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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 26, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 26, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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iy,_.liiiig Julie 26, 1942. . protest shall to August 5. HARRY L. l7—4t. Re, ‘E OF MEETI i or EQUAL! 'd of Equaliza, W'ashingtom. ssion on MOTH- IST CHURCH M We » URGEGS .. ii 0‘...» 1 hour of ten 0, ii and Pine St V £51,013); County. V, 0% “y. Maulden llIATnggoglléSSéOlihfilgliRCII i ‘ purpose of 8‘1 icé SE4: ar‘nm' Sunday 8011091, 10 a. m. 0f the propel? . " lie, n']. . Sunday SerVic-e, 11 a. m. i 0 will (-iiiitinuel, ,Service, s p. m. .- . f to time for P9 v’ s , MT. ‘11)“ CHAPEL ; .v< ‘ V 'i LIN 3E Egllfifibognhslwll Sunday gfiftiiighgfll? 2P1]: a Mason Coun.‘ 0],.9;45 1L1“, Morning worshipwllra. ni, , rship' 11 a. m, hvening Seiiice, 4.4,, p. m. i I'Vice, 6:30 p. m. . rvme, 724."; p. in. ‘39. Tues. 7:45 p. in. i'FI‘iday 7:45 p. in. ARDS CATHOLIC , and Pine St. "ugl'k “'ieclimann 'ALL FOR 8195' [100] District N s for 16 Code d and delivered? 1 be at 8:00 RM. will he open8d... RS. MADELINE istrirt School accepted '. I a. m. ‘, ,; ion. 7:30 p.m. l 6' IVE LUTHERAN nest on Highway i Muhly, 705 DI-urhorn N0. 1509 I , . 9:4.) 11. in. CE T0 CREDI Le ice. 11 a. m. JPERIOR COUR’ : agile (‘acll first and third OF WASHING p.m. i COUNTY ‘ Matter of the. ARY PENTECOSTAL .‘ Prayer Meeting, Thurs, 7:45 p. in. Sunday School, Sunday Service, 11 a. in. l:.Y.P.U. Evening service, 7:45 p. in. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE “Christian Science" ject of the Lesson-Sermon which will be Christ, Scientist. Sunday, June 28. ‘, Golden Text: ‘malice, and all guile, and hypo-l ii i BAPTIST CHURCH 'u‘ Fifth and Cola St. ,- Rev. J. O. Bovec l 9:45 a. m. nice 11):. 6:30 p. m. t is the sub- read in all Churches Ofv “Laying aSide alll together with the improvements situ-; ‘auction to the highest bidder l‘lll', Tnited States. I di‘i'lared lowned by the State of Washington, situate labutting upon all of lot 3, section 9, and that part of lot 2, M.. lineander line beginning at the mean— |der corner on the west line of said section 10 and running thence N 47° E 3.80 chains CllallIIS to the terminal point, with a iota owned 112011 PUBLICATIONS i FOREST SERVER NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE TIDE LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That] i on Tuesday, the 7th day of July, 1942, commencing at tell o‘clock in the fore—' 'noon of A main entrance door to the County Court House In the city of Shelton. countyl States Forest Service in this re- ‘ of Mason, State of Washington, by the. County following said day, in front of the Auditor of said county. the described state tide lands,, will be sold at publicl there— to»wit: l NOTE~»NO one except citizens of the or persons who have their intention to becomei can purchase state lands. APPLICATION NO. 10571 ted thereon. f U('ll, All tide lands of the second class, in front of. adjacent to or section 10, ownsliip 23 north. range 3 west, W. measured along the government i and N 11° 45' E. 11.80: frontage of 2044 lineal chains, more or less, appraised at $715.40. APPLICATION NO. 10568 All tide lands of the second class, by the State of Washington. mm Deceased.’ anst pim. St, crisics. and envies, and all evil, , _ , . Is Hamil .» harm-g: r new born babesi31:30.1.‘:.::;°ll..rioaarrl his: fifgil'afig”’,§,§. orshig'd‘ila'gnm desire the sincere milk of the l 26, township 24 north, range 3’ west, of the estate '_ t,Sei'vi’cc, 754.5 I}, m, word, that ye may grow there- described by motes and bounds eased and tha-td' filgbwpdneg' 7:45 p: m' l, by" ‘1 PGter 2:112)- flsBé(Jlllll‘I¥l/::’ at Oint 011 the th ’ "‘5 f‘g‘m‘“ Sale ' 4am" “"°‘”"Z‘"»’" Twig“ Among the citations which ‘ (:rl 'gmm-ri‘r’i of llhtle) 01 in lo Hi fif’uv 'l iumd to 5:9“ p.m., Stdllfin KCY,i _ . b , y p is Wdyv ed upon the i comprise the Lesson—Sermon is which IS N 79 E 1320 feet and N 78° 1:"?“2‘igémfav m, .,,.,. gthe following from the Bible: if, scissors: arousal: Xnd 10mg mil Bhildigg L ', whatsoever things were written ship' '24 north: range 3 west: Clerk 01- ,1331 v: T. w, Jug...“ >al'orctime were written for our and running thenge along said south- service, within 7:30 p. m. 1. learning’ that we through pa- liill‘ly;z2gllflgfilnFN 936 [gilt- Etggncfgetsi late. of first Pu tience and comfort of the scrip- E 456 feet to the shore line of Ham-l gion in aid of the war effort are pointed out Lyle F. Watts, regional forester partmeiit, the more than a hundred lookout sta— tions belonging to the forest ser- vice and other protective agen— cies have been manned on a 24- hour basis for the airplane warn- ‘the forest service. telephones serving 'been maintained sinCe early in the winter. materials has been collected for other merit. Early in 1940 we made a study of the amount, location and ownership of Sitka quality suitable for airplane con- struction. The study, in 1941 and her of operators, covered current ,— -.-_-—.~..._—_ __....____....._.__ . - -- - w...— JOURNAL EFFORTS lN WAR l WORK IS GlVENl, Special projects of the United in a bulletin froml or the North Pacific Region, at Portland. “At the request of the war de- bulletin relates, ng program under supervision of Trails and them have “Information about strategic branches of the govern- spruce of 42, in cooperation with a num- operations in Oregon, Washington and Alaska and included manufac- ituring practice and measures to increase production. Study of Minerals “A detailed survey was made. . to~wit. 10116 Nm SCIENCE i , , H _ I ims will be to r 3% d Alder St. :tui'es might have hope (Rom. ma Haiiima Bay; thence along said ' of the location of depOSits of crit- OROTHY G03 km ' 9145 '3‘ m ‘1 15:4). Sh?” .“m’ S 84° W 6"60 feet and Ni ical minerals and of roads re- mumx 0" Sailor s”: .11 3' m Tb Lesson-Sermo l ' 83 2° W 184 fe-et' and thenceN-nu d t ’k th 'bl lam, Attorney , r eWice, 8 p. m. fie n a 50 1n" W.375 feet to said place of beginning,l qmre 0 ma 63 em aCCGSSI '8. Suite 5 Gorey '- i- —+—*~+--—~——- CIUdeS the fOHOWlng passages; bemg lgtsd 91313 govAllilocghzlv, Ofs the! The service has practically fin- , 'w... , ., . V - <- _ unrecorc pa 0 ie 5 um-> ‘ on aqlifi_12_1g_ IN SEATTLE from the ~Christiand SCIence text [mm flame Tracts, and having a from ished construction of 16 miles of I, , i MI,“ E» e Gilmore book, Seieiice an Health With‘ tage of 3.81 lineal chains, more or less, cooperative road to a chrome de- nms“ , “S : {Oheosrgndav after , Key to the Scriptures” by Mary apgralisizd (at $139,584 m f t 1 posit on the Siskiyou National BALI. FOI‘ . . i H l :11 an s w1 . so who ess ll School “Dist” ek 'end in Seattle 1 Eddsy'. I have .Set forth than the appraised value above statedt Forest’ and Other prOJeCtS arel “5 Ian (Hence and 1tS aPPh'Iand upon the terms and conditions pending. ‘1 : bids for wood. and delivered with {them their . irst of the month, 9 other. i i he accepted “1 :30 p.m. at be opened at NNIE E. SAU ‘ ., i I. ‘ lerk L'll‘wauP i i l i . Alfitgact Man of g cation to the treatment of disease just as I have discovered them. The Bible has been my only au- thority. I have had no other guide in ’the straight and narrow way' of Truth. Christian Science, d‘erstood, coincides with the Scrip— tures, and sustains logically and un- ———-———~--" ,. , demenstratively every point it i No. 1363 I89“ lpresents” (pp. 126: 22-23, 29; l [on T0 CREDIT 358: 9—11). i : :lPERIOR COURT 3 "l 5' OF WASHING ' , COUNTY ' fiNfiPROpAE‘hFé It a er 0 ed. 1 . as *- Lymv De‘etna' '_a'cts, Real Estate hereby given on; has been. 413,0 Ix ed as adininIl—lsyong, and Insurance Iargaret A. , all persons 113‘" d deceased are ,. serve the Same'tor said administi'atbe of record at . ad, and file image if said Court. towiv Such service .rst Or the date of f1 5 5 notice, or the first publication '. ROCHE FICng dniinistrator 0f m ddress 905 Low . Battle, Wash. McClure, for Estate, 11 Building, ish. 64249 flit BUILDING g i WASH. ‘ DATED 50110 v0. 309 0FN WASHINGTO 1; 1931, BO '1‘ i 3 IS HEREBY, solidated Scho‘iy )f Mason COurl T 115 for paymefl 1 t day of Julyv r nber 47 to 53o 1001 building b :ted July 1:. annually, i551l mount of $75' 1 the Board of,. ilidated Scho" m County. 1,. .HARRY C Clerk "Con School Dis PBOCLAMATI . ‘esideuts of the rniance with ' ,5 ll Government entory, ,of all? I i.A;-,be~mmi Co inning E midni ht, ,1 Hitler. irohl‘. Rubber W . rubber , comel- R. THENCE V. . PAUL . h‘ 'seaSOned _ the r OyStef” , before 59 ,m , be ope: Pcrsonally to us. .Hr t ‘y i i. 0111- 11 “1‘1. ill cease t t' '- ar the 30th V of : all persons? h: forthwith d , same to It“ Fr, , :rie No. 2079Imenti gles for Pay as f ade as 500“ lders can be ’1,» with the rie of the and the B No. 2079. F his the 1M”1 LTO‘N AEBIE' -. tNAL 013D?3 CALI. FOR fix 2 1301100le :0 bids {or gar split, genre; ods‘hed by d r. i be accepta h to p“i m.t file‘” i one 8 . .EE HEUSTOEI. loute 3, 30‘s,, "‘O’T T'AWA‘ '- “ ' L ‘Want of your) 5; ms with ' Want- ‘ THROUGHOUT THE ILS.A. WP MARCH TOGETHER against a common foe, we ,' g I“ 3‘18 recall with a sense of deep gratitude thc ‘ generosity of you Americans, as so often dcmon— ] AN .GOIIERNMENT. TRAVEL BUREAU COLVILLE VISITORS HERE Mrs. H. D. Clark, her daugh- ter Deronda, and son Jimmy, of . Colville, with their Harry Clark, dispatcher for the Mason County forest fire unit of. the State Forestry Department, from Friday to Tuesday. Wash, enjoyed a visit husband and father, l —! l ! I l i l l War aid during our last two summers of fighting tI'csscd our efforts and strengthened our morale. ~ hat we stand shoulder to shoulder against the of darkness and barbarism, we feel more than kinship with you, our neighbours, across “the St border in the world." I , ether you visit us soon, or not until Victory is 0 know you will remember the pine forests, blue " and snowy peaks where you have spent so many aYS in times of peace. And we hope you will ten of the friendly folk of Canada, who send an arth greeting to all their American neighbours. l CANADA‘ following: chase price .must be paid at the time of sale. the owner of the improvements, mustl forthwith pay to the the sale the full amount of the ap- praised value of the improvements. as above stated. One—tenth, of the pur- thcreafter with interest on all deferred DISTRIBUTION AND DISCHARGE Not less than one-tenth of the pur- The. purchaser, if he be not- offiicer making| chase price must be paid annuallyi payments at the rate of six per centum per annum: Brovxded, That any pur-l chaser may, make full payment of. prin— cipal, interest and..statutory fee at any time and obtamfleed. The pur- chaser of land containin timber or; other valuable materials is prohibited by law from cutting .or removing any. such timber or materials without first obtaining consent of the Commission— er of Public Lands, until the full! amount of the purchase price hast been paid and deed issued. All sales of state lands are madei subject to the reservations of oils,{ gases, coal, ores, minerals and fos- sils of every name, kind and de-f scription, and to the additional termsi and conditions prescribed in section 3 of chapter 256 of the Laws of 1907. Said land will be sold subject tel the terms, conditions and reservations: of chapter 312 of the SeSSion Laws of 1927, relating to easements for rights- ot—way and the carrying of timber, stone, minerals and other products over the same. JACK TAYLOR. Commissioner of Public Lands. I By FRANK YATES. Assistant Commissioner.l 6-5—12-19-26-—7—3——5t. NOTICE OF LEASING OF STATE TIDE LANDS To All Whom It May Concern: This. is to Certify, That the following de-i scribed lands. situated in Mason? County, Washington, will be offered for lease on Tuesday, the 7th day of July, 1942, at ten o‘clock a.m., in front of the Court House of Maison, County. at public auction to the high- ' est bidder. Each bidder will be requir— I ed to deposit a certified check, certi- ficate of deposit payable to the County Auditor. or cash, equal in amount to the first year’s rental of such land in accordance with his bid, together with $2.00, the statutory fee for issu- ing a lease. i No improvements shall be placed on State. Lands except by written permis— sion of the Commissioner. i No lessee shall without the written consent of the Commissioner remain in possession of the land or improve- ments after the expiration of the lease. , APPLICATION NO. 2521 i All tide lands of the second class, owned by the State of Washington. situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon those portions of sec— tion 26, township 24 north. range 3 west, described by metes and 1bounds as follows: Beginning at a point on the south—i erly margin of the Olympia Highway which 18 N 79" E 1180 feet distant from the corner common to sections 22, 23, 26 and 27, township 24 north; range 3 west, and running: thence along said southerly margin N, 79“ E 140 feet. and N 78° 18' 40 feet; thence S 11° E 375 feet to the shore line of I-Iamma Hamma Bay; thence along said shore line N 83° 20' W 189 feet and thence N 11° W 317 feet to said place of beginning. beiu lots 7 , and 8. block 2, of the unrecor ed plat of Ailienhrs Summer Home Tracts- and. havmg a frontage of 2.86 lineal chains, more or less. Rental~$15.00 per annum. Term—Ten Years. NOTE: Lessee must be a citizen of the United States or have dedm‘edv in good faith, his intention to become , such.~Chapter 50, Laws 1921. .NOTE.—.Receipts for deposits made With applications to lease may be used by applicant only, as cash .on date» 0‘ leasing. ‘- 3 Witness _my hand and seal of office affixed this 29th day of May. 1942 . JACK TAYLOR, . (SEAL) Commissioner of Publicl‘ Lands of the State of Washington Assista tFlCANK YATESP bl L d5 ., n ommissioner u ic an 6-5-12-19-26--7-3——5t, No. 1459 NOTICE or HEARING 0N FINAL ACCOUNT REPORT AND PETITION OF ExEctlTon FOB SETTLEMENT. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. IN PROBATE In. the Matter of, the Estate of' Hattie 1. Morgan, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that Jack Morgan, Executor of the above estate. has filed herein his final ac“ count, report; and petition for settle- ment and distribution of the estate' of the deceaSed. wherein the Court} is asked to approve said account and 2:13:55 Zing giakfi distribution of the . n isc ar e the Executor. NOTICE IS FURT GIVEN. that in accordance with an order of said Court made and entered on the 13th” day of June, 1942, a hearing will be 23.510.322.326 Cr". °“ saidsflnal '. . an e ition on atur- day, ’the Igth day gt July, 1942, at 10 oclock, A. on said day in the Court Room of said Court in the Court House at Shelton, Washington. Dated this 13th (13, of June, 1942. CLARE EN ELSEN, Clerk of the Superior Court i Mrs. “The service is participating in l, the ,survey and mapping of a large coastal area for the army, as a military measure. “Portable pumps and similar fire fighting equipment have beenl loaned to the army and navy.i Warehouses, shops, CCC camps and other forest service facili- ties have been put at the disposi- tion of the armed forces. “Forest officers are taking part in U. S. Department of Ag- riculture War Board and post- war planning activities. After the war, an estimated 20 to 25 mil- lion men must be shifted from war-time to peace time produc- tion, and since this situation in- evitably must be met, it merits some current consideration. A very large area of forest land in the Northwest is unproductive or only partly productive. Its reha—l bilitation will give employmentl lto many thousand men and in-l crease the regional and national stability and wealth. Forest offi- cers are serving on the commit— tee which is giving this situation lthe attention which it requires at. this time. “War production has made many demands on national foest ltimber. The increased number of sales for special products or to meet special conditions has built up a heavy work load. Cutting Of national forest timber to meet war needs will be an all—time high. “New responsibilities and de- creased personnel call for realign- ments of forest service work. Pro- tection of public property, admin- istration of timber, grazing and other resources to meet current requirements and participation in war work must have first prior— ity. A number of activities thatl are desirable in normal timesl have, from necessity been shelved for the duration. “Present war demand for forest products is causing severe overcut- ting, particularly on private lands, in many producing areas. War needs can and will be met. If our. Increased Timber Demands l forest resource is to again sue-l cessfully meet similar demands at ! some future time, drastic war readjustments will be essen- tial. “The advancement of a con- structive forest program is one of post- must be emphasized even during war times. It has by no means been abandoned. It still ranks high as a need of this region.” Grapevie'w Woman Barn Dance Series Surprised With Birthday Party Grapeview, :Iune 23—Mrs. S ar- ah‘Hansen, who has planned manyi pleasant surprises for other peo— ple, was herself the center of a surprise party on June 15. The occasion was Mrs. Hansen’s birth— day. The hostesses, Mrs. Fred Davis, Mrs. Ed Westberg and Mrs. Bus Borgford, invited a number of friends to the Davis home as a complete surprise to the honor guest. Games and cards were played and, of course, delicious refreshments served. In addition to a beautiful cake, Mrs. HanI sen, who has recently installed electricity, was presented with a fine hot plate. The guests includ— e‘d' Mr. ‘ and‘ Mrs. Orin Bucking- ham, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. Web Etherton, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Somers, Mr. and C. Pohl, Mr. and Mrs. Knopf, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Bus Borgford, Mr. land Mrs. Ed Westberg, Joe Tsch- ida and Mrs. Sarah Hansen. Miss Lulu Knutson and Arne Lindgren were married in Taco- ma last Friday evening at the Central Lutheran church. Attend— ing them were Mrs. Charles Pohl, sister of the bride and Mr. ‘Pohl. for Mason - tom County, Washing ALDEN o. BAYLEY Attorney for Executo’r Title Insurance Buildi'ng Shelton. Washington. ““fl‘Efl'f‘H‘ MILLMAN BREAKS ANKLE _Oral Mercer of Route 7' Olym- pxa, suffered a broken right [ankle at the Reed Mill Friday in a fall while at work there. He was treated at Shelton hospital. w Journal Want-Ads—pnone 100 On Saturday evening a number of the community greeted the cou- Iple with a charivari at the Poh] l-héme and later accompanied them -to the dance at Horsehoe Lake.. The groom is stationed at Fort Lewis. ‘ Mr. and Charles Schwinn LenjOyed a’VlSlt last week from !re'1_atiVes, Mr. and. Mrs. Tom Mul- lins of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. :Jim Hannah of North Dakota. They spent a day at the Schwinn home and then called’ on Mr. Sbhwinn in the hospital. We are SHELTON-MASON COUNTY J OURNAD m “MAAA AA AAAMA‘. mum i FOR SALE: FOR SALE: 31/“. miles from Shel- WATERFRONT FOR SALE: 5—~ acres, 213 feet beach, tide: lands, timber, spring, 3-rooni cabin. B. A. Powers, Shelton Hotel. 6-26#7-3—10——3t. 1 FOR SALE: 4-room house with- the more notable activities that; l .m'm‘ Real Estate , ANT .4 Classified Service ‘ 40 acres, 4-rooml house, full basement, barn, garage, well water, timber. Alli fenced. Inquire David R. Ma- son, 805 Railroad Avenue. A_VON COSMETICS: ments by phone or card, 372-R. Bernice J, Stewart, City. 6-12-26w3t. 6-26--7—3—10« 3t. ' FOR SALE 5 acres all cleared, 3-1‘00m house, 1000 capacity chick- en house. 1 mile from city center. See W. A. MAGOON 6—19-26 77-3—w3t. ton, 20 acres $175 or 40 acres $300, cash preferred. Wood and Small timber for log cabin.i Write C. G. Herold, 440 Watcrl Street, Salem, Oregon. 6—12-19-26A-w3t. bath, remodeled and paintedl last summer at 635 Bellevue. L. i R. Kolmorgan on Arcadia Road. l 6—5 to 7-17m7t. FOR SALE: 6 room modern house downtown district, closei to grade and high school, nice yard, shrubs, flowers, garden spot, priced reasonable. Inquire S—6-26—7—2-lofl3t. FOR SALE: 7 room house, full basement, large upstairs, 21/2 lots, close to business district $6,250. Inquire Shelton Sport-, ing Goods or phone 160-R. B-5—22~—tf. FOR SALE: 7 room house. Close to business district. Full base-, ment. For particulars call at Shelton Sporting Goods. 5-15--tf. 1 FOR SALE: 10 room house on Mountain View. Suitable for apartments or rooming house. Reasonable terms or liberal discount for cash. See or write Mrs. Charles Dahlman, Camp 3,l Shelton. D—4-3tf ‘ FOR SALE 3-room modern home (with break- fast nook (electric pump, finel garage and woodshed. Located on tract of fine land about 31/2 miles from Shelton on Bayshore road. Some waterfront proper—' ty. This will make an excellent, suburban home, close in, withf plenty of land for garden and‘ some chickens. Will consider some terms. Price $2850. 20 acres of land, with plenty of wood, timber, alder and fir. 62 miles out on good road. $125‘ cash. ‘ * * 6-ROOM modern home, hard—wood floors, fireplace, full basement and furnace. Also large unfin— ished upstairs. This home is', located on oiled street and hast nice yard. Entire property in'i excellent condition, and priced! below present value. Will con-E sider terms—$4200.00. i FOR SALE 1 2: l7—room modern suburban home inf—#1-..“ excellent condition. Plasteredl with fireplace, full basement; Flowers and shrubs and fruitl trees of many varieties. Nice yard and lawn, all well kept. Also plenty of excellent gar—| den land. Chicken house and? barn. Gravity water system. Would cost $10,000 to replace, and is a real bargain at $4400, terms. Herbert G. Angie Angle Bldg. Phone 304 l l Planned By Moo-see First in a series of barn dances, in which amateur talent enter— tainers will perform between dances, will be held July 11 under the sponsorship of the Moose Lodge of Shelton in the Moose Hall at First and Railroad ave- nue. , Succeeding dances in the series will be held about every two tails will follow. lDon Dickinson Now First Class Seaman Donald Dickinson, U. S. Coast Guardsman stationed at Portland, enjoyed a 48—hour leave with his , parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dick- inson, here last weekend and re- ported he has recently been pro- moted to the rank of first class seaman. glad that he has recovered from his recent accident enough to be at home again although the pros- pects are that he will be confined to bed for some time. The A.’ C. Robinsons were at their cottage over the week end. lLonny and his bride were there, ialso, as he had a three-day leave [from his duty in the air force. lure of a visit from her mother, Mrs. C. M. Wynes, of Miles City. ‘1, Montana. Mrs. Walter Clayton and Ar- thur are spending the week at their beach cottage.' Mrs. C. P. Hillman, who broke come home from the hospital on Friday. Her daughter Pat, came from Seattle to help the recov- ery. A... SEE US for your garden needs. 1st Quality —- $3.29 gal. lst. qt. $1.49, 2nd qt. 21¢ Western Supply C0,; Wrecking 2 factory buildings at, McClear}, ~100,000 ft. used lum- ber. l $100 cash. L. E. Bishop, Route 3, 1 weeks, Lodge officers said in an- nouncing the plan. Further de-l Mrs. Knopf is having the pleas- i her ankle last week, was able to. l l appoint- % l l l for garage door, Forck, East Cascade on from 10 a. m. Rose bushes, fertilizers, seeds, Mrs. tuberous begonias, bulbs, sprays Holman, etc. Forrest Flowers and Gifts, to 2:30. 313 Railroad 2-27—tf. PAINT SALE erll 1c Varnish Special Sunday For‘Rent FOR RENT 3/11 $2.50. furnished modern cabin with shower, etc., $10.00[ month. For sale, brass finish, springs, $3.00; 6— foot crosscut saw with han- dles $10. Hangers and track iron bed, See 6-26—1t. ._____._.____.__.__————————- FOR RENT: until Sept. 1, mod— 4 room houSe, completely furnished, gas range, oil heat. $40 includes water. 712 Pine. 6-26———1t. 'WILL RENT: until Sept. 1 only completely furnished home suit- able for couple dren. Oil heat, 'gas range. 375 for period pays water, light, phone, heat. 719 Pine or inquire without chil— D—6-26—1t. 218 N. 1st Phone 126 TYPEWRITERS i ““ma" FOR RENT $3 per month HURRY! HURRY! SHIPLAP -— SIDING . 2x8—2x6—etc. See Salesman on job or 557-W before 9: FOR RENT: 6 room house, un- furnished. About_8 miles from town. Lights and water. Inquire at Journal, office. . F—6-26—1t. Wanted roses, 30 mornings. M—6-19—26—2t. I ‘WANTED—TO RENT: drag , saw, 1 —» write Dick Cannell, Matlock Rt, .Shelton. . , . FURNISHED HOUSE on 'Hill— crest in exchange for room and board, one adult. Couple with! I 6726——1t. no children preferred. Phone ‘SALESMAN WANTED: To sell our fruit and ornamental nur- FOR SALE: shrubbery, [ etc.; exclusive territory,,liberal cash advance weekly on orders. NurSery Co., 6-26--7-3—2t. Matheny & Bacon 1710 4th Ave. 'S., Seattle Phone 4280 , . l sery stock, FLOOR’ SANDER FOR RENT Free outfit. May by Day or Hour Yakima, Wash. J. L. CATTO HARDWARE work ,in Remember—You Can 33‘ country. WANTED: girl for general house- Excellent home, good wages. Phone 11—F- B—6-26~—1t. Still Take Pictures! , g ,All of the beautiful photographic Garage and WOOdShedy two 1OtS-tspots—the lakes, the mountains, the valleys, and so on, are still available for your camera. There are. however, a few restrictions in the interests of Victory. These the United States: In the interest of national se- curity, citizens in the Western Theater of Operations are advis- ed against taking photographs showing Army units; headquartr' ers; transports; camps, buildings;vi“rANTEp. or B‘Ftloo installations; - projects; weapons;‘ equipment; supplies; movements;,l Young. Call 520 before m, or other military material or ac.- . ,: , 5.25.11; tivities; railroad 'and highway ‘ bridges and tunnels; shipping fa- WANTED:“‘wo‘I‘k”by (133’ 01116113? cilities and railroad yards; reser- Callie Lundberg, P._R, Shelton; , voirs and water distribution sys- q»,- ' ,. §o26rwglrh i terns; electric and gas generating . . ., _, ‘ and distribution units; telephone, (313.5151, ,3 , telegraph, and radio installa- /ori.$!lie€..gtirl-_ilnquire “male ' tions. -restrictions apply to any Part of ’WANTED' Loganberry pickers. Cabin, good bathing beach. Eight miles east of Shelton on Allyn Road. Her- man Dewltz, Grapeview. i '( m. WANTED: some one to mow my lawn. Martha Deer, 323 N. 4th. ‘6-26—1t. ] WANTED: homes for u-week-old puppies. No charge. Mrs. Rose Warren, near Maple Beach, Lake Isabella. 6-26—1t. e i g h t experienced 6-26--7-3-10—3t. if , apartment furnished house. Mrs. ‘Ptlmslflll :: w M FOR SALE: HEREFORD BEEF FOR SALE: FOR SALE: 125 feet steel cabl‘e‘; STRAWBERRIES: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less (minimum charge) 3 weeks $1.00. 1 week 50c. Lower rates for larger ads and more insertions. , Reader notices 3c per word. 75c minimum charge on each notice. Card of Thanks, 750; original poetry 50c per inch; classified display rates on request. Advertisements accepted 0 v e r the telephone from phone subscrib- ers. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made be— fore the first of the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 10c will be made when billing is necessary. PHONE 100 4' ,...,,. "was"... - “rags-(lucih‘ll'fl-Lr WV "vv‘ ' For Stile AADMAAAAA“ 1,000 feet rubber hose, available early next week.- Place orders now with western Supply Co.. 218 N. lst Sh} phone 126. 6-26—1t;j W—ILL GIVE HAY on 2 lots to" anyone willing to cut and take” same away. Chas. Prentice, 8th and Turner. 6-26—1t. {FOR SALE? 2 tires and tubes,‘ size 5.50 19. Write Dick Can: nell, Matlock Rt, Shelton. , 6-26—1t," XLDER WOOD or Logs for sale." Norman Ellison. Route 1, Box 146, Elma, Wash. V 6-26--7-3-10——3t., CATTLE for sale. fill your locker or can it; 0. T. Aubol place, Upper Sko; komish Valley. D—6-19-26—7-3—3tfi profitable cash busi-‘ ness in excellent location. Es-‘ tablished eight years in Shelton. Easy terms to right party. Inr quire Journal. K—6-19-26—2t‘ new 14 'ft. cedar rOwboat $28.50. Inquire 723 No. Fifth. S—6-19-26—2t. stump puller; gas engine. Reas-‘ onable. Call 6—F-21 or write Route No. 2, Box 210. R—(i-19—26-~7—3—3t.~ lOLD NEWSPAPERS: for build-5 ing fires, packing, etc. Large bundle 5c. Journal office. 6—19—tf.; lGUNNARSON New Hampshire chicks, best for meat or eggs.‘ Hatches weekly the year ar- ound. Low delivered prices.= Gunnarson Hatchery, Lakebay,- Wash. 6-12---1M.‘ $1 per flat, you pick, furnish containers: I'll supply boxes. Carmen; Ranch, Matlock Route, phone 14—F—41 first. 6-5-26--4t." Ton SALE‘Tv-s motoTTadiator‘ transmission. Perfect, suit-1 able for tie mill. Dell Adams, : fit _§g§tlock_ Route, Shelton. 6-12-26—312." . LARGE SIZE Andrews Studio I WXW?’ flEDup‘licating m........... i . SALES BOOKS Lost and Found l ' Ziorggg 36;? 25¢ FOUND: pair ladies gloves. Own- er identify and pay for ad. In-l quire Journal. 6—26—1t. FOUND: padloek and set of keys. Owner identify and pay for ad. Inquire Journal. 6-26——1t. FOUND: brOWn and white male Spaniel, about 1 year old, on. Angleside. Owner reclaim by identifying, paying for this no—I Pattyl l l tice. 1125 s. 7th St., length to be delivered . Troy. 6-26#1t. tist Church. See ,Efl 13,8229 So. lst or phone 1 L" “ 'vavvmvvvvvvv Used Cars vvvvvvvvv' ' ' ' ' ' LOST: 16-ft. rowboat, white with blue trim, No. 30M842. Finder please notify Lee Carlson, Rte. 3, Box 166, Shelton, Wash. FOR SALE: Pontiac straight 8 Coupe ’33 model. Five good tires. Box 210 6-19-26—7—3—~3t. Frl'. ' Editor of The Journal Dear Sir: The thought struck me the other night when I was serving'a' .S‘at" six hour night shift ondur, _ob7‘,June servation post, what a lucky chap ‘ [I really am to be an American. .‘Here we do things voltmtarilywslm, iNo one forces us to perform our} June patriotic duty. We, the real Am-‘l ericans, feel that it is‘not Onlyl ,our duty but a real privilege toI ‘back up our armed forces. I Some people call us suckers for ,sitting up night ‘after night i watching for and reporting"planES. I If being suckers makes Us so ‘im- portant that skilled ‘men' Sit at their phones day after day and .night after niglit Waiting for, our‘l reports, then we are satisfied'tol, lremain suckers until all enenfy t111171011. June ‘Tués. June When this war is over we'will‘i-Jlfly 1 not have to hang our heads in isliame when we see our beloved .Stars and Stripes because, way down in our Ihearts We will know i Thurs. that we are partly responsibleiJuly 2 Ithat Old Glory still flies over‘ l“The Land of the Free and The, Home of the Brave.” Very Respectfully, ' R. W. STRIKE. Fri. July 3 Results Repeat Again and In the Journal Want-Ans. Phone 100 . . ,1 Again. Salty" ‘ {Juli/4 1;, . 487-J. 27 , . planes are blasted out of the skies}! Wed. ‘ WANTED Arc}: truckloads , ._. Alder, MaPlfRHe i 6.0km tonwood 1035...,“ lg WANTED: 20 Fairmont. Tides 9‘ the” 1W . °°mml¢ililété9m30§ say eludes. ,are . Hood' ( sag minutes earlier) Elma, June 21, 1942 June 26“ 28 29 log ' . arlgfidséo’r " 01.9.11» (1:903? . . beryllfiéés, Liberal scale._' :erompt settle- ments. NormweSt-'.,I1hair Corn- , . pany, Tacoma, Wash, ’ V I I $19-25r—7r3r19-‘t43a- fill-249.4234.— ) RESPONSIBLE youn local. '0 . pie will pay $25 1 exceptionally clean, 1 .to 2 bedroom home, wired" for range. References.“ Phone : MC-r6‘12-18-926—3t- . .w’goji , ‘-' , “21:2ng: : 9r mam. .rurnls’hedn Hifl .a Low 11:56 p.m. High, 5:09am. 12:28' pm. gig! (ZR-“‘- 12‘;5?2” a.m. High 5:51.. atm- Low 8:20. p.m. Low ’7 1":47‘ aim. 1 :15 p.m. High 16:48. a.m. Low 2 :02 p.m. High 9:16 p.m. 30 Low 2:43 a‘._m. High 7:40 a.m. 2:49 p.m. High 10 :02 p.m. now 3:39? arm. is: 8:36 a.m. "8337 p.m. 10:50 p.m. 4:38 a.m. 9:36 a.m Low 4 :25 p.m. High 11:34 Low 5 :38 High 10:44 Low 5:15 High 12.520 Low 0:43 High «12:01 pm LOW 6:07 pm a.m. a.m. p.m. 8.511. a.m. ’——‘——-1'-———‘_—‘— . 6-19-26-7-3—3t WANTED To Binfused out“_ board motors. Hillcre'st; Hard: ware, phone 499, Olympic and 3‘- . .. .1 .,4_10__t,f,. .‘r 41:9 ft. 13.7: ft. 6.2 ft. 13456 ft. :28 ft. 14.5 ft. 6.3 ft. 14.5, ft. x -3.3 ft. 15.1 ft. 612 ft. 14.3, ft. -33 ft. 15.4 ft. 6.0 ft. 13.9 ft. -29 ft. 15.5 ft. 5:6 ft. 13.3 ft. --2.1 ft. 12.4 ft. 5.2 ft 12.6 ft -o.9 ft 15.2 ft. 4.6 ft. 11.8 ft. 0.5 ft. 14.9 ft. 3.9 ft. - 11.1 ft. 1.9 ft 21:22: aim. 14.5 ft. 11:42 a.m. High 6548‘" pain; ' ALDEN «0.33%va pa? ' l SALEs;Booxs _- I out prices "are as law or lower" . than outside .g you. 5‘? salesmen, can quote . l.- .1: ,, "ATTQBNEY. AT LM.“ 3 "é‘l‘ltle‘ insurance Building ' Opposite First National Bank Phone 23i~~ Shelton -c)1_ . iii-7! ‘- IIEBBEBT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building ELLIOT. E. SPRING Accounting Tax services Bookkeeping Systems 123 4th St. Phone- 565 it FUNERAL HOME . -‘ Licensed Embalmers I W. A. Witsiers, Prop. Phone 180 Shelton, Wash. DOANE BRODIE Attorney-AtgLaw Angle Building Phone 337 ~Al JIM-i CHARLES R, ‘ ATTORNEY AT LAWV Suite 1 n M. Shelton, Washington RICHARD F... EDDY Licensed Public Accountant Notary Public- 325 Railroad Ave. Phone 115 .