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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 26, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 26, 1975
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- ii!~ R. AND MRS. Willard E. Lloyd of Mason Lake will * Fireplaces * Block foundations * Anything with masonry JOHN KIMMEL Licensed, bonded and insured. 2, Box 947 426-1512 Shelton debrate 50 years of marriage at an open house in the Mason nson Center this Saturday from 2 to 4:30 p.m. MOTOR BIKE COMPLAINT A complaint was received in the sheriff's office June 18 of kids on motor bikes riding through a creek and fouling up the water system of a nearby resident. A deputy talked to the offenders and ordered them to stop entering the creek. CO u n t y Ta. • O /Co6 • Serving all of Mason County • Long distance rates • 24-hour service Tubular Glass Salmon Rods ........qls° _d(~j_.~.,...jee~ OF ALLYN 1 }L. _~' MEMBER OF NORTHWEST STEELHEADERS ~')--~; CORTAND CERTIFIED FISHING ,'roS.o 275-3345 Hour,: Wed. thru Sunday, 9 a.rn. to 6 p.m. ~!~|~M~~~1~B~Mm~ BONDED LICENSED INSURED = g JESFIELD CONSTRUCTION = F. MR. AND MRS. Willard E. Lloyd as newlyweds in 1925. The 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Willard E. Lloyd of Mason Lake will be celebrated with an open house at the Mason-Benson Center this Saturday, June 28, from 2 to 4:30 p.m. The event will be hosted by the couple's four daughters. The Lloyds were married in Vancouver, Washington, June 26, 1925. He had moved to the west coast from his birthplace, the the Olympic Peninsula before moving to Seattle in 1935. Upon retirement they moved to Mason Lake where they are active in community affairs. During their marriage Mr. Lloyd has worked as a logger in this area and has been employed at Todd Shipyard, Pacific Iron and Metal, Seattle Iron and Metal, Sternoff Metals and was working at Block Steel as a crane operator at the time of his retirement. Mrs. Township of Peck, Wisconsin, in Lloyd worked at Sears Roebuck 1923, where he met the formerin the mail order department util Gladys Porter of Forest Grove, her retirement. Oregon. They lived in Forest The couple has four Grove until 1928, then moved to daughters, Mrs. Dorinne Ewing, Mrs. Doris Kaufman, Mrs. Abigail O'Hara and Mrs. Betty Rhodes, all of Seattle, 19 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. If news Airman Michael S. Stoltz "The ''Tombstone Tournament" played by the ladies' club at LakeLand Village on June 19 had the following winners: (1 8 holes) 1. Patti Schillinger, 2. Dulcie Schillinger, 3. Carrie Harstad. ("All in the Family?") Margaret Barnard was winner for the nine-holers. Each player carried a stake with her name on it and drove it into the ground on the spot where her ball lay when she had hit the sum Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Harder ger nu In a candlelit ceremony, at Belfair Community Baptist Church the evening of May 31, Miss Kay L. Schillinger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Schillinger of Victor, was wed to Mark L. Harder, son of the Reverend and Mrs. Wendell L. Harder of American Falls, Idaho. Officiating She carried a basket with yellow and white daisy petals. Music was furnished by a trio composed of Karen Tilley, Carolyn Knowlton and Connie Fenton with Karen Tilley also playing the organ. Two local receptions honored the newlyweds. The first was held WSU HOUSING SHORTAGE Students enrolled at Washington State University who have changed their plans and will not attend this fall are asked to notify the college so that their housing space can be assigned to someone else. A housing crisis in Pullman has developed in the face of an expected record enrollment this fall. Almost 600 more students than the record 15,615 set last fall are expected, with 150 new apartments scheduled to be available able to accommodate only 450 of the increased number of students. Legal Publications CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids willbe received by the Board of Commissioners of Fire Protection District 5, Mason County, Allyn, Washington, until 8 p.m. the 16th of July, 1975, at which time said bids shall be opened and read aloud at a special meet Eng. Bids are invited for the following construction: Provide labor and material and construct concrete foundations and slabs. Obtain and provide a building or buildings and erect same. All as described in specifications which may be obtained at the Did, trAct 5 office in Allyn Firehall. Bidders to supply specifications with bid in addition to those of the District. Purpose of the building project is to provide a 2-bay fire station on the west side of Mason Lake and a 3-bay fire station at Deer Creek. At present there is no building at the Mason Lake site and a 2-bay station at Deer Creek. The above-mentioned commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the time set for opening thereof, unless award of contract is delayed for a period exceeding thirty (30) days. Bids may be addressed to FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 5, P.O. BOX 127, ALLYN, WA. ~Jt~bZ4 or may be delivered to the meeting place at the fire station in Allyn between 7:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. of the bid opening date. William E. Morgan, Chairman of the Board 6/19-26-2t PERMIT REQUEST A request has been received by tee Army Corps of Engineers from the State Parks and Recreation Commission in Olympia to retain three existing mooring buoys which provide transient public boat moorage at Twanoh State Park. Persons wishing to comment must have their comments at the corps office by July 21 for consideration before a decision is made. PERMIT REQUEST A request has been received by the Army Corps of Engineers from the State Parks and Recreation Commission in Olympia to retain five existing mooring buoys at Stretch Island State Park to provide transient public boat moorage. Comments pro or con must be in the corps office by July 21 for consideration before a decision is made. FOUND BOAT 16' red boat 275-2083 Identify & pay for ad Haul Rock Bulldoze Fill Dirt B&D CR5-2195 CR5-2113 Sunday Services 8:30 a.m .... Morning Worship 10 a.m .... 2nd Morn. Worship 10 a.m ....... Sunday School 7:00 p.m .... Evening Worship ii i CONTRACT NG • BUILDING --- total of the course par (33) plus at the ceremony was the father of immediately following the her own handicap, the groom, former pastor of the ceremony at the church. ServingMEETING DATE CHANGE m AIRMAN ASSIGNED CONCRETE WORK i The next get-together for men local church, the cake were two aunts of the The July meeting of the Port P.O. Box 11 a'b"Jl~ LLOA i Airman Michael S. Stoltz, sonand women golfers will be this The bride wore a white bride, Mrs. William Holstin and of Allyn will be held July llth at 7:30 p.m. at the Allyn Firehall, Belfair, Wash. L/~'~QQ61~ Jim Jesfield - of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Stoltz coming Saturday, June 28, when floor-length gown made by herMrs. Ran Schillinger. Mrs. Holstin due to the regular meeting date P O BOX 407 lll~l~ll~l~ll~ll~ll~l~l~ll~l~ll~l~l~lll~Ml~ll~MMll~Ml~M~ of Belfair, has been assigned to members tee off for a shotgun mother. It had an empire waist, made the cake. Other aunts of the falling on the 4th of July. "--" Altus AFB, Okla., for duty in the start at 4 o'clock. They will play a with bodice of satin and sleeves bride, Mrs. Loyle Johnson and Clerk of the Board, /~hn ~,nn Pnetmr !¢)1¢~¢~1¢~1¢)1¢=~!¢I~>101¢:11¢I1~i¢)1¢:~!¢~¢:~!¢)~1¢~~ transportation field after nine-hole Scotchball tournament, and train of lace. Her short veil Mrs. William Harstad, served Port of AIlyn ............ p ...... completing Air Force basic followed by a potluck dinner in with lace headpiece was coffee and punch. A second Ellen Palmer ~.~ training. " ' the clubhouse. "something borrowed fromMrs, reception was held at Victor Hall 6/26-1t ChurchphoneLCR5~262 North $ re Nursery During his six weeks at Tim Douglas, a cousin of the with live music for dancing. Lackland[ AFB, Tex., he studied TRESPASSERS ARRESTED bride. She carried a bouquet of " .... --=- ........ CLIP ....... and Gift Shoppe the Air Force mission, Four of seven persons found white carnations with bits of On June 1 a reception was | ' | organization and customs and camping on private property at baby's breath and streamers held in American Falls in the I | would like to announce the "X" received special instruction in Panther Lake were arrested by which held two gold tings, fellowship hall at Bethany Baptist | | new owners "X" human relations: deputies June 17. Three others Maid of honor was a sister of Church, where the groom's father ! | Airman Stoltz attended North got away. The trespassers hadthe bride, Miss Karen SchiUinger, is pastor, i | Mason High School. His wife, spread out sleeping bags, had food who wore a blue dotted swissThe bride wore a long evening | | "3(" Loft, is the daughter of Mr. and on a table, had built a bonfire in flowered print gown trimmeddress of pink and white, made by | | i yl Mrs. Thomas Sumter of front of the residence on the with lace and a wide-brimmed her m°ther, as her g°ing-away !3 i lan ce & Ra Bremerton. property and had strewn beerblue hat. She carried a cascading outfit, with a white carnation bottles all around. They claimed bouquet of blue carnations, corsage from the bridal bouquet. '~ LOST, FOUND they knew it was private propertyAnother sister of the bride, Out-of-town guests included it- Also "X"A 20-foot blue and white and although they did not haveMiss Karla Schillinger, served as the parents of the groom; Wendy we would like to thank our "3(" inboard/outboard motorboat was permission to set up a camp they bridesmaid along with Miss Kathy Harder, sister of the groom, also I [/Ui Dave's Bel!a!r Afro Station t [I :~: IF -~ reported found in Bald Point area believed it was alright to do so Krueger and Mrs. Ran Sande. of American Falls; and a brother .... many customers for the" ~- June 20. A camera was reported since there was no'No Their gowns matched that of the Theron Harder of Homestead Air I [/~ Offer goo~'?ue~.U~ZhJr~,~iil'y 't'o'Sept. 1st Jill patronage "3(' lost in Be 1 fair Junel9. Trespassing" sign. yellowmaid of honor, eXwith matchingCeptthatshey wereand fF°rce Base, FIr o m S p o k a°rinda" Attendinge w a s t h e I I)T(~~~'O~ I I ~ (K~I I ~ bouquets, grandmother of the groom, Mrs. Best man was Don Porter and Pearl Harder, and Mr. and Mrs. i l~ I ~ ushers were Mike VanBuskirk, Les Harder and family. Mr. and Tom Sanders and Glenn Landram. Mrs. Jim Harstad and family of SOME WOODED They, along with the groom wore Hawaii, Mr. and Mrs. Joe .............. CLIP._, ........... "~U blue tuxedos. ' Ponzoha, Marci VanHorn and | I Wilma, Howard, SOME PP STURE Debbie Burke and Diane children of Oregon and Dave | Ud~I~V UliI~I~I !'1~ I ~'* 5 ACRES & LARGER Ponzoha, a cousin of the bride, Ponzoha of the University of I IllUl.. ll IIIlUl'II'LrI -- I & screens .............. ,,...eL. Rm,,bearer - _ = .... Kevln & Margaret ....... , ". Montana also attended I m.~mqFm mwmlFm m m,,m.,m. I was Jamie Schillinger a cousin of The couple drove to Fort I ~:::~,.~.~ '" ~ .... ~:::::: ~~'~. I the bride, who wore a white tux, Bragg North Carolina, where they I , : ii::~ | i': Hood Canal Glass REID REALTY and flowergirl was Erika Douglas will make their first home. The | I • " "X" 275-2623 BELFAIR SHELTON whose dress was identical to those groom is stationed there with the | I ****************************** ~Callan~]time ~275"2668 426"6572 of thebride'sattendants, inblue. U.S. Army. I /IM F I • • I _ _ I Theshtrt , * • that sums up t ;; summer 75 I ' - ....... ................. i • • ® iiiiiiiiii!il;i! ! i iiiii .... ~50 ~ gv , "-' Nights ". YT" ~::: '~tW' " E / ~ ~ A t The gOOdness Of peaches in a fast acting cleanser'_ G rn ed ..:::~!~:~@.~', -.x."~ t ~,. * Week ' ua a te ! "i, 1] • Wonder - Wed. thru Sun. Milky cleanser-cleanses quickly, pampers sk,n w,thEq uas,on Fresh Peach tillMuffle r Larger cars at comparable savingsM°stlnstalledAmerican compact cars Ii ~;:~ ~ , peach kernel oil and creamy milk solids'. ' I a!ll 0 II m CUSTOM PIPE I • • Fresh Peach Wake Up Gel . BENDING and I [ ':: * ~ ....... ns " wake-u slee ir. I l/mm41~lm~-.-- WONDER SHOCK U secona reTresner To clea e &P PY X I I IMI i.II J,TM ABSORBERS at ! ?; The shirt to work in, pin ~. skinI m • - staycoo, anareTresnea,n.,I' ' ' ''-"''-- "s~ ~. .... ~ )~ ~ ...... ~ I lZl~lSlSXOlqO[)NT1R, OLClglwrlg~ equally low prices. I the Sportabout in a cool, ....... Fresh P ,ach/ Ioisture Mask I*,faWonderMuff,eror Tail pipeshouldeverfailduringnorma, I crisp Limelight polyester knit kj/ ,, ,, use, for as Ion as you own our car, it wdl be replaced absolutely and thecolorsarethe /" t// OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK (f A moisturizing facial. Renews the young soft| . 9....Y_. ". " .... '._ _ I • ~ ~r 9 glowl 9 I FREE at any w°n°er Muffler Lenter" ~° instal'ati°n °r 'ao°r cnarge'l~ prett,est of the season.[ Ill W, " I Drive in for a free exhaust system inspection! I 7/, C?o Z ' : e . ,., e r ," Nortth Shore i arege I 11)-4 Sunday 275-2033 Mary Wright Belfair . 1 Be''a'r I June 26, 1975 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3