June 26, 1942 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 26, 1942 |
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Minor injuries were sustained:
by Henry Davenport, ‘of Route 1,v
10, Friday when the lad, riding1
his bicycle, was struck by a car
driven by Arnold Levy of Port
‘ at Shelton hospital Monday, Tues-.
Angeles, a mile and a half north;
of Shelton on the Olympic high-
In wide-stripe cotton prints
' and seersucker. Shirt waist
blouse tops the lo n g e r
shorts and a button-front
skirt that may be worn
with the blouse to
make a two-piece
Dress. Colors, Navy,
Red, Green &. Blue.
Sizes 12 to 18
Halter and
Short Sets
$1.29 .
Sizes 12 to 20
lnedy is present chairman.
Tonsil Operations were
M, Friday, «limpifi ,'
. Commissioners
their annual reunion and basketjjoin this gathering to»
TO I) I) (If.
Former residents of To (1 d picnic in Point Defiance Park, Ta: , former
home state: CO ’
County, Minnesota, and all ad- coma, Sunday, June 28. minis and plates will
formed on 20 young patients (it.
the annual tonsil clinic conducted‘
day and Wednesday this week. All i
Shelton doctors participated in the!
clinic, of which Dr. H. L. Ken-
=County Planning Council was re-
lrived after many weeks of delay
Appropriate $100
For Tonsil Clinic:
$100 was appropriated from thei
county’s borderline budget Mon-l
day by the county commissioners‘
to help finance the annual county
tonsil clinic which was held Mon-
day, Tuesday and Wednesday at
Shelton hospital. ,
The appropriation was made at
the recent request of Dr. H. L.
Kennedy, president of the tonsil
clinic. All local doctors partici-
pated in the clinic.
The resignation of Edgar J.
Wright of Grapeview from the
ceived and accepted, Mr. Wright
citing the additional duties he has
recently taken on in accepting
the chairmanship of the Mason
County War Price Board (Ration-
ing Board) leaving him insuffi‘
cient time to devote to the Plan-
ning Council.
Permission was granted by the
board to Charles Edward Botts
to pick huckleberry brush on
county lands in the Grapeview-
and Harstine Island vicinities.
Hendry Gets Uniform,
Assignment To County:
State Patrolman Gordon Hen—
dry popped up at work this week
in a new “summer suit,” his state
patrol uniform having finally ar-
due to the needs of the armed'
forces which get priority rating
in such things.
Hendry has been assigned to
succeed Cliff Aden, recently pro-
moted to sergeant and transfer—'
red to Port Angeles, as patrolman-
Iin the Mason County district, at
‘ least for the present.
__...__. H
Judge D. F. Wright signed a
superior court order Saturday ad-
mitting the will of the late Louis
Weinel to probate and naming
'Mrs. Ona A. Weinel as executrix
'of the estate, to serve without
With the initiation of another
class of new members, Shelton
aerie of the Fraternal Order of
Eagles achieved its membership
quota Monday night and was of-
flcially presented its quota cer«
tificate by District Director Jim- er, Floyd Kerr; financial scere— .
my McArthur of Tenino. tary, Wallace Moody; conductor, 1' Regular Prico
Refreshments enjoyed by tlio'King Goldsmith: warden. Angus
Eagles and Ladies Auxiliary were MCPheO: trustees, three years. .
furnished by the organization de— Ellsworth Curran? truste" tWO .
Special .
partment as reward to the Aerie
upon its completion of a very suc—
CE‘SSfUl year ill attaining its quom tee' Lela BmWn' NMHO Growl :
Settec. Ma 10 in naturzl fil ‘h
and in establishing very substan- Herman Afrallk all“ Frilllki p L “h
tial. increases in all Aerie funds. Grave-gt Shop COlTlmlttW.
Vellef‘l‘i “
Aerie President Cliff Collins re-
ports that the Shelton aerie is
‘ Officers Picked.
her and Sawmill Workers local
No. 2761, recently designated as
the authorized bargaining agency
for the McCleal'y unit of the Simp«
son Logging company, elected Of-
ficers at a meeting Tuesday night
in the McCleary theater.
The following Were named:
president, Carl Roser; vice presi—
dent, Herman Afrank;
secretary, Dave Bussard; treasur—
years, Lyle Hinman. trustoc one
year, Ralph Roser; sick commit-
plant day shift, Preston Odie, Har—
ry Matthews and Herman Loge-
McCleary, June 20 The Lum—:
recording l
joining counties, are sponsoring
All Minnesotians are welcome to l but no sugar.
Fan back chair and Two-Seatcr
Porch or Lawn Set
Colorful Lawn Furnit:
now taking its rightful place fra- mall; nlght Shift. Howard ; KEEP
tcrnally and financially in Mason Knlghtl Gene Brown and Olin?
County affairs as part of one of H0dg€S§ graveyard Shift, Ellsw
RECLINING CHAIRS ............................ _. 1.75
the greatest fraternal orders in Worth Curran. BryOn White and DECK CHAIRS
.......... .. 1.25
the U. s. and Canada. Frank Adams; maintenanCe crew, CANOPY
........................................... ., 95¢ FREE]
The local aerie is now redeem- Lawrence Curran; cutting depart- l .'
FOOT REST ................................................ _. 85¢ FLYI.
mg clubmom bonds' as noted ‘ ment, Nellie Green and Les Rcy- V
elsewhere in this issue. nolds; door department, Dave Bus- , , I I AND T
~ um ermen s ercantl e om an i
also chairman of the aerie’s scrap- George Regus; safety commlttee, l . ~
iron drive for the benefit of the W‘mam Forbesv Ed SOUthgat“
Civil Air Patrol, reported that re- and Walter Woods. . .. El
spouse to the drive has been high-
ly encouraging here and that a
substantial amount of old iron has
beer donated already. The drive
continues until June 30.
Tuesday evening a delegation of
Shelton Eagles went to Olympia
to attend that aerie's regular
meeting, at which an old time in-
itiation was put on by officers and
members of the Port Orchard
acrie. The visiting aerie members
enjoyed refreshments as guests of
the Olympia aerie.
Hoodsport News
Brevities Here
For Past Week.
Washable, Sunfast Prints
07‘ Fashions
0r Decorating
for the Family
Run them up on your sewing
machine into the least expen-
sive, best wearing summer
clothes and home accessories.
We’ve bold prints and figure—
Slimming prints, in p a s t c l
and] dark colors. All carry
label identification, and easy-
t 0-1? 0 l 1 o w instructions for
care that will add to their
By Yvonne Bartels
Hoodsport, June 23-—Sergeant
Joe Lassoie of Camp Roberts,
California, has been here visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vic
Lassoie and Laura Law on a
short furlough. He and his mo-
ther are spending the rest of the
week in Renton with relatives.
Mrs. W. K. Dean is cooking in
Mrs. Lassoie‘s Cafe during her
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Radtke of
Lake Cushman, were called to
Tacoma on Saturday to the bed-
Dairy Products ,
BUTTER ____________ __ 241,5, i a
Wild Rose, 90 score .
FEDERAL MILK.. 3 fol'; ‘ ’
Winning the war requires strong, healthy workers on the home front
——and we’ve got just what your Uncle Sam orders for a healthier
America—plenty of the right kind of food. Eat to keep fit by enjoy-
fgfl§1y°fflfifis momer’ Who Is set-i ing more fresh fruits and
vegetables . . . more dairy products . . . Ta“ cans 3
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johnson‘ . .. 1 Q
of Port Angeles, | more of the other dellc10us Vitamin-rlch foods we
feature in appetlz- Tau cans
and Nancy
spent Saturday and Sunday with‘
,his parents, the Leo Johnsons. I
l Mrs. Harry Yenter attended the
O.E.S. Grand Chapter in Tacoma
on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Peterman and
Roger Peterman, all of Belfair.
were Sunday guests of Mr. andl
,Mrs. Roy Pierce.
Orpha Hill spent several weeks
of her summer vacation in Seattle
with relatives. She returned last
week end.
i Sidney Jarvis, who is employedi
at Boeings in Seattle, spent froml
lFriday to Sunday here with his!
Mrs. Helen Swartz accompanied
her daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
LOCAL EGGS .... .. 2 doz. .
2 pkgs. 20¢
lpkg...1¢ 3 Pkg- 2
3 bottles 4- 3+
ing variety. Our daily low prices defend and strengthen your budget.
2" Bottles 45¢
1 Bottle .. 3¢
Buy for the Season while this deal 1asts!l
am Lloyd Woolcott :0 Ta; CHORE GIRLS _ .. . . ., ._ ......... .. 3 for
25¢ waiein
Effigéaigi‘ri‘llttmtfrisgs‘}?Sicily lgOTHERs COCOA
.................................. "h ........ .. 2-lbs. 13$ 3 m"
m . $123.33).
“‘51 W‘ 1‘9 arms ,3“ r3“; 5-0 RANDPA TAR SOAP with curtain pu
.................. .. r , on S_
Talflfr'ninioii‘niiyv 3f Si‘i’fiofisépnf, FISHER’S BLEND
FLOUR ............................ .. 49-lbs. 1.93 NEW SPUDS mm 2 in,“
is“; East.sewerage;l DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR ...............................
.. 49-1bs. 1.93 in: 1 - twenty n
old friends. 5 HOMELIKE FLOUR (hard wheat) .............. .. 49-lbs. 1.49
GRAFFFRUIT 84m; 49f ghzggtlgo c.
mgarecgfgggsgnmgf ,gafegogugg;, HAPPYVALE PINK SALMON
...................... .. 2 cans 39¢ Wm gccdmss ». at" e 5;
his examination (for the serviced LIBBY FRUIT NO. 1 cans ............ .. 2
for 7—H”. 3:21}?
Maggsayfioy Asleson left Thursday! Challenger
" 4 cans Valencia. V i I ” k Wiltshn
of last week for Ellensburg to vls-‘ SILVERDALE TOMATOES N0. 1 cans
........ .. 3 cans 29¢ w _ l ’l , draft
“ ' ‘ LOCAL PEAS 311». , w, m
Itil”:Siéifingnfilélié‘dtyifiat‘ifi ROSEDALE PEACHES No.
21/._. cans ............ .. 3 cans 59¢ New mph... , j
on Saturday eVening to spend theK ROSEDALE PEAS N0. 1 cans
.......................... _. 2 cans 27¢ CABBAGE ' _ _V lb. ul‘atiOl
'g'gglgayd- They both returned 0“ LIBBY SAUERKRAUT No. 21/, cans
................ _. 2 for 23¢ New Local 5,131
‘ Dwiglit Lee Pierce. accompanied: RELIANCE CORN Golden Bantam, N0. 2
cans. for 29¢ ONIONS ...... .. 55-le. 1 l
39.13;: gggngggggggig $583333; GRAPENUTS 12-oz.
........................................ _. 2 pkgs. 27¢ New Yello‘ 1 ‘
urday here at the D. H. Pierce' WHEATIES (Breakfast of Champs)
____________ ._ 2 pkgs. 23¢ CANTELOPE
home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hacker! ‘ H v. I '
and son, Bob, of Union, were also;
guests at the Pierce home Satur5
day. Sunday guests were Mr. and'»
Mrs. Allen Ward and son Ray-
mond of Aberdeen. Etta Mae
Ward returned home with her
parents after a two weeks visit
with Hettie Pierce.
Thc Hood Canal Women's Club
ALBER’S CORN FLAKES ll-oz. __________________ _, 2 pkgs.
Gold Seal Meals
Drink Your Vitaminsll
Bounty Grapefruit Juice N0. 2 ...... ..
Libby Orange & Grapefruit Juice...
iiibritilzrwgicile ROAST MUTTON ................ —. 1b. 16¢ Libby
Tomato Juice, 14-02. ......... ore 10
i . S. ——'-
.‘IYrslslie ggedfiiiieaiian, Simonaréeu MUTTON STEW .............. 1b,
121/293 Libby Tomato Juice, 46-oz. .......... ..
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Minchcl‘l ken ]
9; 1402;115:3333;5611;31:-l LEG 0F MUTTON .............. .. lb. 25¢ Cherry
Juice ------------------------------------ -— until a
l g Wl . 1 .,‘ - . 9' . H .
lmaggan3,5333%? MUTTON CHOPS .......... .. 2-lbs. 43¢ L‘bby Prune
“"30 1“ OZ- ------------- " I, 3%:
, ""i" ROAST PORK ...................... .. lb. 33¢
"""' ‘
meg/[VS FOESVI: 1201!; BACON SQUARES ............ .. lb. 20¢
l at 0c 10”“ y SLAB BACON ................... .. lb.32¢
l Maud-“:32? 515‘s; 1... SKINLESS WIENERS .......... nlb. 29¢
Willadson came home. Saturday Armours
ili’filaihieffifii’zofiifififi BACON .................... --
‘/2-lb- cello 18¢
much .better but still has to re- A8SORTED MEATS ____________ __ lb 9
$2in 13V:;dalfl(dr(§lci¥fl§i'ldmgt sMhzi;l Liver Sausage, Bologna,
Head Cheese
Image cifignegj, hug; it? COLORED FRYERS .......... .. ea. 1.15
Sunday. d Fresh Frozen
ogngafigsfigg; Egg: 23;, SALT HERRING .............. .. gal. 1.87
Lawrence Stevens went to 56- BOIL
~- lb.
Navy recruiting office and word
was received that he is a machin-
ists mate in the regular navy.
Mrs. Mable Priszner was in
Olympia Monday on business and
also to call on friends.
Deepest sympathies are,extend-
ed in this community to Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Russell in their be-
reavement over the loss of theirl
son, Ernest. The deceased went
to the Mary Knight school and
lwas Well liked by all the children.
attle Monday to report to the;