June 25, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 25, 1920 |
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At the Republican Convention in Chicago
Here are scenes from the Re-
publican convention at Chicago
taken Just as the doors of the Coil
scum were thrown open for adoP-
tion of a platform and nominatio1
of leaders to head the party in th
big struggl this fall No !
shows Chairman Will Hays of the
Republican committee pausin$ in
his work long enough to shake
hands with Homer Cummings,
chairman of the Democratic Na-
tional Committee, who stopped ofl
in Chicago on his way to San Fran.
cisco long enough to give the Re-
publicans the "'once over" No. 2
shown Teddy Roosevelt " a
worker in the General lonard
I Wood ranks, aB he greeted friends
tt the Wood headquarters. No $
is Charles S. Barrett. chairman of
the Federation of Farm Organiza-
tions committee, making farmers"
wnte known. No. 4 shows a scenl
at th Hiram Johnson headquar-
$100 Reward, $100 (FATTEN DUCKS FOR rARKET
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least For TWO Weeks Give Mixture of Corfi.
one dreaded disease that science has j
been able to cure in all its stages and meal, Middllngs, Bran, Meat Scrap
that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly [ and Green Feed.
Inihlenced by constitutional conditions
requires constitutional treatment, lIall's
' Before marketing the ducks, fatten
acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur- or two weeks on a mixture of three
Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and
faces ef the System thereby destroying
the foundation of the disease, giving the
patient strength by building up the con-
stitution and assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so much
faith in the curative powers of Hall's
Catarrh Medicine that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails
tc cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Aedrees F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo,
Ohio. So(V hv all Druggist, 75c.
pounds cornmeal, two pounds mid-
dllngs, one pound bran, one pound
meat scrap, one pound green feed,
three per cent grit. Moisten with sour
milk or buttermilk. Feed quite wet.
No. 563.
In the Superior Court of the State of
Washington for Mason County. In
No 565 Probate.
TTO LVaDXT_ nr x)r IIn the Matter of the Estate of JOSEPH
................. E " F ] PULSIFEI Dec sed.
'1'1i JUI 2'1-111 | Notice is hereby given that the
GUARDIAN. |undersigned has been appointed and
T. eha nav4n- nu n th .ta of ]has qualified as Administrator of the
...... .... . .... /Estate of Joseph Pu slfer, deceased;
wasnlnlr¢on in an(1 ior ne ounsy t a
[ h t all persons having claims against
of Mason. In Probate. /said deceased or against said estate
In the Matter of the Guardianship of are hereby required to serve the samE,
the Estate of MARIE ANNE' duly verified, on said administrator or
his attorney of record at the address
HAUMESSER, an Insane Person. below stated, and file the same with
Notice is hereby given that C. I. I the clerk of said Court with proof of
Pritchard bag filed in this Court a such service within six (6) months
after the late of first publication Of
petition praying for the appointment this notice, or the same will be barred.
of a guardian of the Estate of Marie Date of first publication, June 11,
Anne Haumesser, Insane, wherein it
is alleeed that said Marie Anne
Haumesser is insane and is a non-
resident of the State of Washington,
and is the owner of property rithin
the State of Washington that needs
the care and attention of a Guardian.
You are further notified that the
hearinv upon said petition in this
Court, is by order of the Court, set
for Saturday, the 17th da:¢ of July,
1920, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.,
at the Court House in Shelton, Wash-
inton, and that all -ersons interest-
ed shall appear at such time and
Administrator of said Estate.
Address Potlatch, Wash.
Attorney for said Estate.
Rooms 7 and 8, Lumbermen's Build-
ing, Shelton, 1%iason County, Wash-
ington. 9-11-7-2-4t
No. 542.
Terms and CondltlonB of Sale,--Not
less thau one-tenth of the purchase
price must be paid at the tlme of sale
to the oillecr lnaklng the sale. The
pnrelmscr, If he be not the owner of
tile inll)rovenlents Inset forthwith pay
to the olilcer nmking the sale tte full
amount of the appraised value of the
iml)rovements, as above stated. One-
tenth of the purchase Drier must be
paid annually thereafter with interest
on all deferred payments at the rate
of six per centum per annum, together
with accrued interest on any balance
at the same rate: i'ovidsd+ That any
purchaser may make full payment o
principal, interest and statutory fees at
any thne and obtain deed or state
patent. The purchaser of land contain-
ing timber or other valuable materials
is prohibited by law from cutting or
removlug any such timber or materials
without first obtaining consent of the
Commissioner of Public Lands or the
board, until the full amount of the
purchass price has been paid and ded
All eale of stats lands are made
subject to the reservation of ol0
gases, coal, ores, minerals and folmiks
of every name, kind and desox lpt/oL
,and to the additional terms ann con-
ditions prescribed In the act of the l-
tslature approved March 20, 1907, belay
ectlon of ohaptr' 216 of ths Laws
of 1907.
Said laad will be sold bJvei =
the terms, oonditione and r o
of chapter 109 of the Semsioa Iwe af
]911, relating to esemmts for rights-
of-way and the carrylag of timber,
stone, mineral and other produet ov.
the same.
The above described lands m'e oftare
for sale in pursuance of an order of
the Board of State Land Commission-
ers, and an order of sale duly lssu
md certified by the Commlseionr of
Public Lands of the State of Washing-
ton now on file In the office of the
county auditor of said county.
Commissioner of Public Lands.
Notice Is hereby given that on Tues-
]n the Sui,,rior Court of tile State of day, the 6ih day of July, 1920. be-
VOashington for lason County. In tween the hours of ten o'clock in the
ProLt( forenoon and four o'clock in the after-
In the Matter of the Estate • of JOHN noon, commencing at ten o'clock in the
NYE, Deceased. forenoon of said day, in front of the
place and show cause why a guardian
should not be appointed for the es-
tate of such insane person.
Witness the Hen. D. F. WriMt
Judge of said Court and the Seal
of the Court thereof, hereunto affixed
this 19th day of June, 1920.
Clerk of said Superior Court.
Attorney for Petitioner,
Shelton, Washington. 6-25 %164
Maxwell Maternity
711 West Fourth St.
Phone 981
Offer Phone 441. Reg. Phone 71
Physician and Surgeon
Succeeding and located in the ofltce
of the late Dr. Wells.
Postofflce Building, Shelton, Wash.
Open 9 to 12--1 to 5
Evening by appointmepts.
Notice Is hereby given that F. A.
Fie.Err, admintstralor of the estate of
John Nye, Deceas,d, has filed in the
otiice of the clerk of said Court bis
Final Report and Petition for Distri-
bution, asking the Court to settle said
Report, distribute the property to the
persons ther(.to entitled and to dis-
.charge said F. A. Fleser; and that said
Report. and Petition will be heard on
the '10th day of July, 1920, at 19
o'clock A. M., at the Court room of
the Court House in Shelton, N'ashing-
Daed this 8th day. of June, 1920.
Clerk of said Court.
Attorney for said Estate.
Rooms 7 and 8 Lumbermen's Build-
Ing, Shelton, ,Vash. 6-II-7-2-4t
No. 648.
In the Superior CoUrt of the State of
%Vashtngton In and for Mason County.
In Probate.
In the Matter of the Estate of Gust
Johnson, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that J. W.
Nordstrom, the Administrator of the
estate of Gust Johnson, deceased, has
rendered and presented for settlement:
to, and filed in the Superior Court of
said County and Stae his final account
and Petition for Ditribution as such
Administrator; and that Saturday, the
10th day of July, 1920, at l0 o'clock
A, .. at the court room of our said
Superior Court, in the Court Room of.
the Court House, in said County, has
been duly appointed by our Superior
Com for the settlement of the Final
Account, at which time and place any
person interested in said estate may
appear and file his exceptions in writ-
ing to the said Final Account, and
contest the samL
Witness, the Hen. John M. Wilson,
Judge of the said Superior Court, and
the seal of said Court affixed this 9th
day of June, 1920,
County Clerk and Clerk of said Super-
ior Court.
Attorney for said Estate.
Rooms 7 and 8 Lumbermen's Build-
main entrance door to the County Court
House in the City of Shelton, County
of Mason, State of WaLshington, either
by the County Auditor of said county,
or by a member of the Board of State
Land Commissioners of the State of
Washington, the timber on the follow-
ing described elate land will be sold at
public auction to the lllghest bidder
therefor, to-wit:
AppUcation 'o. 10@76.
Timber on NE of section 16, town-
ship 3 north, range 1 west, W. M.,
containing 160 acres, more or lees, ac-
cording to the government survey
thereof, appraised at $6849.00.
Timber on NW of settles 18. town-
ship 23 north, range I west,. W. M.,
containing 160 acres, morn or less, ac
cording to the government survey
thereof, appraised at $4950.00. subject
to an easement for right of way for
tate road', sixty feet in width, over
and acros raid land as surveyed and
platted by the State Highway Commis-
sioner, according to the plat thereof
filed in the office of the Commissioner
of Public Lands by ld State Highway
Commissioner, which eemet for aald
right of way le forever remsrved to the
State orer the N of the" NW and
SWat of NW.
Timber on W4 of section 16, town-
chip 23 north, range "1 wet, W. M.,
containing 160 acres, more or les, ac-
cording to the government survey
thereof, appraised at $4650.09.
Timber on Sl of section 16, town-
ship 23 north, range I west, W. M.,
containing 160 acres, more or less, ac-
cording to the government eurvey
thereeof, appraised at $4140.00.
The valUation of above timber l sub-
Ject to adjustment, as it ie based upon
a cruise made in 1916 and a recheck of
the timber will bc made prior to the
date ofeale.
Said timber on, said land will be sold
for not less than the appraised value,
as' appraised by the Board of State
Land Commimioners in the manner
provi4ed by law, a statement of which
is now on dis 'in the office of the
Auditor of ald county.
Terms of sale' are: Cash to be paid
on the day of sale.
The timber on the above described
Abstracts and Surveying
Draughting, Real Estate, Loans
and Insurance.
Horn Bldg. Shetten, Wash.
Phone 463. SKELTON, WASH.
(Rooms 7 & 8 Lumbermens Bldg,]
Mason County Abstract & Title CO.
Bldg. Opposite State Bank of Shelton
PHONE 231. Shelton, Wash.
Passengers, Baggage
and Freight
Notary Public
Real Estate, Insurance and
Fire, Life, Health and Accident
and Bond insurance.
lng, Shelton, Wash.
Notice is hereby given that on Tues-
day, the 6th day of July, 1920, be-
tween the hours of ten o'clock In the
forenoon and 4 o'clock in the afternoon,
commencing at ten o'clock in the fore-
noon .of said day, in front of the main
entrance door to the County Court
House in the City of Shelton, County
)f Mason, State of Washington, either
Y the County Auditor of said county,
)r by a member of the Board of State
hand Commissioners of the State of
rashtngton , the following described
tate lands,' together with the improve-
ments situated thereon, will be sold at
Pblie auction to the highest bidder
therefor, to-wit:
Application No. 77S0.
All tide ]ands of the second class, as
defined by section 1 of chapter 36, of
the Session Laws of 1911, owned by
the State of Veashington, situate in
front of, adjacent to or abutting upon
those parts of lots 6 and 7, section 10
township 19 north, range 3 west, W.M.
measured along the meander line as
follows: •
Beginning at an angle point on said
meander line in front of said lot 6
from which the point of intersection
of the east line of said lot 6 with said
ueander line bears N. 44 ° E. 198.20
feet, more or less, distant and running
:hmce N. 44 ° E. 899 feet, N. 65? 22' E,
17'6 feet and N. 83 ° 09' E. 375 feet to
the terminal point of this dcription,
with a frontage of 14.39 lineal chains,
more or less, measured along the me-
ander line as shown upon the plat of
Skookum Inlet Tide Lands, filed in the;
office of the Commissioner of Public
Lands at Olympia, Washington, De-
cember 7, 1916, appraised at $8.00 per
lineal chain or $115.12.
Said lands will be sold for not less
than the appraised value above stated
and upon the terms and conditions fol-
6-11-7-2-4t Lands is offered for sale in pursuance
of an order of the Board of State Land
Commissioners, and an order of sale
duly issued and certified by the Com-
missioner of Public Lands of the State
of Washington, now on file In the office
of the County Auditor of said county.
Commissioner of Public Lands.
OTZCH OP A -a O1 O&lIC&k
B& r ON TAWR X..'D,
Notice is hereby given that on Tu'ee-
day, thB 6th day of July, 1920, be-
tween thc hours of ten o'clock ,in the
forenoon and four o'clock in the after-
noon, commencing at ten o'clock in the
forenoon of said day, in front of the
main entrance door to the County
Court House in the City of Shelton,
County of Mason, State of Washing-
ton, either by the County Auditor of
said county, or hy a member of the
loard of State Land Commissioners of
the State of Washington, the timber
on the following described state lahd
will be sold at public auction to the
highest bidder therefor, to-wit:
Application No. 11089.
Cascara bark on SE and E of
SW% of section 16, township 19 north,
range 6 west, W, M., appraised at 2
cents per pound (wet), or $160.00.
Cascara bark on NE of NW of
section 16, township 19 north range 6
west, W. M., appraised at 2 cents per
pound (wet) or $40.00.
Purchaser will be allowed until No-
vember 1, 1920 to remove said cascara
bark, Trees must be cut leaving stump
of 18 inches above ground, and tump
must not be peeled,
Subject to rights of the lessee under
lease No. 1199 issued for the purposes
of mining and extracting petroleum
and natural gas therefrom, subJec also
to application NO. 11068 for the pur-
chase of timber thereon.
Said timber on said land will be sold
for not less than the appraised value,
as appraised by the Board of State
Land Commissioners in the manor pro-
vided by law, a statement of which is
now on file in the ofilee of the Auditor
of maid county.
Term of sale are: Cash to be paid
on the day of sale.
The timber on the above described
lands is of|'l,red for sale Ill l)ursuance of
an or(l'r of tim lh)ard of Slate Land
(€)nlnlissloners0 and on or(tar of sale
duly is:H,d ln(t c,,riili*,d by the Co]n-
lIlis:illlt}r of I)ublie ]IiH(]s of the Sl:ttc
\\; ashlnglon, iiov oD ilia ill the
,)1|ice o t (' ,t 1 y .\\;ltdltor of said
J (?l,\\;l:I<" V. SA'VI])(;171,.
(,)llllllissi(ll(.l' of I'ul)ltc i,allds.
" 5-2S-.7-2-6t
llids will be reeoivod by the Board of
1)iroctol's of School ])istrlct No. 25 at
ohrweis for lbe erection Of a Teach-
ers Cottage. Plans nnd specillea(lons
can be secured at the County SUl)er-
intendent's oilier or from the School
Bids to be opened July 5th, :1920.
reserves the right to reject any and all
School District No. 25, "Potlatch, Wash.
Notice is hereby given, that on Tues-
day, the 6th day of July, 1920. be-
tween the hours of ten o'clock in
the forenoon and four o'clock in the
afternoon, commencing at ten o'clock
in the forenoon of said day, in front
of tha main entrance door to the
Co(Inty Court House in the clty of
Sbelton, County of Mason, State of
Veshlngton, either by the county
auditor of said county or by a member
of the Board of State ][,and Commis-
sioners of the State of Washington,
the following described state lands,
together with the improvements situ-
ated thereon, will be sohl at public
auction to .the highest bidder therefor,
Application No. 7747.
All tide lands of the second class, as
defined by section 1 of chapter 36 of
the Session Laws of 191.1, erA'ned by the
State of Washington, situate in front
of, adJacen to or abutting upon lot 5,
section 1.0, township 19 north, range 3
west, W. M., with a frontage of 26.61
lineal chains, more or less, measured
along the meander line, as shown upon
the plat of Skookum Inlet Tide Lands
filed in the office of the Commissioner
of Public Lands at OlymIHa Washing-
ton, December 7, 1916. Appraised at
$5.00 per lineal chain or $133.05.
Subject to such right, title or inter
t as may have been acquired by the
purchaser of any part of 8aid tide
land as tide land suitable for the
cultivation of oystar under any deed
heretofore issued by the State,of Wah-
Said ignd will be sold for not les
thaa the appraised value above stated
and npon the terms and eoadlUona foI-
lem than oatntk of the pue
prim) must paid at the time of sale
te the office" making the e. Th?
lnaJr, I ae 'l not the 0WriSt OZ
hi laprn,ntr,ut forthwith
tO,, li ,o:fflesr.. mai "tha, le tb • full
'motmt of tho apPxA!e u* of the
mrmrt,,mviave '!itated. Ons-
atk of the purohUe Dries' mut be
an.ually thereafter rln lnrast
on all aeerrea payments at the rate
of six per'eentum per annum, together
with accrued interest on any balance
at the same rate: Pzovided, That any
purchaser "may make full payment of
principal, interest and statutory fees at
any time and obtain deed or state
patent. The purchasr of land contain-
ing timber ,,r other valuable materials
is prohibite,l by law from cutting or
zw' T zz,,z.00 o,
,o prepare
mR rUrUR00
• =. ....
i Confectionery, Cigars and all Soft Drinks i
m m
removing any such timber or materials
without first obtaining consent of the
Comlnissioner (if Public ],ands or the
board, nntll the full amount of the
1)urchase p:ice has b,,en paid and deed
All sales of stnt( lands arc made
subject to the res,,,.vations of oils.
gases, coal, ores, mt:mrals and fossils
of every name, kind and description
and to the addlthmal terms and con-'
ditions prescribed tn %be act of the leg-
islature approved 'arch 20, 1907, being
section ,3 of chal)ler 256 of the Laws
of 1907.
Said land will he sold subject to
the terlns, eonuitlons and reservations
of chapter 109 of tle Session Laws of
1911, relating to easements or rig.hr.-
of-way and the carrying of timner,
stone, mineral and other products over
the same.
The above described lands are offer-
ed for sale in pursuance of an rder
Of the Board of State Land Commis-
sioners, and an order of sale duly
issued and certified by the Commis-
sioner of Publio Lands of the State of
Washington now on file n the Office
of the county auditor of said county.
Commiseioner of Public Lands.
No. 29.
[a the Superior Court of the State of
Washington for Mason County.
LI B, ROBINSON, Plaintiff,
CORA c. NEIL. and Lot 8 kz Boek 24.
of David Shelton's 3d Addition to
tke Town" of Shelton, Rashington,
and all persons unknown, if any,
keying or claiming to have an in-
terest lu aud to the real property
hereinafter described, Defendants.
Cc C. Nell, and Lot 9, Bdk 24 of
David Shelton'e 3d Addition to the
Town of Shelton. Washington, and all
persona unknown, if any, having or
claiming to have an interest in and to
the real property hereinafter described:
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fled that Eli B. Robinson the holder of
Certificate of Delinquen numbered
1399, issued on the 18th day of June,
1914, by the County of Mason, State of
ashington, for the amount of Twenty-
Two and 60-100 Dollars, the amebcinK
the amount then due and delinquent
fQr taxes for the year 191-1911 to-
gether with penalty, interest and costs
thereon, upon real property assessed to
you and of which you are the owner
or reputed owner, situated in said
County, and particularly bounded and
described a follows, to-wit:
Lot No. Three. (3) in Block 1o.
Twenty-Four, (24) of :David Shelton's
Third. (Jd) Addition to the Town of
Shelton, Washington, according to the
recorded plat of said town and said
Third Addition, and upon which he has
paid taxes assessed against said prop-
erty as follows:
Year's Tax Date Paid Amount
1914. ....... May 11, 1915 ........ $11.90
1915 ........ June 26, 1916 ........ 1.07
1916... ..... June 11, 1917 ....... 12.49
1917 ........ Msy ,31, :19:18 ........ 2.09
1918 ........ May 2, 1919 ......... 12,19
Total amount of tax paid since
date of Certificate of Delinquency. $60.74
all of said amounts bearing interest at
the rate ef fifteen per cent. per annum:
and you are further notified that he will
apply to the Superior Court of the
State of Washington, in and for said
County, for a :htdFment foreclosing his
lien against the property ,hereinbefore
mentlon'ed, and you are hereby sum-
moned to appear within sixty days
after the date nf the first publication
of this summons, exclusive of the day
of sald first publication, and defend
this aellon or pay the amount due
together with costs: and in ."case Of
your failure to do so, .udgment will be
rendered foreclosing the lien for said
certificate of delinqueucy, taxe, pen-
alty. interest and costs, against the
lands and premisetl hereinbefore men-
tioned, Date of first publlcat.ion May
141h, 1920.
Any plading or proes may be
served upon the undelgned at the
address hereafter mentioned.
J M. '. LOGAN,
Plaintiffs Attorney.
P. O. Address: Shelton, County of
Mason, Washington. 6-14-8-|8-71
i Shelton Shoe Factory |
==- Manufacturers of heavy work shoes. We also -=--
-=- have a line of serviceable, high-topped logger =
i boots. All kinds 0f shoe repairing neatly done.
i HANSEN BROS, ,,,'!!?' i
Hail Stage Line
8:30 a.m. 3:00 p. m,
11:80 a.m. 4:45 p. m.
Tickets on sale at Johnson's Garage--Waiting Room
Tickets good until used.
Leave Olympia
7:00 a. m.
11:00 a. m.
3:00 p. m.
5:00 p. m.
Headquarters at Central Bus Station
Waiting Room and Lady Attendant. Phone 22.
Dealer in Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Mouldings,
Doors, Windows If you are going to build don't overlook
the fact. We can save you money. Let us figure with you.
A square del to all is our motto. Mill at Maflock. Yards
at Shelto
_ - ,,...,.;.Aitlltlfill
I I ...... I " Ig| "1 ............ T-- I
She]ton Market and
Ice Plant
I L I --