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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 26, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 26, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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|egd Publkatiom 2201 OlymDic Highway N. HOMES * The view is outstanding from this 3 bedroom Totten Inlet waterfront home. There's a fireplace, 1-% bath, nice deck, 2 car carport and much more all for $35,000. * The owner has been busy panelling and fixing this small 2 bedroom home but there is still more to be done. It's located on 4 lots, has fruit trees, a small workshop and even a view of Shelton, all for $8,950. * Let us show you this real cozy mobile home all set up on the edge of town and waiting for a new happy owner. Full price $6,000 with best of terms. * This older 2 bedroom home still has a lot of living left in it. It's located on the edge of town on a nice level lot and all for just $8,000. Good terms. * If you can use a small 5 acre farm we have it• There's a cute newer home with a dream of a kitchen and a cheery fireplace• The-re,s a big garage workshop, too. $22,500. * Here's a 5 bedroom home in a neighborhood of new homes that is the most impressive of them all. It has an absolutely private back yard and a very nice setting• You can't buy more for $29,500. * Live out of town without giving up the neat white fence, the concrete walks and the easy to care for yard. This custom built home, about 6 miles out, has it all and then some for just $35,000. You will love it. WATERFRONT CONDOMINIUM * A most beautiful luxury 2 bedroom unit in Mason County's finest condominium development. Located near Union with one of the most breathtaking views of the Olympic range over Hood Canal. The $45,000 price hardly hints at all that is wrapped up in this dream package. You'll have to see it. Wi~"C:~r,n Offer you this Very choice 90 feet of low bank saltwater front with tidelands. It's located on Harstine Island and covered with huge tall firs. $15, 750 terms. * We have just listed this 80' of no-bank waterfront south of Shelton on Totten Inlet. This you will have to see to believe at just $]3,200. Terms. * Rugged and woodsy with several huge cedars and maples that accent a sweeping view of Burns Cove with the Black Hills in the background. It's 100' of medium bank waterfront that runs about 300' deep to the blacktopped Oyster Bay Road. $7,500 on very easy terms or $6,500 for cash. * It's waterski season on Mason Lake! Also this may be your only chance at the last waterfront to be platted on the lake. If you get with it you can have your pick of 8 lots that start in price at just $13,]50. Call for full information. LOTS & ACREAGE * Building sites near Island Lake. Thick with merchantable timber, level with the blacktop road and about % acres in size for $6,000. Fine property in a very good location. Terms offered. * Avoid high waterfront taxes. Look into the purchase of this attractive wooded lot near Denny's Marina on Mason Lake. It has waterfront privileges but only costs $3,500. A fun family project. * Stream, woods, good location but not on public road, complete survey - and any size from 5 acres .to 40 acres - its a nice piece of acreage and the owners are anxious to deal. Call us. CHECK IN IF YOU OON'T SEE WHAT YOU NEED!! 426-5559 Dick Knauf - Gt'hal~l "SKip" Nell June Mr.JKal4en Marie Denny ,,perionallzed Servtoe'~ For Rut SMALL 1-bedroom house, 4 miles from town. $80 month, $30 deposit. 426-2744. C6/26 2- and 3-bedroom, no pets, reasonable rent. Edgewood, 426-4364. Highway 101 past airport. E6/26tfn HOLIDAY HOUSE studio, unfurnished garden apartment, $110. Phone 426-2549. H6/26tfn 3-BEDROOM house, Hillcrest. 426-8715. M6/26-7/10 responsible adults. No pets, deposit. 426-2455. W6/26 By John Brush Broker-Realtor I HAVE NOTICED a lot of homes offered for sale have been spoiled by inferior desecrators. Don't try way-out schemes if you are preparing your house to sell! A Plain Jane can be prettied up in the new buyer's imagination --easier! THE BEST THING IN ANY HOME is Love! After all, a palace without affection is a poor hovel and the meanest hut with love in it is a palace for the soul. IF YOU HAVE LOVE, we have the right place foryou! See BRUSH REALTY at corner of 1st and Cedar or call 426-1141 and let us show you a palace of your own choosing. FAWN LAKE! Excellent camp site. Wooded. Underground utilities. A real bargain at $1,000 cash or terms. FAWN LAKE! 60' waterfront lot. Cleared with nice grove of trees. Suitable for conventional dwelling or mobile home. A terrific value at $4,800 cash or terms. LAKE LIMERICK! Large corner lot. Convenient to lake. Natural state. Nice trees. $1,800, assume existing contract. LAKE LIMERICK! 80' creek front, $2,500. LAKE LIMERICK! Beautiful waterfront lot on quiet part of lake. A real value at $5,500. YOUNG OR OLDSTER -- This 2-bedroom is ideal for the retired or young couple just starting out. Its 2 lots have ample room for play or garden! $9,000. Try your credit union for the cash ! ON LAKE LIMERICK GOLF COURSE! Spacious 2 bedroom, 1 level rambler. Furnished. Needs some finish work. Asking $18,000. Seller will carry contract. FAWN LAKE VACATION RETREAT! Living, dining, kitchen, bath on main floor with large sleeping loft on 2nd level. Needs a handy man to finish. A very attractive place for only $11,150. WALK TO SHOPPING from this nice 3 bedroom 1 ]/2 bath home. Attached garage is insulated and panelled for rec room. Fenced yard. $21,500, terms open. FAMILY HOME IN THE COUNTRY! 4 (could be 6) bedroom 2 story older farm house on masonry foundation in good condition. Spacious rooms. Lots of potential on 6V2 acres pasture - fenced and cross-fenced! If you like country living and no close neighbors this will suit you. Priced at only $32,000. 3Vz ACRES AT THE CITY LINE. Could be short-platted into 4 nice building sites. Some pasture & wooded. Near city water and sewer. Asking $9,000, terms. NEED SHOP AND OFFICE SPACE? See us• We have an excellent proposition to offer you on short or long term lease to suit your requirements. MEETING HALL, OFFICES, SHOP. This 2nd floor location in central Shelton is available on lease at $125 month. YOU CAN HELP sell your home faster. We would like to send you information on how to do this! Give BRUSH REALTY a call at 426-1141 and tell them where to send it -- or better yet -- drop in and pick up a copy! 3-bedroom home on 74 feet of Hood Canal waterfront. Fully carpeted, lots of built-ins. Modern kitchen• Lots of clams and oysters and a rail and winch for boat. Beautiful 3-bedroom home on 2 lots. Patio and well-landscaped. Rock fireplace. Fully carpeted, lots of closets and garage and carport. Use of waterfront clubhouse and community beach for clams and oysters. SUNCREST -- 5-acre parcels west of Hoodsport. Wooded, power to property, access and building site in• From $8,900. Waterfront on the East Shore of Hood Canal -- 5-acre parcels -- trees, view of Olympics and Hood Canal. County road access. Priced at $150 per front foot. HIGHLAND PARK -- Spacious level wooded lots with a panoramic view of the snowcapped Olympics. Only two miles from Hood Canal. Enjoy "Country Living" in an area of great beauty at prices you can afford• One-acre lots that start al $4,500. Hood Canal View -- 13 acres -- over 2,000 feet of living area in this near-new 2-bedroom 2-bath home. View from every room -- ~3arage, storage, workshop. eautifully landscaped. HOLIDAY BEACH -- Look what you get when you live at Holiday Beach! A 2-bedroom home on nice level lot with beautiful community beach with dock and clubhouse. $18,500, terms. 1 50 feet of East Shore waterfront, gravel beach, beautiful view site for building. Clams and oysters. Priced at $16,800. 200 feet waterfront --4 acres- near Union. Paved highway runs through the property. View of Olympics and Hood Canal. Priced $17,900 with terms. ONE OF A KIND COUNTRY 5-bedroom, 2Vz baths, fireplace, all appliances, drapes, carpet, large yard with sprinkler system. 2 ponds for trout and swimming. Orchard, pasture for horses and cattle, large barn, all on 20 acres of fertile farmland. More acreage available. Call for more information. How would you like to have a secluded cabin? We have a newly-built shell cabin that is 20 HOME -- 3-bedroom 2V2-bath x 24 with one bedroom and loft. honYe on county road with 202 You can finish it the way you feet of creek frontaae. Concrete want. Located across from Lake block construction, composition Cushman State Park on 1 acre of roof 2 wells, barn, storaqe and. One more acre available. building, fruit trees, beautifully Cabin and 1 acre are $8,700 landscaped, completely fenced• with terms. Patios front and back. Sewing room, pantry, large family room, Looking for a vacation home? brick fireplace in living room, we have just listed a beautiful dining room, large country one at Lake Cushman, 960 kitchen with dinette, utility square feet, 2 decks, carpeted room, lots of closets and storage• except for bath and kitchen, 3 Pasture for cattle or horses. Call years old, 1V2 baths, dual heat -- us for an appointment. Must see electric & propane -- 16x28 to appreciate. $56,000, with garage and 8x24 boathouse terms. 70x 140 lot, $23,000. Dick Endicott, Broker Alan Tahja, Sales Representative Helen Spaulding, Sales Representative COU4r ...... Waterfront - Recreational Residential- Commercial ,Jr LF - OO o O H 877-5287 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK - P.O. BOX 335 Hoodsport, Washington 98548 For Rent Mobile Homes REALTOR • Our June Senior Citizens June's senior citizen is an active grandmother who has discovered that she has hidden talent. Grace Wells (left) has lived in the Shelton area for 40 years. Most of that time she was a busy, full-time mother with little time for hobbies. Now that she has more time, however, Grace has found that she can paint. With the help of local artist Velma Graves, Grace has been developing her hidden talent and has been painting a wide variety of subjects. In addition to time spent in front of a canvas she is also an active member of the Shelton Art Club and enjoys taking part in Senior Center activities. She was one of several local residents who enjoyed the recent Senior Center tour to Hawaii. Pictured with Grace is her sister, Beulah Helser, who accompanied her as a dinner guest of Shelton Land and Homes. rlllmll m mm ill ! "FREE DINNER FOR TWO" I I We at Shelton Land and Homes want to take a lucky Senior Citizen to I clinner. Fill In your name. address, and phone number and mall tO I I Shelton Land and Homes at 422 North First Street in Shelton. Or call I us at 426-5555 and we will enter you in our monthly drawing. I I I Name ..... I ! Address I I Phone Date______I I we will provide transportation if needed. Vi Stickley, broker, Shelton I I Land and Homes. I II I IIIIII I III I IIIIIIIIII I II New home. 10 mine. on Cole Rd. 2100 square feet of two-level home. Sunken main bath. 2 fireplaces. Rec. room. Room for pony, chickens, garden, etc. Approximately 3 acres. 426-3361 EVES: 426-8460 or buildings and erect same. All as described specifications which ma' obtained at the District 5 Allyn P irehall. Bidders to su specifications with bid in to those of the District. Purpose of the buill project is to provide a 2-bay station on the west side of M= Lake and a 3-bay fire Deer Creek. At present there building at the Mason and a 2-bay station at Deer ( The above-mentio commissioners reserve the ri reject any or all bids and to informalities. No bidder withdraw his bid after the set for opening thereof, award of contract is dela period exceedingthirty Bids may be FIRE PROTECTION 5, P.O. BOX 127, 98524 or may be delivered to meeting place at the fire statiol Allyn between 7:30 p.m. p.m. of the bid opening date. William E. Morgan, Chairman of the Board ORDINANCE NO. 884 AN ORDINANCE AMENDI THE FIRE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ~ORDINANCE 659 AME BEING NC°(~ CHAPTER 16.08. OF SHELTON MUNICIPAL COl The City Commission of City of Shelton, Washington ordain: 1. That Section I(b), ZONE 2, Mountain View (Section 16.08.010 B, Shel City Code) be amended by addition of the follow paragraphs: Parcel No. 1. All that of the following described Beginning at the of Block 9 of the Plat Mountain View Addition Shelton, Washington, Velum of Plats, page 41; thence West along the North line a projection thereof of said BI¢ 9, to an intersection with ! Easterly right-of-way line of U Highway No. 101 (Cole R¢ interchange to the North Shelf interchange); thence Norther along the Easterly right-of-~ line of said U.S. Highway 101, to its intersection with 1 West boundary of Olyml Highway North (Primary Stl Highway NO. 9); thence Southe along the West boundary line said Olympic Highway North the point of beginning. Parcel No. 2• All that of the following described The S=/2 of the SE%, Section Township 20 North, Range West, W.M., lying easterly SR101, Mason Count Washington. INTRODUCED at commission meeting this 10th of June, 1975. PASSED in regu commission meeting this 17th of June, 1975: ~:~. ~, /s/F. A. Travis Mayor /s/David T. Kneeland Commissioner /s/Michael J. Byrne Commissioner ATTEST: /s/Helen W. Stodden City Clerk APPROVED: /s/B. Franklin Heuston --;;;--;-----;;--;--;;;----" blst & Found legal Puldimfiens city Attorney 6 LOCATED IN a beautiful garden CASH FOR your mobile home, =~------_-_-_-_-_~-_~-~~-. ~_-._-._-~._-_-_-_-~----~_-_-_- setting apartment for rent, paid for or not. Olympia MobileLOST OUTBOARD propeller, REALTY REALTOR• downtown area, unfurnished, Homes, 3813 Pacific, Lacey. Shelton• Reward, phone LeA. NOTICE OF HEARING i ncl u de s carport washing 456-8890. Oll/14tfn OF FINAL REPORT NOTICE TO CREDITORS facilities. Call between 5 p•m. and ~F--~I~F Hicks, 426-6366. H6/19-26 PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION "--'--"~-------- 9p.m. Adults only, no pets. o,-~u~, ru uUuoLr_-¥vlur" AND DISCHARGE OF NO. 4609 426-1479 Oll/21tfn 24x40, exce!lent condition, : : EXECUTOR IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ( U II CALL THE ACTION OFFICE 426-1141 " fireplace and stove, ready to be NO. 4512 THE STATE OF WASHINGT( .................. moved immediately. Sell or trade. -- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF FOR MASON COUNTY Cor. 1st & Cedar (Opposite Dairy Queen) Shelton ................... __426"1798- S6/12-7/3 - I~111 Pub Ka Jons THEIN ANDSTATEFoROFTHEWASHINGTONcouNTY OF PROBATEIN THE MATTER OF TI Wanted to Rent E TOCK f u LARG S o sed mobile MASON (IN PROBATE) ESTATE OF LILLIAN =-----~-----------------------------'--'- homes from $2,495, easy terms. IN THE MATTER OF THE MORRISON, Deceased. WANTED. SMALL house tn renf Olympia Mobile Homes, 3813 ORDINANCE NO. 883 ESTATE OF ZELMA JOHNSON, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVI • " - " " a in or near Shelton. Call M. Frye, Pac!fi.c, L cey. 456-8890. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING Deceased. that the undersigned has be THE STATE BUILDING CODE For ' For Rent 426-8265, leave your number, uL1/L4trn Notice is hereby given that appointed and has qualified as t ACT BY REFERENCE. V E R N O N E. J O H N S O N, Personal Representative of | Estate of LILLIAN F6/26 ~H/-TC-H-ES: aff-t-ypes~ BE IT ORDAINED by the Executor of the estate of ZelmaMORRISON, deceased; that m~ Trailer wiring. Sway control, City Commission of the City ofJohnson, deceased, has filed with 2-BEDROOM duplex on Harvard. M T. V I EW -- 2-bedroo ~------------------------------------'- jacks, b,.rakes. The Hitch Shop, Shelton as rollows, the Clerk of the Superior Court of deceasedPers°ns havingare herebyClaims requiredagainst sl 1. The State Building Code said County and State his finalserve the same, duly verified, Refrigerator and stove furnished, fourplex unit. Range, refrigerator, == =,= ,, 4814 ILacey Blvd. 491-6150. Act (RCW Ch. 19.27) as now r.e.port nandf Petition for the undersigned or his attorney $135 month. References required, dishwasher and disposal included. RROUlle Ilomo$ Hll/28tfn Olympia 352-1929 evenings or Garage for your car and storage. _ enacted, together with any future ois1[ributio aid estate; and weekendS.y6/26.7/17 Days, 753-6359. carpetedWater andandgarbagedrapes, MasonFUlly 2-B E ;R OOM ~-~ob ~1; -ho~n;i ~ .~8./~ adoptedamendmentSand inc.or.p.oratedthere°f are asherebYfully July,that ThursdaY1975, at 9:30the o'24thclock,daYA.M.,°f ofandrec°rdthefileat the address below statsaidthe court,same withtogetherthe Cl(wi County Realty, 426-4486. Wooded lake view lot, all (~_~{.4/~W/o 4F41rC4~ as if set out veroatim herein, and Department No.of the Presiding proof of such service within f¢ 2-BEDROOM un urnished house, M5/29tfn appfiances, tool shed and guest _ ...,C" . ,. from the date on which this of said Superior L.ourt, at Shelton (4) months after the date of fi all-electric, wall-to-wall carpeting, ~--~---~ h o us e. $1 9,0 0 0, t e rms. /L~I~IF, j~IP~I'~9~//~I~'/ ordinance shall take effect the provisions thereof shall be on Bayshore Golf Course, $160. 3 BEDROOM house. 1 bedroom ;~mberlakes Inc., 426-9665, (Ar/~F~Mr/MMr,~#V'~d in said County, has been duly publication of this notice or t References and deposit, house. Also apartments.Phone 37-1512, 935-7802. 06/26-7/3 controlling within the limits of fixed by our Superior Court forsame will be barred, unc 426-4000. B6/26tfn 426-4420. W6/19tfn ~i~l W threethe CitYcopiesOf SheltOn.of said NOtAct leSSare thannow theisReport,askedSettlementattowhiChsettleOf timethesuchSaidthereport,CourtFinal provisions11.40.011, included in RE OFFICE SPACE -- 700 square and shall continue to be filed in Date of Filing notice fourplex with utility room, feet office on Hillcrest right on the office of the City Clerk. distribute the proper1[y to thecreditors: June 20, 1975. colored kitchen appliances, 101. Free desk and chairs, water, 2. This ordinance shall be persons entitled thereto and Date of first publication: JU carpeting and drapes. Free TV lights and heat included. Call administered and enforced by the discharge said Vernon E. Johnson. 26, 1975. WITNESS, the Hen. Frank E. /s/William C. Morrison cable and garbage. References. "Mitch" at Mason County Realty, ~iiii Public Works uepar1[ment whichBaker, Judge of the above entitled Adults only, no pets. $145 per 426-4486. M6/5tfn ...... shall adopt reasonable rules and Personal Representative month, available June 1st. ........ regulations for such purpose Court, and the seal of said Court GLENN E. CORREA 426-6251. L6/26-7/17 COUNTRY LIVING -- Deluxe subject to the approval of theaffixed this 23rd day of June, Attorney for Estate new 6-plex, 2 bedrooms, carports, City Commission. 1975.Elaine Province Bell Buildin9 1-BEDROOM mobile home, $100 fireplaces, appliances and garden 3. Any provision contained in Clerk of said Superior Court 121 South Fourth Street month. Lilliwaup 877-9337. plots. Between Shelton and the codes referred to in RCW /s/Elaine Province 6/26 It Shelton, Washington C6/26 ~ Olympia on Hurley-Waldrep 19.27.030 which does not 6/26-7/3-10' Road. 426-6071 or 426-4226• advance the purposes recited in RCW 19.27.020 (1) and (5) may, MR. AND Mrs. Landlord. Mason L4/17tfn L~ '"" ~j upon application, be waived or NOTICE TO CREDITORS County Realty has complete --'---- ~ i , ~| modified by the Public Works NOTICE OF SALE OF rental management service. We FOR RENT: Trailer space close ..... ~ Department if such act[ion be ABANDONED VEHICLES NO. 4608 ' ~ justified" by the facts of the Notice is hereby given that on IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ( provide all the forms, show theto downtown. Call426-4426. '' ..... ~ [~'~ ~ matters under consideration. 1975, at 1:00 p.m., at Shelton FOR MASON COUNTY property, check credit and 10/8tfn Tuesday the 1st day of July, THE STATE OF WASHINGTC references, collect the rent and ~:~i [ ::-:-: -I10" ...... 4. Any person who shall Auto Parts, Route 1, Shelton, PROBATE t deposit to your account. Call I -!"'*"~° violate or fail to complywithany Washington, in compliance with IN THE MATTER OF T "Mitch" at 426-4486 for further One and Two Bedroom I ! •" ........ -., of the provisions of this ordinance details -- we take care of the An~rtmenf¢ ""i'h ....... I !ii ::'i:; : or reQulations adopted by the Chapter 42, Laws of 1969, 1st ESTATE OF LUCY neaoacnes ................ M~/bttrn wE cdrpe[, araPes I Public Works Department following described abandoned NOTICE IS HEREBYGIV • & appliances, no pets. I ! I -=i . ; -~ i ~ ~ pursuant hereto shall be guilty of vehiclesE xtraordinarYwill be sold:Sessi°n' the thatNEEDHAM'the undersignedDeceased" has be| IMMACULATE! 2 bedroom . ~= -- . I I • CUSTOM CARPETS & DRAPES I ]UBENCLOSURES • POWER I a misdemeanor and punished by a duplex. New carpet, vinyl, drapes, ~11~ I I VEN TS • SHUTIERS • DELUXE RANGE •8"STEPStDING • ALL I fine of not more than $300.00 or 30),1961Lic. No.Chevr°let'PUT 66630, (ApachelD No. personalapp°inted andrepresentativehaS quatifiedofaS tt Estate of LUCY C. NEEDHAI I PI room I~VIIV I 4FVll ld~t app lances, us utility , ~ I I ELEC[RIC • DELUXE REFRIGERA~ • SPECIAL INSULATION I by imprisonment for not more 1C364J122598. deceased; that all persons havi carport. Utilities paid except heat .......... z.~z~ Jeltterson :>ltI I i DISHWASHER OCttINA CLOSET • HOUSE TYPE EAVES. GUTTERS I than 30 days or by both such fine 1965 Ford (Galaxie), Lic. No. claims against said deceased electricity. $145. 426-1078, " I I AND DOWNSPOUTS .__ I and imprisonment. • BMC 847, ID No. 5J65X140869. hereby required to serve the sa~/ 4 26-6060 after 6 p.m. Mar Aot 2or I 5. All ordinances or parts Raymond L. Drebis, Jr., DBA duly verified, on the undersig~ W6/19-7/10 "4;t6-1916 "I I 7 ._ _= Price as shown $11,1. I thereof which may be in conflict Shelton Auto Parts, Registry | home p ~ TAX ..... I herewith are hereby repealed. 23000001, MVW 2209. 6/26 it "7/12tfn I or his attorney of record at t I qualifies J~ll~ REFUND Less govt. taxcredit ~ | 6. This ordinance shall take address below stated and file t "MOBILE SPACE available. Quiet, ~, I !or ~ /I OR CREDIT ~ I effect on 1 August 1975. same with the Clerk of the s~ Secluded, laundry. Walk to town. III,he q~'l" Effective price~ IUtll4~lll ! INTRODUCED at regular court, together with proof of su Call 426-3242. e9/5tfn MT VIEW I Commission Meeting this 10th service within four (4) mont day of June, 1975. , CALL FOR BIDS after the date of first publicatb ..... J ..... I P A S S E D i n r e g u I a r Notice is hereby given that of this notice or the same will 877-5527. S6/19ffn ~ /~ I Commission Meeting this17th sealed bids will bereceived by the barred, under provisions includ day of June, 1975. Board of Commissioners of Fire inRCW 11.40.011. DOWNTOWN, ONE bedroom I I ~/s/F.A. Travis Protection District 5, Mason Date of Filing Notice Mayor County, Allyn, Washington, until Creditors: June 20, 1975. house, partly furnished, drapes, " -r- ........ I /s/David T. Kneeland 8 p.m. the 16th of July, 1975, at Date of first publication: JU carpetedliving room, damage ,~ ..... ,,.,...;o... I Commissioner which time said bids shall be 26, 1975. I ~" i~ll~U/UUI I I VII/U/Ill)lieU depos't, no pets. 426-8269. I /s/Michael J. Byrne opened and read aloud at a special /s/Maurice H. Needham G6/19tfn I Available NOW -- No PetsI Commissioner meeting. Personal Representative A'I-rEST: Bids are invited for the GLENN E. CORREA COMPLETELY FURNISHED CONTACT MANAGER | /s/Helen W. Stodden following construction: Attorney for Estate bachelor apartments. Dishes, I City Clerk Provide labor and material Bell Building linen. $50 to $65 per month. 426-3]00 I /s/B. FranklinHeuston and construct concrete 121South Fourth Street Shelton Apartments, 2nd and tfnI City Attorney, APPROVED foundations and slabs. Shelton, Washington Grove. S6/5tfn _ I 6/26-1t Obtain and provide a building Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 26 1975