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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 27, 1974     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 27, 1974
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE I For Sale SALE, 1626 Jackson T h u r s day-Friday-Saturday. ing, washer, refrigerator, misc. 10-5. Mc6/27 For Sale ~ " -~ "-~-~ --~ ~v~--~ ,~-~. KIRBY VACUUM, kitchen table, 426-1035. H6/20-27 For Sale HEALTH AND Happiness, 5th and Grove Street. Open Friday only -- other days but Saturday 10' PRAM with 3 h.p. outboard call 426-8113 for appointment. motor, $130. 426-4128 or People are enjoying the natural 9 HONDA trail CT90. 426-8262. Mc6/27 grains and other items. D3/28tfn .=llent running condition, overhauled, $175. Call RUMMAGE SALE -- Saturday, CHAIN LINK fence -- for free W6/27 9-5. Isabella Lake Road, follow estimate, call Norm Bunko at signs. Y6/27 Sears, 426-8201. S1/10tfn ',b SALE, Friday, if weather its. Small appliances, CERTIFICATES OF Investment MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at ling, books, much misc. 1211 paying 8% annually are now Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and 9-5. $6/27 available at your Mason County Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfn Federal Credit Union. Come in HEAVY duty steel boat for details. M6/20-27 ' ' D R IVE" FOR horses. trucks. Never been in Vitamin/mineral food $100.426-6757. P6/27 TWO-PARTY yard sale, 1306 supplement. Fewer feed South 2nd, Friday. New and used problems, cuts cost. Better ILY garage sale. Nextdoor clothes, dishes, stereo, electric condition. "Drive" information, Post Office. 9-4 chord organ, numerous items. 426-6152. F6/6tfn June 29. C6/27 Starts noon -- day sleeper. Cancelled if raining. B6/27 CRUSHED ROCK for your )-PIECE sectional, red, $50. driveway or the permanent 898-3089. St. Rt. 1, Box USED 30" range, $30. Large solution, concrete paving. B6/20-27 oven, storage drawer. 426-1163. Graystone, phone 426-3344. W6/27 12/7tfn ~S 40-slide trays with covers, Condition, 6/$3.00 or sell 30 PATIO SALE -- furniture, 14' BOAT with 7z/2 H.P. motor, with TDC projector, clothes, misc. Rt. 3, Box 237. and trailer with controls, $295. screen -- all for $30. Turn right by Southside School, 426-1235. S3/14tfn excellent condition. Arcadia Road. Follow signs. 1117. V6/20tfn Thursday-Friday. W6/27 1966 FORD Bronco. front end damage, drive it home, $800. SALE: 23' Aljo camping 1973 CONNELLY camp water r. Best cash offer. Call ski, new condition. 426-1315. L6/27 C6/27 INEXPENSIVE to clean rugs GARAGE SALE -- Saturday, IPholstery with Blue Lustre. Sunday, 10-5. Rt. 3, Box 634, zh electric shampooer, $1. mile east of Bay East on Arcadia to Coast. C6/27 Road. Some antiques, furniture, aquarium, misc. S6/27 BASE white shower excellent condition, $50. PRICE REDUCED- must sell ¢26-5046. C6/27 right away. 13' Shasta trailer, sleeps 4, with potty chair. Range IMPROVED acre on Mill with automatic oven, icebox. Less with mobile home, shop, than 10,000 miles. Excellent or good 12 wide. 426-1439. condition. Ideal for small car owners -- pulls like a dream. $795 or best offer. Call 426-4915, no ~AGE SALE -- antique Friday night or Saturday calls, ng jars, bedding plants, please. B6/27tfn of many things. Thursday, Saturday. Open 10-6, 815 WATER BED and frame, $50. W6/27 12-string guitar, new strings, $40. Shotgun, 12 gauge, single shot, $25. Ithica 22 lever action rifle, $30.426-1913. B6/27 12' aluminum Smokercraft and 5 h.p. motor used ximately 15 hours, $350• M6/27 ONE gallon of root beer Ruth Wallin from Minor's Drive-In on Mt. View. I-FRAMES, 2x2 to 30x40 for all your needs. Bring in bicture or art work, no cost ooking. Photo Center, 163. P6/13tfn SILVER !~king about investing in Call Ken at Fine Metals D=ems, Inc. Evenings Patio Sale Ilursday & Friday, 9-5. rn right at Airport cery, go 1 block. Boy's bike rack, trailer ch, large ass't clothing, articles. 6/27 Good brown soil. ,00 cu. yard in Shelton. Eddie Kneeland Trucking 6/13-7/4 426-4889 CORPORATION Building Materials * Sand & Gravel • Crushed Rock Tanks * Ready Mix ATURDAY POURS ARE WELCOME {ADIO DISPATCHED )Y-MIX TRUCKS" GRAYSTONE OF SHELTON ~Outh 7th & Park Street 2/1 ltfn GARAGE SALE -- four families, lots of clothes, l/z mile out Arcadia. Friday and Saturday, 9-4. H6/27 Union 898-2676. H6/20-27 MOST POPULAR sizes of tires and batteries now in stock. Call Sears, 426-8201. S2/8tfn GEARHEAD AND other used electric motors, new one h.p. and 1/3 gearhead motor. Shelton Junk Co., 426-8626. S2/28tfn ROOFING -- NEED a new composition roof? For free estimate call Norm Bunko at Sears, 426-8201. S1/10tfn CORDWOOD. CALL Exceptional Foresters, 426-1550. E 1/31 tfn PASSING FANCIES by Jan Danford. An illustrated book of verse and prose. $1.95 at the Journal and book stores. D2/24tfn CAMERAS -- New and used -- want to trade up? See us first. Photo Center, 124 North 2nd, Shelton. P5/30tfn BINOCULARS BY Bushnell. '69 650 BSA, best offer, extras.' B~tter binoculars cost less to own. Qgality from $39~95 up. Photo 426-9329. S6/27 i;~ C~er, 426-6163. P5/30tfn 1967 ROLITE folding travel trailer. Easy to pull. Clean, gas CALCULATORS -- NAME range, furnace, sink, electric brands. Bowmar, Craig, Melcore. brakes. $995. 426-4929. From $49.95. Photo Center, 124 B6/27-7/18 No. 2nd, Shelton. P5/30tfn 1968 SHASTA 16' low, light weight, easy to pull, clean• Range, sink, brakes, $995. 426-4929. B6/27-7/18 KELLY'S SHOP, antiques, second hand, glassware, furniture, fan belts. First left on Isabella Road. Shelton, 426-6685. K8/23tfn OLDER REFRIGERATOR, good SHOP ANYTIME day or night, 7 shape, $30• Electric range oven, days a week with Sears 24-hour works good, $30. See at Rainbow shopping service. Phone Lake. B6/20-7/11 426-8201. 1/31tfn ELECTRIC GUITAR with amp. Excellent condition, like new, $75 cash. 426-5638. D6/20tfn USED ELECTRIC range, good condition. Phone 426-1557 or 426-2240. D5/23tfn 14' BOAT, 35 h.p. Merc and FENDER BASSMAN amp with trailer. Economical. Ideal for lake two Eva 12" speakers, $250 waterskiing. $440. 426-6660 firm. Gibson EBO Bass Guitar, evenings. J6/13-7/4 $150• 426-8777. J5/23tfn 13' SHASTA trailer, sleeps 4, C E DA R FE N C I NG • C al I with potty chair. Range with Exceptional Foresters, 426-1550, automatic oven, icebox. Less than for free estimates. E5/16tfn 10,000 m il eS-forE xcell ant condition. Ideal small car owners -- pulls like a dream. $895. Call 426-4915, no Friday night or Saturday calls, please. B6/13tfn 16' SHASTA trailer, EZ-lift hitch, awning, electric brakes, good condition, $850. 426-4545. R5/23tfn 24 LOTS, Munsell Lane, Arcadia. SHELTON JANITORIAL Service, 301 L St•, carpet cleaning our speciality, Ph O Frank Dressel, 10. H o qu ia m 9 85 5 ne phone 426-8936• S11/30tfn 532-0863. O6/20-7/1 NEED GUTTERS? Call Norm WALLPAPER -- COMPLETE Bunko at Sears for fast quotes on selection. Lowest prices available, contfnuous aluminum gutters. Coast to Coast Store, 123 South 426-8201.56/14tfn Second. 6/7tfn TOP SOIL Skokomish Valley, good sandy loam, no rocks. Have supplied this dirt for lawns and gardens for 25 years. Deliver by truck load anywhere. Call 426-1502. After 5:00 p.m. call 426-2570, F. E. Ogden. 4/12 tfn For The Finest In: * PRE--MIX * SAND * GRAVEL ARE WELCOME 1 LOCATED ACROSS FROM BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE Phone DAYS -- EVENINGS 6/13tfn USED PIPE and steel. New steel on order. Shelton Junk Co. 426-8626. S2/28tfn BEAT" THE high cost of beauty bark. Use alder bark! Large or small loads. We have •alder sawdust also. 943-9845, 491-8851 or 426-4035 evenings. L5/gtfn TRADE IN your 01d furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cote. "4/16tfn AUCTION EVERY Thursday night at the Tropics Ballroom (Schneider s Prairie). Call Olympia 866-0866. D3/10tfn Used Cars SAVE MONEY EVERY MILE VOLKSWAGEN INC. Sales • Service • Parts NEW USED CARS CARS 943-2120 3000 Pacific Ave. Olympia, Wash. Used Cars 1968 FORD country sedan. Call 426-4653. L6/20tfn 1964 CHEVY station wagon, good tires and body. Engine needs work, $200. Call Union 898-2289. $6/27-7/4 1964 JEEP 4WD pickup, FC150, 37,000 miles, $995. Best for backroads, firewood. Call 877-9282. $6/27 ,1958 INTERNATIONAL 3/4-ton pickup with hydraulic dump. As is. Best offer over $100. See at Shelton Cemetery. $6/20-27 CEDAR HAULER, car hauler, '66 GMC, steel bed, winch, steel roll, $1,095. Quilcene 765-3769. E6/20-27 CAPITOL CHEVROLET If you would like to call me, Walt Waring, I will give you a substantial discount, $100 up to $1,000, on all new Chevrolet cars and trucks and a good deal on all brands of used. Residence, 426-2181 Shelton; business, 943-2891 Olympia. 6/20-27 1973 Dodge Dart Sport Outstanding low mileage vehicle .......... $2995 1970 Ford Maverick Clean & economical, priced ~,=~ below N.A•O.A. book value ~3)1¢4~5 1968 Plymouth Fury 4-dr., excellent condition .............. $1 025 1967 Plymouth Fury High miles but runs fine . .. $495 1963 Imperial ..... $695 1959 Buick 4-door ................. $175 PLYMOUTH * CHRYSLER DODGE * DODGE TRUCKS Bud Knutzen eves. 426-4780 Front & Railroad Pets, Livestock YAKIMA ALFALFA hay, $4•50 a bale, $105 ton delivered. 426-1402. E6/20-27 SAMOYED FOR sale, 6 months, had all shots. 426-5651. W6/27 POLLED HEREFORD cow, $250. Polled Hereford cow with heifer calf, $350. Shelton 426-6055 or 426-6233. S6/27tfn COFFEE CUP'S Bar Fly permanent registered Appaloosa stallion service, double bred top and bottom Sun Dance 500 bloodlines and more. 426-9136. A6/27 2-YEAR-OLD gelding, 3-year-old whiteface bull, 426-4098. D6/27 FREE KITTENS. 2 white male, 2 dark female. 426-1163. W6/27 7-WEEK-OLD grey kitten. definitely needs a home. 426-1355. R6/27 FOR SALE: Southdown sheep. Donkey. Double horse trailer. Sheltie pups. Call 426-6152. F6/27tfn COCKAPOO PUPPIES to give Wanted FEMALE NEEDS ride to Olympia. Works 8-5, Monday-Friday. 426-1078 after 5 p.m. W6/27-7/18 RIDE WANTED from Shelton to Bremerton shipyard, 5-day week, day shift. Phone 426-5901. W6/27-7/18 DESPERATELY NEED board for gentle mare, prefer Hillcrest, Arcadia, Lost Lake area. Call Ed, 426-8887, 426-9316. L6/20-7/11 D. H. KNUDSEN Pole Co., Port of Shelton, John's Prairie. We buy poles, piling, stumpage and land. 426-6350, home phone 426-8914. P.O. Box K, Shelton. K2/24tfn WANTED -- NON-FERROUS metals, batteries, newsprint and cardboard. Shelton Junk Co. 426-8626. S2/28tfn WANTED TO buy -- old railroad ties. Need 20. Shelton-Olympia area. 426-8179 evenings. W6/13-7/4 RECYCLABLE BEER bottles, 35 cents per case. Shelton Junk Company. 426-8626. SS/9tfn away. Call 426-3879. D6/27 CASCARA BARK --highest price DOBERMAN PUP -- male -- red in years. Green and dry bought at -- 5 weeks, beautiful and Wayne Evers, Rt. 10, Box 94, purebred, fine breeding but no Shelton. (Dayton-Matlock Hwy.- papers, $75. See at Rainbow 4 miles from Shelton.} Lake, only 2 houses on lake. 3:00-8:00 daily. Telephone 426-4052. P4/25-7/11 B6/20-7/11 MEL-RU BOARDING Kennels, individual pens, in and outdoors, all cement, prefer dogs over 15 pounds. $2.50 per day. 426-2387. N6/6-7/11 DOG CLIPPING and grooming. For appointments, call Mrs. LaMent, 426-4164. L9/17tfn CANE SUGAR, registered quarterhorse stud service. Rt. 10, Box 127. 426-1390. E2/21tfn F R EE LABRADOR-German shepherd cross puppies. 2 males. Phone 426-5638• D6/20tfn AOHA MARE, excellent trail and game horse. Registered half Arab mare. One 3/4 Arab colt, 2 years old. Phone 426-2603. $6/13-7/4 • Farm Slaugh Custom cutting and wrapping. Old fashioned curing done and pepperoni and sausage made. Livestock bought, sold and hauled. Home Meat Service Glenn & B. J. Probst 426-1643 Kamilche Used Cars Honda Civic CAPITOL CHEVROLET, Help stamp out oil companies by owning the new large Honda Civic, 29.5 miles per gallon. 4-speed or auto. trans. For information or a no-obligation demonstration at your home, CALL: Walt Waring Res. -- 426-2181 Bus. -- 943-2891 "W/n a Tr/p,' @ @ Sign up at Pauley's 1974 LTD, 4-dr., was rental ................ $4,395 1974 Pinto Wagon ....................... $3,095 1973 LTD, 4-dr. with air .................. $3,795 1973 Nova, 4-dr ......................... $2,950 1972 Courier & canopy ................... $2,675 1972 Mazda Wagon ...................... $2,850 1972 Plymouth Duster .................... $2,595 1972 Ventura II, 4-dr ..................... $2,495 1972 Chev Panel Pickup ................... $1,995 1971 Monte Carlo ....SOLD .............. $2,125 1970 Falcon, 2-dr ........................ $1,825 1970 Ranchero 500 ...................... $1,695 1968 Opel ............................. $1,295 1967 Cougar .. ; ......................... $1,295 1966 Bus ................................ $950 1965 F100 & camper .................... ; $1,295 1960 GMC Pickup ................. ........ $595 JIM PAULEY, INC. Mt. View at Kneelond Center Phone 426-8231 II WANTED! Wood for homes, business and community. To have timber tomorrow, we must care for our timber crops today. Let us show you how your timber can work for you. conta©t the= HOLMAN DIVISION HemphilI.O'Neill Lumber Company Box 327, Napavine, WA. 262-33e5 I Huc Contract Sheds On a year-round basis. Are you interested? LET'S MAKE A DEAL Call us collect (206) 863-6434 for an appointment P.O. Box 88 Sumner, Wa. 98390 6/27-714 Sporting Goods FOR SALE -- 14' Glastron, deep V hull with 1972 Johnson 50 HP motor, canvas top, tilt trailer, $1500. 426-8807. M6/27 12' SEARS aluminum boat plus 3Vz HP motor. Call Hoodsport 877-5481. Y6/20-27 25 H.P. Johnson outboard with tank and controls, $150 or possible trade for small motorcycle. Call 426-8640 Monday-Thursday, after 9 p.m. M6/13tfn Lost & Found LOST -- POTLATCH area. Small wooden green dinghy with oars, last week. Reward offered. 877-5521,426-1666. R6/27 Business Opportunities Mobile Homes TRAILER HITCHES, all types. Trailer wiring, sway control, jacks, brakes. The Hitch Shop, 4814 Lacey Blvd. 491-6150. 4/1 ltfn NEED BUYER for three-bedroom, all-electric, 24x52 mobile home. Will deliver and set up. 426-1086. M6/6-27 Help Wanted SCHOOL CAFETERIA Supervisor. $600-$725 per month for ten months. Good fringe benefits, including holidays, retirement, sick leave, medical and vacations. Apply to Bruce Jaros, Assistant Superintendent, Shelton School District No. 309, Evergreen School, Shelton, Washington 98584 or call 426-3118. $6/27-7/4 PART-TIME waitress. Phone 426-3581. L5/gtfn E X P E R I E N C E D HAIRDRESSER. Full or part-time• 426-4582. Elaine's Beauty Salon. E6/6tfn RN'S WANTED, immediate openings, full or part-time, day or night shift. Apply in person. Fir La ne Convalescent Center. FS/30tfn WANTED: EXPERIENCED millwright/welder for sawmill work. Profit sharing --retirement plan. Medical coverage. Call 426-5504 or 426-5571 or write to Versapanel, Inc., P.O. Box X, Shelton, WA 98584. 6/20tfn Work Wanted COLLEGE-BOUND girl needs summer job. Attractive, hard-working, 3 summers' switchboard, receptionist, maid and dishwasher experience. Call Sheri at 426-4915 or write Rt. 10, Box 125, Shelton. P6/27tfn PAINTING, INTERIOR and exterior, brush or spray. Guaranteed satisfaction, free estimates. ~26-19,13. B6/27-7/4 For Rent DELUXE 2-bedroom -- one thousand square feet including carpeting, drapes, range, refrigerator, dishwasher, disposal -- all new. Garage enclosed for ~(~ur car. All electric. Located in • View near the hospital. $185 per month -- references required. Mason County Realty, 426-4486. M5/16tfn APARTMENTS, CLEAN and attractive, no pets. Edgewood Apartments, Hiway 101, above airport. 426-5093.4/25tfn 2-BEDROOM duplex, full basement, gas furnace. Water, sewage, garbage furnished. No pets. Contact Ken Rose at 1024 Ellinor or phone 426-6548 after 7 p.m. R6/27 HOOD CANAL cabin near Hoodsport. Rent by week, $125. Call Tacoma 537-0348. B6/27 ONE-BEDROOM plus loft chalet on Harstene Pointe, available September. $180/mo year-round. 426-2345. B6/27 LAKE LIMERICK. Lovely one-bedroom, fully carpeted home. Dishwasher, trout pond. No children or pets. $185. May be seen Saturday or Sunday. Call Seattle 323-3608 on Friday for an appointment. R6/27-7/4 MASON LAKE furnished 5-bedroom cabin with dock. Near store. $125 week. Seattle CH3-2997. R6/20-7/11 BEAUTIFUL two-bedroom waterfront home with fantastic view. Mature couple, no pets, $190. Lease. Mann Real Estate, 426-6592. M6/20tfn COMPLETELY FURNISHED bachelor apartments. Dishes, linen. $50 to $65 per month. Shelton Apartments, 2rid & Grove. s5/gtfn MT. VIEW 2 Bedroom -- Unfurnished Availatlle NOW -- No Pets CONTACT MANAGER WOULD LIKE housework. Lilly Barney. Phone 426-8683. 420-3]00 B6/20-27 tfn W I LL DO chores, general cleaning, hosuework, painting inside and out, for $2 hour. Call ~-~------------------ Cathleen, 426-3672. B6/13-7/4 R0(d Estate LICENSED CHILD care, all shifts ~-=--------------=---" and weekends, Mt. View. 426-5174.$5/30-7/18 41/2 ACRES on paved road. Off Cole Road. Low down- $6,500. LICENSED DAYCARE -- Mt. Call Jerry Smith, Tokos Realty, View area. 3 years and up. Fenced426-3361• Evenings, 426-9131. yard. 426-6576. KS/30tfn 56/13-27 CHILD CARE in my home TWO-BEDROOM 14x52 mobile includes hot meals, preschool home with well, septic tank, activities and supervised play. double car garage, 12x24 rec. Phone 426-2589. C5/23tfn room, dishwasher, refrigerator. 100x400' lot in Island Lake area. INTERIOR-EXTERIOR painting, Adjoining 75' lot available. texture and glitter. Free 426-1284. B6/27-7/18 estimates. Phone 426-5741. P3/15tfn 25 ACRES. Year-round creek. Only 1 mile from town. If you are LICENSED CHILD care -- Agate looking for an investment -- stop area hour or day. Experienced here. $25,000 with closing costs sitters. Call 426-6152. F6/29tfn down. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. $6/27 LICENSED CHILD care -- day or GAS SAVER, walk to stores or night. Full or part-time. Drop-ins Simpson. Two-bedroom, new rugs welcomed. Reasonable 'rates. and paint, $6,950. 426-8715. 426-4159.56/6-27 M6/27tfn 3-BEDROOM, ]/z acre. Edge of town with city water, garage, chix Personal house, fruit trees. $19,500, terms. Shelton Land and Homes, ~ - -------- - -----------~------ 426-5555. S6/27 CERTIFICATES OF Investment paying 8% annually are now available at your Mason County Federal Credit Union. Come in for details. M6/20-27 LOSE WEIGHT safely and fast with X-11 Diet Plan, $3. Reduce excess fluids with X-Pel, $3. Money-back guarantee. Evergreen Drug. P6/13-10/24 ALCOHOLISM INFORMATION and Referral Center, 110 West "K" Street, Shelton. Phone 426-4407. T 1/24tfn GEORGE VALLEY Furniture and Appliance --the best night spot in town --Sealy mattresses. 3/14tfn Cards of Thanks FOR SALE by owner -- 2-bedroom home on Hillc~est. Completely remodeled, large fenced lot, fruit trees and garden area, carport. Near shopping center. Call 426-6190. S6[20tfn 13 VIEW acres with spring-fed creek. Nice slope for future development. $15,600, terms. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. $6/27 NICE 2-bedroom, all remodeled in city on extra-large lot. Extra good financing to qualified buyer. Total price, $13,750. Might go Farm Home Loan. Don Benson Realty, 426-3362, evenings 426-8747. B6/27 20 ACRES of timber with approximately 1,000' no-bank saltwater front on Harstine Island. Westerly exposure, private cove. $160,000. Will divide. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. $6/27 2-BEDROOM on 2½ acres, fireplace, 3 miles from Shelton. Creek frontage with salmon and trout in park-like setting. $23,950. Don Benson Realty, 426-3362. Evenings 426-8747. B6/27 Don Morrison wanted to write his own thank you to all the wonderf~ people who contributed the benefit dance ~ven for him and his family at ittle Skookum Community Hall. His illness prevented him from doing it, but his family wants everyone to know their appreciation and will be forever 2-BEDROOM with fireplace plus grateful. Verlene Morrison & family guest cabin. 2 large wooded lots. M6/27 Pool and saltwater privileges. All for only $14,500, terms. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. ~-~------------------ .- - - -- --- S 6 /27 For Rent older 3-bedroom, tiled bath. ~'CERTIFIcATES OF Investment --_-------_=_~_~_=_~_=_-_-_-_-_------- family room, sundeck, view of paying 8% annually are now available at your Mason County FOR RENT: trailer space close tomountains, bay. Extra basement Federal Credit Union. Come in downtown. Call 426-4426. room. $15;500. 604 Turner, for details. M6/20-27 10/8tfn 426,1027. S6/27 -- .1= Thursday, June 27, 1974 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 21 ANGLESIDE -- COMFORTABLE