June 27, 1974 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 27, 1974 |
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STATE SENATOR ROBERT BAILEY was the speaker at the Mason County
Democrat Club meeting last week. Here, he chats with some of those
attending. Left to right are Mrs. Bailey, Helen Savage, Senator Bailey, Jerry
Johnson and Jim Kneeland.
:~ State Senahlr Robert Bailey,
:;South Bend, a candidale ft, the
l)elnocratic nominalion tilt U.S.
Representative froln the 1bird
Congressional Dislricl, was Ihe
" speaker at the Mason County
I'h:mocral ('lab meeting lhursday
In a relerence aimed al lhe
: Oltly Republican omlcnder lot
, the nolnination, Secrclary CH
Slate A. Ludh~w Kramcr, Bailey
said he did not believe the Third
~ ('ongressional l)islHct is ready t~
have a dov~tHown-~allle-~)rienled
person represenl lhclrl
]he district, which is
primarily a rural area, needs
SOlneorle lo represenl lhc foresl
induslry, fisheries and farms,
which make up a lalge po~lion of
its economy.
Bailey said he is in tawlr of
open disclosure of linancing by
The public as well as thc
carldidales will have Io get used Io
Ihc idea, Bailey said. This will
lake a bib' adiuslmenl till the parl
u l lhe public h~ realize any
conl~ibulions they make will have
We save loggers money.
Call or See
Arnold and
Smith Insurance
117 E. Cota 426-3317
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On Hood Canal, between Union and
Alderbrook. Write Robin Hood Village
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lo be ,m public record.
Bailey said in his own
campaign he had received a hit of
small conlrihulions and had
already paid many of the major
expenses which he will have in
connecliot~ wilh lhe campaign.
During the m, mlh ~1 March,
he said, lie had spoken h) about
2,000 people and since lhat lime
has sp~ken Io Ihal inany Ol im~re.
Bailey said he is i~hmning on
~pel]ing a Caml)aigll tiffice in
()lympia shorlly.
tic said organizalions for his
campaign aJc being set up in each
~)i lhe counlics in llie dislricl and
arc now gelling stalled.
Mcmhers ol Ihe Mason
('ounly ('Omlnillee Ibl lhe Bailey
campaign are ('ecelia ('ornell,
campaign thai,man; l)ean I'ahnc,,
c h a i = m a n : J o h n (' o I e,
vice-chairman: Dmrell Spark~,
lteasulel: and l'.leanllor Jolitlson,
SeClelal y.
Applying for Inarriage licenses
in the Mason County auditor's
office this week were:
Gary tturd, 19, Math)ok, and
l~slie Wright, 18, Matlock.
Gerald Nautt, 35, San
Francisco, Califlnlaia, and Pauline
tleinlneyer, 34, Shelton.
A. R. Krusell, 71, Rockaway,
Oregon, and Charlotte Strickland,
48, Rockaway, Oregon.
Charley Mad, 73, Puyallup,
and tlildred Sinith, 70, Puyallup.
Airman Ross L. Godwin, son
of Lawrence F. Godwin, Shelton,
has been assigned to Chanute Air
Force Base, Illinois, after
completing Air Force basic
During Ms six weeks at the
Air Training Comlnand's
Lackland Air Force Base, Texas,
he studied the Air Force mission,
organization and custolns and
received special instruction in
hurnan relalions.
The airman has been assigned
Alton Gathings, 5% t)ort
O~chard, arid Joan Patty, 37, Port
Richard Lawrence, 19,
Newberg, Oregon, and Jill
Vorisek, 18, Newberg, Oregon. ":
ii !
Robert Mays. 42, Shellon,
and Louise Price. 31, Shellon.
R a n d y K ~ h 1 e r , I 7 , !
Ilo(idsp~rt. and l)ebla Oqt, isl, 17,
('hris ('linlon, 23, Shellon,
and Debra (;uyel IN, Shelhm.
Willialn Lazzar. 37, Aberdeen,
and Shryl [,azzar, 32, Ahmdeen.
Michael (;ihson, 2N, Shellon,
and Linda Bryan, 29, Shellon.
Ross Godwin
That was quick. I want to get to H & H SHOES in
Olympia for FAMOUS NAME BRAND Women's
and Men's Shoes at Discount Prices before they
H & H SHOES 411 W. 4th Ave., Olympia
i i
to the Technical Training Center
at Chanute for specialized training
in aircraft maintenance.
Airman Godwin is a 1969
graduate of Shelton High School.
tte received his A.A. degree in
data processing in 1971 from
Olympia Vocational-Technical
Institute. His wife is the former
Bonnie Jean Boelk, whose
guardians are Mr. and Mrs.
Monroe Michaelis, Shelton.
Stroke a nettle
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Grasp it like a man of mettle,
And it soft as silk remains.
Thru an investment in the bonds of some of the largest
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'T is the same with common
Use 'era kindly, they rebel:
But he rough as nutmeg-graters,
And the rogues obey you well.
Aaron Hill
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Page 10 - Shetton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 27, 1974