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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 26, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 26, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, Thursday, June 26 C o m m i t t e e, 7 : 3 0 p.m., Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Rotary Club luncheon, noon, courthouse. Timbers Restaurant. Tree Care Mason County Recreation Tops Washington Chapter No. nasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Association, 8 p.m., Colonial 313, 6:15 p.m., Baptist Church. Restaurant. House. Kiwanis Club of Mason Washington Chapter No. Christmas Town Rounders, 8 County Seniors, noon, Senior , 6:15 p.m., Baptist Church. p.m., fairgrounds hall. Center. nis Club of Mason Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Overeaters Anonymous, 8:30 Seniors, noon, Senior Ming Tree Care. a.m, Timberland Library. Anonymous, 8:30 i, Timberland Library. Age Club, 6 p.m., Hall. Lodge and Auxiliary, 8 ;, airport hall. i l ock and Mineral Sodety, I) p.m., PUD. lay, June 27 Chamber of Commerce board !ring, 7:30 a.m., Hy-Lond Inn. iRuby Rebekah Lodge, 8 p.m., hall. ~y, June 28 !Salty Sashayers, 8:30 p.m., grounds hall. Iday, June 29 Shelton churches invite you attend the church of your )G ospel'^^ Services, 7 p.m., PUD. ~tday, June 30 PUD No. 3 commission CLing, 1 p.m., PUD conference )IlL County commission meeting, a,m., courthouse. Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15 IL, PUD. Bicentennial committee ,5 p.m., Senior Center. r, July 1 nis Club luncheon, noon, Inn. City Commission meeting, 2 city hall. Overeaters Anonymous, 7:30 Timberland Library. American Legion and dliary, 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. Lions Club dinner and board ,ring, 7 p.m., Hy-Lond Inn. Job's Daughters, 7:30 p.m., Ionic Temple. Jaycee dinner meeting, 6:30 i., airport clubhouse. Nimrod Club, 8 p.m., lrbom clubhouse. |nesday, July 2 Elks, 8 p.m., at the lodge. Kristmas Town Kiwanis Club, 0 a.m., Hy-Lond Inn. Shelton Art Club, 7:30 p.m., b. Board of Realtors directors eting, 7:30 a.m., Timbers taurant. ttrsday, July 3 Madrona Barracks No. 1462 7WI and auxiliary, noon Iluck, Memorial Hall. Yacht Club dinner, 6 p.m.; iness meeting, 8 p.m., at the bDh°:m o c r a t i c Central )n honor rol!0 Shelton students listed on th Ond semester president s honor ql at Washington State aiversity are Nancy L. Kelly, arcia J. Ervin, Judy C. eCleary, Cam A. McMillin, D. Sandstrom, M. Kathleen Ronald M. Starr, Roland 'Starr and John E. Teberg. FROM NElL ANESTHESIA AT BIRTH infants whose mothers local anesthesia more irritable and less-mature motor :ills three days after birth those whose mothers ere not medicated, i cording to Kay 'tandley, National of Child Health & Uman Development, in "Science." Emergency Ph. 426-2165 & Franklin St.--426-3327 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 ICS nonymous ol Alcoholics Anonymous was "Bill W." and "Dr. Bob" as was a third group in Cleveland, requirement for membership is a born 40 years ago in Akron, Ohio, they later became known toA.A. had a hundred sober desire to stop drinking. when a stockbroker named A.A.'s everywhere, had stumbled members and a book, "Alcoholics A.A.'s 40th anniversary will William Wilson and a physician upon a miracle. They discovered Anonymous," appeared. Basedon be observed during its named Robert Smith got together that they could stay sober by the experiences of the first international convention to be to share their experiences as sharing their similar experiences hundred members, this basic text held in Denver, Colorado, July 4, drunks, as alcoholics. They started explained A.A.'s philosophy. 5 and 6. Advance registration for This meeting launched a chain working with other victims of this The Fellowship continues to this event is close to 15,000. It is reaction of hope for alcoholics disease at Akron's city hospital grow. There are an estimated expected to be one of the largest from every walk of life. For the and the first A.A. group was 25,000 groups in the world, with conventions of any kind held in first time, recovery from the established, members from all walks of life, the United States this year. disease of alcoholism became In the fall of 1935, a second from pre-teenagers to 70- andThe Shelton branch of possible. Today, A.A. has more group of recovering "drunks" 80-year-olds, of all races, with all Alcoholics Anonymous claims 35 than 800,000 members appeared in New York City. By manner of religious affiliations steady members. Persons throughout the world, late summer of 1939, when there and with none at all. The only interested in the group may call 426-5044 or 426-2465. "RENT! Snapper Lawn Mowers • Weed Mower • Lawn Thatche~ • Lawn Vacuum • Lawn Seeder • Mang Heavy Duty Tiller • Power Lawn Edger On Hillcrest 426-1091 HYGRADE'S PURE $ i ~ PORK SAUSAGE -- LB. ICED BACON $ U.S. CHOICE BEEF BLADE BAR-S SKILLET SIZE WITH CUTS. MARINATE GUARANTEED QUALITY ................. 1 2 OZ. PKG. AND CHARCOAL SLICED BOLOGNA $' BROIL ....... LB. JOHN MORRELL QUALITY -- REGULAR, I ~ THICK, OR GARLIC ST'fLE .................. LB. PKG. . '.EF FISH STICKS I PURE, FRESH, AND MORE THAN 70 Y. LEAN .......... : ....... I BONELESS, BREADED, AND PRE.COOKED ................ LB. I RAOASS 'l | BE SURE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE 0t: ROUND BONE RO LS119 I OUR COUPONS . . . THEY'LL SAVE YOU MONEY! I BONELESS BEEF ,?' 49 ! MARiNADE ADoLPH'S .... 4,so,.PEG. Z Y ! ! U.S. CHOICE MEATY CHUNKS FOR KABOBS ................... ~ PREPARING CHUCK ST_lAg A ~ ~ ' SHOP AND ::i:: : . /FRANKS Ii~/ NYGRAD['S •/• COUPON ~::~i"~"" ~ ~/w!A£LR:MT,AT iral SPECIALS AT SHOP-RITE! 7/(oIu' °u ,Be i,,,1111 , C .... ) ,J~'!:i~:'_'~.:::a;:'~'l ~ " POUND PKG Ill •.... ". 4:,,%.% r~%.~j~ ~,~ GOOD THRU: 6-28-75 at SHOP.RITE ASSORTED FLAVORS 2 OZ. $ TINS LIMIT BETTY CROCKER .... l'-aL~"~/~..-~ -. 2 ASSORTED 18V2 OZ. PKG. ~a~.Ll~ f~, ~ ....................................... j,,'~ L"-~~--' SWEET ,,(~ ...~, eu"' --i ...... ........... ~ .... • .......................................... HALF GALLON ~" L.~; COUPON...8Sc) ' III KH w.o...,.., ".4 ,~,o:.., ~ ....... ,ou.o_ ,~ GOOD THRU: 6-28-15 at SHOP-RITE ii ' I i ! !i::iiii:!iiii:':;:SPAcKlll ,~~~'"],, r~ HAROLD'S BAKERY II ~ C&H LIMIT 2 German Chocolate ---, ,. D E ................ ,o ,0,, oz s 3.8 9 - SUG AR Cakes 2o Ii WITHOUT 23 l; Each )TDI IUNS .o,o.,.o., .,, 43 /10:,1 Golden ! ii • ' 1 I JR "'u'° Ind,an Bread Each 4, EACH ...... GALLONS9 GOOD THRU: 6-28-75 at SHOP-RI l t U D TO*DLERS $1 9 Q i~ all occasions. Phone 426-3377 ~jm~ Ir IBLUE MTN. CHICKEN ~ 15oz. 1 ~J~i~ r ILIVER&EGG ...... ~ TINS "el ~. [ .E'ALT. & ~A--~--~-- ~ AA LARGE BBQ SAUCE '------ --- APPLESAUCE EGG ; KRAFTIIEG. IflCKORT, NOT .......... 1801. 59 .. COPPERT,DI ,uc,Ess .......... ,6OZT,, 29 ..... ,,,c, --- CARNATION YOGURT I17[ ,,,.UTBU.E, .... ,.OZJ,R 89 ASSORTEDFLAVOKS ............. HALFPINT 25 ..-.A.T29Og;-TUBE TASTER'S CHOICE ,o ' w~T~ou~i¶51 HOSTESS SNACKS .... s,. ill ,,,o.,,D .................... PKG 4 / 8 9 .ONUS,,. ........ ,o oz JAR Z. MISS BRECK .... DOZEN "--- CHOPPED WALNUTS HAIR SPRAY ................. II oz. AERO FROZEN FOOqS| rOOD THKU: 6-28-7S m SHOP.RITt CRESCENT ..................... 4 OZ. PKG. BEEF AU JUS CRESCENT .................... I OZ. PKG. ALUMINUM FOIL REYNOLD'S 18 IN. HEAVY DUTY ..... 25' ROLL I "DAISY FRE.~I'I" PRODUCE ] FROM CALIFORNIA .................. EACH. SHOWER to SHOWER BAT. POWDER .................... 8OZS 99 ORANGE JUICE MINUTE MAID ........ 12 OZ. TIN FRENCH FRIES ORE-IDA REGULAR OR CRINKLES ........... 2 LB. BAG WAFFLES PARADE- JUST HEAT IN TOASTER • . S OZ. PKG. LIMIT PAPER TOWELS CORONET WITHOUT COUPON .... 48 12S CT. ROLL GOOD THRU: 6.28-75 at SHOP-RITE PRICES EFFECTIVE: JUNE 26, 27, 28, 29 - LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED SEEDLESS GRAPES PERLEITE ............................... LB. PEACHES LARGE SiZE ............................. LB. WHITE ONIONS NEW CROP ............ ..... LB. BINGS ...................... LB. SAVE AT SHOP-RITE!! ......................... LB. STORE WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING EVEN A SMILE! HOURS: SUNDAY 10 TO 7 - DALLY 9 TO 9 Thursday, June 26, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7