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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 25, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 25, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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L~ 3 a ! BRANCH OF MCCLEARY INS. & REAL ESTATE JAMES W. HODGES ,,.y.,__ BB FREE Potted Plants for the Ladies TOM TOWNSEND was born in Shelton. He has lived in and around Shelton for most of his life. He graduated from Shelton High School and attended St. Martin's College. Townsend worked as a medical laboratory and X-ray technician full-time for Shelton General Hospital for 3z/z years and on a relief basis for Shelton General Hospital and the new Mason General Hospital for the next 16 years. He was a co-founder and co-owner--for 6 years--of radio station KMAS in Shelton. He has been in the real estate business here for the past two years as Townsend Realty. Townsend belongs to Kiwanis, American Legion, 40 et 8, and the Shelton Flight Club. ACREAGE- WATERFRONT- HOMES MT. VIEW Very nice 3 bedroom home on a corner lot with a well kept lawn and attractive shrubbery. Fireplace, 1V2 baths, beautiful paneling in the living room and dining room area. Outside storage shed for the lawn mower as well as a large storage area in the garage. A good buy at only $18,000. HILLCREST Well kept 2 bedroom home with a view of the Olympics. Located on a corner lot with an extra lot for the man or woman with the green thumb that likes to raise a good garden. Yours for only $10,700.00. HARSTINE ISLAND 2 acres.with a view of the water that would make an excellent sl>ot t(~llb ~ ~n~atI n~o_bile ~ or t~atter par~, Mioins e.ceum~y road. Li;bt~ld at ~,OOO.OO ......... 1 ~ ' ]" Or if you want a large tract of waterfront on Harstine Island we have 120 feet of good gravel beach that includes tidelands for about $86.00 per front foot. THOMAS L. SAVAGE was born August 28, 1906 at Birdsview, Washington (27 miles east of Mr. Vernon). He graduated from Hamilton High School in 1924 and from the University of Washington in 1931 in mechanical engineering. He worked for three years for the Hoover Company selling vacuum cleaners, one year as salesman and two years as crew manager. He spent one year as Kirby distributor, the last six months in San Francisco. Savage worked three years as a machinist and inspector during the war, then went to work in the home improvement field in 1945. He opened a company called American Home Advisors in 1949, selling home improvements and home remodelling. He started in the apartment house business in 1942 with a triplex. He bought and sold the Victoria Crest apartments and the Chelsea Court Apartments in Seattle and now owns the Edgewood Apartments in Shelton. Savage started in the real estate business in 1966 as a salesman and opened his own office January 1, 1969. He is a member of Lake City Elks Lodge 1800, Washington Athletic Club, Shelton Moose Lodge, Mount Moriah Lodge 11, F&AM, Olympic Chapter of Scottish Rites and Afifi Temple of Shrine in Tacoma. HOOD CANAL--new, 1 bedroom home, electric heat, Franklin stove, beautiful view and lovable. $12,500. BEAUTIFUL WATERFRONT on Totten Inlet, Oyster Bay. $11,000. 120 FT. of saltwater front on Torten Inlet, near Shelton, $9,750. LARGE A-FRAME summer home and waterfront lot on Star Lake. A real buy at only $10,500. 60 FT. waterfront lot on Summit Lake--S7,000. LAKE LIMERICK 2 waterfront lots that are 70 foot lake front by approx. 235 feet deep. Both of these lots have a gentle slope to the South, fully wooded, private, looks across the lake to the clubhouse. These are two of the most desirable lots on the lake. Especially of interest to anyone wanting an extra size lot or adjoining lot with a friend. SPENCER LAKE -- MASON LAKE -- STAR LAKE WATERFRONT LOTS WATERFRONT-- Two waterfront lots on Lake Nahwatzel with beautiful summer home. $16,500. On Old Highway near Craig-lnsel Road. 5A more or less with 2 houses now rented. New 1,000 G septic tank and new pump. Ideal for mobile home court. On what will be access road from freeway when new freeway is completed. $10,000, terms. 3 SUMMIT LAKE waterfront lots, 2 bedroom year 'round home, boat house and dock all for only $32,500. VIEW of Puget Sound, Shelton and Olympic Mts. 1 bedroom home, only $6,950.00. MASON LAKE waterfront lot--just listed. Owner out of state and wants quick sale. SALTWATER FRONT, low bank tidelands, best beach, Lid Inlet, view of Mt. Rainier. Bulkhead, 3 bedroom home, fireplace, 2-car garage, good well, Steamboat Island Rd., only $19,000.00. OLYMPIA--West Side. New 3 bedroom home, all carpeted, fireplace, garage, closing costs down on F.H.A. 221. SHELTON--New 3 bedroom all-electric home, carpet, fireplace, garage. You can pick colors as construction is ready to start. $17,000. F.H.A. 221, closing costs down. New 3 BR 2 bath home. 3,000 sq. feet. carpeted thruout. Oil heat. FP, large kitchen. Lots of built-ins. Big lot. $25,000. Terms. Phillips Lake cottage. 1 BR, nice living room, kitchen, bath. Septic tank, well, nice lot. Half block from public access. Outside of cottage finished with pink aluminum siding. A real cute place. $10,000. 5A between old highway and freeway at Craig-lnsel road. Over 1,000 ft. on each highway. $15,000. Cash. Call us about the F.H.A. 235, No Down Payment and Low Interest homes, and also the Farm Home loans we can help you get. In most cases your home payment will be less than your present rent payment. 21/2 Acres tracts near Schafer State Park. $3,000 and owner will carry contract. $350. down, $25 per month. 12 Acres with creek, one bedroom home, $11,300. Near Lima 50 ft. of Hood Canal waterfront with 40 x 400 ft. tract of back land across highway. Has garage and living quarter combination complete with septic tank and water. Beautiful view from living quarters. $10,000. 70-ACRE FARM--creek, half timber land, half pasture. Good 2-story home with fireplace, garage and barn. Near Lima. Price reduced to only $35,000. Contract terms. 21/z TRACTS near McCleary. $2,500. Owner will carry contract with $300 down. 5 ACRE TRACTS on Satsop River frontage. $7,500. Easy contract terms. 5-PLUS ACRES~good 2 bedroom home and good outbuildings. Between Etma and McCleary. $16,500. BUY LIKE RENT $300 down on this new 3 bedroom, lVz baths, family room, fireplace, all carpet, 2 car garage, shake roof, rambler with view in lovely Val Vista. Between Montesano and Aberdeen. Reduced $3,000 below appraisal and owner will carry contract. $300 down on this nice 2 bedroom home with new paneling and carpet, located on S. Evans St. in S. Aberdeen. Owner contract. 44 ACRES near Cedarville and Chehalis River. $500 per acre, closing costs down only, on contract. INDEPENDENCE CREEK runs through this lovely 20 acres with V4 mile road frontage. 8 miles out of Rochester. Can be yours for closing costs down. Sale price $13,000. 500 FT. of road frontage on Steamboat Island Road makes this 81/z acres a buy at only $10,000. 6 ACRES in Steamboat Island Road area, close to the water. $2,225 per acre. 10 ACRES and year 'round creek near McCleary. $8,000. Owner will carry contract with $1,000 down. IV2 ACRE business site close to new hospital on Lilly Road. $25,000. Terms. OVERHULSE RD., near new Colleoe--21/z acres, 2 bedroom home, 400 ft. of frontage. Flexible terms- . McCLEARY OFFICE: James W. Hodges .............................. 495-3259 C. Tab Murphy ............................... 482-2249 Was Sanders ................................. 482-3590 Mike Murphy ....................... ; ........ 482-2249 OLYMPIA OFFICE: 943-7839 JAMES W. HODGES, owner of McCleary Insurance and Real Estate, is confident the experience of Tom Townsend and Tom Savage will make Mud Bay Realty No. 2 of Shelton a leader in helping Mason County and Olympic Peninsula residents become home and land owners. Dick Antdla .................................49b-3589 Frank I oo(nski ............................... 491-8895 Jerry Pennell ................................. 352-3423 Nick Nosier .................................. 495-3241 SHELTON OFFICE: 426-1515 124 N. IST. Tom Townsend ............................... 426-6597 Tom Savage .................................. 426-8584 -Page 22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 25, 1970 Legal Publications SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NO. 1047 1 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. HENRY J. ISAKSON, Plaintiff, vs. JOHN L. DUMAS, Legal Publications NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 4120 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, FOR MASON COUNTY, IN PROBATE. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALBERT J. Legal Publications TIMBER SALE NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE, OLYMPIC NATIONAL FOREST, SOUTH FORK SKOKOMISH 1969 No. 1 SALE. located within T. 22N.. R. 5 and 6W; T. 23N., R.5 and 6W., W.M., partially surveyed. Public Legal addition there area an unestir species paid for at feet. for slash di board feet volume of feet in add JR., and the unknown heirs ot LEGAULT, Deceased. notice is hereby given that John L. Dumas, Jr.; LOUISE R. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the provisions of surplus DUMAS, and the unknown heirs that the undersigned has been Section 5 of Public Law 273, and of Louise R. Dumas, if deceased, appointed and has qualified as the 78th Congress (58 Stat. 132-16, any, is also all other persons or parties personal representative of the U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and the proc ss unknown claiming any right, title, Estate of Albert J. LeGault, Cooperative Agreement for the notil es estate, lien, or interest in the real deceased; that all persons having Management of the Participating award that estate described in the complaint claims against said deceased are Forest Properties in the Shelton or part of herein. Defendants. hereby required to serve the same, Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit the exem T H E S T A T E O F duly verified, on the undersigned entered into by and between the contract WASHINGTON, TO the said or his attorney of record at the United States of America and the accord in JOHN L. DUMAS, JR., and address below stated and file Simpson Timber Company, dated uncommittl the unknown heirs of John L. the same with the Clerk of December 12, 1946, an estimated may be ass Dumas, Jr.; LOUISE R. DUMAS, and the the said court, together with 36,100 M board feet of timber subsequent proof of such service within four marked or otherwise designatedadvised th~ unknown heirs of Louise R. (4) months after the date of first for cutting will be sold to the Dome Dumas, if deceased, publication of this notice or the Simpson Timber Company, requirement ALSO all other personsor same will be barred. Seattle, Washington, on July 27, contract parties unknown claiming any Date of first publication: June 1970. The minimum acceptable contract cq right, title, estate, lien, or interest 18, 1970. bid per M board feet is: refusal to aW in the real estate described in the /s/ALBERT L. LeGAULT Douglas-fir, $30.35; western the violator, complaint herein, Defendants: Personal Representative hemlock and other coniferous suspension Y O U A R E H E R E B Y GLENN E. CORREA species, $10.05. In addition there future tim SUMMONED to appear within Attorney for Estate is an unestimated volume of all by the sixty (60) days after the first Bell Building species of hardwood which will be Grays publication of this summons, to 121 South Fourth Street paid for at $1.00 per M board or by any wit, within sixty (60) days after Shelton, Washington feet. Additional deposit required a reason the 25 day of June, 1970, and 6/18-25-7/2-3tfor slash disposal is $1.04 per M defend the above-entitled action board feet for all species. A total public in the above-entitled court and NOTICE TO CREDITORS volume of 500 thousand board office of answer the Complaint of the NO. 4121 feet in addition to that which is Federal plaintiff and serve a copy of your surplus to needs of domestic users Wash n! answer upon the undersigned IN THE SUPERIOR COURT and processors as stated herein, if July attorneys for plaintiff at their O F T H E S T A T E O F any, is exempted from domesticRequests office below stated; and in case of WASHINGTON, FOR MASON processing. If successful bidder not be your failure so to do, judgment COUNTY, IN PROBATE. notifies Forest Service prior to in the o IN THE MATTER OF THE will be rendered against you award that he will not export all Superv according to the demand of the E S T A T E O F L U D W I G or part of the exempted volume, Olymp complaint, which has been filed ANDERSEN, Deceased. the exempted volume in the before with the Clerk of the Court. The NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN contract will be adjusted 22, 1 object of said action and the relief that the undersigned has beenaccordingly, so that the Forest sought to be obtained therein is appointed and has qualified as the uncommitted export exemptions National fully set forth in said Complaint, Personal Representative of the may be assigned to one or more and is briefly stated as follows: Estate of Ludwig Andersen, The object of this action is to deceased; that all persons having subsequent sales. Bidders are advised that violations of the q u i et title to vacant and claims against said deceased are Domestic Processing requirement unoccupied land and, in the hereby required to serve the same, constitutes breach of contract and IN TH alternative, for a decree of duly verified, on the undersigned specific performance indicating or her attorney of record at the may result in contract O F T cancellation or in refusal to award WASHI that plaintiff is entitled to have address below stated and file the timber sales to the violator, or COUNTY. real property which is the subject same with the Clerk of the said debarment or suspension from D O N of this action conveyed to him court, together with proof of such bidding on future timber sales. If BERG and for the other and usual service within four (4) months requested by the State of incidents to such cases of action, after the date of first publication Washington or by Grays Harbor T H said real property being located in of this notice or the same will be Mason County, Washington, and barred, or Mason Counties, or by any WASHIf described as follows: Date of first publication: June person deemed to have a SC Tract 48, Tee Lake Shore 18, 1970. reasonable interest in the You proposed sale, or in its terms, a appear Acres, as recorded in Volume 4 /s/ Katharine McReavy Walker public hearing will be held in the date of Plats, page 40, records of Personal Representative office of the Forest Supervisor, this suml Mason County, State of GLENN E. CORREA Federal Building, Olympia, sixty Washington. Attorney for Estate Washington, on the 17th day ofJune BRUMBACH & LAMB Bell Building July 1970 at 2:00 p.m., PDT. By Robert H. Lamb 121 South Fourth Street Requests for public hearing will entitled Attorneys for Plaintiff Shelton, Washington POST OFFICE ADDRESS: 6/18-25-7/2-3tnot be considered unless received com in the office of the Forest serve a 1407 Alaska Building Supervisor, Federal Building, the un¢ Seattle, Washington NOTICE OF Olympia, Washinqton, on or 98104 SURFACE WATER RIGHT before July 8, 1970. Dated June~his offi MAIN 2-5366 APPLICATION NO. 22152 22, 1970. Wynne M. Maule, case 6/25-7/2-9-16-23-30-6t STATE OF WASHINGTON, Forest Supervisor, Olympic judgme DEPARTMENT OF WATER National Forest. you RESOURCES, OLYMPIA. 6/25-7/2-9-16-4tthe co NOTICE OF TAKE NOTICE: filed wi SURFACE WATER RIGHT That Wl LLIAM WOOD APPLICATION NO.22236 SCHWEER of Leeds, Utah on TIMBER SALE STATE OF WASHINGTON, April 22, 1970, filed application NATIONAL FOREST action is DEPARTMENT OF WATER for permit to divert the public TIMBER FOR SALE, OLYMPIC the defer RESOURCES, OLYMPIA. waters of unnamed stream NATIONAL FOREST, SOUTH stated in TAKE NOTICE: tributary of Hood Canal, in the FORK SKOKOMISH 1969 No. 2 aforesaid That ORVILLE H:JAMES bf amount of 0.25 culai~; ~foot per SALE, located within T. 22 and relief ~s Bremerton, Washington on May second, subject to existing.rights, 23 N., R. 5 & 6 W., W.M., tplamt partially surveyed. Public notiCe-is B.FR 20, 1970, filed application for continuously each year for thehereby given that pursuant to the Attor~ permit to divert the public waters purpose of community domestic provisions of Section 5 of Public Officl of Tiger Lake tributary of --, in supply that the approximate Law 273, 78th Congress (58 Stat. Angle the amount of 0.02 cubic foot per point of diversion is located 132-16, U.S.C.A. 583-583i), andsheltO~/] second, subject to existing rights, within Government Lot 1 of the Cooperative Agreement for continously each year 'for the Section 22, Township 23 N., the Management of the purpose of domestic supply and Range 3W.W.M., in Mason Participating Forest Properties in from May 1 to October 1 for County. the Shelton Cooperative The irrigation that the approximateAny objections must be Sustained Yield Unit entered into bids point of diversion is located accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed by and between the United States (in(: within Government Lot 1 of of America and the Simpson b SectionS, Township 23 N. Range with the Department of Water Timber Company, Dated collision 1 W.W.M., in Mason County. Resources within thirty (30) days December 12, 1946, an estimated Any objections must be from June 25, 1970. 34,100 M board feet of timber day accompanied by a two dollar Witness my hand and official marked or otherwise designatedin ($2.00) recording fee and filedseal this 30th day of April, 1970. for cutting will be sold to Hall, with the Department of Water GLEN H. FIEDLER Simpson Timber Company, The Resources within thirty (30) days Assistant Director, Seattle, Washington, on July 27, insura~ from July 2, 1970. D i v i s i o n o f W a t e r 1970. The minimum acceptable the Witness my h'and and official Management. seal this 10th day of June, 1970. Department of Water bid per M board feet is: GLEN H. FIEDLER Resources. Douqlas-fir, $38.65; white fir, duril Assistant Director, 6/18-25-2t westernS11"50; westernhemlockredcedar,and $5.95;other City Division of Water NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S coniferous species, $15.85. In Management. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Department of Water Resources. UNDER SPECIAL EXECUTION 6/25-7/2-2t CAUSE NO. 9499 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON NATIONAL FOREST COUNTY. eta TIMBER FOR SALE, OLYMPIC H. WADE LEROY, d/b/a N A T I O N A L F O R E S T , LEROY LAND SURVEYING WYNOOCHEE PROJECT R/W plaintiff, vs. H. DAVID GRACE SALE. AND JANE DOE GRACE, Located within T. 22 and 23N., husband and wife Defendant. R. 7W., partially surveyed. Public Under and by virtue of a notice is hereby given that special execution issued out of pursuant to the provisions of and under the seal of the Superior Section 5 of Public Law 273, Court of the State of Washington, 78th Congress (58 Star. 132-16, in and for said County, on the U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and the 16th day of June, 1970, upon a Cooperative Agreement for the judgment rendered in said Court, Management of the Participatingon the 18th day of May, 1970, in Forest Properties in the Shelton favor of H. Wade LeRoy, d/b/a Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit Leroy Land Surveying and against entered into by and between theH. David Grace and Jane Doe United States of America and the Grace, husband and wife for the Simpson Timber Company, dated sum of One Thousand Five December 12, 1946, an estimatedHundred-Sixty-Three ($1,563.00) 1,320 M board feet of timber Dollars, together with attorney's marked or otherwise designated fees, interest, costs and increased for cutting will be sold to costs, and to me directed and Simpson Timber Company, delivered, commanding me to sell Seattle, Washington, on June 30, the following described property 1970. The minimum acceptable to satisfy said judgment, to wit: bid per M board feet is: The North half of the Douglas-fir, $72.70; western Northwest Quarter of Section hemlock and other coniferous 17 of Township 22 North and species, $39.50; western redcedar, Range 1 West of the Willamette $33.10; all species hardwood, Meridian, Mason County, $14.25. Additional deposit Washington; less the West required for slash disposal is 990.00 Feet andlesstheSouth None. All Included Timber shall 618.00 feet of the East 618.00 be given Domestic Process ng. feet situated Westerly of the Bidders areadvisedthatviolationshighway and excepting the of the Domestic Processing John Smith Tract. requirement constitutes breach of N O T I C E I S H E R E B Y contract and may result in GIVEN. That on Friday the 24th contract cancellation, or in refusal day of July, 1970, at 10 o'clock to award timber sa es to the in the forenoon or said day, I will violator, or debarment or sell the above described property, suspension from bidding on or so. much thereof as may be future timber sales. If requested necessary to satisfy said by the State of Washington or by judgment, together with Grays Harbor or Mason Counties, attorney's fees, interest, costs and or by any person deemed to have increased costs, in all amounting a reasonable interest in the to the sum of Two Thousand, Six proposed sale, or n its terms, a H u n d r e d - E i g h t y - S e v e n public hearing will be held in the ($2,687.00) Dollars. Plus Sheriff's office of the Forest Superv sor, Costs. Federal Building, Olympia, Said sale will take place at the Washington, on the 26th day of East door of the Court House at June 1970 at 2:00 p.m., PDT. Shelton in said County and State, Requests for public hearing will and will be at public auction, for not be considered unless received cash in hand to the highest and in the office of the Forest best bidder. suoervisor. Federal Buildina, Dated at Shelton, Wash., this Olympia. Washinqton. on or 17th day of June, 1970. before June 15, 1970. Dated JOHN D. ROBINSON May 26, 1970, Wynne M. Maule, Sheriff of said County. Forest Supervisor, Olympic By Ann Rose Chief Civil, National Forest. Deputy. 6/4-11 - 18 -25 -4t 6/25 -7/2 -9 - 16-4t