June 26, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 26, 1975 |
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Dave Mathews
Harry James
[:Harry C. James, manager at
De Shelton Branch of
[ttle-First National Bank since
[70, has been promoted to vice
,!dent and manager by the
board of directors.
tJames started with
ttle-First on a part-time basis
1948 while attending Seattle
iversity. He began full-time
l.th the bank in 1950 with
gnments at Seaboard Branch
the credit department. Two
s later he moved to Raymond
was elected assistant manager'
955. That same year James
sferred to Aberdeen Branch
ere he remained until his
¢ointment as manager of the
uth Bend Branch in 1963.
Since coming to Shelton, he
tbeen active in the Chamber of
merce, past president of
and has been a member of
tny other civic organizations.
David Mathews has joined
Bayview Mobile Homes as sales
representative in Shelton.
Mathews was graduated from
high school here and is active in
the Nimrod Club and the pool
league during the season.
He has over three years
experience in the mobile home
industry as a factory sales
representative and assistant sales
manager. He and his wife make
their home in Shelton.
Applying for marriage licenses
in the Mason County auditor's
office this week were:
walter Chapman, 29, Shelton,
and Tonya Reid, 20, Shelton.
Gary WeBorg, 32, Shelton,
and Marlene Sanchez, 34,
David Hall, 22, Alameda,
California, and Rebecca
W SALES REP Brehmeyer, 19, Matlock.
Tomi Smith has joined JimAlbert Plush, 47, Olympia,
Ford Inc. as a sales "and Sandra Remmen, 27, Seattle.'
Presentative Of new and used Joseph Cato, 19, Roseberg,
itlicles. Tomi and her husband, Oregon, and Debra Bailey, 18,
live on Route 10 in Shelton. Port Orchard,
1/2 oz'
$I .65
Limit One
Sale prices effective thru Saturday.
! Reilroad
age suit
A Mason County Superior
Court this week was hearing the
suit of Mr. and Mrs. David Kight
against Dr. Jerome Peterson.
The Kights are seeking
damages for the loss of a kidney
by Kight which they contend was
the result of improper treatment
by Dr. Peterson while Kight was
his patient.
The case started with the
selection of the jury Monday and
is expected to continue for the
remainder of the week.
Somewhat to say
For rhetoric, he could not ope
His mouth, but out there flew
a trope.
Samuel Butler
Application has been received
by the Seattle U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers office from the
Washington State Parks and
Recreation Commission, Olympia,
for a Department of the Army
permit in accordance with Section
10 of the River and Harbor Act of
March 3, 1899 for work in Peal•
Passage, Puget Sound on Squaxin
The work is to retain four
existing mooring buoys to provide
transient public boat moorage.
The decision whether to issue
a permit will be based on an
evaluation of the probable impact
of the proposed activity on the
public interest. That decision will
reflect the national concern for
both protection and utilization of
important resources. The benefit
which reasonably may be environment and an ,nves =gateu
expected to accrue from the environmental impact statement Shelton police are continuing
proposal must be balanced against will not be required, their investigation of the theft of
its reasonably foreseeable Comments on these factors$370 in cash and several thousand
detriments. AU factors which may will be accepted and made part of dollars worth of jewelry from The
be relevant to the proposal will be the record and will be considered Gem Shop on Railroad in a
considered; among those are in determining whether it would burglary June 18.
conservation, economics, be in the best public interest to Officers were called shortly
aesthetics, general environmental grant a permit. Comments should after 11 p.m. that night by the
concerns, historic values, fish and reach the Seattle Corps office not owner Al Anderson.
wildlife values, flood damage later than July 21to insure Police said entry to the
prevention, land classification, consideration, building was gained by breaking
navigation, recreation, water out a window over the front door.
supply, water quality and, in After getting into the shop,
general, the needs and welfare of The seed of war the thieves then went into living
the people. No permit will be Why, my fellow citizens, is there quarters separated from the shop
granted unless its issuance is any man here or any woman - let by a partition, where they took
found to be in the public interest, me say is there any child here - $285 in cash and much of the
Preliminary determinations who does not know that the seed jewelry from a dresser.
indicate the issuance of a permit of war in the modern world is
will not significantly affect the industrial and commercial rivalry? Also taken were six checks
quality of the human WoodrowWilson and a .22 caliber pistol which was
under the counter of the shop.
Officers said whoever broke in
left through the back door by
unlocking it from the inside.
Investigation is continuing,
officers said.
ions sensl
date changed
The Mason County
Commission meeting, which
would normally be held Monday,
has been rescheduled for Tuesday
starting at 10 a.m. in the
commission room in the
Bestforrn 'sil*'rsa., ' inlp you O
new way to save money. Worn by mil-
lions from this famous company Silver
Savers are basic stock, a new sensibly
priced foundation from a company you
know and trust. Buy them, wear them
and savel
I am not only witty in myself, but
the cause that wit is in other men.
William Shakespeare
|1 Ill I"1'
- Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5
(except Oral Items)
Boxed Sets ellattles ePants eOresses eShirts eBibs
Thursday, June 26, 1975
:~ 6806 Fiberfilled crass -~ 6807 Hi-fashion daub- ~ .1= 6809 Seamless fibarfill, = 6801 Nylon lace cul~s,
over doubleknit, adjustable leknit, fib•frilled cups, stretch Lycro~ spondex stretch bat- light fibarfill, stretch band,
straps. In sizes 32-36A, strops, sides, back. 32-36A, tom band, adjustable strops, sides, back, adj. straps.
32-388, 34-40C. 32-388.34-40C. 32-36A, 32-388, 34-38C. 32-36A, 32-388, 34-40C.
Potency Antacid ....... ,.
k-&:. ;;.. ,,"
• ,.:,: ~j::,
Liquid/12 oz. size
Reg. == 6802 Lace cross-over, : ~t: 6805. Cross-over cups
adj. stretch straps, sides, over doubleknit, adjustable
$2.98 One back. Comes in sizes 32-36A, I #6820 Seamless front hook convertable. I straps, tn sizes 32-388,
32-388, 34-40C. JL ................. Can be worn as halter bra. I 34-40C, 34-42D.
Introducing Our New
nen's P Ln ¢ D alter
June 26 - 28
"t /_11 I/0 " I Regul ,yp, ed
mellee 69¢ tO $1"25
Choose from: Elderlon Prints, Elderlon Solids,
Nylon Solids and Fancys, Nylon Prints in
basic briefs. Wide range of bikinis in solids for
and fancy patterns. Buy several and save!
Sizes 4-10. ..