June 26, 1942 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Page F011! -sxmwm—mmcuggyyg JOURuey, _W..c__._--_ -_ “WWW --_
Sgfillilonliéfhuiiil i
Consolidijegywitpl T‘heaShelton Independent Skokomish G—mnge
will ‘
u ‘ '1 ' ' Be Taught Here? :2.
Member of V‘Vashingtoll Newspaper Publishers‘ Association Z j. t
lunchtime . . .
, . ” . .I i I l . I VVlth the ObJeCthO of seeing that Meetings will bC
and National Editorial Association.
Entered as second-class matter at thr- postofi'ice at Shelton,
every rural family takes part in 0nd Friday during. the .~
the war program, a neighborhood I
i Fires cost farmers of the State .
. n . , _ leadership program has been set, ~ w
of Washington an ax erage of $1, up in Mason County.
New Paint Mixer I 1‘
Attracts Notice . '
At gatto Store
Saving both time and labor for
the painter, a new painting-mix-
ing machine is now in operation
at the J. L. Catto Hardware
The machine consists of two me-
tal discs forming a vise into’
which the can of paint is fas-
tened. An electric motor then ra-
pidly oscillates the can of paint
Subscription Rates:
HY MAIL: $2 per year: 6 months, $1.25: 3 months 75C.
3- EBER ANGLE. Manager @200 every day of the year. .
’4’;“i"~’—1‘::“~51” "5“
**""’"“*‘——d i These figures show that fortth A
g00d Tepl‘e‘senlatlon 0f the‘
BILIIITCKIVE, News Editor moulxni WATSON, Adv. Mgr. jvears 1935 to 1939
immsive’ .70 leaders throughout the county
_ - there were 3,052 farm fires in this “let all 'the 'LlllCOlll
5011001 yeStel'- ;
day to get the background ill-i
YOUTH AND FARM LABOR. llstate. These fires entailed a loss , , M . .
of over $2,256,000 to dwellings, formation as to their lcsponsmll-
r, "our fightin
bin-ll“ countr
We and for f!
5'“ must met
' Our count
l ,
,barnsy poultry houses and (gram l ity. The communities are arrang-
BINNS -— 825 F‘
l .
Dr' and Mrs‘ E‘ W' Burley of lat the present time developing 1.
Price ceiling.
mixing up the contents thorough-
IY- It takes only tW_0 to five min" I GOVCFHOI' Langlie recently
reminded the public of the ,This is the equivalent of a Amid- ed'in
neighborhoods; so that each —. and keep
3315 Oiopgi‘g’: 1;}; dezfigulzheprgfeesz problem of the farmer and
fruit grower in getting help for lden tax” of $5.50 per year for
leader'Will have only a few farm; ,,, a 1!
boon to an‘yone ’Who has ever] ithcir job of feeding the people this
fall, for after all, ifievrefry {prim in téietsttitecm tefial
llleASttOtlfofitaCt. esterda the, V WW“ Ber
had to mix up paint. ‘ I there is a serious shortage pf production of
foods it will: wasze ail}; ifl‘zgrfipted leprodicuon
sevenEpofintfilsfgéggmyésset KP byia WP," sewn
__i.__ ‘ mean short. rations for all- lancer on; and no fooling. gcaused
by fire during wartime, the government was discussed by H 0 lght after
WEEKEND PORTLAND TRIP ; The big wages gomg in all defense industries and
the Extension Service of “the .the county agent and leader-SI}
forced an down the line, puts the farmer as well as small State *Coliege
of Washington is- present. The seven pomts includezl1 n, No
L AA small and
Shelton enjoyed a combined busi-' business out of the com etition for
labor' and turns eveni . . . v. I
“955 and Pleasure ml) to Port' the youngsters without (Ex erience to
the {obs where fallc ‘a-nd organlzlyg‘a Sim}, 0ft WE? ,Stablllze‘f,
fwages ' ti,” large
land last week end returning *v p 3 y fire protection , roug ou . e
VSt-abllze arm_prloes: p r mg ,5 ,
here Monday evening: wages are for the emergency the rule. agricultural
.areas of the state. 4. Discourage credit and install- I _. ._ m, sem
Our young school boys should be willing to do patriotic } The program ls
deglgned t0 30' Ijment 'meg and pay Off debts‘ Convenient .1)
. . - loperate with and supplement the bags unusable. r
. service for modest pay in the. farm and berry fleldS,'fOI', OCD
work in cities and towns 5_ Tax heavily to hold down V, p
I the iorest serVice, or take their places in the smaller JObS over 2,000
population and :the’ profits, 1 . Reasonable ,'
iaround home during the vacation period; thus relieving’Félrest Sfrviee
osmith infiléimbffr—lr g. gatioln essveéitialBartécles.
J .31 '4 '_ ie areas O’pl‘OVl e e S e ~W . urc use ar 011 S.
BETWEEN ltn rnelders ffortservticetlfloi tille more impforfian; work h
“he best possible fire protection Each of these items as it af—, N0 DEL
AY, _, ,
FPIENDS 5 1S .un or una e a e Spuja 0 1g wages as iduring dry summer
months. 'Fire‘fects the nation and each individ-l , HINDS
“ ,come to disturb the normal economic balance of the coun- :protection
in larger cities and,i131Was discussed, Effectual work- ~ ~
By Mervin Getty I ‘ry and instill the idea Of fancy pay for short hours
and lgiggls is being handled 'by thel ingtofsuch atprogram woutlid
pile]; &
. — m‘ _ ' ' + . l . ven .an infla ionary perio sue a“ 4’
V - SEhpeffencfii Sign) Wane-h mu Spill youdqs $01k “gel Under the farm
fire program, as is now occurring, only to be M35011 County -’ . '
HOWDY FOLKS' “Her-ll 3.1" “31 165 W 1611 8 na Ion W1 come do 0
, county extension agents, are followed by disaster later on. & Loan
We heard about a dog catcher earth With a dull thud. :working with the DOD
represen- Neighborhood leaders will 8.5-1 ‘1
ltatives and agencies, to determine sist in keeping all rural families
Title insurance 1‘ if ~'°° SIZE
Aubu'rn Golden i
l counties and selecting a rural fire
Ichief and assistant chief for each
Apparently Henderson, Ickes and others who are bus- ’ such area. These
representatives ‘
' . ‘ ” . il en aged in re ulatin ever hase of domestic lifeiare
being instructed in elimina‘
Repmducmm permission 9mm“ Los Angela TIMES laiid lléllfg only seg one
side ofythFe domestic picture and”.ion of fire hazardsv fire fighting
it was hard to imagine how a , V._
dog catcher with a wooden leg ‘" p
could catch many dogs.
l REACTIONS OF RATIONING ithe unprotected districts in their informed of
pertinent information.
.;. .;. .3.
, and company organization. These
have little concern about all down the line to paralyze busi- leaders win
then secure and train
We mentioned it to one of . r , . .
the boys in the barber shop ‘Don Wlss Moved lClarence South, mess and
public serVice, put the people on short rationsvoiunteer companies of from
_ . I . and boost their cost of living Ito 15 me“ ‘0" “Ch
and he sugg95ted that Per T L B G - - 3:" - 5 Equipment for the
naps the dog catcher just 0 1811 enancyl e a]? TOCQI', The rationing of
gasoline, in the Northwest parthu-‘wm be improvise-d from material
stood on the corner and waited
for the dogs to come to him.
I o - larly, is designed'to put people off the road and it is hav-
awn-able on the farms to avoid
Earher than he eXPeCted- D0“! DIES Hospltal ing that effect, but it is
putting out of business thousands any unnecessary expenditure of.
W's , s of Mr. and Mrs. Laitz' . . . . .
1 S on ‘ 1 l lot gas stations and dealers, and adding to the cost in dol-
l funds Plans are being Worked 0‘“
VViss of Shelton has been promot- . , . . . . .v
’ . . Succumblng to a five-week lll- . - ,for converting readily
ed to the rank of Lieutenant (Jun-lnessj Clarence South, 64’ proprie_
liig out small portions, With the alternate of closmg up. equipment to fire
fighting uses.
181" grad? girthe Uchsi lt‘lavgll‘ inf: tor of a grocery store at
Belfmr l The restriction on _making_new cars will. be justified! Farmers
throughout the state
“$113: Isms 13833: d thirsswléeke as, since 1937, died at Shelton hos-
but1there is no sense in freezmg new cars in the hands , are being urged to
join in the.
Lieut Wiss has been assigneulplglc \Ivl'ii‘ihtl‘la [Of uealers
VVLhICh might well be running rather than rOt- ligngrdéo
i l o i. s r ‘, l .L‘ a . ~ -
to instructors duty at Corpuslbel’ at Belt-air; (,mfydaugmm.y Mrs.
“11%; '01-} the iloorsy the lessons 0t conservulg cars and gas
voluntary companies or by check—
Christi for several months aftertDorothy Wren, a sister. Mrsl 3759 08mg
lCal'llCd. except by a few bad examples, and ing their farms for fire
earning his Wings at Pensacolangaude Antram; a grailddaugh-l needless
hardships might well be avoided. and fire fighting eqmpment with ‘
Florida. last year- ‘ter, Betty Marie Tlll'e, all livingl If it is
true, as hinted, that the government heads the farm fireman. Full informa-
who had a wooden leg. At first
o o
0.0 o o 5 o
. Week End Specials
There's no waiting for serv-
ice at THE CUB. Best of eV- 1
erything served in snappy
Shortening 3,, -
ill Bremcrton' another sister Mrs.i - . . . . tion on the program may
be se-
7 I , r3 ~ i 1 ~
Anna Sprague and a brotherypre mailing a.1 these restrictions in order to
keep the cured from the county extension
Judge (3, South, both of Wap: 12001318 Irom spending their money for usual
needs, thus offices.
Phone 100 for a Journal Want-Ad
i seka, Ill. iiorcing the buying of bonds with their surplus rather than
‘, -—-—-~—-—‘ ,‘
1 Mr. South was born a; Watseka, '; what has now become luxury and even
excluding the buy- ‘ '
i a . , . . ~ '. . . . i .
igloeverorlgiecre ltflgclos‘dn‘t/xl/mlceleizli mg 01 hon’lesl tnls
hardly JUStlfles the crlpphng Of SO many ‘ V ‘- ‘-
20 ears and was in the state tax. peoplo‘ l l r ‘S
ioffiie of minois at Springfieldl It should not be forgotten that the
federal and state, BagS.AssetS T0 n , H AMP
BY ifor three years. He came to governments have been steadily boosting
the tax on gaso-l Natlon- Save’em l .ic‘mzciissoru
- llWigglfifgnamqgfiommander of line for the purpose of building and
maintaining highways" ’ "l the m2):er
FAST FREIGHT SERVICE lMary Cognm'afaér Masonic Lodge and county roads;
and these restrictions are putting a ter-, Don’t waste burlap or cotton -
live, 67, at Watseka, and a mem- I rible crimp in the funds for that
purpose, so that mighty bags—every one is a national as- VAN CAMP,5_CookS
in Seven minutes
W'TH DOOR DEL'VERV 'N SHELTON lber of the Mystic Shrine of PC-
l little can be done hereafter in keeping up our roads for Seti Vigally
neecéed1 U1): carryf'fripd DR
Seattle Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, long;
comparative short resi_,cven military needs. Altogether much of this is a
mess, fig O‘fofgesesszlgéa Sou: oggm’gstfél UC
Tacoma. Freight via Str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, i dence at Belfair
he had made a although there is little complaint against any sensible
regu- workers, States Bert Ra“, Chair:
N°- 2 lhost of good friends who mom-nilations which are necessary to win
the war. ,man of the local U.S.D.A. War
his passing. .‘ lBoard.
Time Schedule as follows: ., .c “new- , -
Leaves Tacoma daily, execept Sunday, at 5 pm. for
Olympia and Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Struthers, i 2. Protect filled bags
from rats
' 1 1+ . i l
A’T‘Ves Shem” dam“ except sunday lOf s‘lc“("1 became
pawl“ or al The national price-fixer is aiming to paralyze the ‘ and
CLARENCE CARLANDER President 'bab daughter born Tuch t .
Sheffton hgspua, ay 3 l strawberry growers Ior this season, and the bad
effect may a firstgfgcgmed or empty bags m
' If‘EYOJ7-E;E—fi#—~, K t lrun over into next year and
thefuture. Fixing a ceiling» 4,Remove from bags, as soon as
, ] ndveriueflé‘gce allfiangfigafi’ftggprice on canned and frozen
berries may not trouble the , practicable. such materials as
Journal! . fresh markets, already short from lack of pickers, but the ‘
{Jigélliigsigglglme they make
processors cannot pay the increased costs in wages and1 5_ Empty bags
promptly, tum
materials, and keep within the ceiling price set for them, them inside out,
beat, and hang
and the surplus crops may rot. This thing of fixing ceilings over a wire-
on food supplies for the benefit of the consumer means 6' Dry Wet bags
in the 5”“ t0
prevent mildew and rot.
: that there will be a shortage on canned goods and no sup- 1 ~_ S b d t
lplies at any price. At least, we should eat all the fresh so‘the:
caggfloyggubl: lily.“
’ berries we can since the shortage of sugar will hit the home Bags for
. re-Sale should be
:canner as well as processor, and strawberries may be a sorted for kmd.
(burlap 0’ COt‘
ton), and for Size.
real luxury. i They should be bundled accord-
. M iing to their condition—
I BACK To THE BICYCLE DAYS (a) excellent condition; no re-
Now Available!
The FREE War Risk Insurance, which was authorized by congress and
put into force some time ago for the protection of all property against
loss from war
damage, WILL END JULY 11 Effective July 1, the new, joint COMPANY-GOVERN-
MENT PLAN of insurance by the government-owned War Damage Corporation will
provide adequate protection for both real and personal property! PLACE YOUR
ORDER NOW for this new form of War Risk Insurance so you will be protected
against loss beginning July 1! Your property will NOT be protected against
from war damage after July 1 UNLESS you secure this new form of insurance
FILL OUT AND MAIL APPLICATION COUPONappearing at the bottom of this
announcement AT ONCE!
uice 3 cans
Honey 5-ihss.-_
pair necessary.
Verily, the political aspirants for office this year will neggsafycmd bags;
no repair,
have their troubles in getting around among the voters; (c) Bags which can
be cleaned
and some of them may be forced to go back to horse and or repaired.
, buggy days around the turn of the century when candi-l (91) Tom 01"
Slashed bags not
idates pedaled their way around; but if the Congressional , usable as
aspirants get their way of “X” cards for gasoline, it willl
be tough on their oppoents who must pedal or use “shank’s , Allyn
Scouts Receive
imam" t9 campaign. After all, perhaps there will be few} Second Class
p- i regrets if some of the Congressmen are forced in equality} ___...
to do the same but the will be “razzed” if the show u ‘ Allyn, June
25—F0ur members
i y y p of the Seagull Patrol of the Allyn
‘- Ill’l new cars. Our Congressman Martin Smith denies he ‘ Boy Scout
troop, including Patrol
' has an “X” card and writes he does not even have a car. ILeader
Buster Wilson, were
I awarded their second class badges
i '
i Y LE 0 last nlght when a re of h
Dwellings and contents (leSS Apal‘tments. hotels. Offices) me!“ C PUT
OUNG PEOP N THEIR OWN lton Seonters held cgouiftp of 11501121?
than five families) including pri- , cantile warehouses and non-man- , r
iceremonies in the school house '
vate garages, outbuildings and ufacturmg buildingsw 1 Congress 1S planning
'to Cut the money for 000 and ; here. - .
pleasure automobiles (no com-10¢ Eigeogfizgtwe)
-------------------------- , NYA out for the future, as one 5 0t in which
a few hun-E Cowlyhfcout .Chairman Phar— '
~- , dred millions may be saved the axpayers and converted l is“
Manufactu ring plants, piers, to war needs. This would seem justified since
there is now } Chairman Eddie Duyff. Dick Ed-
Farm properties and contents, in? . .
eluding, private garages, barns, xgflgrfiésflldges' and a“ other
,no excuseof lack of JObS for young people who have been i dy, Herb Angle,
Milt Clothier and
outbuildings. farm. implements, (Fire resistive) __________________________
"20¢ 'bel’leflClaI‘leS of both of these I‘Ehef plans; in
fact, there Joli“ 131183011 of Shelton and Tum-
agifi’ggggfj) and 11V65t°°k (“10¢ (All other)
.................................. ..30¢ never Was any sense in puttlng
husky young men in the i‘fé‘ngn attggfigd Exemltlve Max
c .................................. .. V . - l , . . . . . .
. . gigtoihzel'piilsets t(eyxceplt 2125;: uné ECCCK and failing to
give them. 3. smattering of military The Allyn troop is scouring this
Churches hospitals educational afmmft “0 “we” an 25¢ ,, training;
now these men are 1n the draft and starting ,v neighborhood _for scrap
rtibber as ___.
institutions, libraries, museums
" out greenhorns. The same .is true of NYA where both boys ltS
Present chief activity.
and public buildings— Pleasure Water craft and pleasure j , and girls can
now easuy find 30b5, and generally at pretty ,
(Fire resistive) .......................... ..10¢ aircraft (when not in
use) ........ “25¢ : fancy pay. TREATED AT HOSPITAL
(All other) .............................. ..19¢ Pleasure craft (in use)
............ “75¢ .’ r ‘ Ltestg- (:jsputseth’ Shelton Com
‘ ;cre e 1‘0 no 5 employe, entered
MINIMUM PREMIUM $3.00 WASTE IN WORDS AND MILES , Shelton hospital yesterday
medical care. __
H E , will not subside. There are those in Congress who won’t, .
I ‘3 let it; nor will they let it seem any less important by com- ,
,parison with the far greater costs of war. l ' 4‘
Phone 304 I INSURANCE Angle Bldg.
The Senate appropriations committee, of which Senator:
lMcKeller (D.) of Tennessee is chairman, reveals a situ-l U
pation which Senator Byrd (13-) of Virginia says “very I T
nearly approaches a national scandal in the waste of pub- ,' *
OELERY hunch “ ’ 'MB'
‘lic funds,” This is no Republican expose for partisan pur- I "
poses. Some Democrats are honestly trying to clean house. TALL TELEPHONE
‘ . Government agencies not related to the war effort,, '
last year spent $147,986,385 for traveling expenses and' GROCERIES
'- 3"
Talk on the topic of vWaStEflll government spending‘ l FRESH
HERBERT G. ANGLE, Shelton, Wash.
Dear Sir: (I) (We) hereby make application for War Damage and Bombardment
Insurance of the kind and amount indicated below, as indemnity against loss
on and
after July 1, 1942. Check, cash or P. 0. Order must accompany application.
_ Coverage Desired .Coverage Desired Coverage Desired 3$27’770’000 for
publicity, To produce publicity, these agen- "
BXfii‘E‘fi’l‘s} §:':::':':::::: '
Egii’v’dzsis’mc' §:::::::::::::: Eéfilgfilsmm cies give full
or part—time employment to more than 40,-, FRESH MEATS ~
_ . {000 persons. , ‘ FRUITS I
other Coverage Desired (Kind)
............................................................ ..Amount $
__________________ ._ Travel costs alone lastyeal” Were $2,446,208 for
-, National Youth Administration}c $3,187,714 for the W.P.A., FlNEST FOODS
AT " v
_. and $16,595,435 for the Depar men. of Agriculture. Such 1 ‘
ame ,. j spending is preposterous, No occaSions of actual service BEST
.. can call for so much gadding about. No occasions at alll RME ONS
Be Sure to Print Name and Address Plainly ‘ can justify the $27,700,000
annual cost. of publicity, lime Hooospon'r
=il' (my or which CYCI‘ lllccls lvlll‘ Public
l‘yl‘r’Sonl‘llc Times. w i. ,,