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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 26, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 26, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page El Hf SHELTON—MASON {OURNAIJ 4, W.W.M. ‘ Louis: NW»; swig. ex R of W, Sec. Certificate ~....._—,—.__—_—____ “My”... W.,“- LEGAL PUBLICATIONS I 349 NOTICE AND SUMMONS IN COUNTY I TAX FORECLOSURE 26 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE WASHINGTON FOR Sec. Years 19 N., . in Certificate original Certificate 40. Roll 3. Page 10, Line 22, Assessed to Thomas, NW% -,NE%, . 4, W.W.M. Years in incl., Certifi- , W.W.M. Certificate Assessed to , Louis; NEM; SE14, Sec. 5. Twp. 19. N.. Year in Certificatel Certificate ’ Certificate No. 79. Roll Assessed to SE M; ex R of W. Sec. 5. '. Year Certificate 80, Roll Berg, 19 N.. in Certificate 1935, Original Page 3. Year Roll Berg, Certificate Line 41, Jesse Sec. Twp. . Jr.; 19 Certificate to 1935 Certificate 41, Roll age 14, Line '1, Assessed to Weyer- Years ' haeuser Timber Co.; NEM Sec. R. Years in Certificate Certificate,$5.25. . Original Certificate No. 42, Roll 3, Page Line Assessed to Weyer— NEW/1, 'Sec. Twp. 22 N., 3 hauser Timber Co.; NW1/1 NEl/i, I 19 Years in Certificate Certificate Original Certificate No. 43, Roll , Page 14. Line Assessed to Weyer— hauser Timber Co.; SW14 NEl/i, Sec“ R. 4, Years‘ in Certificate Certificate Original Certificate No. Roll 3. Page 14. Lihe Assessed to Weycr- .haeuser Timber Co.; NEl/l, Sec. I . Years in Certificate '1935, Certificate Original Certificate No. 45, Roll Page 14, Line 9, Assessed to Weyer- haeuser Timber Co.; NEl/i SW it. I 4, Years Certificate Original Certificate 46. Roll SPage 14, Line 10, Assessed to Weyer‘ haeusei' Timber Co.; NW1); SW14, Sec. 19, Twp. 19 R. 4, W.W.M. in Certificate Certificate Original Certificate No. 47, Roll Page 14, Line 11, Assessed to haeuser Timber Co.; SW14 SW51, Sec. , N., R. 4, ‘Years in Certificate1935. Certificate Original Certificate No. 48. 312011 Page Line 12, Assessed to Weyer- haeuser Timber Co.; SE1); SW14, Sec. 19. Twp. 19 .R. 4,_ Years in Certificate 1935, Certificate Original Certificate No. 49, Roll 3, Page'1'4,» Line 13, Assessed to Weyer- haeuser Timber Co.; SE84, Sec. 19,vap. 19 in Certificate Certificate Original Certificate No. Roll Page 14, Line 14, Assessed to Weyer— hae ser Timber Co.; NWIA ‘SEI/ . See. I 4, Years in certificate Certificate Original Certificate 4 Line Assessed 'to Weyer- 0.; SW14 SE14, Sec. 19. N.. R. 4, Years in certificate Certificate "Original Certificate No. 52,,Roll Page 14, Line 16. Assessed toIWeyer— baeuser Timber 00.; SE14 SE14. Sec. 19, N.. in Certificate Certificate Original Certificate No. 53. Roll 3, Page 14. Line Assessed to Thom- as, Jesse Jr.; 20. Twp. in Certificate 1 tifieate Original Certificate No. 54. Roll Page Line '26.'Assessed to Thom- NWI/t NEl/h Years 0 incl., Cer- tOrigi‘nni Certificate No. Roll 3, Page 14, Line' 27, Assessed to Thom- NE‘A, Sec. W.M. Years 36, 21 N., Years in Certificate 1935, Certificate Original Certificate Roll .2, l cate' Assessed toSHerr, cc. Original Page Louis; 19 R. Certificate Original Page Page 89, Line Berg: Willis B.; Original Line Sis NWli I N.; "'R. . in Certificate Cert ficate Original Certificate No. 27, Roll Page 91, Line Assessed'to North Service STATE NW‘év MASON COUNTY COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Municipal Corporation and one of the Counties of the State Plaintiff. . _vs'-‘ Springer Mill all persons here— named as owners of any hereinafter described real and all persons unknown own- czlaiming to own, claiming to how. interest property :iendants: You. MASON I I Certificate Line Assessed to Louis: Lot 5 ex R of W, Sec. 5, 5, Year in Certifi» Certificate Original Certificate No. Roll 4, Assessed to Berg, Louis; Lot 6 ex R of W, Sec. 5. . ‘ Year tificate 1935, Certificate Certificate Line 45, Co.; of Wash- Pacific Public Co.: NW‘A. ing ton, Sec. 19 N., M. Years cafe cate Original Certificate No. Page 99. Line Louis ; in Certificate Certifi- Roll 2. Assessed to Linn. Sec. 22. 22 N., Years in Certificate Certificate Original Certificate No. Page .Line 4, Assessed to Linn, NEE, II . 3 Years in certi- ficate Certificate Original Certificate No. Page 103, Line‘7, Adrian C.; Tract No. 3. Sec. inal’ter Page 3. Line I DYOD“ city NEi/I, NEIAI 19 N.. in Cer— or having any right, title. in and to: part thereof, 19, 19 N.. No. 82, Roll 4, Port Original ge 3. Blakely Mill 19 N., , Certificate 1935, Original Page 8. tinez, . 19 catt- Assessed to R of W, Sec. .. Year Certificate Certificate No. 83, Roll 4. Assessed to Sec, 14, in Certifi- equity or an y Roll Louis; 22 Sec. 22. and each of you, notified that the above named plain— Mason County. a municipal cor- poration, and one of the lawfully or- ganized and existing counties of the of Washington, and holder of Queue}; are hereby 19, 19 N.. ““3 Line SW 1,; Roll Mm"— Ford, . 8. Tract is . I as follows: Beginning at 9.} m ‘pOlI‘lt 740 ft. S of NW corner of frac- tional lot , 3 Run 80 ft. thence E. to Hoods Canal. ThenceINortherly along mean- lerI line to pomt due of place of 'bemging. Thence ginning. Years Certificate SE14, Year Certificate Certificate No. 84, Roll Assessed to NWIA. YE‘ar Certificate Roll 4, Nye. Assessed Sec Slate the. owner ’ a certificate of delin— certificate liooku‘orm and dated the day of by the Treasurer of said Mason County. Washington, sued to 19, 19 N., Certificate Original Page Don ct N.. Certificate Original issued . described 1935' Line Nye: 194-; Sec. Tp. NW1; Sec. June, and is- the said Mason County for due and owing“ for taxis on each and every lot, tract. hereinafter and set forth. set out opposite particular description and being' due and delinquent upon parcel , ears Certificate No. 34. Line 15. SW14 N.. R. Certificate Certificate Original Certificate Line iral amounts Assessed to NW Page Don W to place of be- in Certificate Original Certificate No. Roll .Page Line Assessed to Ford, Sec. Year land weyer‘ ill-scribed DI ing parcel particularly said amount each more 19. No. 86. Roll Assessed _to Nye, Don et ux; NW1; SW14, Sec. 22. ', Year in Certifi— cate Certificate Certificate No. =Adrian C.; Tract No. Sec. Page 34. Tract 7 is Beginning at a South of the Lot .‘iiiiouul each particular of land respectively for taxes for the, years to inclusive, for which right of more specifically: 22 described as follows: point which is 1060 ft. corner 22 Thence E. Canal. tract, 20 N., Original Line 87. Roll . , Assessed to Small. Ralph ct ux; NWl/i NEIA ex of W., Sec. 25. 20 M. Year in Certificate 1935, Certificate Original Certificate Roll Page Line Assessed'to Small, Ralph H. et ux; SW14 Sec. 25. Year Certificate 1935, Certificate Original Certificate No. Roll Page 36. Line Assessed to Small, Ralph et ux; Twp. N., R. Certificate Certificate Certificate NW SEC. 1 S. .80 ft.: Hoods to point due. Thence Years : Original Certificate No. Roll Page. Line 22, Assessed to Ford. Adrian C.; Tract N0. Sec. Tract No. VW zIIstIojllIowsf: SB‘Iaginnilngs at 1 corner 0 4 o 1/ ec. Tp. 22 N. "I 0 S. 73 1/3 ft. thence ft.‘; thence . 73 1/8 ft.; thence ft. to place of beginning. Years in Certifi- cateI1.935. Certificate 8 Original Certificate No. 33. Roll Page Line Assessed to Ford, Adrian C' ' 22 . . fractional 3 . to meander line northerly of starting point. I . of beginning. in Certificate Certificate Mason fort-closure appear description said County claims as will reference Run Page to each particu—i I together with all iiitcresi,I costs, and penalties there- on up to and including the 20th day: or June, 1942. the name of the person,' firm or corporation to whom or which is assessed being set: particular I . id property being situ- ated in Mason County, State of Wash- I being more particularly described :is follows, Certificate . Page 20. Line 31, Assessed to Springer ex Tract No. 10, N., R. W.W.M.l 2 is described as follows: in width lying ' center Beginning at a of Sect. West, West quarter cor-g North ‘ to the of West half of NEE; of containing acres. in Certificate Thence I Years 5, ~W. to place said property I'llI‘lll "with lion, mph damn-D- 19 N., R. 51. Roll 3. Page 1 I . 1 is described . In 41“ haeuser Timber NW‘A SE14 5. Year to-wit: W. Run thence Original Roll Roll Line 5, Assessed to Gustaf— ' NWM, , Year Certificate Roll 4, Original Page son, Mill 2, SOP. Tract No. strip described as Josiil ‘wp. (70.; NW{., NE‘AI . . NEl/i 20 Certificate Original Certificate No. 91. Assessed to Ishaiii, NVVM,. Year Certificate 92, R011 4. Sec. land W.W.M. Years side follows 2 VVr-st line Range “11th line ‘ Tract No._ ,Sc . I R. 3, Tract No. is described as follows: at a point 366 2/3 S; of SW14 22. 3 Run thence 1 3 . ft.; . 73 1/3 11.; thence ft. to place in Certificate Roll 2, 0 Pixley, Cer< Cert ficate Original Certificate No. Roll Page Line 22, Assessed to Foster, Joseph: N., in Certificate 1935. Certificate Original Certificate No. Page Line 29, Assessed to Brass— man. Alex; NEl/4 SW14 ex R of W R. in Certificate Certificate Original Certificate, No. Roll 2. Page 149, Line. 1, Assessed to Scliauf— ler, Mathilda; Lot 1 ex ,Trs. 10 to 27, Twp. 'N.,' Tracts to are descri asI follows: Tract No. From~n lpomt (which is N.E. boundary corner post)— feet West from sec. cor. to sees. 23, 26 and 27, Tp. 24. N._ run West 216 "ft. Page Line 20 Certificate Original Certificate No. Page 41, Line Assessed to Sevaried, Osmond NWl/4 NW1/,,, Sec. 35. W.W.M. Year Certificate NE'A, 4, Years 0 incl., Cer- 1,4 Sec. SW R. Not 111 Sec. unit South of thereof; East line said Section, Years Beginning of corner ms‘ 19 N. thence NE”; Sec. b2? t less. running 4441' more Thence thence Jesse19 NJL; See. in, Certificate t tt'ficate 20 R. Certificate Original Certificate No. Roll Page 41, Line Assessed to Sevaried, Osmond T.; Sec. 35, Year beginning. Years Certificate Original Certificate No. Page Line Assessed Lot No. Sec. N., R. 3. Years i tificate 1929 to incl., Certificate 2. Roll 1, 1935, ginal Certificate No. Page Line Assessed to Springer Mill Co.; SW11; NEH. ex Tract No. 19. N., 1, is described as follows: ,width lying of a center Beginning at a West line of Sect. 19,. 22 North Range 1 West, distant West quarter thence North to the East said Years SE14 Certificate Vida ; NW Sec. Tract A strip Original Certificate 94, Roll 4, 98, Line 29, Assessed to Gris-g dale, Bertha 1,4 int. and Mason Coun- (Grisdale 20 R. 6. as. Jesse Certificate 19 N., , in Certificate to incl., Cer- tificate Original Certificate No. 56, Roll 3, Page 14-, Line ‘28, Assessed to Thom- as, Jesse . 20, Twp. 19 R in Certificate‘1927 'to 1935 incl., t‘rfficate ,‘Original Certificate No. Roll Page 14, Line 29, Assessed to Thom— , 4, Years in Certificate 1927 to 1935 incl., Cer- tificate 'Original Certificate No. Roll 3. Page 14, Line Assessed to Thom- :as, Jesse Jr.; ’NWIA Nwsg, 19 N.. in Certificate 1927 to incl.. ,tificate I 1 "Original Gertifi Page Line as, Jesse O. 19 N.. R. in Certificate to incl., tiflcate Original Certificate No. Roll 3, Page 14, Line 32, Assessed to Thom— ; SE 4, Vin. No. 2 0-.‘Jr.; of land on each described as follows: point on the 813%. side line Page NE 14 , Years S . ec NE 14 Sec. Year in Certificate 1935, Cer- tificate Original Certificate No. 95, Roll 4, Page 98, Line Assessed to Gris— dale, Bertha 1,5 int. and Mason Coun— (Grisdale 20 R. in Certificate Roll int. ; Jr.; 14, Sec. Interest), W.M. Years 9..., thereof : E South of running more or less, line of West half of NEH, containing acres. Certificate 3, Roll 36. Roll 2, . corner. I 4. Cer- Scc. W.W.M: Years . Section, in Certificate 1935, Certificate Page Line 37. Assessed to Springer NWIA, Sec. 19, 1, Years Certificate 4, Roll 1.} Sec. SE ‘71 Sec. int.; NEM. Interest), Year Certificate Original Certificate No. Page 98, Line 41, Assessed to Gris— dale. Bertha 1/2 int. and Mason Coun- (Grisdale Sec. 24, . W.W.M. Year in Certificate 1935, Cer- tificate Original Certificate No. 97, Roll Page Line 44, Assessed to Gris— int. and Mason Coun- (Grisdale Sec. 24, 20 N., Year in Certificate Cer- tificate ginal Page 1. Jesse 19 N.. -R. Original Jr.; Mill (30.: . . in cer-- I tificate 1110.. See. Original Certificate Page 20. Line 40. assessed to Springer; ex part Tr. 2. Sec. 19, 22 R. is described as; follows: A strip of land in width side of a center , Beginning bed Sec. 4, Years Cer- cate'No. 59. Roll 3. Assessed to Thom- NW%. 4, Years int. ; NEH/L SE14 M'll 1 Interest), 00.; SE14 NW 1,4 W.M. Tract No. R. boundary corner post. . . (Va. 45" I SW. boundary corner post on North edge of private road; ing private road and county roads to SE. boundary corner post located on North edge county road; 30‘ E. along high bank to place of beginning. This tract located of N.E., .75 A's (5.71) each hence l'in on l g line described as follows: point on the West line of Seen, . North Range South of West quarter corner thereof; running thence North more 01‘ East line of West half of NEVL of said Section, containing acres; in Certificate 1935, Certificate: Roll assessed to ex No. N., W.W.M. is described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southeast quarter of the North—l east quarter of Section Township} 23 North, Range 1 West, W.M.; thence line of said. Northeast feet to] a point; thence North 270 feet; thence, East 270 feet to the East line of said? thence South on said sec— tion line to the point of beginning; except from the above described tract of land right-of—way heretofore deeded of Washington for in Certificate Roll 1, 17, assessed to Hen- Tract Tract is described as follows: at a point 200 ft. North of the SW corner of the of . and thence to extend ft. North, thence 300 ft. East, thenee’ 200 ft. South and thence back to the point of beginning. Years Certificate Certificate No. 7, Roll Page 42, Line 16, Assessed to Moris- John D.; NV; Jr.‘; SW54 Sec. dale, Bertha int. ; Interest), at a West.§ thence follow- Cer- SE14 distant 'thence N. 4441' less, Certificate No. 98, Roll Assessed to Aus— tin, Williani F.; Allyn, Lot 1, Blk. 3. Years in Certificate 1932 to incl., Certificate Original Certificates 99. Roll 1, Line 22. Assessed to Austin, Lot 2 Elk. Jesse Sec. 19 'in Certificate 1927 to incl., tificate I Original Certificate Roll Page. Line Assessed to Ogg. Samuel; NW1); and of ‘w, Sec.,»17. 4, Tract -No. is de-- gscribed ‘ as follow-1: Beginning Corner of the WM of the of Section 17 run thence S line ch’ns; thence E chns; th‘encl! aims. to the 'N. section of Richard Schnufler's bound-t thence W aims. to place ary line with slough; "thence '16“ E. along same bounary line to county again and place of beginning. in Gov. ' (the of SectionI27, I ’R. a W.W,IM. in all 1 A.I more ‘or less. ’1‘ I . : Beginning at a point (which LI the NorthWest boundary corner past of the tract herein conveyed) me feel: North East along the County Road from 3 located on the East bank of Slough Creek at the section of the old County Road, and on the Southerly side of the said Road. From said initial. West, along line of a tract of land hereto- fore conveyed by Geor e Broderson and Annie Broderson, the grantee herein. approximately 500 intersection With thence following and River in a‘ 'soutlieantei‘ly direc-v tion to an intersection with‘the erly right-of—way line of the 0in pie Highway where the same crosses followmg the line of said Olympic Highway in a Northerly and Northeasterly direction 19‘ the .,int¢t~7 «feet; thence south 5 chains by gov— section of said Olympic Highway, With the Sou herly line: of. said, old county in a Northwesterly dis I following along dthis South» erly line of said old County Road. 100 feet. more; orxlels, * to ‘ ,of beginning, more or less. situated inaov. Lot ‘1; Section ff. Township 24 North. Range West. W. Tract 210. 13: This tract is located in the- Northeast quar- ter of the Northeast -q ' 27, 24, WWI/1,, Years Cer— Line Sec. comprises more or less. Tract No. 11: At a point, (which is N.W:~bound— ary corner post) 110 ft. N. E (Var (along county many from a iron pipeIlocated o‘n East/bank of Slough Creek "at *,the_"inters¢ction of the county road. From here ru’n (Va. 45' E. 199 it. to boundary corner post: thence no.“ “aprox.” tion of Slough, thence Slough’s edge ab. Yen rs Original Certificate Page. Line Mickelson: SE11, 29, 23 Tract No. 6 Page William F.; Years in Certificate 1932 to 1935 incl., at the. Certificate Original Certificate No. Roll Assessed to Austin. William F.; Allyn—Vac. Sherwood Ave Lots Blk. 3. Years in Certificate to incl., Certificate Original Certificate No. Roll Page Line 37, Assessed to Austin, , __ Allyn, Lots 1-2, Blk. Certificate-“No. 62, Roll Years in Certificate 1932 to incl., Certificate Original Certificate Page 21, Line Assessed to Kriz, Ed— ward; Beachmont, Lots Blk. 2. in Certificate Original Certificate Roll Page Line Assessed to Gron- rIda Hansen et a1; 1st Add to Hoodsport Vac. Sts. AlleysrAdj B1. Years cute Certificate I , Original Certificate No. 104, Roll 5. Page 64, Line 18, Assessed to Boul-' Lakewood Plat . Lots 41-44, Blk. 3. Years in Certifi-‘ (cate'1935. Certificate Original Certificate No. Page 65. Line 14. Assessed to Curtis. Lakewood Plat . Years 1935. Certificate Original Certificate .Roll 5, Page 68. Line Assessed to Purdy, I Lakewood Plat Lots Blk. 4, Years in Certifi- caIte Certificate Original Certificate. No. 107, Roll 5. Page Line Assessed to Ivey, Lakewood Plat Blk. 6. Years in Certificate1935, Cer— tificate $ ' Original Certificate No. Roll Line 1, Assessed to Holm-' . .' Lakewood Plat Lots 1-2, Blk. Years in Certificate Certificate Original Certificate No. Roll 5, Page 86. Line 14, Assessed to Holm- . E. Lakewood Plat Lots Blk. Years in Certificate Certificate Original Certificate No. 110. Roll 5. Page 86. Line 30. Assessed to Runge, Lakewood Plat 'Blk. 4. Years in Cert Certificate Original Certificate No. Page Line Assessed to‘ Wa- ters, Mamie McMillan: Norwood City, Blk. 4. Years -in Certificate NEiflr‘ SE14 ex Tract No. Allyn, Sec. min." . 53% Page Line West intersec— 4, outh on W rly a'lo inte ‘ ; 500 ft. Wgste 10 ft. wide adj. West along the South Southeast of line ; Abeginning con more or less. Years in Certificate 1935, Certificate " I Original Page 36. Line Annealed -to Arm- ‘strong, Mary ;' “SE34 no N., I *Certificate Certificate ’81 Certificate Ni. 63, Roll Section Wm. F.; This tract located one I Tp. 24 "N. NW‘A.l Roll 5. 4% to State public com Highway. Years Certificate Original Certificate Page Line rietta Mills; N.. rises ' "~ .Sec. Wears: Origin Page 42, Line Assessed to Bennett. Dan (2.: NW1A NWM S. “of Co. Rd. . 26, R. Years in Certificate 1935. Certificate ' Original Certificate No. Roll 1’88! ’45. Line 23. Almond to O’Hal- Lot 4 or S1 SW14 SW14,ISec. . 4. Years iii Certificate ‘ ' Roll 3, son. Years Certificate Sec. East .(va. 45' Beginning iron pipe ex 7 SW. Sec. lund. McReavy’s and ' in Certifi- inter- of Sec. } County lrun South Wm. loran, et ux: in certi- Erly ton.. Shusann: N., Certificate Original Certificate 65. Page 84, Line 18, Assessed to I-Han of Tr. No. 2 in Lot 3 . is d? Beginning at a point chains south by government measure and chains east from the West quarter section corner of said running thence east ficate 1935. Ori 'nal is wife, 81 Roll feet Slough; SE14 SE Sec. . . W.W.M. Years Certificate Roll scy. Twp. in Certificate Original said Slough E. : Buster IF.; 31,4 Lots I "Ex‘rr'. 3 and R of W, Sec. 26. W.W.M. Tract as follows. II Blk. in Certificate Certificate I West-A Page 88. Line Assessed to Mickel- son, Leiier & Oscar; NW% 2, 22 . II in Certificate Certificate Original Certificate No. 10, Roll 2, Page 34, Line 28. Assessed to Whaley, Edward A.; 14, 20 in Certificate Original Page 37. Line 18, Assessed to Staley, of NWI/i. Sec. Years thence right-of—way River; Westerly 2 Elizabeth J.; “C”, section west 350 chains to the containing acres. Years icate- 1935, Certificate original Certificate No. 66. Roll £23.32 Line Assessed to Frink, Jeanette and Ellen Hanson; Lot 4 Ex ~W, Sec. 22 M. Years in Certificate 1935, C itifimte Original Certificate No. 67, Roll 4, Assessed to Neff. 1, 19 ernment measure; thence SW 1‘ thence north SE14. . 3, Yearsii 1935, Certificate Certificate 11, Roll 2.'reCtion. W 1A; Sec. “fee beg nnin 3171 cert! E. ; Lot 5. road ; ence e point acres , 213’ Sec. of SE17; 20 . "Years in Certificate Certificate Original Certificate No. 12, Roll Line 27. Assessed to Thomas Lg» int. and Crawford Con- ex Co. Rd. (Crawford and Sec. W.W.M. Years. in C rt Incl., Page 86. svvi/t SEMI containing 1 quist, Page Lee. uarter . 3 W.W.M.I I prises in all. 9 acres. more: or .N;,,~R. ~6, W.W.M. Tract is de- scribed as follows: Commencmg at a ' seven (7) chains north of SE. 1, W.W. run thence to the meander line of the lake; then in a northerly di-. rectipn following the meandering of said 'lake to a point directly west of point seven (7) chainshnorth of =the ence com-l h“. 1' “"9 31' quist. Tract No. 6. Sec. SE 1/i SE 1A of W interest), over int.; and R.R.R. Conover's N.. R. ficate to Original Certificate No. 13, Roll 2, Pa 9 Line 4, Assessed to Puget Company; and in Certificate 1935, $. . Original Certificate No. Roll Page Line Assessed to Puget 1/, Sec. Years described as follows: Starting at Sec tion corner of Sections running south proximately cornerz' meander line to intersection yof Highway with meander I Thence follow north and inortheastd'ly 3 along Olympic Highway Ito section pf Olympic , I section line between Sections an , Slim 27. Thence East about featIaquna‘; seven 1(7) section line to section 'corher,,'of sec. tiIons 2272342647; the point tot ‘ excepting public roads. No. 14: At a point ( Boundary corner post) . 45' post located _on Creek at the intersection of the edge county road here run II I (3 along county road; ft._ ‘to- 1!, post. when is I comet" ence south)? West , 1 1.3522195”. "9mg?" line approximate .ee 0 in 7- Section of Slough; thence Northwesk erly along slough’s edge ‘to ,a set post. from which run E. about iron. batman der) ism , “118.31%, orner of Sec. 2915510 meaniL Southwesterly along Olqu' liné:~ alohg‘ sec Marie: Lots 13- ificate ,Roll 5, Certificate thence NEH; of Arcadia Road. Certificate NW P. R. Sec. Years {he 'ihfer' ’pomt [of beginning; 3said_poi)i.t seven (7) chains North of point of beginning;_ chains to pomt of be- given subject ‘Lot 1935. Certificate 5 Original Certificate- 112. Roll Page Line 41, Assessed to Till- Bay View Add. to Un- ion, ‘Lots 1-2, Blk. 18. Years in Cer- tificate Certificate Original Certificate No. Roll Page 16, Line Assessed to Peters, : Pickering Passage Water— front Tracts—Tract 3 and Tax L. N.. R. 2. W.W.M. Tract Tax 775 are Beginning at the Southwest corner of Government Lot six (6), thirty-four (34). Township twenty-one (21) North. Range two (2) West. W. thence Easterly on the South boundary line of said Government Lot more or less. meander linen thence North 15° East feet,- thence West, parallel- with the South' boundary line of said Government Lot 6. feet. more or less, .to the West line of said Gov— thence South, along the ‘West .line of said Government Lot to the point *of beginning. taining acres, more or less; said land being also known and described. as Lot ofrtIhe unrecorded Plat of' Pickering Passage Water subject to a right-of~way for public roadway reserved over a strip in width extending .along the West boundary of the fore- going described real estate,.being the heretofore deeded to by her father, Olsen, by deed dated August 25. recorded October Volume'li5 of Deeds. Auditor's File No. following described tide lands of the as defined by Section 1 of Chapter 36 of the Session Laws of lands of the second-class formerly owned by the~ Washington . front of. adjacent to, or abutting up-. on the South 225 feet of Government Lot 6. Section. 34, Township Range 2 West. W. M.; being the tide lands in front of said Lot 3 of the of Pickering Pas— sage Water Front Tracts, and having a frontage of lineal chains, more less. measured along the meander thence S. ning.’ This deed _ a reserve of a road rods wide alert the east end of said tract for and a path ten (10) ft shore . . man Walter . EII I . . waft!) Zimn 'u h: $1 Mill Co. ; I in Cer- 20 .I tificate 1935, Certificate Original Certificate "No. 16, Roll Page 63. Line 4, Assessed to Puget NElg. Twp. 20 N.. Years .in Certifi— cate Certificate Original Certificate No. 17, Roll 2. Assessed to Puget ex RRR of W., Sec. 20 N., R. 3. in Certificate 1935. Certificate Original Certificate No. 18. Roll 2. Page 63, Line Assessed to Puget ex RRR of W., Sec. 33. 20 N.. R. 3. W.W.M. in Certificate 1935. Certificate Original Certificate 19. Roll 2. Page 64, Line 39, Assessed to Puget Sec. Twp. ., Years in Certi- ficate 1935. Certificate Original Certificate 20. Roll 2. Page Line Assessed to Puget Mill C0.: SEX/i NWIA, Sec. Twp.‘l Years Certificate Original Certificate No. 21. R0 Assessed to Puget] SWV, Sec. Y ars Certificate SWV nmg, “I h is “1'1? ft.‘ . from a‘ set unscrew Iwids filong the lake {footpath in common with the abut- tingfi property. Years Certificate ,Original Certificate No. Roll I I I I 29, Assessed to Berg, Louis: Lot ’.- Sec. 19 N., 'W.Wafl. ~¥ear in Certificate - rer (Va. Geo. F. in Certificate Mill C0.; SE14 Sec. 33 and and follows : v ' , . (Va. 3) £5,393, V‘L‘ described as Pa 0 63, Line Co. : boundary corner , NE“ , ’4 Broderson's' N NW1; . . Section tl‘ficate $9.'63.I ILI-Ctrrtificate No. 69. Roll rig-Line Assessed to Berg, 1; 9.‘ Sec. 19 N., Year in Certificate George boundary pest; th s Year along Geo. to fPagIs in Wow. Certificate mgOrlginal Certificate 70. Roll 4. Line Assessed to Berg. Sec. II W.M. Year in Certificate ‘1935.’ Certificate . Original Certificate No. 71, Roll Page '3,’ Line Assessed ti: Berng wp. N.,.R. 5, Year in Certificate 1935', Certificate Original Certificate No. 72. Roll 4, age}. Line Asses-ed to Berg, "Lot 3. flec.I’5, 19 in Certificate gamma N‘o. 73,-..Roll 4, suiting 34, Assessed to Ber , MAL Sec. 19 N., .1.¥&or in Cartificate I I lute Roll 4. mageflfizniae. Massed 'v Burg. W’ .914; 1155.1va Brode MI I 6. feet, to the Mill SE14 NW9; 30 ft. to a ‘set with ‘bearigihge tree 111322211 Norm m. nee conti ue,» ‘ °v ' ' fs Tract Sec. CT“: I E? 3,. lNu‘ Years y fig: " 19 Sis to West; . E. to place of beginmng."1‘h is located l27, Twp. 1% From an established post on Section line between Sec. 22 [and which is feet West from Section corner to Sections 22, 23, run thence South 17° ft. to a post on the North ed thence followm along private ‘ road I ( I its intersection With County Road. Thence Westerl road about 260 ft. to I I of Slough Creek. Thence Norther .. along Slough Greek ernment Lot Mill C0.: SW1/4 NWIA. in the of NE, C019— Tract Louis; Silly. NEM, Sec. East 165 Front at: out w 60 20 R. 3, Cer-. tificate Tracts, 11 private road. lit. Year ,, . . of 'land. 20 feet ft“? ,I‘ E 113 Page. 5 ,' I “incite erly, Line 41. ft.) to Page NE 1,4. Mill Co. : . .alo coun, e i No h , o intersection 201‘: ‘line‘ between can. .WEF’MIWS 1mg in Cer' same land grantor herein Olaf tificate Original Certificate "No. Roll 2. 64, Line Assessed to Puget ; NWV; SWIA. Sec. 35. 1 3 Years in Certifi- cate Certificate Original Certificate No. Page Line 43. Assessedto Pug Sec. Twpl in Cer- ' Roll 2. under Also. Sec Thence East along? said; minim, about 100 feet to point. .91 This tract is locatsd it» etl NElia. v'Sec. Twi). 1.2-. 3 W.W.M. comprina Incrss more 'in' Certificate. No. as. m {file ' i . a e 20‘s, p g “fin”. hm . Roll 2.! : Elwi‘iotl 7 in CeIl‘ti iwte second—class. u ' "its, 3011 4. m9 3'; Line 16. Assessed to Berg. Sec. 5, Twp intdsrtlficate ertificate No. 76, Roll 4, Afiessewi-‘to: Berg, R of W., Sec. W.W.M. Year ertificate gindl Certificate No. Roll 4, Page 3, Line 88, Assessed to Berg. SW34 SW34. W.W.Il/I. Y Mill Cc.: tide 20 , II tificatc Certificate Original Certificate No. 24. Page 64. Line 44, Assessed to Puget Sec. 35, , Years in‘5Cer- 35. Certificate Original Certificate No. 25. Roll Page Line 13. Assessed to DoSbs/gl ex .. Nina NWIA ex Sec. towit : less. Years Certificate I Original Certificate I Page 5. Line 13, Assessed to- Devennir. NEW NWM. “as my I.” Certificate ginal I Inna: I, mm. m (fer ifi 19 N.. situate State 3! Your W.; NEE/4 Seer“? 6. 19 Years in Gertii‘la i CE'rtificate-.'No. 12011" Assessed it swig. 1: Mill SE ‘xli SW1/ . 21 North. tificate 19 No. a ‘W.W teI I Ties. , 14% Origins Page A. L. ; cute Unrecorded Plat zinsky, Fred; NE); NW1,,/; .031 ’ Line NW ‘4 SW R .. _-JWWL~.¢H..-.Wuwamw.__.___#maaw_.-.-..- _....._.1_..a.. N.-..a FridaytJuiie .._.._. “Wm exchange. Any such protest slim! herein prior to August 5. line. according to a certified copy of sertions. Commissioners proceedingsl Board met pursuant to adjournment. the, government field notes of the to be 50c per inch. Contract entered All present as-of previousImeeting. siiivey thereof on file in the office into, signed, and filed. A dance permit was issued to M. of the Commissioner of Public Lands Elmer Moore et ux, appeared Beckham, Robin Hood Tavern, for HARRY L. IN' ' at Olympia, Washington. being the thru Doane Brodie with "petition ‘to year ending October Rev same tide lands heretofore deeded by vacate portions of Walnut Street. Written resignation of Glen Rat-l r the State of Washington to Elias A. First St. and Alley between, in cliff. County Administrator. effectiveI ;. Wright by deed dated March 20, 1919, Moore's Addition to Shelton, Wash- June was received. It was moved~ NOTICE OF MEE'H 51‘ recorded October 1919, in Volume ington. It was moved and seconded and secdnded that resignation be a(:»l BOARD OI“ EQUAL that petition be accepted and that cepted. Carried. I The Board of EqualiZE Monday, May at m. in 'Permission was granted to Mr. and.‘ Son County. W'ashiiigto . Commissioner's room, at the Court Mrs. Harold Shirk to cut huckle-lin open session on Mon, House, Shelton, Washington, be desig- berry brush on county lands, subject'1942. at the hour 16" 36 of Deeds, page under Audi— tor's File No. and subject to all of the provisions, exceptions and reservations contained in said deed from the State of Washington. Years hated as the time and place for hear— to all rules and regulations of fire . at the office COUIltY' in Certificate Certificate ing on same. and that notice thereofi'warden. gtho Court House, Shelton That any of the foregoing lots. be posted according-1y. Carried. ,Check in the amount of for; ton. the DUI‘DUSP tracts. or parcels of land hereinbefore Waiver of Claim for Damages, andl equipment, rental received and turned , ussvssnlollt the prove I,‘ 'described and having been included in consent to locate road, received from over to Treasurer for credit of Road} County. and will continued the Certificate of Delinquency hereto- Clarice .Hanson Smith Byrne, et al. District ifrom time to time for P9 forc issued to Mason County will be for improvement and widening Brown-‘ ,Permission .to pump water from i OXUW‘] Wm WMka- proposed well, through culvert under WARREN LIN road at line between Pearl Willey and 6'26"7-3--2l~ Cw" Cheslock properties. on Matlock road. ‘ ' was given to Rayonicr Incorporated. D5 Permit was granted to Rayonier In-~ "ALL FOR "I sold subject to any local improve- er Road at Hoodsport. ordered placed merit assessments for paving. drain- ' of record. age. irrigation. or any other kind Board adjourned to meet again or sort of local improvement assess- Monday, May ments lawfully assessed. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISv That all of the several amountsl SIONERS. MASON COUNTY. corporated to cross Matlock mad with' Agate School District N hereinabm‘e sot opposite the several WASHINGTON 3,4. inch water pipe line at POaI‘l‘l'CCF‘lVP bids for 16 cordsd descriptions of each particular lot,, By TRENCKMANN, Willey residence. Permit to lay water 1'01"?“ WOUd and (10109"? ‘w‘ ‘— tract, or parcel of real property bear Attest: Chairman Board. pipe line along Matlock road, from 1151 ARD- r interest at the rate of twelve per— HARRY DEYETTE, Harry Waters driveway southerly Bid-‘4 Will bi“ accepted ‘. ’ and Pine cent (12%) per annum from and in— Clerk of the Board. feet and then to cross under mad Will. at P-M‘ Mark “'iec clutdlingh the 20th tday]! of 1Jubne. V ‘ in: r was granted_ time they will be 01)?!de 7 a.m uni 1e paymen tiereo' e ma e, Letter from Edward LI 0 I ‘house. or a judgment entered herein. I COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS State Representative from (all: MRS. l\IADI<2LI1‘Igl Yqu and each 01- ~0uI are herebv -—-—°—I . trict,. in re ards amending Chapter DlSll'lL'T. SHIN“ I summoned ,0 appeal. within sixty Monday. May 4, 1942 216, B. 4 Laws of 1939. i'eceiv- 6 ed and filed. ——~ days days) after the date of the Board met in regular session. Pres~ I Claims allowed. ' first publication of this summons and 9m were Rn Trenckmann. chairman. notice. to wit: within sixt' da's after Vincent Paul and H- Dickinson. BOARD COUNTY COMMIS- . . .. 1‘10- 1909‘ ~‘ ' the day of June, 1932, gigglusive, Commissioners and Harry Deyette, SIONERS I .NOTILE 1‘0 (gl‘é’éI {egg .I of said (late, and defend the above' Clerk the Beard. ' ~ , TRENCKMANN, IN‘THE SUPERIOR‘LONG I I30 1:18 each i entitled action in the above entitled Claims allowed. . . Attest:,« I Chairman I STAI'IEY OF WASHI . JD. court, and serve a copy of your an— I Petition of M. H. Heath.“ al, for glg'fiRYf BIEYETTE, ; 3%:1/85811: the ARY pig—IE}: ' 1 ' AI ' , . r , . I). I ’A swer upon unders1gned attmny for ocation and establishment of County 0 e Board. 11. Charles PMIIIISI DGIIoa-qedI East PinII plaintiff (it his office address here- Road in NEl‘iIV Sec. 30. 'TWD~'19' inbeIlIuw given, or pay the amount Bang"; GuW. f tI dItI ,, as ereinabove set forth u on each 0 “11087 am COR 10118- v , ,. I, “'v of said tracts or parcels of rréal prop-I I Petition by G. .D. Forbesi. et a1. NOTIFE 6F ' ‘EARING ,O'N FINAL' her“ 39p””‘t.“d and 033ml?) 11 erty of which you are the owner location 'and‘ establishment ~01" REPORT A I) PETITION FOR Exm'lm'l-‘i 01 estate nice. 4 NOTICE IS HEREBY I) {606 or reputed owner. or in which you lemy TOE-d in NEli-i NEM Sec. DISTRIBUTION PM?! deceased and that; , r, I I 1 N0. ‘lhla undersigned. Dorothy 9:45 .received. No, ac.- I!“ or claim to own. or have, or claim TWP- Nu Range 1 Moved IN THE SUPERI' R 0U 1 . . ~ . to have. any right, title or interest and Seconded that mad he “tab-“533964 STATE OF” gAsglNgT‘OgF 39F”, {ff-“3M1 {litre therein. together with all costs. inter- carried . . MASON COUNTY , u’v “Ham. quICIurned :' esi or penalties attached thereto. The Board adiourned to meet again i . m 1,303.1”; $5,; “13930565139,“f‘evaey' In the event of your failure to ap- tomormvfliuesda M 1942 “I.” the AMatter' '01. the E31310 Shelton. Wash, and me ‘ pear and defend such action‘and pay. y’ fly Eng-A .hm‘li Deceased' with the Clerk of said I . . i the amount due on such lot, tract, or’ NOTI '15 HEREBY GIVEN- that proof of service, within “ . 1 Dan.“ 01- 13nd assessed to you or in L. .Beil,I- Administrator of the Es- ,mm dam of first which you have an interest as here— 31590951”: Asplundv Decmed‘ has this notice. to~wit. June filed »Wlth_ the clerk of the above en— 0,. said claims Wm bf. to / inab ': -trtd. ' , (lorell\(ag:11’li:t ygillda’iiliogéamslll'i‘ie’font - - Wed. Court his Final Report and DOROTHY COR ' cense by Doris Stock, Victor. Grow Petition-.tor Distribution, asking the [Remark Of’sai tract. or parcel land. foreclosing car i ‘ 'ce ” n' such re p I I I y, received and '~llled. Noll l couvt to approve and sette I VV (‘~aha A r y thmeon “1‘ 11"“ 01 “1350" count) for transfer license NO; 80359 port. distribute the piopeilty '10 thOSP .E’chlllrilllc 9111159 o‘tt'glll’Py . . , L I its certificate of delinquency, which i . includes all taxes, penalties, interest' H' and Martha Erwkson’ bears Tav- Aflfgefdg'figlfiitgrnd to dISCha-l'g“ the Bldg, Shelton, Wash. 219 ' ' I I I III . I . Iern, received and filed. 11:31:“??? 32751331? 071012113“ usalll msd" NW“ “‘0’” Direct” of Highways .Noricsisrua'rhsa GIVEN that including the date on which psaid ca: that Fesomuon dated April 6' pmvjd- the said Final Rel-JO“ land Pe‘tmo‘n tificate was issued. ‘r' "‘5 10" appl'opl‘mm“ 0‘ 34500-90 ‘0. for V-Distrib'ution' will be heard on CALL FOR Saturday. the 25th day of July. John Alil sown II finance small construction projects of Any Pleading» tin-NW9“ appearance» or less, approved, received and at the no of 10 Ovelock in the for” win “I 0.“) bid; far or process. shall be. served upon the un— I-iledI D. iii., .Board met pursuant to adjourn- Iment. All present as of previous meet- mg. Claims allowed. i‘ A 1 Notice of application for beer Ii— dfigginfigofifiom'g tyf‘i.iIglal}mliffv I Trip Price con‘tractvfor remainder of £3326?“ gielfggrt$§$négmtnhe mu”- md.‘ 13"?“ W'md' WK": (1 stated. and aycopv thereol‘ filed égar.réggi2wé01;mgdasglliéide by. Union 011 . Dated this 20th day or Jun'eI 1942. , ngmt ms and (lf‘llVLlC I I In ~ I . I i . . I I n the “Wk aggfizNggmed ("‘urt- State warrant inamount of sgtlllnt'y, and ngdsqtvnllulg‘ ac‘flmpalt “v A Municapl Corporation for gas rmqu was received and Pum‘ EX‘O‘TMO Clerk 0’ Sam the. will pin! 51‘ at ‘ OMER L D10}; ed over to Treasurer Court '3’ “I “ Timur” ' '<Si'gned> C(ltllgttiéeRgfoganhglton meal Hos- CSIEAU ' house' MINNIE E. SAU grIIISI‘PIZIIitiinIkLIIICIIIHEUSEON.d pital that account. bi Alberta. LeGault.:.|AttggieyR.foI;E$€1S',Estaté ‘ Clerk Lill‘wuups- ‘ r g Y~ ( l in amount of had been .chargedi ' . and Attorney for Plaintiff to Anaerson Charity Fund- received IMllirggfrrCfL’ilnslyFlgga‘shington herein. , . SI Offfice and Post office address I 3:31 ‘fig‘ghigi’l‘ffiayoflmumnfl .6'26"7' 'lo‘nwfl' ‘ &a$fiiogfgntf?cgéaigtlttt Anderson, in amount of had been T She‘mm Wqufin to; “usev charged to Anderson Charity Fund, (16A) ‘IN THE SUPERIOR COUB . ' 525-:7_o-101724 31 6. received and filed- ‘ . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that STATE 01“ WASHING _ I u ' — ILetter from Bert IG.IMitchell. Grape- I pursuant to and in 'confomity Iw'ith MASON COUNTY ' VISW.Igl}l1'lt ref: Permissmnrdto ctut ItJretlag an order of the. Board of County 1 th PkogsAil‘hFé . .. .. 0 n o way.ino er'vo ui ' n 8 acre COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS an extension on Peninsula Light hm gggnfifmvgggmg‘fin “£33,” magguggfi Margaret A. Lyons, Decefiefi‘ ‘ acts Re Monday April 6th 1942 Received and referred to‘Commission- entered on the 15th day of June Notice is hereby gi‘i'en on! 1Board met piirsuant to adjournment, “Affiliation received from‘ Simpson‘ 134%“ ordering the usjd‘g'sfnfid to gen: gfiisiggggiigéasa.bfi’linflgat " In al present, Trenckmann, chai — ‘ - ; in" 9 manner DI'OV e y 3W ( €0— . ‘ 3 man of the Board, Vincent E, paurlIl Loggmg Company to Purchase all Tax : tiim 133, Chapter Laws of estate 0‘ Margaret A- “'0' . . Title land in 19, Ran es 5113.11“ 1 ed; that all persons 11”" v aliid Hpa'rr Dllglegmestotn' l 6? Twp- 20, Range 5 angd'TWD- 21, lgghuggfirilggelfinglllignats attlll; against said deceased are 1 L Clerk of the Board 3’ 4y 9» R. consisting of acres. tap o'clock in {he foreman of said quired to serve thesertlgtoi It was moved and seconded that 0‘" day at the front door of the Court fled' 0“ Sald admmls til Hearing on proposed plat of “Road - r Haven Tracts", no objection, Plat ac-‘ mg to number of acres find me am“ HOUSE in the City Shelton. said agtlgglez‘ztég gi‘éf’rgledihege ' t to .1 M N0. NOTICE TO CREDIT' 9N. I I I . I ount involved, .that action on this a -. , - assigned to sham Pa 32:";legislature:Jar121.2: gm, of cu e ing can 2 ‘ca e , an represem , - v proo o sue serum i Lel‘glanl-inisggstgl’gpezre: efcliril Amterxi‘an tatiYes from, each representative .orvi tglllsie 5333331151 gen; months an?” the date or {eras carnival (Moved and'iecondggethgl gilmzafion throughout thefioumy 'b-e bidders all 'the right title and in- “‘m “f ""5 “0th“! m' “1 rate be.“xed at $100 per day giverli an Opportunity to- hear the pro- “avast 6f said Mason bountyI except_ beDbiin-ed: fI I t bII etion Re: petition by Otto w. NelsonI et 0f the s‘mDSOH Logging ,ing therefrom, however. all ’public 3" 0i "5 Pu l pany, and to express their sentiments; r r 1942. roads, CCC roads, streets or alleys WI ROCHE F 8i .al for Count Road. Hea‘ f i t . .May 4LhI 194:}; at 2:00 PIfif‘g ori Carried. It was moved and seconded mm in “39‘ or rig-hts-0f_way for , 2 that a meeting be held in -th Court ~ v e Administram!‘ Contract With Sheiton Hotel Cafe R e I roads now owned by. or sought to be I, - - a r. 1 mm at the Court House, Shelton, mp ' Address 101 furnishing prisoner s meals was :mdg?r(ll%gd wildsthilii gggeetsfwbyugfild ‘ Seattle, Wash. I . Washington. Thursday Ma— 21 “1942 ordeied Signed. . y ' i I , ,_ , ,I at p. m., for the. ur ose of his 0112le 2%9“?éi%’l..l°1“°§fiifii’2’n with represented“ at . . Beacon Point Resort Lilliwa‘u Waé’hLI ganizati'ons through out the county, shall apply on contractsI in and to 900 Lowman Budding, ington from L’iquo'r Contra? B Id and Ill/ii". C. Kreienbaum, the above the‘ following described real. pr0p_ Seattle, Wash. 19 recewe'd andIIfiMI I oar . I :glprlilggtlon to purchase, county lands. (8.22:3, tang,thT in said. County and Orders of Purchase of Sheriff's and’ 303"} . 9- 0'W1t5 : , - , I I : adgourned. to meet a sin ' , _ 1/ ‘ v w l; Superintendents cars wereI MondayI Ma 1L, 1942II E II 2.9:?eIsIIc‘IiinppIti0212I 1123,1122” CONSOLIDATED Offer $200.00. . .TRI‘CT N0. 309 OF . . , Mon ay, May v . :; valggttilttihonofmZOGft.DalggrbkiftwggnalLfi; l Board met pursuant to adjournment :iDeSCription,No. SW14 NEl/l, See- I COUNTY ‘VASHIVGTON' ; tion 5. 19 Range 3 W.W.M. ! ING JULY 1- 1931 no i I 7 , All present as of revious t‘ %3 1:31:11 éaIBlsoIng‘lgmangt Log?I 413%? gf' Hearing on petliztion vof fifdérrlgvfl“ lot-[pr Y " ' OMER L. DION gPA county, and provided further that MCCIU‘LBI &.IMCC1“"‘; proceeds from sale of forest products Attorm” 10‘” Esau"- Bayley, Trustee, 'for vacation .of all Arcadia. Hearin' et f I IIOO PI MI g s or May 4th, atI ggcggrsafid azagijisériiggpgt ggj'eegklggir (SEAL) Treasurer (IfSMRSOYIla‘ilal‘l—igyt NOTICE IS HEREBYI I I I , , _ . - — 't. . aslélglglé‘biugggngsfii Tgféi'suwrzg 1::th Zgéered vacated and returned .touacre- , ghatsfionsfolfiated gglzgiy me an approved. C}, ck »' v ‘ ' "I ‘ ' 0' 0 ason " Resolution IIeI M, I I I e -in the amount ‘of re- ,. N0. ' en 1 Project. allerlmassitdlete flfkll‘d $193??? (live? 1?”ng the Gena?" PM M053 NOTICE TO'GBEDITOBS To FILE mgtt‘liny Taélsdfor pfagrlfiyi 1‘ Option for Transmission Line Ease-l 3.1301912:ng in {WT equipmeifit rental] CLAIMS. "’4... ‘ on e S ay 0 merit was given Bonneville Power Ad-‘ to Road District" Ngegurer 0’ cred.“ SUPERIORCOIJRT OF THE‘ bonds number to bo ” gnllggltiraltlllgil acfioss N1/2I SEl/t Section Notice of State. Liquor Control STATE OF WA GTQN IN AND 0f its SChOOl bunding L N” RangeJ/é. gvfiection 6. Twp. 21 Board that license-issuedi'to 11:-,3.» , Flo?” THE COU 0F MASON’ dated July null» 1, ‘ VIN MATE . Innate. Hatter'foihe y-Estate of PanyItble annually, 1555 Louis Weinel. Deceased. [original amount of $7 NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN. that, order of the Board of _ B d I I titers Testamentary» on ‘the Estate of Co g rd tId “01,1001 all 0131;086:111? pursuant to adjournment, and transfer “mad, I Louis fiVemel. deceased, wereI “‘01 a C W‘ Minutes 3; ‘12 yefiterdayg petition of gum“ Cari. I granted to the undersigned on the i Mason County. KI. head ,ana approve:1!er meeting were vacatlon of Hamiscmbbm R0“, um at June, by the, said IHARRY .n moved and. seconded that apa mgm’mcoé" 12] “gt” $5920“ ‘5}? math”: «nailihn GIVEN.‘ hat Clerk ‘VCOIn I $531335 Sid: lime???) of Tax Title‘ N.. Range 3 .M.,-,‘riimimg%§h:g, lairmmons havinIgIclaims against hsaid School D15 to and inclua. 0-8 t acceptefl “D‘ to an intersecti n with the pram ,Iesmte mane required to: serve rt em,_ Carried. mg a W ay‘ Apr” 13- Hurley-Waldfflp County Road an 3 “‘3‘”? “scesstWIavoyfiers'oggfm Board adjourned to meet a ain t endl'ng at said Hurley—waldflp Road' Klaemlgge Ba 1 e Tlti: 171812581136, mom-ow. g o. lililwe‘i'titliznwage moved and seconded ’Buifé‘ing Shefi’ogyf Washington tha’f I Boaxetyliggday. Apiilt 8th,I1942 Mandalay, June £03385: Iggdattgggl being designated as the place for the 'Ir: gafgfggggetsw‘fih we a“ present aguasu%neviguédjl%ggn$gnt Commisswners room at the Court transaction of the busmess of the. the Federal Government . ‘lva D/B/A‘Sear's Tavern has be ‘ Claims allowed. $1131“ ‘ ' an‘ I I sferred to ‘Carl a mafia? adiourned to meet again to- Erz'icksonk under the same tggdelgafili’iaa ; I ,I an *as in ~ license ' Tuesday, April 7, amended agcorl'lingl . chivgd?yfilbe ruminant . - . ' ' hs after the . . . Clalm House, be desxgnated as the time and, 651“? mull“. mom . , . - cutaw...mventor ,~.oi alli- MBogzds 3.133335“ to meet agaml plgggiggggfarig; rowan-gun win In 3.11,?” lieém’lniqtfistfi'fi girth; USN-{gaging I on April 13I 1942 at 10:00 a_m_ ' A flcfiumm.i ‘ __ {Ia-piggy 4"}, ,J a Jam . I, 0 Masml, ,‘9 I . Monday, April .13 1942, . gm“. .1, ‘ m” , . isg‘niimer ‘ ' 2 . " tW9.-WWK3 beginning 3, Board met pursuant to 'adjournment, 6mm “5"” l uh, "to'ge ’er’ wit“ proof of such‘ 9351‘“ ‘ .m‘dm ht’ ‘ 9.11 Present as of previous meeting. Joggfigfigmtgh filmmason‘flgmi§eo. .510? «.131 ill 'bcchroyer .bar- ' Rub‘out fl'uer‘ Variant; ' u ~ 1". W§h Old Rubber We. 1 very »bit,of. old-r ~ sary- to win the war 'ICouii’ty's rubber come ' l. Mrs- Beryl Faubert granted use of v- m:- .cati now or I . Snmrisrin same b3” Win??? Delhefik in the amount of fnom Eoflkt wast-$525391! performance Oi 01. .sMcKay. 1n payment for grad- Board 1 urned .y‘omnme‘ .a in ' : . in} ("T hours‘ Tecelved and turned Monday; MaYiiBth 1m Fay. tatean jmis Weinel. De— gwfirictrgggurfr for credit of Road ;-.~ anomaly, May 13, am . "3 V' ‘ . . , ' Board<m8t.;huz‘suan " ' “ A . -¥ -‘ ‘- Mgstricec from District Engineer that 'All pment m of pretito‘ilsafigfg’f’fifm- A1 orney fora I I G )T ountys February Allotment of Claims'allowefl. -‘ . Title msuranfl?" “ .v‘ 053m a'fingmlficllons was re— HeuihixxonvPetition or simu- ~11: ,'Silcltian.I. Washington. I; Libense Nf‘led' . I Moore 3812 ‘WX "for vacation of pot-“0d . . '6‘26—7-3~ »B . issued by Direc-- of Walnut sweet and a, nation , t. ’ ' tor. f ureau of Mines to Mason Coun-. First sweeth anion. f 0 0' .Or handling powder .and ex- ning “East. :andf-n V pioswes. received and filed. 1 ,- i K- . 1W ‘ I i I out and Fallon. mtg m I, . I , I . q I wE MA! am "qu ‘ and iv’aestame and the Es- ChECk in the amount of was‘ ' ' Moore s I Additl . , . .. . lTecmve‘ldfmm P" E~' Stevens for grad" Fearing ' ’ r' ' a“ r , , ' , * of’~’1*6-1n seasoned mg an turned into Treasurer for;undeagthstginrder, V , 1 “Dire 1m hezonstef credit of Road District Board .adjourned to meet again -' gvvvdoédshed ,before ‘ Monday, April. 1942 at 10-00 a m l a I . .- .1 Monday. April 20 1942' ' " - " ‘ v b A . . . , Mid Board ‘met pursuant to ’adjournment W-mCh r i .. . , I._ , . . , Innis .wm be . r S son Logging r 808w . __ rv , I , nu! alllbflf$3t fas of prevmus meeting. ,iarge.uigck9:{?£:§’¥i. I ;; I I1942.I"II‘Ihe_board rem I. I. I tIo Alden cI. Bayley, Trustee will be. hadron wash“ . . 1:0 reJect any 01' sum .41: ordvacaion of entire Plat of Oak- onded,.mfi thumb-gr Ib‘fliI MI, . .. I . BERTHA. WALI; . Ian Vmcewea‘ Hea’mg 3‘“ for May make a recordinrrsnmei" MM“ Oyster Bay's‘i' ' 11, 1942 at A_ MI II Route 1, Sheltoeni I. ‘ l Claims allowed. , Check rm ammt “draw-formant» Petition for vacation of Helen I I m’gg'viti. was re. Street lying between Block 20 and °$lmw - Block and alley thru Block‘20. ' Notice .fI'bm Wm Lilliwau F , TexidoID alls, granted to Allie P. Mason ‘County'swsham .II. TICE or came Letter re: ri ht of W 1 COlIGC‘ifm'Tor mqnth of March. based‘; 2 ‘ I ‘ ,. ~-Noti,ce is hereb *Elve' Needham. Mr, film to imig‘tiggfgad‘ 0“ ME‘Ch 001190110113. ' ' ', -' ‘ . ' lithe. .-.»certain bonds . was 're- Auditor‘s count 'of Treasurer's Cash ceived and filed. I, , ,. . . Claims allowed.~ l . . if. :- 2 . gidofagllarrg‘hedillst. 1942, was examinedl Permissiont was Igu'med “:1; HI 7_ II I .0 I, I Eng , I In 3nd Sr Petition of Victor K 1 H1“ at “x: 0 cet=Hmiiieberny'.$;usfi~ *' wisp, ;' ' '. called; notice '~ , ' ’a for Location and ,Estiilils‘fi‘fifen‘it :fl on Mason County Vibmfls in Mason I [9 y" S r ' and interest will cease t c ys] County 130ml in SWJ/SEJ’. Section Lake Vicmfiy' ' . ibonds after the I 29, 22 N., Range 1‘ WWWMU and .talmgiri‘gggggallrixdnqrbw‘kflwsullplemenv 1942&A.D.: all persons! , rd"-. . . ."'de 9117:5333? ailing??? county ' Rm‘ld‘ Director Of HighWa§; 2:361:9ng mg' ' " film 13311111191" fill: godiligw‘ttoh'wefi formation from 3.393311333313583] “Edit fl , ,. ';_,-,, I .7, ' ; dug-five. Shelton Aerie 2079;”.31“ ' Agriculturist's report for Marph was, Midedlgfon ’f'ggi'lyEmma Garrison. an “d l ’ tier of Eagles for Pay l ‘ will be made as soon of bondholders can be lcordance with the BFXrfltB “ Gg‘allil‘d lAerie dofthtlieBy_ a. o lag es an e r ton. erie No. Fr” 3 a ' . examined and approved I I receivedm. mg ’35 ' :m.,1&'i Co of letter w - , ' nclusive. tornth Mr. 11.2.1332: Prosec‘m '1 containing -mr-as. ,.wi‘un'n and Applications for purchase of Count hands in Sale No. 15‘ Treasurer 0rd}: of Public IWeIfare “$9 erusIerseéé epgfladiacentfigo fitlleéWenatfihee National , 1 v, m:esv as mg on. an ject in part ered to sell same. (See list ublish;l I , I I ed by County Treasurer) p |§firgl§etent “Psychmnwt irecoived’ and t9 fia-resenva‘tion for .iexisting roads Board adjourned to meet again onl ,I . ,, new Ii. d'Itelephone'5;1inas. .mr‘flniber druan Monday. April .1942 at cig°g§$m§§§$hlgg§0vlBoard' 0f, Spfim‘I gualvalue to be taken from a maxi. E93 . , m Bbqrdllgg‘t‘ag; I $1M: I27, d1942 . I cense privihegesmi Eggs-Wm? :l mater (~1850‘wcres .1 «it. the followingl lggfitgdfithw' the .1 I c an oaJournmen. . I :.v,.,.'-u—]an‘ds- .» I' a” 35 0f previous meeting. ,It‘; iiifi‘iétupd/fifiéasfiflnzr abet voim , $11.21 »R~' 7W4, W. Mi; l SHELTON AF:ng ' was mm ed and seconded that a duster; Execumx‘ of at“: M“. M31)“ . Sections 1 to 5. lincl-usive; i FRATERNAL ORD' and worth of Rotenone be pur- “waived andJflr 22 Keri-"5W5 M l Ld I ., 1 chased to be I I I .. ShrubberyI Icargisé‘dd on. Court House Board ,adjourned .SIectIIiIins 0. 14. 28 and . ‘ . u W. Mi: Waiml'tggélf’idln ftrhe amtciiunt no; ELIErl-tSdfigomnfayf 21”” 9130"?" m. 'l“. ' Sectigmggz'li ‘ SOUthSidgAEAhOIOIO‘ - . I e emoria 8d”, ' 1' 9’ - . M.‘: . . .’ 'r i v B‘l‘ldmg committee Jon account of B “in”: “Rwandan” .' gleam 3,1: audio tl’) inelusive- TM“ “‘90va tl‘dg (91:: slilngllng the Memorial Building Same “‘9 WIS-9am to sdjwmmeu ‘ East any I ’ inch wood, split. 159mg resilient; 911.231.232.355...Wit“mew“ are 224°“ “were premise -Ha ‘ f 1' ‘th- . impaled meet‘ 'z N i x"- . . i a mi \ acce ' ful performance of hirsrllinuatri‘es Oil-S filmy ’to Older' " mg a u s Asw A" at p. m. at wh Meeting called-10 discuss .p‘ufcma N 32: Lot '1, ISWIANEJII/h SIEiII/I operator was approved and contract; 01. will 'be opened at the was signed. lqrge "tract land 13 s‘ ; “ " ‘ w " ' LEE HEU , LO m y impson , ItioIns to. as. incluswe. Claims allowed. l 1%? fiegonagmmg- plans presented; .wi%cin the-,zolytmiic National Forest, Home B Copy of liquor license issued to make . r was present to. Washingtonmsagreea with the Sec- 'necessaries.Latest“i were; “’9‘” “WW °‘» '*"" “a: trauma '- . Washington, received and filed. ' . .COmDIP‘“: "I‘Inscript of the meet- ‘ " all mail. ciainiin t) "s 0 JOURNAL Want A Bids for Coumty Printing submitted! mg ,5 on flmI , allow. . 5 he timber, .1 Q ‘ . , , selectad,.-.or~havin r.;.boIna.,fing .Objec. scores. Of our by - Shelton Mason Count Journal. Boa”! advl9umefl to me t a ain ("t 'si‘to‘such a 'a n, .l . y Rate 756 per inch for first yublication. “mud”, May 1942 " e“ tlfilt té‘file"‘t ehtic D inn-1..“ fills “elgm’m's mm , . p and NC Per inch for subsequent in- M‘”“”: MW 26, ‘ Ir-ouice prior" to thetmovai o: m Journal Want- “ eorge l , ting. I Weds having claims against Sald' .I Radlo pro L BUILI