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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 25, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 25, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE 15 words or less -- $1.50 • 10 cents for each additional word over 15. • FOU R (4) insertions for the price of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday For Sale COLOR PRINTS, Jumbo, from color negatives only,19c. 5x7 enlargement, 819#4 Ziegler's Camera Shop, No. 2nd. 4/17tin SIMPLICITY MOWERS and tillers. See now at Mike's McCulloch Sales and Service. 2215 Olympia Hwy. North. 3/28tin FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Cells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/5 tin FREE KODAK FILM, Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at Ziegler's Camera. Ask for it. 426-6163.5/26tin TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/] 6tin For Sale USED LOWREY Holiday deluxe organ. Cost new $1295.00 now $895. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota. 4/23tfn FOR VACATION Tires see Sears Shelton 426-8201. $6/11-7/2. TREE TOPPING. Also firewood for sale, $20.00 per cord. Phone 426-3532. Mc 1/29tfn YOUNG GRAIN fed steers, cut and wrapped. Expert cutting and wrapping. Shelton Foods. 426-6523. S3/27tfn BUY THREE tires, get one free from Sears Roebuck. Shelton 426-8201. $6/11-7/2 T.V. For Sale 15 FT. Chassis Mount camper completely self-contained, like new. Many extras. Phone 426-6015, walk through. R6/25 USED REPOSSESSED Spinet Piano $595. New cost $750.00. Johnny's Music Box 205 Cota 426-4302. J6/25 tfn BOAT CHAI R, Utility cart, clothes, radio, toys, curtains, picture frames, Miscellaneous. Reasonable. Inquire 404 Laurel. F 6/25 FOR SALE color TV Early American Cabinet. Good condition Reasonable 426-6023. T6/18-25 BAND BREAK--UP! Rickenbacker guitar, 100 w Sears amp., all excellent condition. Complete accessories. Hoodsport 877-5218. D6/18-7/9 WALL - TO - WALL CARPETS or room-size rugs. Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free estimates. You're always welcome at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 426-4702. O] ]/18tfn at HAY FOR sale McDonalds farm,Olsen Furniture Kamilche Valley. Phone 426-3740. Mc 1 l/Ctfn 4th & Cota 426-4702 MOBILE HOME FURNITURE-- We specialize in quality compact furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furniture you're always welcome, 4th and Cota. 426-4702.4/14tin Used '61 T-Bird, new tires, everything works. $325. Call 426-2227. W6/18-25 1967 FURY III, 2 door hardtop. Very good condition. Phone 426-8711. A6/25 1963 IMPALA, 327, 4 bbl. chromes, ovals, $495.00 or offer. Phone 426-4000. S6/25tfn 1946 CHEVROLET ]/z ton for sale. Running condition. Phone 426-2050. R6/25 STUDIO MODEL Lowrey Starlet. New price $525, now $395 with bench. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota, 426-4302.6/4tfn 30 IN. x 40 IN. heavy mirror $20. Ceram,c bathroom sink (faucets included) lavatory, shower head and faucets, soap dlsh--$40.O0. Evenings 426-4563 days 422-6163 z9/4-25 ........... FOR VACATION Tires see Sear. Shelton. 426-820 l. $6/11-7/2 LOSE WEIGHT Safely with Dex-A-Diet and remove excess fluid with FLUE)EX. Only 98c and $1.69 at Nell's Pharmacy. 04/16-9/3 FOREST FESTIVAL Parade pictures in color available at Ziegler's Camera Shop. 124 No. 2rid. Order now. Z6/4-25 STRAWBERRIES SLICED and sugared 30 Ibs. $10.25 plus 75 cents container deposit. Sliced unsugared 30 Ibs. $11.50 plus 75 cents container deposit. Miller Berry Farms, 2 mi. west of Purdy on Allyn- Purdy Highway 857-2250.6/18tfn WIZARD ROTOTILLER, 5 hp, reversible, very good condition, $125.00. phone 426-2653. $6/18-7/9 OVEN, HOTPOINT built-in with glass door, rotisserie and controls. Copper. Excellent condition and clean, $50. Union 898-2177, evenings. H6/18-7/9 BLUE LUSTRE not only rids carpets of soil but leaves pile soft and lofty. Rent electric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast. 6/25 THREE HIVES of bees and equipment and a 4 frame extractor. $125. 426-6789. C6/25 tfn BAKE SALE at St. Hugh's Church, Allyn, Friday, July 3, 10 a.m.--AII the good things you like. $6/18-7/2 GREETING CARDS! Retail up to 75 cents for 5 cents and 10 cents. My home, 2125 Olympic Hwy. North. B6/25-7/16 1956 PLYMOUTH wagon, runs good, $40.00. Carlon Apts, Apt. No. 10, 120 Kneeland St. M6/25 1963 STUDEBAKER, new tires, new battery, good second car, $250,00, Phone 426-1314. B6/25tfn GARAGE SALE June 25 and 26, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 212 Island Lake Drive. C6/25 Buy three tires, get one free from Sears Roebuck. Shelton 426-8201. $6/11-7/2 '56 RAMBLER. Runs good. $100 cash. Phone 426-8991. S6/25 1964 RAMBLER American 2 door. Complete engine overhaul, $400 cash. Phone 426-3667. G6/18-25 1961 CORVAIR for sale. 4 speed, real good motor and tires. $295. Call 426-2014. $6/18-25 1943 STUDEBAKER flat bed, motor good, brakes need repair. Phone 426-2857. T6/18-7/9 1965 CHEVELLE Malibu V-8 automatic, power steering, $950. Call after 6:30 p.m. 426-6577. H6/11tin 1952 WILLYS Jeep, 4--wheel drive, hubs. Call 426-3573. L6/4-25 VISIT THE Art 'N fique GALLERY OF HOOD CANAL 3 miles No. of Hoodsport. Handcrafted gifts of decoupage, sand casting, oil painting, tole painting, stoneware, ceramics and etc. OPEN THURS. FRI., SAT., SUN. 12-6 p.m. 6/25-7/9 69 Falcon 4-Dr. 67 Falcon 4-Dr. 67 Opel Kadett 66 Mercury Monclair 2-Dr. 64 F85 2-Door 62 Ford Galaxie 62 Impala 68 Tempest 2-Dr. 67 Rambler 66 Plymouth 4-Door 65 BeI-Air 2Dr. 65 Ford Custom 500 4-Dr. 65 Fair 500 2-Dr. 64 Impala 4-Dr. 63 Rambler 63 Tempest 4-Cyl. 63 Comet 2-Dr. 62 Galaxle 4-Dr. 61 Corvair 4-Dr. 58 Chev. Belair 69 Chev. V2Ton 69 Ranchero 66 Chev ~ Ton 65 Ford Ranchero 4-Spd. 64 Ford ¥2 Ton 58 Dodge Vz Ton 56 Int. 4x4 48 Willys 4x4 FOR SALE 1-Large Spark Oil Heater ........ $20 1-25 Gal, el I Tank ............ $15 200 Gal. Stove Oil, 15c gal ....... $30 2-Twin Bed Frames Complete, Each ............... $10 l-Pair Swinging Doors' (Solid) 24"x57V2" . ............ $10 1-Claw Footed White Bath Tub 54" ................ $15 4-French Windows 22 x 41, each ............... $2.50 Bamboo Screen & Track 38 x 66 ................... $2,00 Several Lengths Gal. Pipe, 2" - 1V~" - Vz" Several Small Windows . . . each $1.00 1850 North Cliff Road A6/25 Olympic Hiway. So. 426-4282 Shelton Siding Stain ...... 15 Gal. Vinyl Acrylic Plastic ~a Wall Paint ........ Vinyl Acrylic Plastic Exterior Latex House Paint Gal. General Purpose Interior Or Exterior White Paint ...... Gal. Float Logs 10"x20"x9' Supports 750 Lbs. BOB -- BUS- BILL I I 5th end Hal,road 426-8231 I !; i I i Patio Plastic Fiberglass 5 Oz. Random Lengths .... Sq. Ft. Page 20 - Shelton.Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 25, 1970 BASEMENT SALE! Clothing, furniture and miscellaneous items. 9 to 5. Thursday June 25, 818 East Fairmont. P6/25 Services BACKHOE SERVICE SEPTIC TANKS CLEARING DITCHING EXCAVATING GRADING Call Evenings or Weekends Phone 426-4160 BILL B. ROLL 3/12tin ROTO-VATING Satisfaction Guaranteed 426-2857 Evenings nm, 4(23tfn LANE HOUSE MOVING Houses Raised, Foundations and Leveling Phone 426-8 ! 47 1/27 tin BOB OGDEN Installation Service Carpeting- Formica- Ceramic and Linoleum Licensed, Bonded & Insured Phone 426-3155 3/6 tin Paving Contractor ASPHALT PAVING --Driveways --Parking Lots Bob Kimbel Const. 426-4243 -- Shelton PAINTING and DRY WALL RESIDENT and COMMERCIAL J. E. HARRIS Bonded and Insured CALL 426-8773 7/4 tin Tracks & Trailers BOB KIMBEL 1/22 tfn Services BACK HOE SERVICE -- Light grading, back filling, sewage- systems. Reasonable rates. Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893. 7/22tfn YARD AND GARDEN work done by experienced gardener. $2.00 per hour. Phone 426-8002. $6/18-7/9 BACKHOE SERVICES with late model 15 ft. backhoe. 15 years exper,ence. Also sewage systems. Top workmanship. Earl T. Marr. 426-3053. 6/1 ltfn HOUSES, TRAILER roofs and garages painted. Call 426-3000 for free estimate. W6/4-25 WASHINGTON DRYWALL- residential and commercial. Nailing, taping, and texturing. Ceilings glittered. Textured acoustical. Freeestimates. Dan Adsero. 426-8117. 6/4-25 ELECTROLUX SALES & Service. Electrolux bags available. Free delivery. Call Jack Manley 426-3544. 1622 Boundary. M8/15tfn MOSS ON ROOFS? We remove by spraying. Free Estimates. 426-4316 426-1086 Mc6/25tfn Services SHELTON MOTORS, expert body and fender repair and painting. Free estimates. S11/13tfn SINGER TUNE U,~ Specral . . . Any make sewing math=he. A Singe~ expe~t w~lt COme to yOUr home and: Adjust and balance tens,ons: check fabric-handl=ng mechar~sm de-lint thread handling assembly: oil entire machine; =nspect motor lubricate motor, if needed: check wHing fo~ safety! only SGgb In Shelton coHtact Kay's Drdpe~e~, 129 Railroad, 426-6207. Singel Center, Soutt~ Suu:~cl Cer, te~. Lacey. 49]-3400 CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, accurate. Precision ~rinding. Now at Saeger Motor hop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn BATHROOM AND KITCHEN remodeling. Roofing, patios, carports. Smaller jobs also. Call Osborne's 426-6241. O1/25tfn Sporting Goods SCHWINN STINGRAY, 5 speed, headlight, speedometer, excellent condition. $55.00. Phone 426-2653. $6/18-7/9 25'FT Cruiser 145 HP Palmer fresh water cooled, sleeps 4. Stainless tanks, trim tabs, depth finder etc. George Anderson Rte. 2 Box 319 426-8892. 6/18-25 For Your Driveway And Parking Area Call 426-3344 FOX MINI bike for sale, good condition. Phone 426-6050. 56/25 16 FT. Reinell fiberglass boat with canvas; 65 hp. Merc. outboard with trailer. Phone 426-8049.H6/25 1958 ALJO trailer 15 ft. for sale. Phone. 426-6444 or 877-5422. P6/25 7th & Park 426-3344 6/18-25 Septic Tank Installations 500-gal., 750-cjal, 1,000-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging, Backhoe, Trencher for Hire Sharer Digging Service Phone 426-3660 Cr 5-2157, Belfair 1/27 tin POOL TABLES Slate. Guaranteed for life. $90 accessory kit included. Now $525 installed. Others from $120. Pacific Billiard Supply 3942 Pacifice Ave., Lacey, Wash. Open Man. Thru Fri. 12:30- 7 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Phone 491-8044 4/23 tin TREE SERVICE DANGEROUS TREES SAFELY REMOVED Topping Trimming Hedges Clearing FREE ESTIMATES TERMS C. C. COLLINS 357-997 I tfn DAY & SONS TRAIL BREAKER To go anywhere bike. Hood Canal Marina--Union. Call 898-2252.HS/14tfn ATTENTION BIKE RIDERS Large bike accessory inventory arriving daily. We intend to stock or have access to your every need. Street, trail and custom. Why pay more? YOO HOD Ski DaD Open 'til 9 evenings-7 days a week, Tanglewilde Shopping Center 49 ! -8477 5/14t fn Lawns, Gardens, Farm work--2 machines no job too large or small. 4/9tin SWIMMING POOLS Septic Tank bulldozing, backhoe and dump truck service Surge water conditioners. Pets, Uvesto(k STUD SERVICE $25. Call 426-8816 for information. B6/4-25 K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appointment. 426-8988.8/31tin GOING ON VACATION? Leave your dog with us if over 20 Ibs. MeI-Ru Kennels 426-2387. N8/14tin HORSEMANSHIP CLASSES for beginners6 years and up. Expert instruction.Phone 426-4983. T6/18-7/9 426-6539 Shelton, 5/14 tin Dozers & Backhoes Gravel & Crushed Rock Expert Operators FOR SALE one young Myna bird. Phone 426-6790. $6/]8 SIAMESE KITTENS, box trained, females $10.00, males $15.00. Mother and father very gentle. Phone 426-8907. H6/25 FOR SALE 8 weeks old white poodle. Mother 5 Ibs., dad 4 Ibs. Phone 426-1237. A6/25 BOB KIMBEL CONSTR. 426-4243 1/22 tin HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS Instruction Beginner's Tap 10 a.m. Hood Canal School auditorium. Call 877-5713 for information. D1/15 tin 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Private Instruction in piano, o~gan, voice. Beginning and Ph. 426-6687 6/lltfn advanced. Chester j. Wiltse, phone Hoodsport 877-5262.5/21 WELL DRILLING Bill Neal I tfn ELEMENTARY TEACHER specialized in remedial teaching will tutor during summer. Phone 426-6136 after 4:00 p.m. H6/4-25 BATON LESSONS--Private, semi-privateA, group. June 30--]0 a.m.I.W.. Hall 2nd and Grove. Mason County Robinettes. 426-4933 or 426-4659.6/25 Help Wanted OKERSTROMS U-PIC Daily 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (We pick on order only) Meridian Rd., Yelm-Olympia Hwy. Route 2, Box 226 ph.491-5183 OI ym pia Bring containers. NO Children in field. 6/1 1 -2 5-3t NOTICE Men and Women! Now Taking Applications for Employment! Miller's Dept. Store 3rd & Railroad, Shelton 6/11tin Part time and full time. Orientation and refresher course available. Interview with Nursing Director. Mason General Hospital, Shelton. Phone 426-1611. 6/25-7/2 Work Wanted COLLEGE BOYS--experienced garden work, monthly rates. Also will do any odd jobs. 426-2270, 426-6147. H6/25 CUTTING GRASS work wanted. Have mower. Phone 426-8269. Also will do garden work. G6/11-7/2 Mobile Homm * %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" FOR SALE or rent 35 ft. one bedroom trailer. Suitable for single or elderly couple. The Pines 426-3273. O6/1 ltfn 8' X 40' Trailer house. ]940 Ford, show condition. Call Olympia 943-2204 evenings or Shelton 426-8133 after 6 p.m. or weekends. Priced for quick sale. Y6/4-25 15 FT. Aloha trailer. Sleeps six. 1966 model, new condition. Phone 426-8711. A6/25 FOR SALE 15 ft. trailer. Sleeps 6, new stove, good condition. Phone 426-2245. L6/25-7/2 Personal CONFIDENTIAL care for unwed pregnant teen-age girls. UGH Agency. Collect calls accepted. Florence Crittenton Home, PA 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, Wa. 98178. 8/28tin ALCOHOLISM Information and Referral Center 428 Birch St. Shelton. Phone 426-4407. S 2/12tin NEED CASH? We buy or consign almost anything, Tropics Ballroom Auction, Olympia 357-9949. D2/26 tin ~%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'_ Miscellaneous FREE HAY for the cutting. Marie Kubik, 205 E. Pine. Shelton. K6/11-tin Wanted SHELTON JUNK COMPANY, 1st and Mill. Always buying copper, brass, radiators and batteries. Call 426-8626. S6/26tfn WANTED--GOOD used 12 wide two bedroom mobile home phone Hoodsport 877-4738. T6/25 WANT TO buy--chrome dinette chairs, dressers or what have you? Phone 426-8759. H6/25 Will Buy or Consign Good Used Furniture or Appliances y Furniture 625 So. 1st 426-24! 1 _,4 For Rent Reel %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-- WATERFRONT one bedroom 5 ACRE~; unfurnished apartment for rent. Harstine Islan Hoodsport area. References Tacoma required. Call Hoodsport 877-5312. S9/18tfn TWO RENTA FOR RENT 3 room furnished bedroom. One apartment, 2 miles north each. Substa~ Lilliwaup, overlooking water, cash. 426 877-5429. D6/18 ......... 100 FEET SPACE FOR 2 mobile homes, bedroom home, Phone 426-8977. E6/18-7/9 boathouse ................ Point. ONE BEDROOM furnished 736-6006. A apartment, w/w carpeting. Heat, water, garbage furnished. Mature adults. References. Inquire i 119 F~anklin, Apt. 5, after 5 p.m. B6/11 tin MAPLEWOOD FOURPLEXES- McCLEARY Three apts. left. All quality includes: Two bedroom, w/w carpets, drapes, elec. heat, elec. fireplace, Westinghouse range, refrigerator, T.V. cable, carport and storage room, laundry building, fenced heated swimming pool, underground wiring, surrounding sidewalks and decorative stone fences for privacy in the courtyard. Unfurnished start at $]20.00. Furnished start at $150.00. We hold the keys to modern living combined with the unique pleasures of a small town. Call McClearYN:95-3722 or 495-3398. pets and six months lease required. WE WILL move you free from anywhere in the country to one of our brand new kitchenette units. W/W carpeting, tiled bath. Everything furnished including maid service. From $100.00. Hallmark Inn, First and Railroad. 426-1671. 4/2tin MT. VIEW ELWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS INCOME INVE rental units on studded beautiful Mill put $200 pocket. $5 acreage a~ Land evenings. 6/4-2 BIKINI WOI nice, two street from Westport. Homes. 6/4-25 TWO Inquire 426 -2 FOR SALE house on c( 426-2604. TWO BED RoD. drilled well, forced air o drapes garde~ after 5'p.m-0~( WATERFRONT wooded, 8 improvementS" trailer, 30 ft. neighbors, comm from shel Narrows Br JU 4-494 R6/18-25 10 ACRE secluded, cash. $5, 660 ft. $6,500 cas Valley 426-1203 2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED Ava"able NOW No Pets CONTACT MANAGER 426-3 ! 00 3/19tin I QUALITY TWO bedroom partly furnished apartment in McCleary. Laundry facilities, swimming pool, etc. $125. 495-3722. R4/9tfn FURNISHED STUDIO apartment, livingroom, all electric kitchen, dressing room and bath. Includes all utilities except lights. Lawton Apartments 723 Pine.L4/16t f n TWO BEDROOM furnisfied apartment, newly redecorated. Light and comfortable, $75.00 per month. Edgewood Apts. 426-8584. S5/28tfn ONE BEDROOM house $65 per month, $55 monthly on lease. Call before June 27. 426-1230. G6/25 LARGE 2 bedroom duplex with carpet and fireplace. All utilities paid, $125.00 per month. 2 miles out Arcadia. Available July 1 426-6802. W6/18-25 Owner le~ waterfrO everyth dock, second sewer. AmP buildina, ANGLE, Join The I nvest PRICED TO 2 bedroo Hillcrest. READY WE Just build. home $153 per On Hood w th terms. a big ot Recreatior the cOL forest 3 BEDI FOR RENT--One bedroom unfurnished apartment at 528 Cota, $82.50, available June 15, This imr call 426-8509. J6/18 has 3 ............ fire SEMI--FURNISHED two deck, bedroom waterfront mobile yard, home. Area ideal for retired orcarpeti~ semi-retired couple. No pets. For to qua details Hoodsport 877-5547 8 a.m. to 12 noon Monday thru Sat. FARM R6/11tin Here's a comfortab FURNISHED ONE bedroom There's mobile home for rent. Phone part of 426-3242. B6/25 tin of and TRAILER HOUSE for rent, value bedroom and a half. 8' x 40'. O $90.00 month. $20.00 damage 9ACRES deposit. Poulsbo 779-2689. Lake T hi Limerick. C6/25 ever 230 LEASE-- 4 bedroom home on Mason Lake, unfurnished, $200.00. Phone 426-3766. Y6/25 FOR RENT: Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. 10/9tin MOBILE HOME Space in quiet, new, downtown park. 426-3242. B10/2tfn Real Estate Wanted EXCHANGE -- What you have -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor-exchangor. 426-6592. 8/18tin Wanted to Rent TEACHER NEEDS three bedroom housing, unfurnished except for appliances beginning Sept. 1st. Write Ronald Ewing, College Duplex No.42, Ellensburg, Wash. 6/18-7/9 bedrOO~ located. to you noW. 9V~ acres per acre. ,~ 2 BR on for addit WATERFRONI" ,00, ;0o" ~: $1 l,bU • Real HER| Evenll 401 R~