June 25, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 25, 1970 |
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Grows an lan
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HN has always loved flowers, and she enjoys
n and flower beds.
No matter where she has lived,
Leone Vaughn has always had a
garden, and she has always had an
interest in flowers.
For the past eight years she has
lived on an acreage in the
Skokomish Valley. Her husband,
Archie, is also a good gardener and
through their combined efforts
their lawn is beautifully
landscaped, their flower beds
flourish, and they grow a large
vegetable garden.
Leona freezes and cans foods
for her own use, and she gives
vegetables to her friends and to her
She enjoys experimenting with
plants that are a bit out of the
ordinary. Last year she planted
peanuts, brought from Oklahoma;
they grew and blossomed, but
failed to mature. She found them
interesting none-the-less.
Mrs. Vaughn gardens for
enjoyment rather than for
exhibiting. She grows "a little of
everything", and likes to raise
plants from seed. In addition to her
ornamental plantings, she
maintains a backyard flower bed
for cutting purposes. She grows
house plants, including a
variegated hoya that is 10 years
She has for many years painted
in oils as a hobby, and she finds
flowers to be a favorite subject.
She owns two Siamese cats,
Twiggy and Dusty. She and her
husband are enthusiastic dancers
and belong to both the Salty
Sashayers and the Christmas Town
Rounders. They are members of
the Skokomish Valley Grange.
They raise beef for their own
use, and have five head of cattle at
present. In the winter Leona feeds
them and becomes so fond of the
critters that she has difficulty
enjoying her top sirloin.
The Vaughns have lived for
many years in Mason County.
Archie has been employed by the
Simpson Timber Co. for 40 years,
and works at the Insulation Board
They have a son and four
arracks Golden Age Club
Will Meet Today
The Golden Age Club will
meet in the Memorial Hall for a
potluck dinner at 6 p.m. today.
The program will include music,
dancing and card games.
Music: Club Meets
The Shelton'Music Club, an
affiliate of the Ha'lionel
Federation of Music Clubs, held a
picnic on June 1 6 at the home of
Ruth Goodwin, Harstine Island.
Etta Rector was co-hostess.
The potluck lunch was
followed by a business meeting,
the final one of the season.
Meetings will resume in the fall.
Grange To Meet
Fair Harbor Grange will hold
its regular potluck meeting at
6:00 p.m., next Thursday at the
Grapeview Fire Hall.
Members will hear the report
of Ralph W. Welch, their delegate
to the Washington State Grange
Potluck Planned
The Mason County Senior
Citizen Council will hold a noon
potluck in the Multi-service
Center at 2nd and Grove Streets
on Friday.
Everyone is welcome, and
visiting citizens are invited.
Great thoughts reduced to
practice become great acts.
William Hazlitt
Skookum Bridget
Today, Thursday, June 25
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court
house annex.
Golden Age Club potluck
dinner, 6 p.m., Memorial Hall.
Shelton Rock and Mineral
Society, 7:30 p.m., PUD
Friday, June 26
Chamber of Commerce board
meeting, 7:30 a.m., Timbers
Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 p.m.,
100F hall.
Mason County Senior Citizen
Council noon potluck,
Multi-service Center.
Saturday, June 27
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m.-5 p.m., court house
Rainbow Girls car wash, 10
a.m.-4 p.m., John's Richfield
Salty Sashayers, 8:30 p.m.,
fair grounds.
Sunday, June 28
Shelton Churches invite you
to attend the church of your
Monday, June 29
PUD No. 3 commission
meeting, 1 p.m., PUD conference
County Commission meeting,
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15
p.m., PUD auditorium.
Goodwill truck in town.
Phone 426-4847 for pickups.
It's About Time Tops, 7:30
p.m., District 11 firehall, Island
Lake Drive.
Tuesday, June 30
Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon,
Timbers restaurant.
City commission meeting, 2
p.m., city hall.
Wednesday, July 1
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m.-5 p.m., court house
Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m.,
Multi-service Center.
Multi-service Center advisory
board, 7:30 p.m., at the center.
Thursday, July 2
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers restaurant.
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m. court
house annex.
Yacht Club business meeting, 8
p.m., dinner, 6 p.m. at the
Navy Mothers Club, 7:30 p.m.
PUD conference room.
Madrona Barracks No. 1462
VWWl and auxiliary noon potluck
and meeting, Memorial hall.
First Printing -- NOW AVAILABLE
authored by
.A book of starfish from Alaska to Mexico
and Hawaii. A scientific book ot identification
& preserving methods written in layman terms.
Shaggy Calf
College Fund
Skookum Bridget, a registered
Scottish Highlander heifer,
represents a college education to
Carrie Blackwell, 14, daughter of
Bev Mahlendorf.
Carrie, who loves all animals,
had wanted one of these little
cows since the day she first saw
them pictured in a magazine. She
had money saved for advanced
schooling, and she continued to
add her earnings until she had
accumulated $200, the price of a
pure-bred calf.
She purchased Skookum
Bridget from Donald Tinkom who
raises these animals on a farm
near the Harstine bridge. The calf
was left with her mother until she
attained the age of six months.
Carrie brought her home to the
Skokomish Valley in February,
The breed originated in
Scotland, and are reputed to be
"easy keepers", able to forage on
poor land. They are supplied with
BLACKWELL feeds her heifer.
According to Carrie, many
people do not recognize her cow
as a bovine. Passers-by often stop
to ask "What is it?" More than
~mt's Letter
Indicate any Paoge work or Program Activity
"1 NIreery El Bey camper would like to work on at camp:
Indicat~ number of years Camper was a: Troop No, Now
.., ................ Brownie ................... Junior ................. :,Cadette .................... Senior
;beck the number ol years Camper has attended Day Camp: NO, of times she has
camped overnight with
Never [] l Year El 2 Years[] More then 2 Years ............ Troop
Resident Camp Attended Year(s) No. Weeks Type of Camp (Private, ore.)
If Camper has any known allergy or .other health conditions that the Camp DireCtor should know
about, please indicate that fact, end list any immunization, such as tetanus, the has hid:
Rams of Person Tolepho~ No.
Complete Home Address
Protein Wafer
Super Ht~ Protein
The President's Choi
Super Potency
B Complex & 8-12
Health Food Products
Many of our customers have been asking us for a product line of
stock a line of NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS which we believe to be
the best NATURAL product line available ..............
:8!x,. '
Natural me.
From Rosd~¥o end
A~a with
Riboflavonotds lO0's
High Potency Lecithin
19 It.-- lofts
Dextrose Pantothenk
Quick EnerH pad zoo .=.
Wafer lO0's lO0'x
Natural Vitamin A Notural Vit. E 400 IU
25,000 USP Units Mixed Tecqdwd
lO0'x SO's
lu= Fee
Camper's Birthdatc (Day, Me., Yr.) Grode completed 6110
Oregon and Washington making a
teaching circuit en route to and
from the conference.
Leaving Portland by charter
bus the youth and their adult
advisers were to make scheduled
stops in Pendleton, Oregon,
Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska,
South Dakota and Montana to
assist local Baha'i Communities
'with Firesides and Public
They are expected to return
late this week.
by Ann Bennington, Garden Center manaser
With spring and summer come the garden pests
and you have to use chemical pesticides to rid
your garden of them. But use self-control,
make sure you are using a recommended pesticide.
Diazinan, sometimes called Spectracide, can be
used alone on all fruit trees with good results on most
all major insect pests of fruit. Diazinan dust is good
and is recommended for vegetable gardens, and can
be used up to 7 days before harvest or picking. And
speaking of pests, there is the' carpenter "ant," for
this pest use Chlordane.
What ever pest you have to get rid of, be sure you
buy the recommended pesticide, and read the label
before using; follow directions and you will not be
disappointed with the results.
Weed killers--donrt spray if the wind velocity is
over 2 or 3 miles per hour. Make sure that both lawn
and weeds are growing. Weeds in top vigor are easier
to kill than those which are almost dormant from lack
of water or starvation. Do not attempt to spray if the
temperature is over 80 degrees F. Do not spray weed
killers over the roots of shallow rooted species. Stay
outside of the drip line of all trees and shrubs to
avoid root injury. Be sure you follow the
recommendations of the manufacturer for mixing and
With the warmer weather be sure to water your
lawns and gardens. Use fertilizer to keep the good
green color and to build the root zone. If seeding a
new lawn, be sure to cover the seed with a light
covering of about one quarter inch of peat moss to
help hold the moisture, and keep the seedlings
protected from drying out and dying during the
period when the permanent root system is becoming
Now is the time to feed your Roses,
Rhododendrons and Shrubs. Clean out dead twigs
and do a general garden clean up.
Happy Gardening
Thursday, June 25, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7
Home T#Jcphan| ......... .. Zip Code
Camper's Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
Name of Parent oz Guardian
Address where parents may be reached during Camp Session
(Street No., City) Zip Code
Name of Parent or Guardian i Home Tel.
Home Address (Number and Street City or Town[ Zip Code
N'am;0fOayCamp iWlllCamper UseSpoclel 0us ,f~ovldedT, Car Wash Slated
[] Yea E1 ~ The Rainbow Girls will hold a
Camper is currently: (check one) [:] Senior | Her Troop NO. I Troop Has Annual Insurence car wash from 10 a.m. until 4
[] Brownie [] Junior E] Cadette [] Non-Sc0ut ] ] [3 Yes 0 NO p.m. on Saturday at John's
Our daughter has had a physical examination within the past year and is In good health. We give Richfield Station in downtown
full permission for our daughter to attend Day Camp and participate in all activltias. We have read Shelton.
the Camp Folder and agree to cooperate with all regulations. We also give permission for her to
be photographed and further agree to allow the Council to release such pictures for publiolty purposes.
John Martig left early last
week for Wilmette, Illinois to
attend the National Baha'i Youth
Conference, June 19-21.
He is with a contingent of
young men and women from
Martig Attends Conference
Service Unit Camper's Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
Detach and mail with $3.50 to:
Mrs. Ernest F. Malloy
211 I Adams Street
Shelton, Washington 98584
said, as they boast a wide horn will probably be exhibited at the
Girl Scout Day Camp will be held duly 20-24, 1970 at Mason Lake. spread upon maturity. They are fair.
Registration is open to all girls 7 through 17. usually of a solid color, which Carrie Blackwell is proud of
may vary from white to silverher unusual pet. "Even her bellow
through shades of brown to black, is different," says Carrie.
Skookum Bridget is silver.
natural thermal underwear-a once she has been mistaken for a
I shortthick undercoat beneath yak.
Day Camp long and shaggy outer hair-which The progeny of Skookum
enables them to withstand cold Bridget will be sold to augment
d and wet weather. They are Carrie's college fund. The calves,
che uled b,o,-,,~, cattle, somewhat like which have long, fluffy hair at
miniature Texas Longhorns, it is birth and resemble Teddy-bears,