June 27, 1974 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 27, 1974 |
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4ORLEY PREPPERNAU, right, was recently named as
4ason County Realtor of the Year by the awards committee
Nell, the Mason County Board of Realtors. Here, he is being
and d resented with a certificate by Trine Moorhead, chairman of
Baptists plan
film showing
Application has been received turbidity which tends to degrade
"A Thief in the Night," a new by the Seattle U.S. Army Corps water quality and damage aquatic
color £dm, will be shown at the of Engineers office from Mrs. life.
First Baptist Church June 30 at 7 Marjorie Kauhanen, Aberdeen, for The decision whether to issue
a Department of the Army permit a permit will be based on an
P'm:'A Thief in the Night" is a for work in Hood Canal nearevaluation of the probable impact
mighty motion picture about Union. of the proposed activity on the
Bible prophecy. The story centers The proposed work consists public interest. That decision will
around Patty, an average girl of construction of concretereflect the national concern for
caught up in living for the counter forts to existing concrete both protection and utilization of
present, with little concern about bulkhead to prevent furtherimportant resources. The benefit
the future. What happens when deterioration and/or collapse of which reasonably may be
bulkhead, expected to accrue from the
this thinking finally catches up
with her provides the drama. The applicant has agreed all proposal must be balanced against
construction debris will beits reasonably foreseeable
The action includes a young disposed on land in such a manner detriments. All factors which may
man confronted by a deadly
Asian cobra, a young girl's daring that it cannot enter navigable be relevant to the proposal will be
escape from jail, and a take-over water and work in navigable water considered; among those are
by "The lmperium" that regards will be done to minimize conservation, economics,
aesthetics, general environmental
all who are not properly
concerns, historic values, fish and
identified as enemies of the In Coost Guord wildlife values, flood damage
system. Coast Guard Seaman Recruit . prevention, land use classification,
Bruce A. HaskeU, son of Mr. and navigation, recreation, water
------------------------------------------- Mrs. Ken Walter, Shelton, has supply, water quality and, in
Too Late to Classify reported for duty at the Coast general, the needs and welfare of
Guard Training Center at the people. No permit will be
----------"-------------------------" Alameda, California.granted unless its issuance is
FOUND -- fair-sized yellow dog found to be in the public interest.
came to Fir Lane limping and feet
raw from walking. Male --gentle.
Needs home or owner. 426-3648.
GARAGE SALE, misc. items. 611
Cascade. Friday-Saturday, 10-5.
12' BOAT and trailer, $100.
Phone 426-6209 after 5 p.m.
Alcohol school
is scheduled
Two two-hour sessions of the
Alcohol Information School have
been scheduled in Shdton during
July. The sessions will be held
from 7-9 p.nL July 9 and 16 in
awards committee. The award was based largely on FOR SALE: New king-size the Shelton City Hall.
service as secretary of the Board of Realtors for waterbed, foam pad, $30. House The classes are conducted by
next to Car Wash on Mt. View. the Thurston and Mason
past two years. C6/27 Alcoholism Recovery Council and
~-- VICINITY of 12~th an------d are free.
IE SHOW President Dodds stated that walletrailr°ad blaCkcontainingbank bOOkyellowtype ~,
[SlDERED SUCCESS this year s show has proven that it notebook. Reward. 426-8887.Methinks Isee
The Mason County Home can present a successful show in 136/27
,w held at the Mason County this community and the 2x14x14 TIMBER, used, $7 each. Methinks I see in my mind a
"a'rlgrounds, June 1~'~, through association, is looking forward to a 8x8x23', $25. Also, porch sale noble and puissant nation rousing
r cess bl er and better one next year across exit, Lake Nahwatzel, herself like a strong man after
une 16, is considered a suc gg " " Saturday only. H6/27 sleep, and shaking her invincible
lot the Home Builders
[ssociation of Mason County, FREE CUTE 8-week male kitten, locks; methinks I see her as an
,aid Robert Dodds, president of HELLMANBUYS box trained. Mr. View area.eagle mewing her mighty youth,
,, l~,¥JblKIJKlbl~l~l It]l~ UtJ
~e association. The show and kindling her undazzled eyes
[Icluded 32 exhibitors relating to The sale of Evergreen DrugM A T U R E P E R S O N w i t h at the full midday beam.
knowledge of accounting, 0odd .J°hn Milton
he shelter industry and a show Center, Inc., by Ken Chapman to typist, able to work from ........
~me reflecting the quality and Carl Mervin Hellman has been Dictaphone. Good knowledgeof
~tegrity which-is a standa-rd of announced as effective June 1. office machines. Salary depends
upon ability. Write Box 55, c/o EOREAU
~le Builders Association. The The sale includes Evergreen Journal. 6/25
~ome was built by Gene Luz Drug Center in Evergreen Square
2onstruction Company. and Evergreen Medical CenterBASEMENTsaturdaySALE, clothes, misc.
items. 10-1. 1724 EXCELLI:!NCE
Over 1,000 people attended Pharmacy across from Mason Division.S6/27
:he four-day show and those General Hospital on Mt. View. FOR SALE, Columbia 9' PERMANENT HAIR COLOR KIT
nterviewed stated that they were Hellman, a native of Shelton, fiberglass boat, used only once.
)leasantly impressed with the has been with Evergreen Drug Perfect condition. Good offer
of the show home and the Center for the past eight years, accepted. 877-5329. B6/27-7/4 LIGHTENS
things exhibited for the WEANER PIGS, $25 each,, cash •
The show was held by the
[ason County Home Builders
in an effort to raise
necessary to create better
with the state
nd federal, arms of the
Lion and to better maintain~
highest standards and quality
The board of directors of
Puget Sound National Bank has
announced the election of Adair
C. Neau as assistant manager of
the Shelton branch. The naming
of Mrs. Neau as an officer of the
bank was effective June 18.
Mrs. Neau moved to Mason
County 27 years ago from
Chicago. For twelve years she was
cashier for Lumbermen's
Mercantile, then was with the
National Bank of Mason County
and continued with Puget Sound
National Bank when the two
merged in 1971.
She has two married
daughters and a son in the Army.
Her husband, Fritz, is with the
U.S. postal service.
In the construction, financing and
.. • tale of homes in the area.
Ill [-The show committee
~6~[Icluded: Stan Lyman and
IIIIDl~harles Hall, exhibitor sales; Joan
~illington, communications; Bud
ons, location site; Dick Moore,
vertising; Don Campagna,
paration and cleanup; Steve
\ ] ansen, tickets and gate; Gene
'~ ]lLuz, building and furnishings of
/\ l[he show home; and Jerry
Lr~k ~l~lillington, home show chairman.
x.V !/
Of Shelton * Bainbridge * Lynnwood
and carry. 426-4841. H6/27
older 3-bedroom, tiled bath,
family room, sundeck, view of
mountains, bay. Extra basement
room. $15,500. 604 Turner,
426-1027. $6/27
Nice day
There is nothing more universally
commended than a fine day; the
reason is, that people can
commend it without envy.
William Shenstone
Neil's Pharmacy.
Emergency Ph. 426-2165
Fifth & Franklin 5t.--426-3327
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30
Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00
Savings Deposit
Qualifying deposits can get you one of these items FREE
with earnings as high as -- --
on 4-year, $1,000
minimum deposit
When compounded
daily earns an
annual return of
"A substantial interest penalty
~s required for early withdrawal
Monthly transmatic savings programs earn
Washington's Largest FSLIC State-Chartered Savings and Loan.
$160 Million Strong. Serving 15 Communities in Western Washington.j
SHELTON: 1st & Rallroad1426-8211
Monday-Thursday--9:30 to 5 : 30
Friday--9:30 tO 6:0(3
Preliminary determinations
indicate the issuance of a permit
will not be a significant federal
action and an environmental
impact statement will not be
Comments on these factors
will be accepted and made part of
the record and will be considered
in determining whether it would
be in the best public interest to
grant a permit. Comments should
reach the Seattle Corps office not
later than July 24 to insure
In Shelton
Flight Instruction
Beginners thru advanced ,ating.
In modern Cessna airoaft.
for more information:
John Bernsten: 426-6235
Capital Airways
357-8212 Olympia
A~rman Frank M. Roush, son organization and customs and
of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Roush, received special instruction in
Shelton, has been assigned to human relations.
Lowry Air Force Base, Colorado, The airman has been assigned
after completing Air Force basic
to the Technical Training Center
training, at Lowry for specialized training
During his six weeks at the in the armament systems field.
Air Training Command's
Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, Airman Roush attended
he studied the Air Force mission, Shelton High School.
are ready at Miller's Berry Farm
• Strawberries, bring your container.
• Bulk strawberries in your container, field run, 20
• Table ready strawberries, sliced, unsugared, 9 Ibs.
• Bing cherries for canning, table ready, 20 Ibs.
• Frozen strawberry jam -- Ice Cream Topping
Purdy-Allyn Highway, 2 mi. W., 1/2 mi. N. Purdy
For information, Closed Saturdays
phone 857-2250
A product of ~astar
You can have a wall with
character when you reserve
one wall for Z-Brick.
With the beauty and texture
of old, heavy brick, Z-Brick
accents the appearance of
any room. It's easy to install,
and comes in three styles
in seven attractive colors.
Z-Brick isn't plastic, plaster
or pretend. It's a durable,
fireproof wall covering you
can use inside and out.
Z-Brick is the perfect cure
for ordinary walls.
Reg~ price per 8 sq. ft. box.
l st and Pine Streets
Bainbridge -- SHELTON -- Lynnwood
Thursday, June 27, 1974 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9