June 26, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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On June 28 a reception will
be held at the MBC Club for
Willard and Gladys Lloyd, who
will celebrate their golden
wedding anniversary. An
invitation is extended to everyone
on Mason and Benson Lakes to
help the Lloyds celebrate this
once-in-a-lifetime occasion. The
reception will be from 2-5 p.m.
and those who wish may return at
9 p.m. for an evening of dancing
to last as long as anyone wishes to
trip the light fantastic.
Congratulations, Willard and
Gladys, and we wish you much
happiness in your years to come.
Last Sunday I stopped and
visited with Arnold and Artha
Peterson who were helping their
daughter with clearing and
building on her lot in Paradise.
Joyce Peterson is anxious to get
their house built so the whole
family can enjoy the summers and
weekends in more comfort. The
Petersons are from Montesano
where Joyce is co-owner and
operator of the Chantilly Beauty
Shop. The Petersons have four
daughters and one son.
Mr. Peterson, as you might
guess, is a Norwegian and has
traveled to Norway and located
relatives he wasn't aware of until
a few years ago. The relatives have
now visited the Petersons and
found they dearly love the
North west and were very
impressed with Mason Lake and
its stlrrounding beauty. The
"Norsl(" relatives really enjoyed
Americlmn food and loved going
on picmcs. 1 hope that some day
when they visit again Ill have the
privilege of meeting them.
We wish to express our
sympathy to the Jack Denny
family. Jack and Marge have
returned home after traveling to
Montana to attend the funeral of
Jack's sister.
Our first and oldest
grandchild, John Way, was
graduated last week from high
school. They were out to see us
on Tuesday night so John could
visit once more before leaving for
the service on Thursday. We had
an idea he'd go in the Army but
never thought it would be quite
so soon. Of course, grandma had
to relive the day in 1959 when
our son left for the service.
Last Sunday iota Pfeifer was
surprised when all her children
and grandchildren gathered at the
Pfeifer home to celebrate lola's
Curt and Verna Heath had
two houseguests last week; their
granddaughter, Pamela Everett,
and her girl friend, Pamela
Sampair, both of Aberdeen.
Grandpa Curt took the girls
fishing over at Phillips Lake and
the three of them caught six big
ones. This was Pam Sampair's first
time fishing so she was real
thrilled even if she caught only
About fifty friends and
relatives of two Mason Lake
families gathered last Saturday
evening at the Carl Kramp
summer home to witness a double
mortgage-burning ceremony. Carl
and Harriet Kramp of Seattle,
who have owned their Mason
Lake property for 15 years, were
one of the couples celebrating no
more mortgage payments along
with Janet and Kenny Williams,
formerly of Seattle and now
permanent residents. They bought
their property 18 years ago.
The Kramps and Williamses
were neighbors in Seattle years
ago and it was after visiting the
Williamses at the lake that they,
too, bought a lot here and built
their cabin. They plan to move
out permanently in a couple of
David Williams, 16, is looking
forward to enrolling in Shelton
High School next fall. He is the
youngest of the Williamses' four
children. Also out for the
weekend was their first
grandchild, 2-month-old Donald
Scott Williams, son of Steve and
Terri Williams.
Millie Christensen, who was
injured over a month ago in an
explosion which destroyed the
Christensens' travel trailer, is now
home from the hospital and
would appreciate visitors
dropping by while she continues
to recuperate from extensive
Grant lmpett of Shorecrest
( Route 2, Shelton), was
appointed by the county
commissioners at their meeting
last week to fill the vacancy on
the Mason County Planning
Commission created by
resignation of Doug Berry.
A report of a lean-to at
Tahuya River Tracts being torn
down and burned was received
June 14 in the sher3ff's office.
The owner had filed a similar
complaint several months ago
and juveniles responsible for the
first offense were to be
leIeIellolllellq~IlllellellleIellelll elleIe II •III • B • B • BOBe B • B • B I
North Bay Oxbow Custom -"
• The Finest In Oak Cabinets •
275-3109 ALLYN, WA. Be
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t Belfair Fireplace Shop
| Fireplaces and accessories i
275-6165 :
Next to Belfair Home Center [
6 Days 10 a.m. to 5:30, Sunday lO a.m. to 3 p.m.[
Wes Griffey CR 5-2117 Lou Dobbs TR 6-4783
Episcopal Church Welcomes You
ST. HUGH'S " ALLYN -- Sunday 9:15 a.m.
ST. NICHOLAS -- TAHUYA -- Sunday i 1 : 15 a.m.
Come As You Are
Spray, brush, or roller. Interior and exterior staining and
prefinishing. Lowest cost, free estimates, insured.
Tex S'N. Schouvillier
Star Rt. l, Box 855 (Twanoh Falls) Belfair, Wa.
275-2807 Between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m.
Bear Creek
Mini Mart
Hours: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. 7 days a week.
Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone CR 5-6680
Belfair office open 9-5 - Wed., Thurs., Fri.
LOU DONNELL ............................. Editor
CAROL WENTLANDT ...... Advertising Manager, Phone:
Office Telephone CR5-6680 Eves. CR5-6259
A section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal serving as the
voice of Belfair, Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake,
South Shore and North Shore.
By LENNIA CATES -- CR 5-2245
The Tahuya Fire Department
went into action last week in
response to a call of a roof fire at
the newer home of Captain
James. Residents, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Parrish, caretakers of the
property since Captain James
suffered a stroke several years
ago, had extinguished the fire by
the time the firemen arrived.
The men still had their work
cut out for them as the road in
and out and the turn-around area
there for vehicles that large is very
limited. The fire apparently
started from material being
burned in thefireplace which
landed on the roof. Damage was
Incidentally, Captain James'
son Rick brings him out several
times during the year to spend
time at the main house, so we get
to see and chat with him shortly
at those times.
Mary Russell is recuperating
nicely after cataract surgery. This
is the second operation for her in
the past two years and she's
looking forward to one of her
favorite hobbies again - reading.
With the 4th of July weekend
almost upon us don't forget the
"Balderall." This will be the
eighth year when the annual
fishing derby and boat parade will
be held at Bald Point.
This is a "fun" thing every
year. The derby takes in the 4th,
5th and 6th. The boat parade will
start up the channel there at 2:30
p.m. on the 5th. Following will be
a canoe race, pie-eating contest,
sack race, egg toss, hoola-hoop,
tug-o-war, 3-legged race, penny
hunt and many other games.
If you have a small dinghy,
decorate and enter it in the
parade - you may win a prize,
and the more the merrier. Entry
tickets will be available at the
Omans, Reynolds and Tahuya
Fish are still being caught up
around Tombstone Territory and
Bald Point. Herb Fleischmann
again with an 11%-pounder with
another twice that big out there
with his name on it, so he says.
Lost a big one when it came
unhooked. Norm Loudenback
and wife Mary still pulling them
in. Norm claims there's a biggee
out there with his name on it also
(same reason as above.)
Perl Maurer had the classic
catch of the week when he
snagged a huge 19~A-pounder in
the side, fishing from a light 12'
aluminum boat. Did you ever try
to guide a snagged fish into a net?
You can't; it just takes you where
it wants to go and in this case
they were pulled from Tombstone
to the Indian Hole. On top of
that, wife Ida Mac is a southpaw
and apparently can only net from
one way. Well, when you've got-
one like that you've got to net it
any way you can. The air was
sorta blue - in fact I think I
heard some of the flak down this
far (ha ha), but the beauty ended
up on the barbecue!
We babysat a couple of small
black Lab puppies for a while last
week. A lady brought them in
after they'd come to her
neighbors up the creek here.
Footsore, hungry and plumb
tuckered out, we fed them and
finally found whom they
belonged to and they were taken
home. The little ones had been
missing for three days. The
mother has had a habit in years
past of taking the pups into the
woods and abandoning them.
Some have never been seen again.
These two, after travelling a great
distance, were lucky and I
understand mama's going to be
tied up from now on.
Don't forget the meeting on
boat and water safety this
Saturday night, June 28, 7 p.m. at
the Tahuya Firehall.
Mr. Gay, editor of the
Shelton-Mason County Journal,
was mentioned in the PI'S
Emmett Watson column again this
week. That's the third time I've
noticed it in recent months, but if
you read his editorials you'll
understand why.
Good advice: If you wouldn't
write it and sign it, don't say it!
Two reports of vandalism at
Collins Lake homes were received
in the sheriff's office last week.
On June 17 it was reported that
vandals had broken into the
Harold Dawson residence and
created extensive damage with
spray paint and by throwing food
around. A hi-fi had been torn
apart and pieces scattered around.
A TV was missing. On June 13,
James L. Craft of Seattle reported
his Collins Lake home had been
entered for the second week in a
row. A week earlier items had
been stolen but this time it was
A break-in of Belfair Home
Center was reported June 15 to
the sheriff's office. Someone had
broken in during the previous
. night and stolen approximately
$680 worth of taand and power
A Labrador puppy, black with
white spots on chest and throat,
was reported found just south of
Belfair~ on Hummingbird Lane
June 1 2.
Catholic Mass
at 12 noon
Belfair Community Baptist
Church, Father Don Piro of St.
G a briel Catholic Church
Call any time, 275-6593
or 275-2413.
Wiring . • • Lighting... Electric heat
We are franchised General Electric Dealers
Special Pricing -- Factory Service
Terms-- Free Delivery
We take trade-ins.
and Save
OFF Paints & Stains
OFF Floor Enamel
Exterior Latex
Stain '"
Reg. 5.75 Now ... Gal.
275-2031 Weekdays 8:30-5:30 p.m. -- Sat. 8-30-5 p.m.
Page 2 - Huckleberry Herald section of SheitonLMason County Journal - June 26, 1975
peview Doin's
Newcomers to the community had a preview of Danny Thomas'
are Felix (Lefty) and Judy Baker show which was opening the next
and three daughters, Bonnie,night at the Golden Nugget at
Allison and Peggy Sue of Sparks. They also visited the
Kirkland. They have been historic Virginia City as well as
weekenders for the past year but Carson City. From there they
now are permanent residents of went on to Lake Tahoe where
the south end of Stretch Island. they enjoyed the beauty of the
Welcome to the community, scenery and, of course, "pulled a
Twenty ladies gathered at the few handles" and before leaving
Odell Presley home on FridayNevada they enjoyed a visit at
evening. The occasion was a Ponderosa Ranch, the setting for
surprise baby shower for their Bonanza. They traveled to
daughter, Debbie Bell of California, stopping at Truckee
Bremerton. Hosting the affair where Ann was unsuccessful in
were Cyndy Catron and Audreylocating a great-uncle. This was
Presley. also a very unique mining town.
Here is one for the books. They went on to Sunnyvale,
Dusty Rhodes of Tacoma had aCalif., where Ann attended the
caller who said he was a very good wedding of David Westberg and
friend of his son. After chatting a Carol Sanford on Saturday
while Dusty invited the chap to afternoon. They then spent
come spend the weekend with Saturday evening at San Francisco
him at his summer place at where they attended a show at
Mountain Shores. After a pleasant Finocchio's. Sunday they drove
evening they retired and upon around the city after which they
arising in the morning Dustyreturned home by way of the
discovered his guest, as well as his redwood highway.
pickup and wallet, was missing.
He then called his son and he said
he had never heard of this fellow. •
Fortunately, the pickup was Sunlnler musl~
found the next day.
George and Eleanor Wheeler •
arrived last Thursday to spend program going on
most of July in their cottage next
to Eleanor's sister, Louise About 60 students, fifth grade
Spooner. They left Franconia, through high school, are
New Hampshire, as soon as participating in a summer music
college closed for the summer and program sponsored by North
have been visiting their children Mason School District. Two
and other relatives. Their outdoor concerts, tentatively set
grandchildren from Salt Lakefor July 24 at Belfair State Park
City, Michelle and David, are with and July 31 at Twanoh State
them for a couple of weeks. Park, will be presented by the
Before coming to Grapeview they students during the program.
stopped at Gig Harbor where The concert band will present
Louise joined them for a farewell a full variety of concert music as
dinner for several members of the they make a quick switch from a
family who are making a trip to marching band. They plan to
Europe this summer. While inenter the Lakefair parade in
England they will attend theOlympia July 13 and possiblythe
ceremony at the University of Fathoms o' Fun parade in Port
Oxford when George's brother, Orchard July 5.
Donald, receives his doctor's Classes are being held on
degree in economic history. This Tuesdays, Wednesdays and
is Donald's second degree from Thursdays for seven weeks,
Oxford; he was a Rhodes Scholar starting last week. However,
there just after graduation from Gordon Lent, director of the
Reed College some years ago.summer program, said any
Recent overnight guests of the student interested may show up
Jim Tobeys were Rowayne Holtand register on any Tuesday and
and children of New Bern, North take part that week. The program
Carolina. Rowayne and Jim is geared to allow participants to
worked together several years in go on vacation without paying for
the pulp mill at Sitka, Alaska. lost time and resume classes when
Betty Bell has returned from they return. Cost is $2 per
Washington State University at student each week or $13 for the
Pullman where she attended the entire program. Two students
Pacific Northwest Biennial from the same family pa~, $20 for
Conference of Weavers. The the summer and three pay $25.
Kitsap County Weaver's Guild, of Beginner classes in clarinet,
which Betty is president, had a flute, trumpet, trombone, guitar
booth at the conference. Speakers and electric bass guitar begin at
at the event were Jack tenor9:15 a.m. Intermediate classes in
Larsen, formerly of Seattle and clarinet, flute, trumpet,
now a nationally-known textile trombone, French horn, piano,
designer in New York, and Dale guitar and percussion begin at 10
Kroes of the Ozette Archeologist a.m. At 10:45 a.m. the group
Association in Washington. practices as a full marching band
Recent visitors at the John or a concert band, depending on
Stevens home were Mr. and Mrs. what's coming up next.
Paul Kluk of Crescent City, Lent, who has six teachers
California, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim assisting in the summer program,
Schmidt of Tacoma. Edna and is encouraging any kids interested
Mrs. Kluk took nurse's training to join the fun. He said the
together and worked for manymarching band is doing great and
years together in hospitals at he expects them to perform well
Hoquiam and Aberdeen. in any parade entries. A summer
Mr. an d Mrs. Morgan uniform consisting of white pants
Brassfield and children, Morgan and blue and white luau shirts has
Jr., Steve and Missy, spent a been chosenforparticipants.
couple days at the John Stevens Confirmed park concert dates
home. Morgan Sr. and Jr., along and time will be announced later
with a friend from Seattle, spent in the Herald.
their time removing stumps on
the land that John had been BOTHERSOME BICYCLISTS
clearing. BOTHERED
Margaret Kochanski and A complaint was received
friend Nancy Chilton and children June 17 of a group of about 20
attended the Mountaineer Theater bicycle riders strung out on the
at Seabeck Sunday. These are live Old Belfair Highway causing
stage plays and Margaret highly traffic problems. Intercepted in
recommends this as a good form Belfair by a deputy the riders
of entertainment, were found to be a church group
Curtis Bell and Clem Hollheaded for Twanoh State Park.
have been out lake trout fishing a They agreed to break into smaller
couple days a week and have been groups, riding behind each other
returning with their limit almost so as to allow traffic to pass
every time. without danger. However, they,
Winnie Myers and Ann too, had a complaint. They said
Westberg, along with Eula Elliott three persons on the Old Belfair
of Castle Rock, have returned Highway had thrown lighted
from a ten-day trip which took firecrackers at them as they had
them by car to Reno where they passed them. Deputies were
enjoyed the Pearl Bailey show and unable to locate them.
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Bank Terms 275-2297
Serving families
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Lester M. Lewis, Sr.
Call us collect from anywhereES 7-3836
Lester M. Lewis,
Heating Fuels
For Chevron Heating Fuels--
Modern Heating Equipment--
Complete Housewarming Service...
Our accounts payable at Puget Sound National Bank in Belfair.
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Allyn & Belfair
Conserve ENERGY by HEATING with
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Chauncey Vaughn
Bayview Mobile Homes
The Largest Selection of Mobile Homes"
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Quality Rex-Bilt Single and Double Wides Always
on Display. Consult with Jim Yoest, Burt Wold or
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Open doily except Sundoy 9 to 6
GORST 377-4461
Snyder & Sons
No job too small or too large
Slabs, sidewalks, foundations
curb & gutter
Picadilly Bazaar & Flea Market
"Downtown Port Orchard"
Every week, Friday & Saturday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Sundays, 12 Noon to 6 p.m.
Monday thru Thursday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Rummage Sale & Exhibit Space For Rent
• Collectibles • Rummage • Craft Space
377-1166 876-2503
Belfair Trading Post
9:30 to 5:30 Wed. thin Sunday
Belfair Branch
Puget Sound National Bank
The hometown bank