June 25, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 25, 1970 |
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Gabrielsens of Spencer Cove
headed south early last Saturday
morning to attend the wedding of
their youngest son, David.
Accompanying them on the trip
was Beula's mum Mrs. Anderson
ol Tacoma.
David's bride, Nancy
Caughell, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Caughell. chose for
her wedding gown the same one
Beula Gabrielsen had worn 28
years ago. Needless to say, when
Nancy made this decision it had
both Beula and her own mum
popping their buttons with
delight and pride. (What a way to
make a hit with the in-laws right
off the bat, huh?) Seriously,
though, we know how pleased
Beula and her mother must both
have felt. For the wedding gown
was the (me Beula had visualized
hum childhood.' When the big day
was approaching Beula sketched
the gown of her dreams on paper
and Mrs. Anderson set out to
design and cut a pattern for the
garment that would make her
daughter's dream come true. Mrs.
Anders~m accomphshed the feat
t,) Bcula's complete satisfaction
and delight
And we can well imagine how
many delightful memories the
sigh! ol Nancy coming down the
aisle last Saturday wearing that
very special wedding dress must
have brought back for both Beula
and Steig.
Recend dinner guests of the
('hack Bridges tamely were their
very close and dear triends the
htcn Williams family lormerly of
Shell,m, who now make their
home in ltartville. Mo. Except for
Ben's wile, Goldy, who made a
trip ()at here Ins| summer the two
lamihes haven't seen each other
smce the Williams moved about
two) years ago. So they
thor~)ughly enioyed the reunion.
this summer was Orvaline's morn,
Mrs. Ruth Hudson of Safford,
Ariz. Orvaline also reports they
found what they've been looking
for over in Kennewick for such a
long time-the very last pickup
load of the possessions they've
had stored over there since they
moved to Harstine.
Down on Pt. Wilson most of
the friends and neighbors who
have summer homes next door to
each other were out over the
weekend. The Marry Dorgans, the
Otto Goldschmids and Mrs.
Adams along with two of her
close friends spent an enjoyable
weekend of warm weather and
friendly visiting.
Last weekend was a special
one at the John Hitchcock home.
Daughter Pauline and her two
children Melanie and Randy are
presently enjoying having the
family complete for a short time.
Pauline's oldest son, Mary is home
on leave from King's Cove, Alaska
where he has been stationed.
King's Cove is located almost at
the tip of the Alaska Peninsula
where the Aleutian Islands are
located. For Mary, his trip home
wouldn't be complete without a
trip down to the Island.
The Dale Peugh home last
Saturday was like Grand Central
station with friends and relatives
arriving to take advantage of the
low tides to dig geoducks.
Altogether after everyone had dug
until they were exhausted and
everyone had some of the
delectible seafood there were 21
who enjoyed a pot luck picnic
lunch together.
Arriving too late for
Saturday's tides were the Jerry
Seela family of Dickinson, N.
D. Jerry, who is a brass
instructor at the State College is
the youngest son of Lila's sister,
May Seela of Jefferson, Iowa.
Their visit was a bit
unexpected and Jerry and Glenda
. ing
and her youngsters took a trip to
Seattle to visit another of Jerry's
aunts, Elizabeth Nelson. They
also took a drive down to the
boat locks and out to the Seattle
Center for ride up the 'Needle'
which a trip to Seattle wouldn't
be complete without. A walk
around the Center followed by a
Monorail ride, which didn't live
up to their expectations of all
they'd heard about the Monorail,
completed their Seattle visit• On
the return home they came by
way of Tacoma so they could
drive over the Narrows Bridge.
The Phil Chapman family of
Pickering together with the Jess
Udals of Arlington found a
system for beating the crowds on
a campout. The two families
camped together at their old
home, the Lee Carlson place last
Kay Braget spent a couple of
days last week visiting her folks
who live at Woodlawn in the
Southwestern corner of the state.
News from Brian Burch, son
of the tti Batches of Pt. Wilson, is
that he is currently working on
the interior decorating of a
Singapore Hotel. Altogether he
will be there approximately six
weeks to complete the job before
returing to Saigon.
The Grange met at the hall,
on the porch actually, since it was
so warm and nice last Friday
evening. After a potluck supper
the handful of members held an
i n formal meeting. Chet
Streckenbach was m Vancouver
representing the Grange at the
annual State Convention all last
In order to encourage
attendance at summer meetings it
was decided to change the July,
August and September meeting to
Wednesday evening, same time
and place, 6:30 p.m. at the hall
for a potluck supper. It was the
consensus of opinion that
CB RADIO people from Washington and adjoining states
gathered at the Mason County Fair Grounds Saturday for a get-
together which concluded with a dance that evening. Music
for the dance was provided by Walt Allen and his orchestra.
Shown here is the display of radio equipment which the
visitors had a chance to view during their visit. The event was
sponsored by the Christmastown CB Club.
Charles Ross Jr.
Is On Honor Roll
Charles W. Ross Jr. of Shelton
was among 819 named to the
honor roll at North Texas State
Mason County
Wc twcrlooked the story ot had thought they would be going Wednesday would probably have University last spring by Dr. J. J.
Ann Yates trip hack 1() Nebraska to Europe through a college less interference due to company Spurlock, vice-president of
h)r 'her class leuni(m in last weeks program that didn't materialize, and weekend plans of the academic affairs. Auto Glass I Ready-mix Concrete |
colu,n,~. "1 here were between 200 When that fell through they membership. And it would also Some 128 students earned all I i c°ncrete |
and 300 alumni in attendance at planned a family vacation to the take the conflict of Fair Week out "A's' to make the 4.0 honor list -Concrete Culverts & Blocks I
the rcunl,m held in Bartly, Neb. West Coast to visit relatives and of the August meeting• during the spring semester, and Expert Installation --Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone |
I,,r Ann it had been 55 years enjoy the scenery here for the A group of sevengalsgathered 691 achieved the 3.5 listing, -Fireplace Screens& Tools I
sin~c she graduated and she was first time. They plan to return at the Gene Seward home on which includes those students I JIMPAULEY, INC. I [ GRAYSTONEofSHELTON I
the ¢,l,ly one of the tour or five of home through Canada. Thursday of last week. Hostess of whose grade average is midway 15th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 ! [ 7th & Park 426-3344 I
her classmates who are still The couple have three the luncheon was Thora Seward betweenan "A"anda"B."
scattered around the country who children, Melanic, Christen, and with guests Gert Zigler, Helen Ross was named to the 3.5
was presct|t |or this year's Joel. And for this reporter, it was Lammers, Shirley Root and her honor list. He is the son of Mrs. Contracting
reunion. Itcr sister, Sylvia Hoyt not only getting acquainted with daughter Sally and a very special Automotive ]
Betty R. Olson, 142 Lake Blvd. I CUSTOM qUALITY BUILDING.
and her husband, Dean~ of Glenda and the children whom friend of Sally's, Mrs. John I Tune--up * Brakes IHOME PLANNING AND
McCook, Reh.. also attendedi1~ori've never met be~l:~; but alsoPearson who now mak~ItlleL-.:- IO~\/~.~t I Tires * Lube I
~ylvia i1 was 50 years since Jerry himself since the last time home in Olympia b'~IJf"~'~6~'': ...... ~ l 'gre~Pickup& Delivery I I
I Michael J. Byrne Bldg. Co.
c, rad,.,ti,m we had been together was in originally came from Scotland "' ' I TOM'S RICHFIELD I I 426-6435
Wh,te ,he was there. Ann had l)enver ('oh)., when he was two and still has relatives there. I BONDED ANDLICENSED
a cha,cc 1,, visit many friends and and l was all of five. Well at this writing, today, CAREFUL I let & Railroad 426-3930 I I REMODELING CABINS
leJall~,¢,, 111 that :,rea which made Sunday the tide once again Monday, June 22, the Harstine ~I~R
the trip doubly mcc. receded so we could show the Bridge celebrated its first
l)awn Marble and two of her N.D. visitors how wc go about anniversary. For it was just one Auto Repairing I Cosmetics
~lose friends fr()m Sparks, Nev. capturing the unique large clamyear ago today that saw one of --Maior Overhauls I I Free Demonstrations on
sptqlt a ['ew days at the Chaffeeknown as a geoduck. Sunday the the biggest days in the history of --Brakes & Ignition I
--Welding & Tune-ups I I Skin Care and Basic
home lolh)wing her graduation Seclas and Li]a and this reporter this Island. Special Winterizing II and Corrective Makeup.
fr¢)m high ~chool She is the I DONAWAYENTERPRISES
daughler ol l)r. and Mrs. Don ED'SSERVICE I 1428 Henry St. 426-1317
Marble ~)t Sparks, Nev. The home 219 So. let 426-1212 I
has many happy memories of
The Time
i t l
i 1 1 ,:
We say 1970 ,s the year to ,nves, in gas air conditioning. There i~iiii~i~i!~ii~~i~i!iiii~!~!~;!!~
are a number of rearmns. To mention a few: Gas air conditioning i;ii~i ~!~!:~= .................. {!~i'i~{~{~
units have been greatly improved The scope has been broadened ~°7':°:':=~;'~,'J' ,::: ::!::;::: ~ .
Units aremorecompaet And get this prices arelotterthanthev ~:/ ':'::":#'::'~i;i!!ii-- ~
itionin uoi,. ao. al by ,he in,en h,uo .awe o, n.,u,a,
~ha:: t~e:tn:lE=psrt& and that make~ t hem re°re tr°uble-free ~~
Equipment for Every Need: ReJ&ntial
and Commereial...Large and Small :::: ~~~]~
r sidential, small commercial, large commercial, institutional and in- ~~
dustrial. Immediate deliveriex. And this year Cascade Natural Gas has " .......
~n :I::vN:IeNG2Lr:N t° help Y°U with this imp°rtant investment ~
childhood visits and vacations
with (;raudpa and (;randma. The
girls also enjoyed visiting with
l)awn's Aunt and Uncle, the Ernie
Byers right next door.
Arriving here last week for an
indefinite stay with the Jim Olds
The new Lawn-Boy MAG 19 Is
excellent for the small lawn. Fast,
sure starts with exclusive primer,
twin-spark ignition and patented
gear system. With grass catcher
and 5 position handle with
standup lock for storage. Variable
speed settings. Model 5269. Also
available Is the MAG 19 (without
grass catcher), Model 5239. Both
are available at .....
1306 Olympic Hwy. S.
Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 25, 1970
-Complete Hair Care
.... Wigs - Wiglets - Switches
Merle Norman Cosmetic.
-Free Demonstrations
6th & Laurel 42(3-4582
--Helena Rubinstein
--Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics
5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327
Bicycles- • Floor Coverings I
I New and Re-Built I
I Factory Trained Mechanic I --Linoleum --Carpeting
| Complete Line of New Parts
I and Accessories I --Tile --Formica
I Open 7 days week 8 a.m.-9 p.m. I Mt. View Ph.426-2292
I 3 blocks east of Airport Grocery on
tSpring Road Phone 426-4989
Building Supplies Masonry
--Sherwin-Williams Paint s-Carpet s.Wallpaper
-Complete Building Supplies --Plastering & Supplies
Nye Co. Building Supply
Free Delivery
426-8224 On Cole Road
--All Brick and
--Block Work
Phone 426-2278
Listen this Sunday to the
Christian Science Radio
Series for some interesting
insights on this question.
It's on 18 Washington stations
9:00 a.m. KXA 770 k.c.
10:15 a.m. KGY 1240 k.c.
Evening S
Sunday SchoOl '" 'i
Morning worshiP"
A.Y.F ........
Evening Servi
Phone 426-3821
123 W. C St. at Olympic Hwy. Rev. paul
Bible Study ...................... :r~:/
Worship .......................... 1 i "a
Training Union ........................ .-~'~
Midweek Service ......................
Arcadia and Lake Boulevard
Bible School ......9:45 a.m. Family ServiCe
Worship ......... I 1:00 a.m.
Wednesday Bible Study and Pray~
Child Care Serwce Available at 1
First Church of Christ,
302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash.
Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Church 1
Wednesday evening testimony meetings
Reading ~oom located m church. Reading
11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Mon. & Fri., Wed, eve
Fishermen's Club
P.U.O. AUDITORIUM - 3rd & Cota ¢
From 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. every Sunday ~1
SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 1970 '~
St. David's Church
Fourth & Cedar Shelton WashinglO''' '
:30 A.M. -- Holy Communion
1 | :00 A.M. -- Family Service
The Chur_ ch is a. Iways open for meditati, on and|
Faith Lutheran
7th and Franklin
WORSHIP: 8:30 and l1:00 a'rn'
CHURCH SCHOOL: 9:30 a.m.
Christian Worship, Fellowship,
Kenneth Robinson, Pastor
United Methodist
G and King Streets
9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Worship
9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages ~ 6
206 E. Wyandotte EDWIN C.
SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 1970
Sunday School and Bible
Divine Services at 8:30 a.m. and
Theme: "HERE AM I; sEND
Bulldozer Service I I I
I *Clearing I
I *Leveling I
R t
*Excavating I ~,a~,..s.
I Bulldozing I " Cote Sts. Rev. Jerry Llrson, TI"
i Phone 426-1289 I Sunday, June 28, 1970 .~
[i~~i~~!!iI FEET' John 13:1-11
9:30 a.m. Bible School
i~'eTv- I
6:30 p.m. Jr. High Youth Group
For Service Call I 7~th Night-Larry Powell
142616~1 i
Connection & 12th Sts. phone'
Car Waxing -- /~ J S~it~I Priesth°°d Meeting ~s .................. i.
I SIMONIZE PASTE WAX JOB 1 Sunday School .................. :"..
I ON AUTOS ...$5.95 / Sacrament Meeting ............. ~,~
I Trailers, Campers, Boats /
I and Air Planes /
I at comparative prices. / SHELTON ASSEMB .
L PHONE 426"6527 1 ~~1
I New and Used--Renta,s | Sun*y S~hoo, ..................... :.'
I Oregon Chains & Accessor es | Morning Worship ....................".
| Small motor tune-up & repairsI
Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., daily / Christ s Ambassadors .................
Evangelistic Service .................. "
I Mike's McCulloch shop / Wednesday Bible Study, prayer ......
12215 ?lympic Hwy. N.,426.46391 4 , REVlvALTIME, SundaY, ":