June 26, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 26, 1975 |
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AN OPEN HOUSE to be held in Matlock Grange Hall from 1
p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday will honor Lottie and Ira C. Ford
on their golden wedding anniversary. Married in Olympia on
July 1, 1925, the couple has resided in the Shelton area
throughout their married life. Ira Ford was born in Shelton,
and Mrs. Ford was reared locally. Hostessing the event are
their daughters, Geraldene Brehmeyer of Matlock and Lillian
Boothe of South Bend, Washington. All friends and relatives
are welcome, and it is asked that no gifts be presented.
MR. AND MRS. LEONARD E. SPEECE will celebrate their
25th wedding anniversary at an open house to be held
between the hours of 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Sunday in the
home of Mrs. Lucille Speece on Deer Creek Loop Road. They
request that no gifts be given. The couple was married June
30, 1950 in the Methodist Church of Shelton.
i , I
ie Jo
Radiating the feminine charm
that was once considered the
greatest asset of the so-called
gentler sex, Dodie Johnson is a
gracious hostess for her husband's
out-of-town business guests.
Her cedar-paneled home
reflects the interests of her
husband, Allard.
"All wood materials used in
the construction of our home
were processed in one of his
mills," Dodie explains.
Until last May, Mrs. Johnson
was employed as a secretary in
her husband's office. Now she
concentrates on the duties and
pleasures of homemaking.
"I worked in the early years
of our marriage," she states, "but
1 stayed home while the children
were little. I truly enjoy caring for
a house and a family."
Born in California, Dodie
Johnson was reared in a
motherless home. As a mere
youngster she assumed household
duties, cooking and cleaning for
her father and brothers.
Three sons were born to Mr.
and Mrs. Johnson, and Dodie
continued to preside in an
all-male household, finding
happiness in her role of wife and
mother. Kevin is a recent Shelton
High School graduate; Mark, 20,
is a student in Green River
Community College; 21-year-old
Mike is married and resides in
Potlatch where his parents lived in
the first years of their marriage.
"I came to the Hood Canal
area in 1945," Dodie says, "and I
was married there. Later my
husband joined the U.S. Navy and
we lived in California, returning
to Potlatch in 1959.
"We later went to Alaska for a
couple of years," she continues.
"Then we lived in Potlatch again
from 1961 until 1974, moving
into our Shelton home last
Dodie Johnson serves as
president of Xi Gamma Psi, the
DODIE JOHNSON, girl-of-the-year for Xi Gamma Psi, is
happy, as a homemaker.
serve in an active manner.
"I commit myself to only one
group at a time," she says. "In
that way I can become involved in
a worthwhile way."
Dodie Johnson plays golf, and
she fishes for salmon on charter
boats with her husband. She likes
the labors related to the care of
her home. She finds pleasure in
cooking, and prefers the foreign
foods that are family favorites.
"1 enjoy being a woman,"
says Dodie Johnson.
1 pkg. manicotti (16 tubes)
Parboil six at a time for three
minutes. Drain and place on
waxed paper.
i large onion
Syrian Stew
1 lb. stew meat, browned
1 medium onion, chopped
(add to meat)
1 small can tomato sauce
1 small can water
1 clove garlic, minced
1 small can mushrooms and juice
1 lb. green beans (fresh,
frozen or canned)
1 tsp. each of oregano and
marjoram or 2 tsp. Italian
Add water to bring liquid level up
to barely cover ingredients. Cover
and bake 3½ hours at 275
Enchilada Pie
1 lb.ground beef
1 medium onion, chopped
local exemplar chapter of Beta I lb. ground chuck
~ Sigma Phi, and was selected by ½ lb. pork sausage 1 small can tomato sauce
1 P~9 F(~f/~'~ i her s°r°rity members as C°°k until barely d°ne 1 package I Tbsp'salt
girl-of-the-year in recognition of frozen, chopped spinach. Drain 1 Tbsp. (or more) chili powder
her many achievements and well. Add to meat mixture, along ½ lb. grated cheese
Feature Writer, JAN DANFORD ~ outstanding accomplishments, with ½ C. grated parmesan cheese, i can chopped black olives
After four years of active½ C. grated mozzarella cheese, 3 8 tortillas, buttered
participation in a ritual jewel eggs slightly beaten and salt and ! C. water
By the time most of my I have found a place wherechapter of the sorority, a member pepper to taste. Fill manicotti Brown beef and onion. Add salt,
readers have settled back beneath the air is unpolluted and where becomes eligible for the exemplar tubes with this mixture. In chili powder and tomato sauce.
the leafy bough with a jug and a the dawn walks quietly across the chapter. As a ten-year member of bottom of large, flat pan, pour a Butter a deep casserole and
loaf and the latest issue of the treetops, bride-like in billowing Epsilon Omicron, Mrs. Johnsonlayer of spaghetti sauce andalternate layers, beginning with
Journal ! shall be vacationing, silver mist and blushing profusely had held every office excepting arra%¢ tilled tubes. Place a layer tortillas, meat sauce, grated
! am not going to Hawaii• behind her enveloping veil as she that of president, of Monterey jack cheese, 3 slices cheese and olives, ending with
recalls the anaorous advances ofS h e w a s e I e c t e d as crosswise on each 2 tubes. Pour cheese on top. Pour over all the
the moon and the sly winkings of vice-president of Xi Gamma Psi, spaghetti sauce over all. Cover cup of water. Bake uncovered
the night-reveling stars, chartered in April of 1974. She with foil and bake 45 minutes at approximately 45 minutes at 350
i i! There are woodlands through completed the year as president 350 degrees, degrees. Cut in wedges to serve.
which to wander, in this and was reelected. " .... "" ............ t
unmolested forestflowersflourish "The exemplar chapter i Whet
in undisciplined array and assisted Epsilon Omicron with the ~ | i
refreshment booth at { Ill $
uncaged birds can carry °n Bum"bersh°°t' the arts and crafts g~ ~ !
uncensored conversations while in
sun-dappled shadows small fair, she remarks."Isoldcotton I ;ome i.
creatures move unfearing and candy and snow cones.'
unfearsome. Dodie Johnson believes that I~l ~ •'~i,"~¢
membership in an organization S P ~' "Ill \, ),: ~/
An industrious little stream brings withittheresponsibilityto 1 1rUe
holds trout for the taking. There . X,~,l'~"
are berries t° be picked and herbs ~ i (! k f
to be harvested. Willing horses thru our i[ S
may be ridden over beautiful l ',".I f~ ~ !
acres with a view in every ~ •
direction, fOF YOU J
t. area z-n --
food is mediocre; the service is for acne ... time. In a ! R gi
terrible. However, l love the place person's teen years the oil • $ .,~ ,~,~.
~ ~ and the price is right. , glands in the skin are
over-active leading to ache. As J i i~ f
l I
home. normally slow down and the
. , . problem cures itself. ~ You, the bride
Telling a person with acne ! ~, i ~,
Why should I go to be patient doesn't do much 1 can choose your t |it "
, to a far-away place? for their morale when they are ~ i
Ive alread, y been there, stuck with what they feel is an, DIAMONDS~ I !i,
(Unless it sexclusive, unsightly problem• So, as we a
and in that case advise our teenage customers, I * JEWELRY
if you can't completely rid
1 couidn t get in there.) yourself of acne there are
severalways to keep itin { * CHINA
check. I
The main point to * GLASSWARE
remember is that regular care
can make a world of difference ~i * SILVER
to your ache problem. Foamy,t
rinse-off cleansers and i * STAINLESS
medicated scrub soaps are best
for troubled skin. They cut
through the excess natural oil S and at your leisure at
on the skin and leaw: no oily
film of lheir own. We have ~ ~ ~ ~ i : ~
from as well as easily portable
easy to clean your face during ~
June 29, 6:00 p.m.
Heirs Pharmacy i
• Free Parking '~~, ,~/-Z ~f- *FreeGift Wrap t
Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30
Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 ~ Fifth & Franklin Shelton
Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 26, 1975
The 45th wedding anniversary
of the Honorable and Mrs. Charles
R. Savage will be observed at a
reception to be held between the
hours of 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. on
Sunday in the United Methodist
Church on King Street.
On July 3, 1930 in Port
Townsend the couple was
married. Charles Savage is a state
legislator representing the
Olympic Peninsula and has been
active in state and national
politics since 1938.
Their two children are Leona
Osterman of Shelton and Keith
Savage of Mount Vernon,
Washington. There are four
VWWI slates
noon potluck
Madrona Barracks No. 1462
Veterans of World War I and
auxiliary will meet in the
Memorial Hall next Thursday for
a noon potluck luncheon.
Reports will be given by
delegates attending the
department convention in Yakima
from Wednesday through Sunday.
The annual picnic is scheduled
for July 10 in Kneeland-Park,
where potluck will be served at
noon. All veterans of World War I
are invited.
Bridge Club
meets on Monday
North-South winners at the
Monday evening meeting of
Shelton Bridge Club were Eleanor
and Henry Stock, and Bruce
Kreger and Clyde Ruddell.
Winning for East-West were
Bob and Lucy Gegerman, and
Terry Knutson and Dorothy
The Honorable and Mrs. Charles R. Savage
Film to be shown in church
-"Gospel Road," the gospel
film of the story of Johnny Cash
will be shown in the Shelton
Foursquare Church on Sunday at
the 11 a.m. service. This is the
story of Cash's new-found life in
Scholarship won
Susan E. Hamilton of Shelton,
a junior at Oregon State
University, has received a Milton
Harris $600 scholarship in
The closing of the
Vacation Bible School will
held on Sunday evening at
p.m. with the presentation
program featuring that which
children have learned
concentrated study of the
through five days. The
the school was, "Jesus, To
There will be displays
handcrafts and the children
portray gospel truths in
different ways.
Stock up for sunny days ahead!
0 exposure
For perfect
col or pri nts
Reg. $1.65
You save 26c a roll
Hurry! Supplies limite~
Helena Rubenstein the.Marion
helps dry summer skin. firsta d system
Freshcl Cover For Home
_eanser Summers the time for scrapes and
Gentle cleanser absorbs stings. Marion has the answer with a
makeup, oll and grime, convenient kit that is easy to store
Leaves sk n or take on trips.
i so clean it ~dl~
i can breathe qP'l~
,,-, - For Business
Co OlSture Specially designed to conform wit"
OSHA's requirements for
Count ac moisture loss on-the-job emergency provisions.
in dry summer skin. 100% Dust-proof, water-proof heavY
fat-free, can't clog pores,
Leaves skin -- metal kit contains 150-plus first-aid
feeling cool ~llil ~S applications.
and soft,