June 26, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 26, 1975 |
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"Everybody should
have a chance."
"Women have their place."
Already, many states have
adopted an Equal Rights
Amendment within their
individual state constitutions,
including the State of
Washington. An effort is being
made to have the amendment
ratified to become part of the
United States Constit ution, which
would result in discrimination on
the basis of sex declared
unconstitutional nationwide.
Are you in favor of this?
In this week's Journal poll, 12
out of 15 persons said they
favored the amendment. Many
persons mentioned the
employment aspect of the
amendment, feeling if a person is
qualified for a job, they have a
right to it; or that persons doing
the same job should receive equal
Two persons were not wholly
in favor of the amendment. Both
of them said women and men
have their respective places in the
world, and that of women is more
closely tied to the home.
Mr. Davis, Rt. 3 - Sometimes.
It depends on the situation. It
wouldn't be equal rights on
everything. 1 believe if a woman's
got a lot of kids at home, she
shouldn't ditch them because she
believes she's got the right to earn
a living.
Janet Rutledge, housewife,
915 Barnhard - Sure, because
why not? It would depend on the
occupation involved. There are
some jobs that men can do better
than women. Men are stronger.
Megan Gribscov, college
student, Matlock - Yes. I think
women should have equal rights.
I'm distant from it over here. The
people here aren't into women's
rights very much.
Mrs. Brown, sales clerk,
Shelton - I'm kind of cold one
way or the other. I'm less in favor
of it than more. I think women
have a place and men have a
place. ! think they should be
Democrats back
energy program
The Mason County
Democratic Central Committee,
in a meeting held earlier this
month, submitted a resolution to
the Democratic State Committee
which tirged stronger emphasis on
technological ability to produce
transportation which uses little or
no petroleum or petroleum
it was the feeling of the
committee that there is a growing
concern among the American
people over the lack of action by
the government in the search for
an alternative to gasoline
rationing or gasoline taxes, for
example, a new mode of
There was also concern over
the lack of interest shown by
private enterprise and it was
further recommended that in such
cases the government should offer
It was recommended that this
resolution be forwarded to the
Washington State Congressional
schedule told
The July schedule for the
Mason-Thurston County Health
District Healthmobile was
announced this week.
Visits in Mason County
scheduled are:
July b, Belfair.
July 14, Hoodsport.
July 20, Grapeview.
July 21, Pioneer.
July 22, Skokomish
July 23, Matlock.
Too Late to Classify
GARAGE SALE -- Friday. Men's
and boys' clothes, stroller, car
seat, household goods. 2 miles out
Arcadia Road. L6/26
I n appreciation of all the
kindness and sympathy given by
friends during Ralph Pat Wagner's
illness and passmq. A special
thanks to Rev. Arlin Halvorsen,
t he n urses of Mason (~eneral
Hospital, Dr. Schumacher and Bill
Batstone. Sincerely,
Rachel Wagner
Janet Vail & family
The Ostrem family
Pdd ,=
BECKWITH of Shelton,
Washington on June 9, 1975
under Application No. S 2-23854
filed for permit to appropriate
public waters, subject to existing
rights, from Spencer Lake in the
amount of 0.02 cubic feet per
second each year, for Irrigation
during irrigation season. The
source of the proposed
appropriation is located within
Tract 5 of Lake Spencer Park
Tracts of Section 29, Township
21 N., Range 2 W. W.M., in
MASON County.
Protests or objections to
approval of this application must
include a detailed statement of
the basis for objections; protests
must be accompanied by a two
dollar ($2.00)recording fee and
filed with the Department of
Ecology, Southwest Regional
Office, Olympia, WA. 98504
within thirty (30) days from July
3, 1975.
STAINED AND leaded glass
classes, $30. Call week nights 7-9,
426-5724. L6/26
with drop-in cams for decorative
stitches. Good condition, $100.
426-2070 after 4:30 p.m.
A6/26- 7/3
1 ACRE with older mobile home
plus hook-up for another mobile
home. Call 426-1955. H6/26tfn
2-BEDROOM unfurnished
downtown, 1 block park,
pharmacy. Older person or couple
preferred. Deposit, references,
$125 monthly. Inquire Rod
Olsen, Olsen Furniture. O6/26tfn
for 4-year-old boy, evenings, your
home or mine. Call 426-5455.
1971 DATSUN truck for sale.
Good condition. Call 877-5404
after 5 p.m. G6/26
HELP! MUST give away
immediately 4 six-week-old
kittens, cute. very playful.
426-4227. F6/2~
'74 SMITH-BUILT 36" insulated
canopy with offset doors, for
full-size pickups, extras. Also
home-built slide-in camper.
426-5701. R6/26-7/3
Route 1, Box 598
Mason Lake Dr. Phone:
Grapeview 426-3657
Page 12 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, June 26, 1975
"They should get equal pay."
"If you can do it,
you're entitled."
independent of each other and get
along. But ! think we're put on
earth to be mothers,
housekeepers, and parents. Men
are the caretakers of us. It still
doesn't keep us from doing other
Lois Chapman, housewife,
2117 Callanan - ! kind of feel
that the men have a place in tire
world and so do the women, and
personally l kind of like to be
treated like a lady. ! like my
position. I have no desire to take
over the responsibilities that the
men m the world have. A man
can't have children and take the
woman's place. 1 think we should
be thankful for what we are.
Nina Mae Baze, housewife,
Rt. 5, Box 277 - It's probably
good. ! don't think that there
really are differences in the
intelligence of men and women.
Judy Wood, hottsewife, 91 W.
Case Place - Yes, because i feel
regardless of who puts the pound
in a day, they should get equal
pay. If you want equal rights, you
have to take equal responsibilities
of the full brunt. I'nr absolutely
in favor of that.
Betty Ruckert, secretary,
Pomona, California -- If the
woman is qualilied, then 1 say
yes. The rules really have to be
that she is qualified. But ! still
work is done
Three Mason County Garden
Clubs have started the work of
landscaping the Bicentennial Park
which is planned at the Mason
County Fairgrounds.
They planted flowers along
the new entrance walkway which
was completed earlier this spring.
Additional landscaping will be
done later in the year.
Participating garden clubs
were the Dirt Dobbers, Shelton
Garden Club and Hood Canal
Garden Club.
The clubs asked that anyone
interested in donating flowers or
labor for the landscaping project
contact Helen Yoshihara at
426-2677 or Helen Spezza at
think the man should be tile
breadwinner. I'm for women's lib,
but not if they're pushing men
out of the job, because he's
usually the breadwinner.
Nancy Miller, travel
coordinator for senior center,
Olympia -- For sure, because I
think everybody should have a
chance to live up to their
Ruthana Fisher, homemaker,
Rt. 3, Box 732 - The things that
are made a big issue of (in the
amendment) are the women's
liberation points - which ! don't
go along with. But 1 feel it's
wrong to discriminate for any
reason including race or religion.
Ken LaMarsh, logger, East
Stadium - Yes. I think
everybody's equal -- everybody
should be equal.
Peter Fediay, carpenter,
Missouri - Certainly, because
everybody's equal, basically. I
don't believe in sex roles. I don't
believe that women should have
to do certain things or men do
certain things.
Tom Evander, college student,
822 Turner- Yes. If they're
doing equal things, they should
Office space
is sought
District Court Probation
Officer Rick McKinnoll said this
week he is looking for office
space in Shelton for his work.
McKinnon started work Jtme
i as district court probation
officer. Because of crowded
conditions in tire courthouse, no
office space is available for him.
He said the law and justice
grant, under which the probation
officer is funded, does not
provide any funds for office
space, lie hopes to be able to find
some space available without
A situation
When you see a situation you
cannot understand, look for the
financial interest.
Tom L. Johnson
too expensive?
We may
Before you order your drapes, we'd like to have 1
the chance to give you a free estimate.., then iI
you decide. Our work just looks like a lot D'
Drapery and
and bolts
per yd.
Kirsch Shelf Components
Kimh Bathroom Accessories
Perry Huston, Dan Eveleth,
Ton) Myer, Matt Wilson and Jay
Zamzow, members of the Shelton
High School Key Club, will be in
New Orleans, Louisiana, June
29-July 2, to attend the 32nd
annual convention of Key Club
International along with some
2,500 Key Club members from all
across the entire continent.
Key Club International is a
service organization for high
school young men, sponsored by
Kiwanis International, and
maintains similar ideals and
objectives. There are more than
77,000 Key Clubbers in
approximately 3,600 clubs in high
schools throughout the United
States, Canada, the Bahamas and
Principal speakers
convention will include
president of Key
International, Fess St.
CuUman, Alabama; Roy
president, Kiwanis
plus other featured
and inspiring speakers.
The convention
underway June 29.
"Women should have
equal rights."
get equal pay.
Ed Woolsey, car wrecker, P.O.
Box 575 - Yes I am. Why not?
They've got just as much right as
anybody else. If they want to
work, that's fine.
Candi Donaldson, housewife,
Rt. 2, Box 892 - Yes. if you can
do the job, you're entitled to have
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P.S. You're eligible
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Shelton office: Ph. 426-1633
McCleary office: Ph. 495-3497
Ken Fredson, Manager