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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 25, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 25, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SIGN THESE ARE FOUR examples of signs designating scenic highway routes which are being tried by the State Highway Department. Highway 101 in Mason County is one of the highways on which the signs are being tried. / ives Matlock cently ton epartment for their when the e Highways 19, 1970, of $100 IlrS n,ng Task Force it will or the next Problems of urban rewards to them. "Litter and vandalism on state highways cost Washington state taxpayers more than $1 million in 1969," said Vern L. Dorsey, Assistant Director for Maintenance. To help curb this expensive six different reservations around the state, holding hearings in order to channel input into the formulation of legislation for Indian Affairs. Will be Miss Miller, a Colville Indian, according stated that the Task Force Affairs decided to look at several areas of the Task concern including water rights, has been fishing rights, land use on Governor'sreservations, de facto termination, on Urban education, law and order, inn emplnyment assistance, housing and voting rights. Executive The group's first meeting was tribal held last Thursday in the to lend Secretary of State's office. effort Secretary A. Ludlow Kramer is a Indian Task Force member. will visit destruction the rewards are offered by the Washington State Highway Commission for information leading to the arrest and conviction of vandals found guilty of destroying Washington State Highway Department property. Don Byrd of Okanogan, in Okanogan County, received his reward for reporting a person writing with a spray paint can on the pavement of State Highway 20. The vandal was later convicted and fined in court of highway vandalism. Fred Lang of Oak Harbor, in Island County, reported damage to signs on State Highway 525. He found a part of an auto license tab and turned it over to the local State Patrol Office. Following an investigation, six youths were found guilty of damaging the highway signs and were convicted and fined in court. In order to encourage more citizens to accept personal responsibility in reporting vandalism the Washington State Highway Commission is paying rewards following conviction of vandals. A larger reward is offered for reporting damage to Washington State Highway rest areas. The By DORA HEARING MATLOCK-The Matlock Community Church will present another Moody Science Film, "Window of the Soul". It will be at 7 p.m. June 28. Matlock Grange held its Pot Luck supper last Friday night and had one visitor, Joe McAlfrey of Cloquallum. It was decided to postpone the first meeting in July, July 3. Grange Master and Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier spent the past week at Vancouver attending the Grange Convention. The wedding of Miss Donna Lee Owen and James Hollatz was held at Faith Luthern Church at Redmond last Saturday evening. Donna is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Owen former Matlock residents, and James is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollatz. Many relatives and friends attended. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bozarth of Dayton were Sunday afternoon callers at the Elvin Hearing home. Dick Cockburn returned Sunday from a week's fishing trip East of the mountains. He brought his father with him to visit for some time. The Mary M. Knight and the Forrestry fire turcks were called out Sunday afternoon when a small fire got started at Ripple Wood near Simpson's Salmon Hatchery. Terry and Tyler Diggle of McCleary spent the past week with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley. Mr. and Mrs. 1. C Ford had Father's day dinner with The tierbert Brehmeyer Jr. family. Harvey Singleton of Seattle 4-H Club Has Meeting At Home Of Leader spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker spent the weekend in Seattle with the Pat Walker family. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith and family of Aberdeen spent the weekend with the Archie Kelley family. Mrs. Archie Kelley spent Thursday in Shelton with Mrs. Ralph Pauley. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry and Dundee ttopkins and Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier attended the Goodburn family picnic at Westport Sunday. Connie Goodburn and Dundee Hopkins are spending a few days at the Bradberry home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston and family of Satsop and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brehmeyer and baby of Grisdale were Sunday dinner guests at the Herbert Brehmeyer Sr. home. Mrs. Mary Chrisman, Jeff and Greg Christenson and Susan Cards of Thanks Washington State Highway The kindness and sympathy of Commission in cooperation with By MRS. RAY KRATCHA Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kratcha, neighbors and friends and T I"1 the Automobile Club of SOUTHS1DE-Four Leaves 4-H Mrs. Janice Cookson and Jackie, especially Simpson Timber Co. in o ,,ave Washington and the Inland Club met June 20 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wolf, Bridzett our recent sorrow will always m'- ttl Automobile Association offers a leader Mrs. Helen Bakke. and Syril of Port Orchard and Mr• memory.remain withour sincereUS as athanksPreciOUSand J. E a e $200 reward for information There were six girls present, and Mrs. Glen Kratcha, Michael gratitude for all those comforting leading to the arrest and Demonstrations were givenby and Shelly visited Mr. and Mrs. acts. ter delegates from the State of conviction of vandals found guilty Jud Hurst, Joy Nestell, Ruth Ray Kratcha on various days last Mrs. Betty Petereit of of destroying Washington State Nestell, Eva Godwin and Candice week. and family 6/25 atchtower Ociety is Seattle GOodwill,, Will draw annual Center ae of Dr. vidson, were on the 24 elected are °spital Ronald Other Shelton BOard three of the and Washington and Western Oregon. Lisk. Highway rest areas. Anyone observing incidents involving damage to State Highway property and Highway rest areas are urged to contact the nearest law enforcement agency or nearest state Highway facility to claim rewards. With active citizen participation, the Washington State Highways Department can greatly reduce the staggering total now paid out for damage to highway property. Attends School Richard N. Holmes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Holmes, Shelton, is attending Aviation Officer Candidate School at the Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla. An expected attendance is upward of 15,000. Strom commented, "This four-day Bible-centered program is designed to help all modern-day Christians put into practice sound Bible principles, which too many people today, are considered outmoded and obsolete. "The "rooming work,~' continued Strom, "was begun June 20 in Seattle. Volunteers from 27 congregations began the search for rooms for the visitors in private homes in addition to hotels and motels. "All persons interested in learning Jehovah God's answer to the problems, confusion and distress of our times, are welcome to attend all these free informative sessions." Strom concluded. congra Mel and Don led our entire Washington Division in Life insurance production in May. They are believers in the Unigard concept of one-stop insurance service, and we're proud of their success in solving clients' financial needs. They protect people and people's stuff! If you have a problem.., why not phone them? 426-3317. MEMBER Unigard Insurance Group The girls brought cookies and they judged the cookies that each one brought. Each one brought something for a relish tray and each one brought a different vegetable. The next meeting will be June 30 at 10 a.m. Visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wetmore was their granddaughter Isla Saling who came down from Tyonek, Alaska. Sunday being Father's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wetmore were their son Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wetmore and two daughters Debbie and Cindy of Bellevue and Ginger Olsoe. Visitor of Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Stuck was their daughter Dorothy McCauley of Tacoma who came last Thursday and left Sunday. make it so simple no claims to file no borrowing Being Have you noticed a series of colorful highway signs on the westbound lane of Highway 101 between Shelton and Olympia, ,just east of Kaiser Road? And wondered what they were? These are test signs from which one will be chosen for permanent use to identify the scenic and recreational highways designated by the state legislature. All of Highway 101 in Mason County and Highway 106 from its junction with 101 to Belfair are included in this system which totals 1,883 miles throughout the state. Staff and directors of the Highway Department and the State Parks and Recreation Commission will view the designs in Dial the Operator, ask for Tupper spent the weekend in Tacoma at the Bill Chrisman home. There will be Pinochle Party at the Grange Hall this Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Less Bozarth as host and hostess. This community is mourning the death of Leo Bishop of Shelton, Sunday night. He was a former Matlock resident. Our condolence is offered to his family. By State and formulate their recommendation to both agencies sometime in July. The permanent signs will be approximately 30 inches square, which is larger than the two feet square test signs. They will include wording to indicate particular attractions such as "picnic area". Cosmetics YOU BUBBLES vs. CRYSTALS Q. What's the difference between bubble bath, bath salts, and bath crystals? A. Bubble bath usuallyI consists of detergent (or some other foaming agent) perfume oils . . • color . .. and a water-softening agent• It is available in powder, liquid, tablet, or capsule form. Bath salts, which are also called bath crystals, are salts with perfume oils.., color • . . and sometimes a water-softening agent added. Nell's Pharmacy Emergency Ph. 426-2165 Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 FREE SILVER IF YOU WERE BORN IN JUNE, 1920 AND ARE A CAPITAL SAVER OR WILL OPEN A NEW ACCOUNT, CAPITAL SAVINGS WILL GIVE YOU A FREE RARE SILVER DOLLAR HIGHEST FSLIC INSURED RATE IN THE STATE.I THE LOWEST HOME LOAN RATES IN THE AREAI FSLIC INSURANCE • ~ INCREASED Ot~l /,I ! .qIk I TO $20,000.00 o o ~ L;ap]tal bav~, ;!IIIIK" ~ SHELTON -- First & Railroad, 426-fl211 v~7~(~" Home Office: Olympia T Olympia -- Montesano -- Vancouver -- Shelton no forms to fill no waiting for checks 000 000 000 flUBflORIBER Nta 3-0 GROUP IIIUI ~Jlt =1 just show the identification card ZENITH 854S Thursday, June 25, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 23