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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 26, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 26, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHEL—TON-MASON g . Bagging. . l GrapeVi-ew Woman '3 Passes In Tacoma; Mrs. Ben Johnson, resident of Grapeview for several years, died, at a Tacoma hospital Wednesdayi She is survived by her hus-l band. a brother, George B. Smith' of Shelton, and her parents, James and Ione Smith of Olympia. A Funeral arrangements are pend—K ing. L 5i New Administrator Assumes Duties Here Harry C. Windell, new Mason H‘toiinty \t‘cll'are administrator, ar-i Srivm here this week to assumei {his new duties as successor to! Glenn Kati-lifi', recently resigned! , Mr. Wiiidcll comes .here fromi il’acii‘ic County, where he had been working with the Wartime? it‘i'vil Control Administration onl lionii from the state welfare dc-I partinent. ' UNCLE 6AM; GOLDlERS EM BETTER THAN THOSE IN ANY OTHER ARMY—w- THElR DAILY RATION lNCLUDES l2 OUHCE5 OF MEAT, IO DUNCEG OF BREAD, FMS“ MlLK, 5 CUPS OF COFFEE, 9 ‘10 lo ODNCES OF VEGETABLES, E665, 5UGAR, $01“! ER AN? CONDlArlENYS... [IO WONDER OUR SOLDIERS 'MWIE IS Iii/Gill Shamanism! AN ARKANSAS women wars who ms WILL THA‘T HIS zoo ACRES orwoomnuos "SHALL B: LOGGED UNDER we sucrAisso yinv MPer "—- ey curious no MORE mess 1mm "muse Wlu. REPLACE arms: we NEXT HARVEST SEASON. HUNDRED: or AMERICAN re REST owusns. LARGE ANV emu ARE GUARANTEEle 1M1 was worn LANDs WILL FEDDL‘CE oases PERPH'UALLY/ r/fi \ ’ 7"r».’:?h'"r‘~fl F" Are You Prepared First Aid Kits 49¢ to $15.00 inir Drug Store OUR MODERN sweep. aromas; we 9AM: mourn 0? AlUMleM A5 DO 60.000 carve: Peacornonsm..‘mis was as»: iDEA WW WI Mosx ewe u? AlUMlNUM cooxmo UTENSILS FOR was common! Tips On Substitutes For Sugar Are Noted Price Ceilings (Continued from Page One) i holder bought the shingles and,‘ hired a man to lay them, how—i ever. the repair would not come under the ceiling. The regulation automatically licenses every firm in the con-' sumer services field and makes violators subject to revocation of their license to do business. HAND INJURY TREATED James Hickam, Rayonié’r em— ploye, entered Shelton hospital Monday for treatment of an in- ljui'y to his right hand. The kitchen brigade is shifting attention from refined white su- gar to other sweeteners for cakes and cookies now that su-- gar rationing is in effect. If you use honey as a replacement, ex— perts advise that the measure- ments be matched cup for cup. iHowever, use one half the quan- . :tity;,of any-~l-iquid required. . For example, revise the original re- cipe listing one cup of sugar and one cup of milk to one cup of honey and a half cup of milk. Other ingredients remain the Isame. This tip is contained in “Victory Begins At. Home,” a pamphlet of recipes to match the homemaker’s sugar quota. It is distributed by the Consumer Divi- sion of the GPA. SHELTON VALLEY '|v, OO—oofiioaches Sponsored by Shelton Eagles ‘ Rau’s Orchestra Saturday, June 27 i Admission 25¢ -— Tax 5,: . Here‘s a quick safe odorless way to help you keep your home free from these pests—simply sprinkle BUHACH across their trails and in cracks and crevices. BIIHACH—for over 00 years—is- one of the best protections against Y these nasty loathsome pests. In Handy Sifter Cans 25c up at Drug, Grocery, Seed Stores and Pet Shops. Total 30¢ per person . 'BUHACZH l Dancing 9:30 to 1:30 Pkououncso nu'iiAcx l i i i Each hour during the past month, life insurance paid to Am-I erican families nearly $300,000. .maintaining the constant flow of benefits to policyholders and beneficiaries which has come to have an importance stabilizing linfluence on the national econ-I omy. BUTTER zibs. 89c KOOL :6 101' 1. CERTO “pm” Vegetable Noodle Pfi'éiiiN SOUP 3bottles . .. 45¢ 3'pkgs. . . . . 27¢, FRUIT COCKTAIL .... ._ 2 cans 29¢ 3 pkgs. 27¢ PORK & BEANS ........ .. 3 cans 27¢ SUNBRITE ................ .. 6 cans 29¢ BROOMS ....................... ..-. each 49¢ Corn or Gloss Starch .... .. 3 for 25¢ Baker’s Premium 1/2-lb. CHOCOLATE ....... .. 2 bars 35¢ ASPARAGUS ...... 2 cans 35¢ Eagle Brand Sweetened MILK For Puddings, Cakes, etc. 2 a... ________ .. 45¢ STEER BEEF SODAS ............ __ 2am. 31¢ ,. _. V lb. 270 GEMS ---- " 2'11’5' 33¢ SLICED—MORREL'S VEAL or LAMB Stew . . Z-lbs. Fresh Ground Lettuce... Zheads 9¢ ggpiggcraggrmgém ill-22¢ BEETS and i Pork . . . ._. . . . 1b. T I . , , , 3 f MEATY SHORT mas .1... or ¢ Boiling Beef . . . .. lib... Radishes .... 3 “bu. 10¢ Pure Pork Sausage 113.25 SALMON — HALI BUT Local Asparagus . Z-ibs. 25¢, VEGETABLES Tomatoes . i Friday after in fighting for errors. If you know some wli name has been overloukc wing service (viz: under Army Mason (1. or \tl'll ' and so should not be on th ciat‘ itcf‘li’lll‘n such information as we plan to publish this list from iinio-lo»1inw is space permits and will correct the list as we receive that iiil‘oiii.:itioii. "Indicates deceased or missing; l'. S. ARMY Aardal, Sigrud A. Gray, Guayiord Olson, Irving Adolplison. Carl Greene, Ernest H. Oliiiid. Robert L. Allen, Robert A. Hall. Francis M. Oppelt. Elwyn Anderson. James Hall, Roy F. ()rvas. Paul . ‘ Jess Handly, Jim Parker. Stanley Andi :. Ambrosi- R. Harris. Norman Pearce, Jack B. Arnisirong. Paul Hepner, Edwin Pearce, Richard L. Ayers. Earl C. Hess. James W. Pearcy, Marvin Bacon, James C. Hill. C. E. Peterson. Owen lailey, William V. Hill, Richard Petty. Edwin Banner, Roy I-lillman, Harvey A. Petty. Robert Barber. Hartley E. Hiiboki. George Phillips, Donald C. Baiiekman. Clarence Hoiiodel, James W. Phillips, Melvin Barnhard, Lyle F3. Hulbert,‘Donald Pitts, George H. Bassctt, Carl Jacobs, Paul E. Powell. Charles W. Bassett. Louis Jacobson, Harold Ream, Charles Beckwith, Warren M. James, Fred Ream. Jack Bedcil, Glenn James, Percy W. Rickards. Russell Beerbower. Leonard Jennings, George Richards. Merlin 0. Bennett, Bert A. Johnson. Russell Rivers. Lester Bennett, Gordon Johnson. Thor Robertson. Wayne. Bernert, Lawrence R. Keith, Fred Rodenlier‘g. Henry Bindara, Raymond R. Kidwell, Donald Roessel, ack Bishop, Willis Blubaugh. Elmer Bolling, Richard Bowman. Herbert C. Brandt. Donald Brassfield, Earl Brockopp, Richard Brownfield, Delmar Killitz, Max Kolmorgan. Lee, Lawrcn Burklund. Roy Lee. Torger Shaw. Raymond Butler. Jack Lewis, Edward I. Siren, Bernard Butler. William Linton. JCS.) Skaar. Laurence ‘ Canaday, Rolland R. Lovlcss. Jay Slyter. Ira L. Cassidy, John B. Lund, Robert R. Smart, George A. , Cawker. Allan Lynch. Dan Smiley, Elvin Chipman. Harry McClanahan. Clay Smith, John Edward Clark. Fred A. McCreai-y, Lyle Snelgrove. Ned Clark, Jessie McDonald, Don Solbcck. Kenneth Compton. Harold McGee. Glenn Sewers, Harold ,Corri‘gnn, Edward Cowling, Warren C. Culp, Milton H. Deane, Ray DeVancy, Carl Deyette. Harry Jr. Dillenberg, Raymond Dinning, John A. Donaldson, Blanton Eager. Robert Eaton. Jack Edgbert, James McHenry, C McNeil, Main, John Mays, Jack This following list of Mason County boys and men nowengaged Uncle Sam undoubtedly has numerous omissmns and . or if someone‘s name included who you know is no Killough. Homer King, LeRoy Kosmonek. Peter Lamb. Arthur F. Leasy. Walter T. McGee. Richard D. McKelvy, Leonard McKinney. Herbert A. . Angus McNeil. John Matson, Edwin J. Madsen. Bill Mallon, Arthur J. Meyer, Harry R. OUNTY J OURNAIJ County boy in the armed forces 1 if we have listed someone under when he actually is in Army Air t in the is list. The Journal would appre— i Roundtrce, Carl SaW) er. George T. Schmidt, Max Schirmer, William Schumacher, Howard Schumacher. M. Carinox Schwietering, R. V. Sergeant, Lewis W. Melvin CC Spear. David J. Spring. Ira Lou Spring, Robert Stewart, Glenn Taylor. James I“. Baylor, Edwin W. Thompson, Kay roukkala. Eino Townsend, J. Mllburn Tingstead, Roy- Trousil. Adolph Vincent. Harry arrol Eidemiller, George Mays, Warren Warner. Fred E. Ellison, Leonard Mildethun. Alvin S. Webb, Leslie Elscn, Eugene Dale Miklethun, Oscar Weeks, William Elson, Lewis Fred Mildenberger. Nick Wells. Lee Eslinger, Damon Miller, Josef Weston, Clyde TV. Evans, James F. Mitchell. Robert White. Donald Evans, Joseph W. Moore, Harold Whiting, John F. Fisher, Emmett Moore, John B. Wills, Homer Lon Fisher, Lawrence Morgan. Marvin Willey, Bruce Falling, Gilard Morgan, Melvin Williams, Lester G. Fenton. Alvie J. Morris, Arthur R. Willis, Toni Foster. Preston Morris, Robert P. Wolf, Donald Frank, Adolph Moss, Cecil A. Wolfe, Jesse. Fraser, Lincoln W. Neal, Robert Woodard, Robert Freeman, Alden P. Nebel, Merle Woodworth, Arthur J. Fretz, Gerald Needham. Lawrence Wright, Joseph Fry, Jack Nelson, Donald N. Yeager, N Fuson, Walter C. Nelson, Lau Gleason, Harold Glick. Truman Ogden, rel Youngblood, Albert the PRiCE CEILIN Henceforth, please, The change in title became ef- fective this week along with the announcement—and w a r n i n g~— that merchants must post a sche— dule of their price ceiling lists with the War Price Board by July 1. The boards offices are in the Social Security Building at Sixth *and Railroad, where Mrs. Frank, Russell. Clel'r'. of the board, holds ' daily hours of 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. At its weekly meeting last week. War Price Board announced adoption of two policies: 1. re- quests for information must here» after be accompanied by stamped, self-addressed envelopes inas— much as the board has no funds, for postage or stationery; 2. ap— sugar (under the relaxed canning sugar allowances) must be accompanied by evidence showing the neces—‘ plications for additional sity. The board, which is composed of Chairman E. J. Wright, Secretary Maxine Briggs, and Harry Carlon. approved the following tire and tube applications: Charles Heine, one truck recap and one tube, logging truck; Shell Oil Co., Inc.. Frank Worden; O. T. Har-i rison, Shelton, two passenger re- Emmett C. Williams, Shelton, Route 3 three passenger recaps, transportation; (Vincent E. Paul, One new truck tire; caps, transportation; truck, two new tires, two tubes hauling supplies, one passenger tion; recap, I the correct‘ Etitle is Mason County War Price i Board-whet Rationing Board. Mason County equipment and men for road construction; Roy M. Fraisure, Star Route, Gig Harbor, i transporta- ,3 NOW IT’S WAR PRICE BOARD; GET G LISTS IN JULY 1 Star Route 2, navy yard worker; Max D. Peterson, Star Route, aShelton. transportation to work; Alex A. Bartels, Hoodsport, trans- portation. to work; Warren F Marrath, salesman for wholesale foods; Thomas E. Stephens, Bel- C. B. Michell, Shelton mail carrier. . from Shelton to Olympia. In preparation for increased de- fense construction activities un- der the Victory program outlined by the President, the Army early this year announced the purchase enough to make up a freight train 300 miles long, comprising 30,000 carloads. DO YOU KNOW ? h Washlnqi‘nn 59-». humor.“ (cu—«dun... , Fayette McMullen, second terri- torial governor of Washington, was appointed by President Buch- anan in 1857 after J. Patton An- derson, first United States mar— shal of the territory, failed to ' qualify on his appointment as rgovernor. Charles H. Mason, sec- retary of the territory, had served -, as acting governor the interim. ed from Virginia in the 315t, 32nd. A' E- Cleveiandr Sheitm‘r “"0 ; 33rd and 34th congresses. Follow- new truck tires, log hauling; Rea. Strandwold and George C. Strand- five passenger recaps and five tubes, transporta- tion; Clifton B. Borden, Star'Route four new truck tires and four tubes, hauling farm pro- , duce and wood; Washington State. Forestry Department, Harry Wil- wold, Hoodspont, 1 Shelton, Iis, Shelton, two new truck tires two tubes, fire patrol. Charles E. Harris, Shelton, four transportation . 15 newt truck tires and tubes, for three passenger recaps, as Transportation Co.,— Shel busses, Charles Dahlman, ton, two passenger recaps, trans- portation; W. 0. Walker, Matlock two truck tires, one tube, hauling- feed to farm and market and haul ing wood; Charles R. Henderson,;‘ mg his period as governor he was elected during the Civil War to the Congress of the Confederate States of America. In his message to the Legisla- ;called attention to the necessity for military roads' for protection against the Indians, advocated the northern route for the proposed transcontinental railroad and 0b- jected forcefully to Oregon’s at- tempt to annex part of the terri- tory. Considerable controversy re- sulted from the legislative divorce 7 his Virginia wife in 1858, enabling him to marry the daughter of :1 Thurston County pioneer. v fair. transportation to work and1 of 750,000 board feet of lumber.’ McMullen had previously servw ture of 1857 Governor McMullena which the Governor obtained fromi Neuert, Jack Thomas Youngblood. Emil Youngblood, William Itube, transportation; Clarence Wi— 1 Union, one passenger recap, one' vell, Route 1, Shelton, one new tire| one recap and two tubes, mail car- rier; Albert Marion, Shelton, two,1 passenger recaps and two tubesu Odell Richey, Star Route 1, Shel—i ton, two passenger recaps, trans—E pox-tation; Frank A. Ferguson; Shelton, two new truck tires, threef tubes, transportation; and S. Thompson, Hoodsport, five passen— Now Roux JUNIOR, REGULAR and SUPER 12’s Graffc, Robert Olson, Carrol Yurkas. Walter. Zukowski, Joe Nick I}. S. NAVY Abeyta; Arthur Harrier, John Prante, Del Adams. Harvey Hillier, James Rains, Carl Adams, Percy Holmes, Ellswurth Rains, Robert Anderson, Wallace *Jones, Harold Rayson, Dave Bare, Raymond Johns. David Reed. Charles E. Barnes. Lawrence Johnson. Danny F‘. Richardson, Don Bcck, William J. Jr. Labor. John Jr. Ristine. Rexford Bednarski. Robert Lambert, Memory Robbins, Harvey W. Bina, Norvai Lee. Timothy Schauer, Arthur J. Bishop, Leo Lee. Richard *Schufl'enhauer, Louis Bleecker, Lawrence Lindberg. Charles Sharpe, Wally Road. LeRoy. G. Logan. Willie Shoat, Jack Cameron, Sam (latte. Jack Jr. Cole. Charles Fourre, Glenn Olds, Dave Curtiss, Nuel S. Ervin. Robert J. Neal, Fixemer, Walter J. Fredson, Mark Holman, Nat Pudas. Ver 1.7.51. NAVY Anderson. Myron Huff, Jame Burnett, Commodore, Clothier. Milton Cox, Henry W. Dalby. Edwin J. Delano, Melvin Doherty, Fred Drake. Don English, Samuel L. Einarson, Allan Kneeland. chett, Bill Boardman, Ben Hutchinson. Carlson. Isaac W. Dickinson. ‘Don Fadden, ARMY NURSE Boylan. Frances M Hart. Frances Lynn, Joe Lord, Byron McKenzie, Frank McMahan, Edwin Cook, John E. Meyer, Dan R. Steen, Elwood Cox. Robert Miller. Jack Stevens. Glenn Craddi’ck. Mark Mitchell. Jack Stuck. Loren Crossman. Del Moe, John Stuck, Russell Dcffinbaugh. Robert Molesworth, Miles Stuck, Vernon Dittman. Archie Morrow. Howard J. Sutherland. Jack Edmiston, Joe Nelson. Bruce Sutton. Charles Getty, Gene Nowell. Robert Swanson, David Ells, William Nutt. Stewart Wald-rip. James Garrison, John Olson. Melvin Wolcott. Berry Gliddcn, Byron Powell, Jack *Youngblood, Edmund U. S. ARMY AIR GOMS Anderson, Ambrose Jackson. Clarence Radke. Fred M. Anderson. Harold , Jamison. Gilbert Ran. Norris Armstrong, Preston Johnson. Beryl Satra, Donald Arndt, Elmer Kelly, James W. Jr. Stetson, Loring Carlson. Glen Kneeland, Dave Stewart. Glenn Coates. Robert W. Jr. Langmead, Raymond Tiffany. Leonazd McClanahan. Barney Deaver, James McComb, William H. Vigor. William Dion, Omer McCreary, FranCXS Vincent, Harry Elliott, Miles Mead. Benjamin Walton, Leonard Robert Nordwcll. Ernest Cakes, William C Kiiceland. George Noll, Robert Flint. Wilbur Osterberg. Ralph Greenly, Harry U. S. MARINES Allison. Jack Hall. Merle Cameron. William Hilligoss, Ralph Cole, Jack Kadoun, Leonard 17.5. AR 3' RESERVE Anderson. Clarence Banner, on Forman, Dr. B. B. Bell, Dr. Allen 1’. S. NAVAL RESERVE Adams. Lester A. Einarson, James Murray, Raymond Brodie. Doane Gabrielson, Arne Needham, Maurice Call nan, Dale Hill. Roger. 1V Pabst. Avery A. Clar , Lester Dean Hopg. Harris Quinn, Bud Coulson, rry, Ho latz. Henry E. Reed. W111 G. Cox, Charles D. Hutson, John G- Schaver, Arthur Crossnian, Lynn James, John Sharpe. ‘ ay Jr. Kidd. Wilbur Look. Richard McDonald, Lee McGinnis. LOWen v. s. COAST GUARD Johnson. Oscar Kenneth Simmons. Gallagher Skaar. Cliff Squire. Gordon Westcott. Carl Viger. Joe Weber. Jack E.‘ Weeks, Don Weyand, Fred non AIR CORPS 9 Rose. Perry Waldburger. Robert Wiss. David ‘ Wiss. Donald LcCompte. Tom Pearson. Bob Sanderson. Lawson (air corps) Somers,; award Taylor, Justin Werberger, William Wyatt, Stanley Yeck, William C. Zandell, Chas. Merlyn Albert Moore. Gene Powell, Harry Stensager, Norman Travis, Frank Jr. NAVY NURSE Harmon, Ann 1‘ Alaska Evacuees and Baby Reach Shelton Mrs. Lester Dodson and her .baby daughter arrived in Shelton being evacuated from Yakutat, Alaska, where Mr. Dodson is employed in war work. She is the former Delores Smith of Shelton. Mrs. Dodson and baby will make their home for the dur- ation with her grandmother, Mrs. Martha Deer. HOSPITAL PATIENT Charles Hargrove of Shelton entered Shelton hospital Wednes— day for medical care. ’ooiund This Wonk CITE! MARKET Journal Represented At Press Convention Mr. and Mrs. J. .1}. Angle and son Grant were visitors Friday and Saturday in Seattle at the ' annual meeting of the Washing- ton Newspaper. Publishers] Asso- ciation. As guests of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce the state publishers were royally entertain- ed during their two day stay ‘ Features Were a boat trip on the ‘ Sound and a visit to the ‘Boeing plant with several luncheons and dinners sponsored by various groups. The Journal was further . represented on Saturday by Bill -.Dickie and Miss Lillian Warren of the news staff. ._.. Evangelist Comes To Foursquare July. 1 Special evangelistic meetings will open July 1 at the Four Square Gospel church at '910 E. Dearborn street with Evangelist Walter Wentworth of Hollywood as the speaker and conducting v nightly programs, reports Rev. W. ~ BA. Lambert. The public is car- dially inVited to attend any and all of the programs. ' ger recaps, transportation. ed: George M. King, The following applications fori purchase of new cars were allow- Shelton, navy yard worker; George Turner, i“ 22¢ i Fir Drug Store Only ................ .. suu'aniri—z BEST VALUVEe—M-oz. ‘l , l l i i l. i} i 7 if I ,, MATCHES BLAYSAFE Carto,n.‘.._v_....___.k. 1g‘oiiss'illls I ypkgsf... _____ ._ i l. ,l PhillipS, 23-07,. , !. Bangui; l Lard 2-lbs. realm 2 .......... .. 25g SBECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Zior 9" ‘ - 26-oz. Butter His. 39" Butterscotch Bastion. Beans Coconut «Cream Cubes FRESH, LOCAL PEfl‘S . . :lillllflf _. . . .Z-liead ~ DRY l. WASH I‘NGfii‘ON NEW 9%, ,SPllflS . . . . 8-HJS. J'U ICE GREEN WATERMELONS — STRAWBERRIES *— RADls Friday, June 263 '° Too Late to Class. FOR SALE: broken and 11 horses, 2 to 7 years. ‘ ling by Richmont Stark, Alderbi'ook Stab1 ion. 26——7- _~ Cameo brooch P. Railroad and Cota. Re quire Journal. B-G‘. l IFOR SALE: 2 female and breeding cage. '33.. Inquire Mrs. E. Schmid 2, Box 22, Capitol Hill. fos'r; “Siding"logiinit and white. Valuable to Phone 299-J. ; FOUND: boat on Cranberry Lake. tify and pay for adv. strong, Capitol Hill, 6-26- ‘. FOR SALE: 1"}.‘(16ig W3 tent with 31;» foot sidOW so veneer partitions an Excellent condition. 1/ electric motor. Phone ‘ Nr-r».6—2o--7<.3. , - YOU, ARE COVERED for , cident for $.25 per dayf' time the rate is cheaper' Angle, Agent. i pinimou'. THEATRE l . Friday—Saturday Shelton, Wash. J u N E 25-27 i TWO FEATURES i l Roy Rogers “SOUTH 0F ‘ SANTA rE” ‘ -—- PlJLS —-— ,_ t “MR. BUG GO TO TOWN” Sunday . TWO FEATURES v 'fays abou ssociation , ,. l ”' . “IN OLD p” My? i , CALIFORNIA gin John Wayne t fighanks, S . and a large caS ..| ting eq ations h. It W‘THE REMARK “‘ ,, ,, general drops forcs‘ 1 Brian Donlevy a“impede 1 ‘ Ellen Drew ‘ “‘1 delay Thurs, July 2 ‘ o 3 , 20¢ NlTE ‘ 5 TWO FEATURES , , ~ , d to , . i “so WEST” .-boam’"i~‘§;‘. Marx Brothers the :QUare I: ‘A . “DOWN 310 ..egitrpiaie GRANDE WA S of V 11 0 . Chas. Starrett £5981}? ROCK DELL STARCH . 1 Pkg. .......... ._ SYRUP BONNIE BEST KLEENEX 440 Count . 23c . 2-.lbs. . .. iloz. -2ilozen ~ ONJQNS