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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 25, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 25, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i¸¸ ludi Millard GET :HER ~nty Robinettes services of Judi State twirling 1968-69 as the summer filing. begin lessons rtland twirler famous Chet's ~£ACHER HOODSPORT LUMBER CELEBRATION SLATED Owner Ed Taylor has invited the public to the grand opening of his newly-remodeled th)odsport Lumber this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Taylor, who had owned a lumber yard in Ashford, bought the 40-year-old Canal business on January 1. lie has modernized the premises, added many new lines of hardware, paint, plumbing and other building supplies and is now ready for the public to inspect the premises in the center of Hoodsport. Visitors will find free refreshments and a chance to win a number of free gifts during the grand opening. ARNOLD AND SMITH LEAD IN SALES Mel Arnold and Don Smith, who recently formed a partnershipas Arnold & Smith Insurance Agency, led the Washington Division of Olympic National Life Insurance Company in sales of life insurance during the month of May, it was announced this week by the company. Both men were experienced insurance salesmen when they opened their new business on Olympic Highway North. UNION STATION SETS GRAND OPENING Friday and Saturday, June 26-27, are the days set for the grand opening of Len's Union Service at the corner of First and Kneeland in downtown Shclton. New owner of the station is Leonard A. Williams, who came to Shelton two years ago as a tool and die maker for Certified Manufacturing. Williams, his wife, Margo, fourteen-year-oldLeonard, Jr., and Michelle, 11, moved to Washington from San Carlos, California. Arts Free cases of coke and ice OUnced the creant cones will be given away Abe, during the grand opening ',d Teacher. celebration. Teacher of ADDS NEW LINE will be giving Gems Etc., recently-established prone Shelton lapidary shop, has added are lr experience, the products of Lortonc, Inc., interest leading manufacturer of machinery and equipment for teaching rockhounds, to its inventory. Will attend an A1 and Gladys Andersen, COurse for owners of the shop, arc in the SUmmer in process of expanding their Cota offering this S t r e e t s h o w r o o m a n d redecorating the storefront. James W. Hodges McCLEARY BUSINESSMAN OPENS THIRD OFFICE. Jantes W. Hedges, owner of McCleary Ins. & Real Estate, of McCleary, announced today the opening of a third office to be known as Mud Bay Realty No. 2. It will be located at 124 N. 1st street on ltighway 101 downtown Shelton, Washington. Managing the new office will be Thomas Townsend, former owner of Townsend Realty, a long time resident and business man in Shelton. Thomas L. Savage, former owner of Savage Services Real Estate and business man of Shelton will be an associate broker. Townsend and Savage have years of Realtor's experience. James W. Hedges has been in the Insurance and Real Estate business since 1962. He is President of the Grays Harbor board of Realtors and a past director. Last year he received the Realtor of the Year award for Grays Harbor County. Active in civic affairs, he has been McCleary Man of the Year, past President of McCleary Chamber of Commerce and Publicity Chairman of the McCleary Bear Festival. Mud Bay Realty No. 1 at Mud Bay, West of Olympia, opened in l)ecember. With three offices featuring all types of real estate, Hedges feels he is offering a complete service to residents of Mason, Grays Harbor and Thurston Counties. Grand opening of Mud Bay No. 2 at Shelton will be Friday, June 26. I BUY OF A LIFETIME WIG. IT IS WASHABLE, RED NECKLINE, THE BEST! k Lt) NATIONALLY ON THE FAMOUS MIRACLE STYLEABLE, STRETCH CAP, Ra-il~ad, Downtown ~OOD W/:DNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, al Wig Consultants will be here from 9:30 to 4 DAYS ONLY HURRY SATURDAY ONLY • 5L30 Mon. thru Sat. • tR QUALI" BRUSH HUMAN HAIR resl Holiday Travel One former Shelton man Paper Company in 1969 and will succeeded another as president of continue to hold that post in - _ Simpson Timber Company this addition to los Simpson Timber Motorists planning to drive week when directors elected Company assignment, through North Bend and over Gilbert L. Oswald. 50. to the post Snoqualmie Pass on Interstate ~.~ ( lhghway 0 over the Fourth of ~ ..~i :L : ..e~~!~ ....." : -:. whiChheld sine•C" HenrY1962 Bacon, Jr., 61 has :~ ~ ~ July weekend, are urged by the i Washington State Highway Oswald lived in Shelton as a ~'~ ~: ~ ~ Department to be prepared for Simpson supervisor from 1946 -~, " congested traffic. SAVINGS INSTITUTIONS until he was transferred to j'~" ,&-, Highways Department ARE MERGED California operations in 1958. He, ~i!..!ii~!~!%:,~;~ personnel will be manually The boards of directors of has been a Simpson vicepresident ....... ?~'~,~,~,,'~'~.,-,~:~-, ......... ~ ..... ~!~i~ '~" ~,~ in Seattle since 1960. ..~.~. g~: ~v.&# . ~.',:~" " . ~::, %" ~ until 9:00 p.m. and "'No Parking" (ap~t' Savings, was named Chairman W. G. Reed, 62, and ¢~ >~ ,,-,'~ ,~ , . . ~74:#, ~ .... -" ~ signs wall be installed on North President of the combined vice chairman W. G. (Gary) Reed, '~@ ~i-:,~'~: ~,~,~ Bend'sMain Street to help keep association. R. G. Lasell, Jr., 31. This group will work as a .... ::~~ ......... ~!~ ,~i~ ~2~~' ~':*, ~ -~C+'~ traffic moving through town President of First Federal of comntittee in directing policy, !~ Aberdeen, is retiring but will still finance, acquisitions and il i:: ...... Gilbert L. Oswald during this peak congestion period. serve as ('hairman of an Advisorydivestitures Board for the Grays Harbor and Furman C. Moseley, 35, ~: ~ ~:~:~!~ ~ ~--~ ~ Pacific County area• Seattle, was elected executive vice {$¢;~¢: >~:.-'~ ..... ~i:~'!~ "* The assets of the new Capital president with responsibility for C. Henry Bacon Jr. Savings and Loan will exceed $66 Simpson's fiber and specialty LEaRATE II million, Wolfe said. products. Oswald will direct all of / |\ LET'S CE nnoo ohom wooos '" ~~ --: f~" board members of the Aberdeen divisions. / It ~-~" ,, ....... |_1 ~ association, Martell W. Brown and Chairman Reed explained the i II Harold W. Oestreich, have been promotions move younger men named to the board of the into top management of the |1 expanded association. Other 80-year-old family-owned / I[ FREE CAKE II board members include Thomas company which Sol G. Simpson P. Allen Chairman; Wolfe, Don founded in Mason County in 1 WE J IIDEPOSIT $1,0001NANEW ACCOUNT~| Miles, V. B. Otis, Ralph Stormans, ~ I II/ oR ADD SS00 TO YOUR /! Dr. Leslie Armstrong and Phil C. chairman1890 GarYwhenReedhis fatherWill becomereaches l PRESENT ACCOUNT il OR DEPOSIT $50.00 AND \! Bayley. mandatory retirement age of 65. ~ ~ ~ With Olympia as the honle .......... office, the expanded institution As the ninth man to become ...... ~3ii,::i : ~ includes offices in Aberdeen, president of Simpson Timber ~':;:~.~:~:~: :i%: ~i~ ........ : :ii ! Shelton, Montesano and Company, Oswald has had 24 ..... • .:~:~ Vancouver, with agencies in years of wood products /:::,: l THE LOWEST HOME LOAN RATES IN THE AREA! Westport and South Bend. experience. He is a native of "~(~ | FSLIC INSURANCE & ~ t~ Spokane and an engineering : ::~g(~; ::::~ / INCREASED ~l]I I o. 1 ~11 e gra uat, o* Was=ngto. *t.t. .......... ". o, o,ooo.oo When men think they are like College- *~: " ~ / ~, ~| '~ gods they are usually much less Moseley, who has been with : " n , d 4 than men. being conceited fools.Simpson since 1960, became l ;lllllll, SHELTON-" First & ai roa , 26-8211 D. H. Lawrence chairman of the Simpson Lee Furman C. Moseley I ~.ill!tt Home Office: Olympia i ~ $~"~ Olympia -- Montesano Vancouver -- Shelton ® may not end all least you won't nights worrying about them. We cut the price from per piece during this special summer sale. Now just Twin or per piece Full size, mattress or box spring QUEEN SIZE SET $169.95 Put your budget back in shape and your back back in shape at the same time. Get all the top quality features Spring Air is famous for. • Exclusive Karre Adapta-Flex spring construction for surface comfort and deep-down support. • Famous "Health CenteP" feature--extra support in the shoulder to knee area where 70% of your body Weight rests. • Alternating left and right turn springs prevent sloping and sagging. Come in during this sale and try the Meadowlane Deluxe on for size. Also available in foam rubber. Comparable savings on Extra-Long, Queen, and King sizes. ® Greeter of the popular Back Supporter®mAttress :'J" and Ol Shelton - 426-3264 Thursday, June 25, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9