June 26, 1942 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Page Six
Friday, June 26
a-.. A. _h. -_.. ~ y).
I Davlsson-Klng \Vedding
IPcrformcd Tuesday Eve
i Royal Neighbors
, Schedule Meeting
'Ruby Rehekahs Tour
, (lamp Three Thursday
Capitol Hill Club
Holds Last Party [Hold Installation
The last in a series of three]
The Women of the Moose ul-
lpinocme pa'rtim spammed by theEstalled their newly elected offi-
Capitol Hill Club was held Tues-I
day night at the home of Edith
CaldWell. Dan Downie and Coral
Drake won the series prizes and!
the evenings high prizes
won by Mrs. Clayton Avery and
'Bill Downie.
From Aloha
Mrs. Cleo Logan and Robert
Gardiner of Aloha, Washington,
spent the Weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. Cheney.
P.E.0. Chaptcr— B."
,cers last Friday night at the
Hall. Installing officers
twere Shelton men of the Loyal
l Moose
. Order of the Moose. Walter Lynn,
past governor. acting as install-
ing officer; Jack Smith, install-
ing chaplain: David Swanson, in-
{stalling guide and Neil Zintheo,.
; pianist.
I The following officers wore in-
.stalled, Ellen Harrison, senior
iregent: Evelyn Coburn, past re-
? gent; Nettie Bedell, junior regent; l
ELucy Lynn, chaplain: Nettie El-
IWomen of Moose !
Betty Latzel-Arthur Tozier
Married at Pretty Service.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Max
Latzel was the scene Saturday at-
ternoon. of the wedding of their
daughter, Miss Betty Joyce to Ar—
,thur Tozicr, son of Mr. and Mrs.
IlTwo Outstanding
i Musicians Giving
i Concert Monday
Society Editor
Two outstanding musical ar-
ltists, one from Shelton
ifrom Olympia, will combine their
, talents in a concert here next
lPfim‘e'Wllkm Wedding .Monday evening from which the
I SOIemnized Saturday : Red Cross will benefit financially,
A small wedding of charm andg as proceeds will be turned over
distinction was the home wedding‘ to the Mason County Red Cross
of Miss Mary Carolina (Carochhapter.
iWilkie, daughter of Mr. O. C.» Louis
5 Wilkie and Richard Prince Jr. son , young
Karl Weinel, popular
Shelton tenor who has
and one ‘
Members of Ruby Rebekah
Lodge No. 75 with their families,
enjoyed a potluck supper last
Thursday evening in the attrac—
tiv: home of Mr. and Mrs. George
W'altcrs of Camp Three.
Following supper, Charles Dahl-
man, employee of the Camp se-
cured a gas Speeder and with Mr.
Morgan at the throttle the fol-
ilowing made a trip to the high
bridge of which this. locality, is
famous: Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
,Gardncr, Mr. and Mrs. Dahlman,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nichals, Mr.
and Mrs. E. F. Martin, Nellie Nel-
Inez Shorter, Alma White,
James K. Davisson and MabelI
Ethel King were united in mar-
riage Tuesday evening, June 23,
at their home on Hoods Canal”
The ceremony, solemnized by thcl
Reverend R. W. Maulden, was per-
formed before an arbor of ferns
interwoven with roses, at 7:30
o'clock in the evening. ,
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Kingsburg,
were their attendants. i
For her wedding the bride was
attired in Eleanor blue and car-'
ried a bouquet of roses, sweet
peas and orange blossoms.
A reception was held immedi-
ately following the service. Mr.
Albert Anto Schafer
a regular meeting 011,,
the Odd Fellows Hall
eral Welfare Club will "
drill at 8 p. m.
.Visit in Montcsano
dren spent the week en~ ,I
tesano with the J. R... ~ UB
The Royal NeignDOTS-'
Mrs. S. B. Andcr‘SOT‘d,‘
Schedules Picnic ’liott, recorder: Mabel Hall, treas- i George Tozier.
The impressive} of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Prince, I Studied voice for man
ears and son, . , the
Chapter B, P.E.O. will hold a 1 urer; Elizabeth Bichl. guide, and I‘
rites being performed at 2 o'clockipcrformcd Saturday, June 20. for the
last five yearg.’ flag womb Anna Fordycc, Elizabeth Simp- find Mrs.
1?}?Vléso:alwdl make their, W
picnic with Mrs. Jean Todd Fred~ ‘ Iva Ishmael, sentinel. by the Reverend
Charles Dale ofl The Reverend Charles Dale} ed with Signor 0m) Morandoy
son, chkla Anderson. . lome 0" e a - ‘ Trap,“ J,
son Monday afternoon. Miss Dorai The hall was beautifully (lecm‘- : the
Mountain View Church. Anl solemnizcd the ceremony at 7! recognized as one
of the world’s Mary Dobson, Elizabeth Butler, T sd Evenin ‘ . -
Fredson will be co-hostess, a ‘ atcd with Spring flowers and
a’improvised altar in front of thelo'clock in the evening. Gail
.‘Rob-lgfeat voice teachers, and Miss Grace Anderson, Hannah Peter- Dlile
ayG t g u g 11, F
12:30 luncheon will be served, idelicious luncheon was sewed by fireplace
banked with baskets of, inscn played a. flute solo “AtiAlicc Mummy
Olympia pmnist of son, Mamie Earl, Amelia Clapper, gainer dung E B S tton
who, n 1.0”“;
_.__,d,..______.-fi_____.__,_ ltho men after the installation‘pink and
white gladiola and the‘ Dawning." She was accompaniodlvast
professional experience, will (my Call M- 3' SChumaker' E“ h
,r' .a’nt rg'r 'd 'frum two Veda 5.,
Iceremonies. ‘reflection of the lighted tapers in;by Helen Robinson, who
played} headline a program of Classical Pcnowch and the hosts, Mr. and
‘va‘;533.ss,t 1:8 Ealiiefomi: 81’1ng ,jFammm‘},
Sa It i Plans have been made to hold the large mirror provided a pret-E the
Wedding marohos. selections to be given in the aud_ Mrs. Walters. Fffink
Vlvlrdmn were dimiler nesié Gom’ On
y a public card and cootie party at ty setting for the wedding. George
Snyder was the best itorjum at Irené new high The VlSltOI'S also made
a tour o c g _ws ‘ A‘
. I ‘ . . , -. f t) before darkness fell at the C. H. Grunert home Tues-
, and hit
“1TH FLO‘V the Moose Hall this Friday and MlsS Helen Johnson sang
“Ilman. school Startmg at mam 001%,, 0 ie camp , d g ANC “n
They Bring comrort f every second and fourth Friday of Love You Truly"
and Miss 393,11, The charming bride chase a. Monday night. 1
tiicn‘returned to the house for an ay Vevemng. _. ,.
and Happiness ' the month for the next\__several Charlson played the
violin Thai pink wool suit, styled with a pleat— Mr Weinem noth voice
tmph- evening of cards and checkers. Ev- Helen Maurine Schafer I. - Mam _
FUNERAL DESIGNS AND .months. Play starts at o'clock. lweddmg marches
were plasma by‘ed skirt, long fitted jacket and er is‘ at resent
’Coachmg {Mm cryonc agreed this to be one of Engagement Announced N nee
HOSPITAL BOUQUETS i“ . Ch ,1 . g v‘ Hans SChmidt- Warren T0210r OfI
b.1110 Chjffon blouse for her mm.- Maestro Cgrlo Pcroni, chief con- fiany
henjgy'ablc eégmnfiie t2: The engagement of Helen Maur-l xandn, D,
Delivered anywmre' anytime Bil-id; ‘Sfiltfiggr Raymond' was
the groom's man~l madga- 5km 0511?;ch tidwilgfi ductor of the Chicago
Gland Op- as eon spen mg p ,inc Schafer, well known in Shel—I ,3.
onal‘ (,h
I ' I . Honoring Edith Eidemmer’ Mrsfl. The bride was lovely as
sheieslgtinplpibbggie 341‘“ [Velma Prince lera, and San Carlo Grand
Opera Friday night is the regular ton Hood Canal, where he family '
iCharles savage entertained with descended the long circular stair-
“Stet. of thé'g}o(;,‘n was her om}: Company. He has coached opera
meeting night for the Rebekahs have a'summer home and fre—
She'm" Hardware Bldg- la bridal Shower and 1 o'clock way on
the arm Of her father. Shefattendant. Miss Prince wore a Wi.th Mafcella
Craft' “Oted Am" and Past Noble Grands are l" quen:
£18m”. at the Emil 13a“:
Phone 232 270-W luncheon at her home last Thurs- W9” a gown 0f White
Shadow l blue silk crepe dress and carried a' (mean 5‘.“ng “tress
and head charge of the meeting. All visiting coufl (Eng; ‘fias
amfmgfilceb p M Douglas .
day, June 18. Mrs. Eidemiller, prmtea organza. With a sweet'lbouquet of
pink roses. 0f the ElverSIde Opera Company' 1 members are invited and
it is cfn ty. 3‘ M et ome °.th e 1211, ee ll‘ . Th Ruth ll
——————“*r‘“—"——"—‘ldaughter of Mr,
and Mm Frank heart neckline, gathered skirt and The service was performed
in Miss Muench recently returned hoped to have a good turnout of (gee;
:nufsagguwfiter aof 1ft. ‘ 7 , “mm”. '
WE ARE Short puffed Sleeves' Her “lusmn the archway, under a “V”
form- from 12 years in Europe accumu- local members, especially all Pasti
‘ e 1 g ' Naish
oven In nun.
approved method
for .pndlnl moth
lnluuuan II
Ind folds. Tho ‘
lBeck, will be married on Sun-
day, June 28 to Herbert Jacober
in Our Saviours Lutheran Church
at Bremerton.
The afternoon was spent so-
Mrs. Leo Martin
Entertains Friends
Mrs. Leo Martin entertained
toned with a coronet of orange
blossoms. Pink and white carna-
tions and pink bouvardia. formed
gowns of yellow and blue taffeta
respectfully. They wore matching
ribbons in their hair and carriedl
veil of finger-tip length was fas--
lating special knowledge and
as pianist, conductor and singer.
Her close association with great
cd of red roses, white carnations
and tied with blue ribbons.
The bride’s two tiered weddingl
cake topped with the traditional.
bow Assembly
from the Shelton high school At the regular meeting of the
with the class of 1940. Her hus- V.F.W. Auxiliary on Friday eve-
19, delegates to the
band graduated with the class of i ning. June
Encampment to be
as well as performing;
Noble Grands. ,
‘Mr. and Mrs. Eacrctt I
Entertain Sunday I
Hold Meeting '* I
Circle No. 4 of the W.S.M.C.
met at the home of Mrs. Tom,
1 and Mrs.
x .
of Montesano and will be married,
to John Edward Close of Olympia)
in July.
Among those assisting at the 5
From Oakland
Mrs. James H. Leopold of .Oak:
land, Calif, arrived this week tol
"Take your head inf
legally The bridewlectig many her shower bouquet. Her only bride and n t
dh rt'sti ima in-l ‘ E tt . u
- . groom can cred her mUSIClanS an era 1 C g l Mr. and Mrs. Francxs acre ,
lovely gifts wore placed in front Jewelry Was a g91d IOCket; pale pink and
green linen covered ation haVe given 1191' an mSight entertained at
their home on Sun- igzemmgfifigs'ayd Eéxpgigtseioufiéi‘ h d M c
out. [r1800
.of the fireplace banked with tal- Her 515F913 MISS Bermce Lat" table,
A large bouquet of pink into her Work WhiCh makes CaCh day for Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Bamp-E ie MCHU hf of Seattle béth of 3“ 5“ “SAGE y my 0'10
isman roses for the occasion. 12er was “er mald 0f h0n01‘- She roses
formed a background for-performance a real “experience".‘ ton,
Miss Alice Strong and Miss.“ _h hg' b 't . th , daily—if you
well , Tailor
Guests were‘ Mrs. Anna Beck, Wore a gown Sty19d like the the cake. IShe
is now living and teaching in Louise Nachtsheim of Tacoma, 13.1% 9m 3‘6
hem gm)“; 5 17g, ‘3 arklin hair “.5 fun a, aw Dm,
. Mrs. Ida Armstrong). Mrs. Brynes brides in blue and carried a show- Velma
Prince, assisted by Mrs. l Olympia_ ,Fra’nk Bampmn Jr” Mr. and Mrs‘,
nylscqurtth ome many fimtisp 51) .g . At 5, AGE RE‘
'Jackson, Mrs. Violet Eager, Mrs. 9" bouquet 0f Pink 1'0595-
Mrs- Richard Prince Sr. Served. | —‘”——_"— {Walter Eckert
of Grapeview and pr’or o 0 marriage 0 el YOUdOItthIS WY" ~~and~.
, Violet Knox. Mrs. Dora Wonch’ Violet Knox, .the bride’s maid! I
Following a’shopt-wedding trip Vismng Here ‘Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Bamptonfformer' I cleanse your scalp l
'Mrs. Edith Claughton, Mrs. Wil- “(We a pale pink gown and oar-i to
Lake Cushman, the young cou- MrS- V- IVGI‘S 0f, Portland 3341", and
Barbara and R0berta~ lGeneral Welfare Club ' SPEC,“ HAIR pup/l f
nu“ ‘ma Rasmussen, Mrs. Avis Saeger’ ried. a shower bouquet of pink
we will make their home in Shel- rived Sunday evening for an in- Lt,
Bamptom just returned from Slates Regular Meeting .,y _ _ I .
my clump“ iMrs. Lucy Starr, Mrs. Molly Mon- r0595 ' V I .ton, where
the groom is employed definite visit with Mrs. Ernest Pearl Harbor, is
spending his; The General Welfare Club Wm then massage SCALP 6mm V!
“"15 man's Igram, Mrs. Margaret Sundland, Little Billie Latzel.
Sister, of the. in the Research Laboratory of Crane. zleave with his
parents, Mr. and how a regular meeting at thel into your. scalp and 3
“TE? Gl'
. ‘ V Mrs. Eiéa tlGetgly, ’tMrs. Eglah Dal- fife
giggmsalg’eFEVflifgbeglegrg RajyéoaifertgncAdThe brfidézh isR the VFW
Auxiliary ers, Frank Bampton. lMemorial Hall this Saturday eve-l your
hairline -— the
n t g a 15011 an ie 05 ess an onor- ‘ u . , r v‘sor o e ain- '
' ' ~
kill: n'mi'i': Iii. ed guest. dressed alike in floor length pa?
0 y land graduated Elect National Delegates IMethodist Women [nmg The usual
dance wm fouow' frame of your face!" V also NE“
Special Hair ‘V " ' '
Scalp Pomodo . -
, commal bOUQUEtS 0f talisman I‘OS- 1939, and is active with local l
National Rowe“ on Wednesday for a lunch- 2 visit her mother_in_1aw Mrs I
“nth 3“ 1 O’CIOCR budge lumhe‘m es and VIOIaS- , 'Scouting
work, now being the as- held in the latter part of Aug' eon. Fourteen
members were pres-I George Parker of Mountainview
‘5/ at her home on Tuesday, June 23. At the reception which was sistant
leaden ust at Cincinnati were Mrs. R. B. elm Mrs_ Rose pittinger was the
Toma-Rm; 05”ng
w; 531 $3:in figsts Fri/ere M1; Smog 2:“! follogvingd tn:
tweccli<ilirig.ttiie Guests at the wedding were figg tand MrsMArthar
\{glvelsgt lil- assisting hostess. [Married In Shelton
- i ‘ mma C 0113 me P111 an W ie ecora ions Doroth Courtne , and Miss
erna 88 are l‘S-, fl h r g ere attractive! Florence Evelyn Wi'nn of
l . _
YOUR lll'liO‘l’llES *Mrs. Clarence Grunert, Mrs. were carried out.
prince yof SeattlevyMr. and Mrs, and Mrs. E. F. Martin. Shine Clgfgsggs
{imam},ng the cob. ima and John Thomas Lillibridge
Frank Willard, Mrs..Frank Wor-. Centering the bride's lace COV- ;
Warren Wilkie of Fort Lewis, “Keep 'Em Smiling" Posters to or of
the cent'crpiece, 0f King County were married by PH
den“ Mrs. Lantz 'WlSS, Mrs. Edlered table .was the lovely three Paul
Kiever, Viola Snyder, Gail be placed in downtown stores have, Mrs. Rowe was
surprised with Justice of the Peace, Walter Mal-i, Due t
Lew1s, Mrs. Frauen; Eacrett, Mrs. tiered wedding cake topped with a , and
Helen Robinson, Mr, and Mrs. been ordered. a birthday cake and gift. The
a‘f-| goon in his offices Thursday, June 3 - C
ILowell McGinnis, Mrs. Ed Sut- dove carryingtwo rings. The base i Prince,
George Snyder, Juanita Iternoon was spent in the business' 18. V l m .
Double mud Iton, Mrs. 'Lawrence Burrell, Mrs. , was circled with orange
blossoms. Miller and Dorothea Rucker, of At Sumner . 'meeting and with
Red Crossl, ‘ aChu
m, nu, Mb. George Gilmore and Mrs. Harry;0n either Side were bouquets of‘
sneIton, Mrs. J. Quartier and daughter knitting I . . ,
figmfnvgfgg ,Cole. {pink roses and white carnations. ~————~—-
Juim' an?! the M15595 D9r°th~y and ' _—.—. . to C105
mm moth dun- Honors were won by Mrs. Gil- Mrs. Jack Eager poured, assist—
: Ffim‘lfihip ClUb Hoar“ Ahce Klmk are hvmg 1“ Sumner Nav Mothers
Club l 1
In dun-pd am l i y B B (/
"in b“ more, Mrs. Sutton and Mrs. Mc- ed by Mrs. Ralph Wilson, the l
Excerpt-5' From 31‘1"“ NOV“ for the berry season' Slate
Tag Sale Buy r. '- .i ll Wlsh t
m. _Dona1d. Mrs. Mead won the gal- , groom's sister. Eleven members of
the Friend- . _ The Nav Mothers Club will! -, i '
cdlmforSANn'gszVICE ' loping goose.» The bride’s mother were a
navy Ship ClUb, meeting With Mr5~ Burt “fits Mower haw. a ta ysale on
Jul 3 The] I v and
I blue crepe suit and Mrs, Tozier Hurst Wednesday, h'eard' excerpts
MYS- Merle Mays 0f _Bromerton man}, raged will t2; a'id ofl I
Neighbors of Woodcraft lwore a, navy blue polka dot dress. , from Archie
Binns. latest novel, spent the week end in Shelton famifi‘q of NW mg; in
Masonl S
Schedule Next Meeting 1 Each wore gardenia corsages. i “The Roaring
Land,” read by Mrs. Wlth her mOthel‘, MFS- E. W- Couné" There
wlilu‘alst“) be a drive 1 , ales E
"lIl‘heh Ifiieighbors t.of Wgfidfi‘l/‘Iaft For the wedding
trip to Sol 3 Winnifred. McDonald and observ- JOhnson- for
thi‘U's'Q 1 V l O . nc' .
vsw , 2) la ,mee 311g W21 d rsé Duc Hot springs, Mm Tome, ed the birthday
of Mrs. Frank I i lVew Ha l-‘Vlodern and Id Time Da I; Will be
& 11519 all 857. on “y n at [wore a gold dress and matching WOIfe-
' Balm“ Ladies ".0" At Shamrock} Point a ‘I'
p. m. hat with a beige top coat and a Bandages were made for the
WedneSdfly Meeting V ' . I ALL ~
" ___.__.‘ gardenia corsage. The youiig cou-lRed cross 3‘50- The
next club The Ladies 0f the Bap?“
M3”fé‘dMMF'Tfifihdngbefiin’igd ' ‘ S
'ple, both graduates of the Sheltonlsession will be at the home “of
Chum“ met. 0“ Wednesday “nth and ih,,dre;“of “6,526,, 1,5,}; , .
. ' ‘
high school, with the classes of l Mrs. Charles Mitchell on July 8, Mrs- C
C- Glbbs- A DOtllle lunch' gnoved to Shamrock Point for thez‘ 3 M1185
West Of
. 1937 and 1942, will make their 7. . *““ eon was served on the
lawn' ' ' i ’~
0 N C R I .. l W- A .. r
Guests were Mr_ I Hrs. een reVig, nee een "‘“‘ '
—“"“ ""“"'
, daughter, Miss :le ggfgerfigg Philips, daughter of Mrs. Rose ’
Philips of Dayton left on Tues-
day by train for Osark, Alabama.
to join her husband, Sgt. John
Janet Hodge and son, Mrs. E. Mc-
l Nee, land David Drysdale of Olym-
pia. r. and Mrs. Sherman Soule,
gm. Denny Am, Mr“ and Mrs. E. Brevxg, stationed there.
eorge Franz, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Visiting Aberdeen
Tomer, Mr. and Mrs. Warren To-I Miss Patricia Rhodes will re-
Zier’ M“ and Mrs- George TOZICT, turn to Shelton this week end af-
Mrsi Ralph Wilson and daughtf‘vl‘l ter visiting in Aberdeen and
Muench '
The Government and
Your Credi
Sally, Mr. and Mrs. Hans P.
E Schmidt. Qulnault Lake.
Miss Marie Yarr, Miss BilliegGirl Scouts Clean
Kump. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kier and Little House
son, Mrs. George Dixon, Mrs, Mrs. Claude Rhodes' Scout
[Mary Lasky, Curt Battles, Mrs_ troop No. 4 met on Thursday to
Irene S. leisure Tozier, Mrs. Alice Johnson, clean the Little House,
Miss Helen Johnson, Mr. and! which they went for a. hike.
Mrs. Jack Eager, Mrs. Violet
Knox, Syble and Mary Eager and
Miss Jean Charlson.
Mrs. George Gllmore I
Entertalns Bridge Club
Mrs. George Gilmore entertain-
ed the members of her bdige club
at her home last Thursday eve—
'Ining. Honors were won by Mrs.
Frank Worden and Mrs. Lawrence
8 P, M. Admission 50¢ (Tax Included)
pnocszos TOAMERICAN RED cnoss
To promote war production, and to check rising living costs, the Fed-
eral Government made effective May 6th new regulations regarding
credit accounts. The government will require merchants to follow cer—
tain very definite rules, a brief explanation of which is presented here
Fir Drug presents American-made Buggy Burrell and Mrs. Frank for the users
0f credlt.
Fentiman were guests. Refresh-
ments were served by the host-
“_Unless full payment has been made by the 10th of the second month
1 purchase, the merchant is‘ not permittedlo allow further charges( for
any service
or articles) until the overdue balance is paid or a written agreement
by the Federal Regulation is signed. July 10th is the first deadline. All
for May 0" prior must be paid by that date.
Visit Kingston
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce and”
granddaughter Jackie and Mr.
and Mrs. I. V. Yule of Shelton
and E. E. Pierce spent the week
end in Kingston with Mrs. Yule's
mother, Mrs. V. E. Pierce.
Visits Shelton
Miss Margaret Clark, Seattle
nurse, spent a few days in Shel-
lton last week visiting friends and
l relatives.
Family Dinner Held
At Frank Wordens
i Dinner guests at the home of
'cllEll vilra‘lelwpelmfz” . i
.__.These regulations do not alter the well-established rule that an
excellent credit
2 standing is maintained by payment in full by the 10th of the month
following the purchase.
-——Stores will now include in their statements charges through the last
day of the
lehere must be a down payment of at least ONE-THIRD (except furniture and
pianos on which the down payment must be at least ONE-FIFTH).
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worden on
Sunday were her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank E. Gustafson of Ta-
coma, and Dr. and Mrs. Carl J.
Scheyer and Fredrick and Gret-
chan, of Puyallup. Mrs. Scheyer
is the sister of Mrs. Worden.
“Longest timer allowedvto pay: 12 months (except on autos and
motorcycles, on
which the time allowed is 15 months).
3—.Agreements must be in writing. Minimum payments are $5.00 per month or
$1.25 per week.
for the
Very Fast,
Amaranth Social Club
Holds Tuesday Meeting
The Amaranth Social Club met
on Tuesday evening with Mrs.
IClaire Tozier. Mr's. Earl Cleve-
land was the assisting hostess.
Games, cards and refreshments
were enjoyed during the evening.
Officers who will be seated at
the first meeting in September
were elected Tuesday. Theywere
Mrs. Earl Cleveland, president;
Mrs. Anna Kneeland, vice-presi-’
dent; Mrs. Florence Frisken, sec-1
Very Long - Lasting
Nail Makeup—3 big bottles
Just the thing for these speedy days—the
fastest nail make-up ever! Large bottle of i
CHEN YU fast-drying Lacquer-01 Base . . .
large bottle” of fast-drying CHEN YU
Fashion Lacquer (any shade you wish) . . .
and a large bottle of fast CHEN YU Re-
mover (oily type). A dollar for all three, in
a cute “hurrying coolie" package! 1
be om
ll Hlllllli PRESCRIPIHIIIS l3 llll IllllSl lllll’lllllfllll Hill [If
lllll BIISIfltSS ‘
1~Sifl9le Payment loans to purchase listed articles must mature in 90
days. A
demand loan for the same purpose will be classified as 90 day maturity.
z/e—Loans to retire single payment obligations held elsewhere, as bank
loans and
Charge accounts, and combined listed article loans must not exceed six
Renewals cannot be made without reduction and are subject to detail
l—Get a questionnaire
and free booklet “So
You Are Going To
Be Married” f r o m
The Journal’s So-
ciety Department.
2—See the Wedding
Stationery s a m ples
. . . Art Point Raised
Letter a n (1 Printed,
3._Expeptions to Regulation w, (12 in all) include real estate loans, loans
agF'CUItural Purposes, strictly business loans, defense housing and
other loans.
Mrs. Bertha Grisdale won the
cut prize and the group present-
ed Mrs. Lawrence Munson a going
away gift.
W.C.T.U. Holds
Friday Meeting
The Women's Christian Tem-
perance Union met with Mrs.
Clive Troy last Friday for a des-
sert luncheon and social after-
It was decided to hold meetings
in July and August on the third
[Friday only.
This Advertisement Sponsored by the Merchant Members.
of the Shelton Credit Reporting Bureau