOOL COMMISSION <lid not clean up on the Shelton base- COUNTY ball club last 'unday but that they vill have a good opportunity to try ' . their luck at it in the near future. The passingS, of O1 .ymp_ia s tl in taxable property, these young men do not realize what I! __ most prominent and elovea ptoneer [ MEETS AND ORGANIZES was noted in the death of Franklin] This is precisely" the issue in Mason County this insurance will meall to them in Pierce McFadden, which occurred at i against the attempt of the City of Tacoma to ac- the years to co,me and it is its many HOME FROM advantafg'es which the government is  M E REED the family residence some time be-[ .making ,every effort to point out to TO DRAFT IMPROVED SCHOOL i I • * * ex-gerviee men. , , '" ' CHICAGO £ONVENTION twin Saturday e,en00ng and S00nday00 ,00ui00e the Lake Cushman power site, and we are noon. Mr. McFadden was founddead I glad to note that the larger couhty will take up the it is NV far the cheapest and most CODE FOR Sq:AIE OF i! inbed shortly afternoon Sunday. He 1 behalf and point out the way for I advantageous form of insurance in WASttINGTON ',! NO APOLOGY TO BE MADE FOR retired Saturday evening in appar-, issue on its own insurance men and tsJoss_wm ,: Olympia, une 2'3.q2he first meet- ii REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL ently the best of health. Death was the similar effolt in Mason County. We are inclined ', existence today accordin.g to expe:t  . , ways he regerttetda n linel:vn: ing of tie Public S(!hoo Adnins'd due'to heart failure. ' TEAM Pall bearers named are all old lio- t0 the opinion that both cities will find the sites they [.[is much simp . .. i secia, e,i tide school code we'd "' s, . 'p: neer friends of the deceased. They seek outside their respective counties extremely val- ( A small blank whc.may e : . ".. in the'offme of the state superineno- E=Reed returned Friday from are tIarry B. McElroy, Val MHroy, t' AearaR'ne!dnt:ni;i' i!e tf:°obh:o°d(ive'c: fi : his trip East, which included a week A. M. Rowe, Thomas M. Vance, Lnd- uable before they are secured. '. " • . '  .. " " ' "" ' "..  , at Chicago as delegate to the nation, ,le.v Moore, Hugh Ross. If Mason County can make a reasonable show- a i Republican convention, which he "Mr. McFadden was born on April [ department at "  gonths' ' e" the commission effect -P'  t alvs was a most interesting and ex- 5, 1853, at Monongahela City, Penla- ing of the need of the hydro-electric power for ! accompanied .by .wo m. ns p- - organization by selecting W. ti: u- ciiing experience. The final selection sylvania the son of Obediah B. Me- domestic uses at home it is extremely doubtful if | iu s aU t.t s e,ur o=re- ton o Cene.v  caa, an e - of Harding as the presidential candi- Fadden and Margaret McFadden. instatement Ttose WhO nave een wa ever o£ izwtte, sec - discharged from serwee since  " tary date was the outcome of a mixed When he was but two ears 01t:] or this power can be taken from its people by anent- " " " "an ...... eth M , situation and not dictated by any in 1855, the family moved to the side municipality. Our people will demand, if they uary 1, 1919, has eighteen montl?s Tle commission was created by the cannot show a reasonable home use, that the laws from the date of their discharge .m special session of the legislature last which to reinstate their lapsed m- lIarch Governor Louis F. Hart re- particular influences in theconven- Territory of Washington. Obadiah tion. B. cFadden became chief Justice of No candidate had any great show the federal court of the Territory of be amended to require municipalities outside the surance. • cently appointed the following to i ing of pledged or pr!mary_v°s¢a . Washington which corresponds to the county to make some compensation to. this county serve on the commission: W. G. Sut- he great body of detegaes - supreme court of the present day. of Ritzville, Alfred Lister of Tacoma, bled were casting about ford str, Mr. McFadden is strived y his for the loss of revenue. Now thaf other counties SCORE FIIEEN RUNS ton of Cheney, Miss Elizabeth Meyer and representative Republican, wife, Mrs. Franklin pierce McFad- " I A. S. Burrows of Seattle, Mrs. Mark enough to realize that he was not den; t daughter, Mrs. Guy B. Grog, are becoming interested it will not be such a lone AGAINST RIER NINE E Reed of Shelton and W. N. Kern enough to run the wife of Senato Go of Spokane; and hopeless fight, 00UNDAY w one for Thick no one son, Donald McFadden, of Se- The Journal has before noted that Mason HERE LAST / Although Jose,hine Corliss Preso made. The liberal use o attle, two sisters, Mrs. M. lI. Miller ton, state superintendent of public 'behalf of some of the leading c of Seattle and Mrs. Peter Ouellette County possesses all the elements needed for the instruction, was not atmointed on the dates was one of the factors Olympia; and three brothers O. manufacture of newsprint paper, of which there is EXPECT GAME WITH ABERDEEN I commissi°n by Governor Hart, the militated against them, and McFadden of Alpha, Washingto Mrs. Preston to meet in conference tally eliminated them one by one an- Cal McFadden, of a great shortage all ovdr the United States, due to CLUB ItERE SUNDAY TO BE commission this afternoon recueseu til ,the selection of Senator Harding and R. N. McFadden of difficulty of securing pulp from Canada, coal for BIGGEST OF THE SEASON "with it, Mrs. Preston met with the commission this afte'noon and offered was made. Olympia. Mr. Reed said he found the senti- Mrs. McFadden Was in Seattle with fuel and transportation troubles in handling both Shelton scored 15 runs in a lively them every possible aid that is in her ment very strong for a safe, sane her mother, Mrs. M. A. K|rkenrdall the raw and finished product. All this would be game with Rainier here last Sunday. power to give them in the drafting and conservative candidate of the who was ill, to the time of her huN- The visitors came out at the short of the new code. Mrs, Preston has McKinley orer and that both Hard- band's death. Accompanied b.v her i avoided here and the Journal is taking steps to t end with six runs to their credit. The" been on large national committees ing and'Coolidge represent the high- mother, her son, Donald, and her ormation in quarters from which relief est tylpe. The prevailing opinion of brother Claude Kirkendall, Mrs. Me- place this inf local boys were in fine batting form whose work has been much the stone observing men is that the East will Fadden returned to Olympia frame- ! could be had or us all. and kno'eked them all over the field, as the present commission and has Nineteen hits were chalked up in had a great deal of experience in go strongly Republican this year, as diately. 1 (Continued en page 4) these lines. 'well as the West. The funeral was held Tuesday.