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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 27, 1974     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 27, 1974
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT ~earing on the docket in County District Justice before Judge Carol Fuller the past week were: Justice Court Bonney, P.O. Box 236, ~ir, speeding, driving in Ltion of basic instruction $30 fine; Ronald Allen, Box 803, Shelton, failure improper lane usage, $35 Kevin Hawkins, Rt. 2, Box Shelton, failure to stop, 3er lane usage, $35 fine; Williams, 18048 10th NE, driving while intoxicated, fine. Rollins, 2120 Ridge Shelton, no motorcycle $17.50 fine; Sharon ns, 2120 Ridge Rd., Shelton, motorcycle endorsement, fine; John Clark, 1329 Ave., Shelton, failure 0p, $15 fine; Sharon Delair, Box 23, Matlock, defective pment, driving without permit, $55 forfeit. ohn Moore, Rt. 2, Box ], Poulsbo, negligent driving, Marc Caughie, St. Rt. lax 1286, Montesano, no arcycle endorsement, $35 Ralph Rothrock, P.O. Box Matlock, no motorcycle $35 forfeit; Jerry Rt. 2, Box 653, Shelton, no license, no motorcycle $45 forfeit. Simpson, St. Rt. l, 415, Belfair, speeding, $34 zit; Marvin Henry, 1219 road, Shelton, defective $20 forfeit; Robert P.O. Box 157, Allyn, without lights, $15 forfeit; Olen, Rt. l, Box 1296, qesano, no valid vehicle ~se, $10 forfeit; Dennis , Rt. lO, Box 484, no valid vehicle license, role endorsement, $45 tit. Guffey, 527 Bellevue, drunk in public, $25 ~it; Louis Blackwell, Rt. 1, 540, Union, speeding, $44 !it; Dean Pellegrino, 11267 Renton, hitchhiking in area, $10 forfeit; Gilmore, 84 Prospect St., Orchard, no valid vehicle ~se displayed, defective $30 forfeit. Rinehart, 122291 N. Shore Dr., Hayden Island, speeding, $38 forfeit; Torgusen, Rt. 4, Box Port Orchard, fishing for fish without a license on $25 forfeit. DEPARTMENT C. Day, Rt. 2, Box 878, Shelton, negligent driving, $150 forfeit; Donald VanderWal, 1109 Northcliff Rd., Shelton, speeding, $25 forfeit; Eugene Stidd, 1302 Cota, Shelton, drunk in public, $25 forfeit; Joseph C. Holder, Rt. 2, Box 7c, Shelton, physical control of a motor vehicle while intoxicated, $250 forfeit. Kevin Hopper, 2214 King St., Shelton, no arterial stop, $25 forfeit; Charles Snell, Rt. 5, Box 812, Shelton, speeding, $25 forfeit; Elmer Strope, 420 Arcadia, Shelton, speeding, $25 forfeit; Robert M. Smith, Rt. 3, Box 824, Shelton, faulty equipment, $20 forfeit; Kathy Aames, Rt. 4, Box 330, Shelton, no operator's license on person, $25 forfeit; William Geschwint, 320 Park St., Shelton, creating a public nuisance, 30 days in jail. COUNTY BUILDNG PERMITS Building permits approved by the Mason County Planner's Office during the past week were to Curtis Clawson, garage, $3,500; Colony Surf Club Inc., addition to showers, $4,900; Joe Coogan, residence, $25,000; Wayne Crabtree, vacation cabin, $2,800; Percy Dresser, roof over mobile home, $500; Marcus Holt, residence, $24,000. C. D. Knight, recreation, $7,000; Lyle Loften, living room addition, $3,000; James Longacre, garage, $1,000; Donald MakovineY, residence, $50,000; Robert Meyer, replace dining room, $1,500; lvor McCray, vacation home, $12,000; Howard Noyd, vacation home, $12,000; Kenneth Raymond, residence, $20,000. Kenneth Robinson, residence, $20,000; Robert Rogers, recreation cabin, $8,500; Harold Shriner, residence, $19,000; Marne Smith, cabin, $600; Thomas Steinman, remodel garage into residence, $1,000; Clark Tabor, residence, $20,000; Donald Utley, garage, $3,000; Richard Vernon, remodeling, $11,000. SHELTON POLICE Someone was reported dumping over garbage cans on Railroad Avenue. Joe Goodro reported a boat at the city dock had been cut loose. Vehicles driven by Jerry O'Bremski and James Shaddox collided at Second and Railroad. Bill Bailey reported a motor bike taken. Florence Kinnan reported a license plate lost. Ed Dunbar reported he found a wallet. Howard Holt reported a rhododendron plant taken. Added responsibilities? Adjus.t your life insurance. Call or See Arnold and Smith Insurance 117 E. Cota 4263317 piece t I• Includes headboard, nite stand, chest dresser and mirror. )1 MRS-. Adolph Kopperman reported gasoline siphoned. A window was reported removed from Mt. View School. Vehicles driven by Marvin Cline and Melvin Gran collided at Highway 101 and Ellinor. Les Joslin reported a rock thrown through a window in his house. Tom Tinker reported minor damage to a vehicle which was struck by another vehicle while parked at the Arctic Circle Drive-In. Kenneth Walter reported a wallet lost. Charles Wolfenbarger reported a license tab taken. Two city street control cones were reported taken from Northcliff Road. Mrs. Robert Lindsey reported a stray pup at her residence. Helen Schroeder reported a window in her house hit by a BB pellet. Kay Gott reported a garden being pulled up. Mrs. Richard McHaffie reported a house broken into. SHERIFF'S OFFICE Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone reported 192 feet of cable missing and another 175 feet damaged. Karen Ambercrombie reported a window broken with a rock. Bob Tramwell reported vandalism to a vehicle. Don Cox reported a tire pump, lug wrench, bumper jack, gearshift knob and a pillow taken from a pickup. A mail box was reported knocked over by a vehicle. Mrs. Vern Morris reported a mail box taken. L. C. Derry reported windows broken out of a cabin. Judy Smith reported a window broken on a neighbor's property and a building entered. Kirk Tree Company reported chain saws taken. Marjorie Jennings reported a newsstand taken. Robert Page reported a mobile home broken into. Janics Paradise reported a battery lost from a vehicle. A totem pole belonging to Ted Keith was reported taken from the Belfair Trading Post. Sharon Wieldes reported gasoline and other items taken. Ron Hite reported an Irish Setter dog found. lrvin Russell reported a summer cabin broken into. Erik Redal reported a house entered and a coffee pot, rugs, bedding, a clock, clothing and other items taken. Edward Brown reported a shrimp trap taken. Wilma Petty reported a window in a house broken and a car damaged. Boats operated by Chuck Smith and Earl Weese collided on Lake Nahwatzel. Bonnie Furnish reported she found a life jacket. Edward Kenz reported a tool shed broken into. Oyster poachers were reported on the North Shore of Hood Canal. Mrs. James Leitch reported a purse lost. She later reported she had found the purse. Roger Olson reported a trailer broken into. T. V. Orr reported a shrimp pot rope cut. A wallet found in the courthouse was turned in to the sheriff's office. Carl Bailey reported he found about 200 pounds of concrete reinforcing steel. Don Craig reported a set of tools taken. Tools were reported taken from a shed at the Mason County fairgrounds. CITY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the City of Shelton during the past week were to Rick Hines, patio, $500; Roger Deyette, mobile home, $6,000; Luz Construction, residence, $16,800; John Gray, fence, $150; Dennis Fuller, remodeling, $8,000. FIRE DEPARTMENT June 21, 11:25 a.m., fire in a boat at the Richard McHaffie residence, 1404 Dearborn. SUPERIOR COURT Dissolutions of Marriage Kathy Gaskill and Michael Gaskill. Judy Perry and Robert Perry. Alton Gathings and Virginia Gathings. Harvey Ream and Jean Ream. John Danubio and Carol Danubio. Janetta Pearson and Leslie Pearson. Larry Keller and Sandra Keller. Stoddard Walton and Susan Walton. New Cases Olympia Dental Laboratory against Dr. and Mrs. Renard Bechtold, debt. Globe Adjustment Co. Inc., against Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bolduc, abstract of judgement. G. R. Kirk Co. against Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. William Hunter, breach of real estate contract. Tall oaks You'd scarce expect one of my age To speak in public on the stage; And if I chance to fall below Demosthenes or Cicero, Don't view me with a critic's eye, But pass my imperfections by. Large streams from little fountains flOW, T',fll oaks from little acorns grow. David Everett Hours to Your Nee Monday- Saturday 7 a.m.- 11 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m. -- 10 p.m. BRAD'S I 1612 Olympic Hwy. S. BRAD'S II 1931 Olympic Hwy. N. (End Of M th rance) :rance Items, • Hot Sorry, no phone calls, holds or layaways. This merchandise priced to clear. [ Solids & Prints Golf Sweaters 9" Orig. 13.98, Now ................... Men's Casual Slacks Orig. 8.98-9.99, broken sizes, Now .... Men's Dress Shirts Short sleeve, broken sizes Men's Pocket Polos 3" Novelty stripes .................... Special Boys' Jeans .2/700 Broken sizes .................. Boys' Sportshirts j. Orig. 2.98-3.98, Now ................ CLEARANCE Texturized Polyester Knits 45" wide, orig. 3.50, Now ....... Fashion Cotton Prints 45" wide, special buy ......... Polyester Double Knit Pr.lts, 60" wide .............. Piece Good Remnants Reduced Shoe Clearance Gids' & Boys' Casual 4"to 7" Orig. 7.99-9.99, Now ....... Wo's Clogs 4" Orig. 8.98, Now ................... Wo's Summer Sandals 28s. 3n Special ................... Women's, men's & children's ............... Wo's Jeans 399.5ee Broken sizes ............. Wo's Extra Size Briefs I/ Ass't. Prints Women's Dresses 25% Off Reduced ................ Handbags 2" 5" Reduced ................. " IIII1! Yd I Knitting Yarn 4 ounce, , ply, easy pull ....... 77' Skein 9.88 1 Full Bed Sizes Queen & King Size Clearance Women's Knit Tops Special, ~olid coiow ...... ] BIG REDUCTIONS (3 BIG GROUPS ) Group I .............. Group II ............. Group I I I ............ WOMEN'S SPORTSWEAR Thread Special ioo 225 Yard spool ............... 5/ Kitchen Towels Screen prints .................. 2/I°° Bed Pillows ...................... 2/4" Tennis Shoes 3" Low cut, men's & boys'. ............ Men's Pocket Polos 24e Solid colors ....................... Novelty Curtains Reduced to clear .............. I • Skirts • Blouses • Knit Tops • Pants • Cord Sets • Sweaters Women's Uniforms Reduced Women's Panti Hose Specials ......................... Boys' Windbreakers 3" 100% nylon, 7-14 ................. Charge it in Shelton Open Fri. night 'till 8:30 i ii Thursday, June 27, 1974 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5