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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 27, 1974     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 27, 1974
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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The City of Shelton received petitions for annexation at city commission meeting night. The petitions were for the eker property and other north of the present city along Highway 101 and the cemetery association for cemetery property between present city limits and the freeway bypass. petitions were presented the commission by City Howard Godat who told :ommission he had checked im and they contained a ent number of signatures to into the city by commission The commission voted to the necessary procedures for i annexations. Godat told the commission a ition was being circulated in Bonnie Glen area and was to be presented shortly. Petitions which were earlier, which included cemetery property and Glen along with the other between the present city and the new freeway pass, to get a sufficient number natures to come by petition commission action. commission voted to are jured in ccident Two persons were injured in a collision on the Mt. View on Highway 101 Friday Roquell Wayne Robinson, 13 Cota, driver of one of the suffered a scalp cut. He taken to Mason General for treatment of the ~ry. Also injured was Pat Stoner, Rt. 3, Box 181, a passenger in driven by Jesse Mercer, 220 East Ash, Dallas, Oregon. suffered a head laceration. Shelton police, who the accident, said the car was northbound on 101 on the hill when it into the southboulld lane traffic where the collision ;urred between it and the thbound Robinson vehicle. There was about $2,500 to the Robinson vehicle about $3,000 to the vehicle by Mercer. Officers said Meker suffered a lip in the accident but refused treatment. Mercer was rged with being drunk in lic by the officers who tted. THE SHERIFF'S WATCH Q. What do burglars look when planning to enter a A. Without doubt, the Ilemost thing they look for re unlocked doors and Also, obvious signs absence, such as deliveries, ~il and newspapers which not been picked up. Q. What item should I stolen or missing? A. All items believed to be or missing should be ll~orted to the sheriff or ice and your insurance ROCKY HEMBROFF AGENCY Franklin 426-3357 SAFECO INSURANCE approve a conditional exception to claange a residence into a law office. The request came flora tt. H. Fuller, an attorney from Olympia. The house is located across the street west from the courthouse and is located at 423 North Fifth, at the corner of Fifth and Alder. The city was notified that its share of the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority budget for the coming year would be on the basis of 12 cents per capita, $828. This is an increase of two cents per capita above what the amount was last year. Two yot,ng men representing a band from Olympia called "Pilgrimage" appeared at the commission meeting to ask permission to present a free public performance in Kneeland Park in either late July or early August. The commission stated it had no objection, but recommended the young men contact the park board since the park board kindles the operation of the city parks for the commission. A proposal from William E. Sl~ith, a representative of D. H. K ~lt, dsen, for taking merchantable timber off the city water shed p,operty and using the property for growing Christmas trees was received by the commission. Public Works Commissioner Michael Byrne stated he would check into the proposal further. The commission approved a rc~'ommendation from Superintendent of Public Works Robert Temple that the city stop garbage pick-ups for those living outside the city limits. Temple said with the additional number of residences in the city and having to drive to the new county sanitary landf'dl, it was becoming difficult to get the work done without going into overtime for the crew. Temple, after the recommendation was approved by the commission, asked the city clerk to notify those outside the city who are now getting garbage pick-up service that the city is going to discontinue the service. The commission gave a first reading to an ordinance for a $86,000 supplemental budget for the arterial street fund to pay the city's share of the street improvement LID from last year. When the 1974 budget was prepared, not enough money to pay the city share of the street improvement LID was included. The funds will be taken out of the arterial street reserve and placed in the arterial fund. Better Living Armstrong Home ins With An 4 Custom building on your lot. You pick interior and exterior designing. Model homes on display at 3891 Wheaton Way, Bremerton. Call ES 3-5861 for information. t-ronq homes '-FRESH FRYER PARTS---- DAYS FRESHER FROM WASHINGTON FARMS CURE 81, WEST VIRGINIA, FIESTA, HOLIDAY, OR PARTI STYLE BONELESS, FULLY COOKED, DELUXE HAMS ARE ALSO FEATURED. ARMOUR'S STAR SMALL, 5 TO 7 LB.. WHOLE HAMS...FULLY COOKEO. WATER ADDED. (HALF HAMS .........LB. BREASTS ORUMSYl.S. AHO T.IG.S ................. L,. 88 WINGS ....................................................... LB. 43 BACKS AHOHECKS ........................... LB. 1 5 ROUND BONE LEAN GR BEEF .............................................................. BEEF PATT|ES''TEHoA "AOE'' C"'CKE" ,"'E°' BREAOEO PATTIES ............................................................................................................... LB ROAST U.S. CHOICE BEEF VALUE TRIMMED ARM CUTS ....................................................................... re98 ARMOUR'S STAR SANDWICH SIZE ................................................................. LB KIPPERED SALMON SNACKS 1.09 89 69 ..,,,A,, s 1 1 9 SE.iOHS ............................................ ,R PURE BEEF BOLOGNA OR COOKED SALAMI RATH'S SLICED. GUESS EXPO '74 ATTENDANCE AND WIN! 6 OZ. PKG. WlENERS..-....e......LB. HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS INTENSIVE CARE VASELINE LOTION. ......... ~. ................... 6 RITE GUARD ANTIPERSRRANT- ............................. ~S OZ. AEiW i U. S. CHOICE BEEF BLADE CUTS WITH GREAT FLAVOR. • -*e*e*...oo.jmee.e*.*oeeee*ooeo*l*'e*eeooe~ooe'oe*e~R" MAKE SHOP-RITE YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR HOLIDAY NEEDS. WHETHER IT BE FOR EVERYTHING OR JUST A FEW LAST MINUTE ITEMS, WE'RE ALWAYS READY TO SERVE YOU. CHOCOLATE ASSORTED Each Each We specialize in decorated cakes for all occasions. PHONE 426-3377 19 SHOP-RITE ....................... HALF GALLON SHOP-RITE CHIPS 3 RAG BOX,I n s VAN CAMP'S ............................................. RIG 31 OZ. TIN49 170Z. $ DEL MONTE FANCY FRUITS• TINS CUKE CHIPS FARMAN'S ............................................... 220Z. JAR 49 KOSHER DILLS FARMAH'S ....................................... 220Z. JAR 49 1000 ISLAND ,RAFT L,Q,,O .................................. B OZ. ROmE 3 5 BROKEN SHRIMP RLUEPLATE ................................. 4'h0Z. 69 MARSHMALLOWS CA.PF,RE ................... ,,-OZ. P.O. 3/ i RAISIN ROUNDS WOHO..UFFIHS ......................... ,,ACK 55 RED LABEL 9" PLATES .................................................... 100 COUNT JUICE GUC,ESS"A"FRUIY....- ................................................ ,G OZ. ,,, 4 9 PEAS GREENG,ANT ....................................................................... ,,OZ. TIH 29 COFFEE ,OLGER'S ..................... L,. ,. 01 .......................... ,,, s349 DETERGENT 'ARAO, FOR O,SHWAS,E-- ................................................... OZ. 59 CRACKERS SHAC, CRACKERS ........................................ OOX TWlNKIESHosTEss ................................................................ ,O,ACR 99 "FRESH AS A DAISY" PRODUC Big Beautiful GOLDEN RIPE LB. GRAPES rERtETTE. SEEDtESS .................................. tO. 59 CHERRIES FROM THE NORTHWEST 69 EARLY. JUICY AND SWEET .............. LB. NECTARINES.,.,o,.,.c, ................ ,, 49 PERFECT FOR SALADS .................. LB. AINE LETTUCE c.,..,.,s. ................... HEAD I 0 gl i m i ei 0 L. JIFFY... 40 OZ. BOX MISS MUFFIT ! O-OZ. PKG. KINGSFORD 10 LB. SACK FIRST QUALITY CUBES- -POUND WHIPPED TOPPING IN A BOX ....................................... 8 OZ. BOX NORTHERN ASSORTED I O0 CT. ROLL PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 27, 28, 29, 30 - JULY 1, 2, 3 LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED HOURS SUNDAY 10-7 - DALLY 9 TO 9 DUCHESS FANCY ORANGES BEST BET ELBO MACARONI ............................................. ,4 LB. PKG. WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING - EVEN A SMILE! • i , ' '"" "' Thursday, June 27, 1974 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Pa~ 7