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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 27, 1974     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 27, 1974
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Real Is investment. 426-6592 !-BEDROOM, MT. VIEW -- Complete with 2-car garage and it's a steal. Can be purchased with $1,500 down. Balance on ten-year contract at 8% interest. Full price only $9,950. DOWNTOWN, CORNER LOCATION -- An immaculate 2-bedroom on large fenced lot with large garage and workshop. Beautiful outdoor fireplace on covered patio. $14,000 asking price, including washer, dryer, range and refrigerator. No loan or closing costs. Contract terms. ANGLESIDE, 2 BEDROOMS -- Plus an extra bedroom in the basement. Lot is approximately 1/3 of an acre. Carpeting, range, refrigerator, curtains and drapes are included in the asking price of $15,500. Owners are anxious, so let's go see. ALSO DOWNTOWN, LAUREL STREET -- An older large 2-bedroom home in excellent condition. It's a good buy at $14,950 and an existing contract can be assumed. MINI-RANCH, 4 ACRES PLUS -- A sound and solid 3-bedroom home, forced-air heat, large living and dining room. Large barn, orchard, ~irden area and fenced corral. nancing approved. Close in. $25,000. HOOD CANAL, NEAR UNION -- A 5-room home with fireplace, forced-air gas furnace, completely modernized for year-around living. Plus 100 ft. of beach frontage. $32,000. 75 FT. LAKEFRONT LOT -- on Lake Limerick. Nicely weoGled, good depth and only $6,950 with low down and low monthly payments. Call and we'll direct you. HOME OF LAKE NAHWATZEL, MT. VIEW TOO! A delightful 3-bdrm. rambler home. Almost new on a big 160 ft. wide lot overlooking the lake. Fully "heat-saver" insulated. Nice fireplace. BIt.-ins including self-cleaning oven and refrig. Loads of cabinets & closets. Attached garage could convert to rec. rm. Carpeted throughout. Large deck. $33,900.00. Ad No. 23. 3-BEDROOM RAMBLER 160-FT. WIDE LOT PANORAMIC VIEW OF MOUNTAINS AND THE LAKE COMFORTABLE LIVING ROOM PICTURE WINDOWS AND FLOOR-TO-CEILING FIREPLACE CHEERFUL DINING ROOM TO ENJOY OLD FASHIONED FAM ILY GET-TOGETHERS Offices to Serve ou/ Legal Publications Legal Publications Lake in the amount of 0.02 cubic feet per second each year, for irrigation during irrigation season. The source of the proposed appropriation is located within Tracts 18 through 21 of Mading Sunny Shore Addition No. 1 of Section 5, Township 21 N., Range 2 W W.M., in Mason County. Protests or objections to approval of this application must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections; protests must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology, Southwest Regional Office, Olympia, WA. 98504 within thirty (30) days from June 27, 1974. 6/20-27-2t NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE ORDER OF SALE Cause No. ! 1732 In the Superior Court of the State of Washington FOR MASON COUNTY FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, A corporation organized and existing under the laws of the United States, Plaintiff, vs. GARY LR. ISON and SHERRILL . ISON, and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ~1.1 nternalr Revenue Service, reasu y Department), Defendant. Under and by virtue of a order of sale issued out of and under the seal of the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in and for said County, on the 24th day of May, 1974, upon a judgment rendered in said Court, on the 14th day of May, 1974, in favor of Federal National Mortgage Association, a corporation and against Gary R. leon and Sherill L. leon and the United States of America ( I nternal Revenue Service, Treasury Department) for the sum of Eleven Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Four and 01/100 Dollars, ($11,634.01) together with attorney's fees, interest, costs and increased costs, and to me directed and delivered, commanding me to sell the following described proprerty to satisfy said judgment, to-wit: A tract of land situated in the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 1, Township 22, Range 2 West, filed in this Court a petition for the adoption of the above-named, praying also that there be first an adjudication that the consent of the father of such child is not required by law. YOU ARE ALSO NOTIFIED that the consent of the mother of the above-named, such mother's name being MARYANNA KATHRINE CAUDILL, formerly MARYANNA KATHRINE PETTY, has already been given. A hearing for such purpose will be had on the 19th day of July, 1974, at the hour of 9:30 A.M. at the Courtroom of said Superior Court, at Shelton, Washington, or to such other department of the Court to which said matter may be then and there transferred, when and where all persons interested shall appear and show cause why such adjudication should not be made, and why, if made, such petition should not be thereafter heard forthwith and the prayer thereof granted. WITNESS the Honorable ROBERT J. DORAN, Judge of the said Superior Court, and the seal of said Court hereunto affixed this 14th day of June, 1974. /s/Elaine Province Clerk Law Offices of GLENN E. CORREA Bell Building, 121 South Fourth Street, Shelton, Washington Telephone 426-4476 6/20-27-7/4-3t NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY THE OLYMPIC AIR POLLUTION CONTROL AUTHORITY On July 3, 1974, formal hearings will be held at 120 East State Avenue, Olympia, Washington, from 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for the purpose of considering the revision of Compliance Schedules and/or increments thereof which will lead to compliance with the emission standards of Regulation 1 or OAPCA at the end of said Schedule. Persons submitting a request for a revision of their Compliance Schedule in the Shelton area are: Mason County Department of Public Works and the Simpson Timber Company Central Power Plant. Any person interested to speak for the W.M., particularly described aspurpose of objecting to the follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of said Northwest granting of the Compliance quarter of the Northwest quarter, Schedule revisions for specific said Section, Township and reasons is invited to appear. The Range, 400 feet East of the A u t h or i t y ca n a c c e p t a Southwest corner thereof; thence Compliance Schedule only under North 130 feet; thence East 70 the provisions of Section 3.29 of feet; thence South 130 feet to the Regulation 1 as amended, and South line of said Northwest laws and codes of record of the quarter of the Northwest quarter; State of Washington and the thence West, along said South United States Government. Legal Publications NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 4493 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LLOYD JOHNSON, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as the personal representative of the Estate of LLOYD JOHNSON, deceased; that all persons having claims against said deceased are Legal Publications answer the complaint of tll plaintiff, and serve a copy of answer upon the undersk attorneys for the plaintiff at office below stated; and in case ¢ your failure so to do, judgmer will be rendered against according to the prayer of Complaint, which has been with the clerk of said Court. Complaint of the plaintit prays for an Order of the Coul declaring that the real contract concerning that certai portion of land legally as: hereby required to serve the same, Lot 9, Block 3, Mission duly verified, on the undersigned according to the recorded or her attorney of record at the there__ of _in.._the_offi_ce__0f- address below stated and file the same with the Clerk of the said court, together with proof of such service within four (4) months after the date of first publication of this notice or the same will be barred. Date of first publication: June 20, 1974. Ce/Ca r Die Guinn rsonal Representative GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington 6/20-27-7/4o3t NOTICE OF HEARING BUDGET EXTENSION WHEREAS. unforeseen expenses have arisen in the 1974 J uvenile Officer's Budget for Juvenile detention costs; and WHEREAS, in the judgment of the Board of County Commissioners it is in the best interest of Mason County that provisions be made for such expenditures as follows: $2400.00 for Juvenile Detention, June, 1974 through December, 1974 NOTICE IS THEREFORE GIVEN: That the Board of County Commissioners will hold a public Hearing at 11:00 A.M., Monday, July 1, 1974, in their office in the County Courthouse, to consider granting said budget extension. DATED this 18th day of June, 1974. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. /s/Ruth E. Boysen Clerk of the Board. 6/20-27-2t NOTICE OF HEARING Franchise Application No. 458 Amendment No. 5 Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company, a corporation, has filed with the Washington State Highway Commission, under the provisions Auditor for Mason County, : of Washington, Volume 5 of at page 89, or any portion thereof, forfeited, cancelled, an= extinguished, and any interest the defendants McCue VANDERPOOL, or any claiming through, by or under defendants or either of them, forever extinguished an~ cancelled. /s/L. E. Levy LARRY E. LEVY, of attorneys for the Plaintiffs, DAVIES; PEARSON, ANDERSON, GADBOW & HAYES. P,S. 1205 American Federal.': Building, Tacoma, Washington 98402 FUlton 3-5461. - - 5/23-30-6/6 NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 4494 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 0 THE STATE OF WASHIN( FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate EMMA S. LEE, Deceased. The undersigned is tl~ appointed and qualified representative of said Persons having claims against deceased are required to serve same in duplicate, duly verifie on the undersigned or attorney of record at the stated below and file the with the Clerk of this Cour together with proof of service within four months June 20, 1974, or the same be forever barred. /s/Donna May Maas /s/LaVerne Lois Buttacavoli DONNA MAY MAAS and LaVERNE LOIS BUTTACAVOL I, 9104 116th St. S.W. Tacoma, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney for Estate 125 1/2 N. 5th Shelton, Washingotn 98584 L A R G E 2-BE D R dO M, line, 70 feet, more or less to the Notice by the Control Officer,of Chapter 47.44 RCW and NOTICE OF APPLICATION point of beginning. Olympic Authority, Air Pollution amendments thereto, an TO APPROPRIATE AGATE ROAD -- 1~ years P.O. Box "Y" Shelton, We. NOTICE IS HEREBY Control, 120 East State Avenue, application for a franchise to PUBLIC WATERS 1 ml E Twanoh St Park old, electric heat, fireplace. On Kneeland Center near Pauley Ford ". • . GIVEN, That on Friday the 19thOlympia, Washington 98501. construct, operate and maintain a STATE OF WASHI NGTON nicely wooded lot. Includes all day of July, 1974, at 10 o'clock Telephone 352-4881. 6/27 it buried telephone cable upon a DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOG~ amenities and privileges of Ph.: 426-5521 Ph.: 275-2826 in the forenoon of said day, I will - portion of State Route No. 101, TAKE NOTICE: Timberlake. $16,500. Owner sell the above described property, in Mason County, Washington forT h a t H A R M O N V Ar will carry contract with $2,000 or so much thereof as may be a period to expire July 30, 1979 SLYKE, SR. of Vaugh/~ down. necessa ry t 0 satisfy said NOTICE OF APPLICATION at the following locations: Washington on April 5, 19~ judgment, together with FOR SHORELINE Beginning at a point on the under Application No. S 2-222~. FOR RENT--Available July attorney's fees, interest, costs and MANAGEMENT southwesterly side of SR 101 filed for permit to appropria~ 6, a 3-bedroom rambler, 3 increased costs, in all amounting SUBSTANTIAL opposite approximate Milepost public waters, subject to existir~ miles south of Shelton. $]70 Legal Publkations Legal Publications Legal Publications to the sum of Eleven Thousand DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 350.13;thence southerly on a line rights, from an unnamed spri~ per month, $100 security Eiclht Hundred Fifty-One and Notice is hereby given the west of and parallel to the west tributary of Case Inlet in tl~. deposit. No more than 2 General Contractors may and at other times as required, to '~ NOTICE OF 32/100ths($11,851.32) Dollars Lecair/Rayburn & Company for R/W line of SR 101 to a point amount of 0.04 cubic feet Pw~ children, no dogs or cats. plus Sheriff's Costs. the Hartstene Pointe Maintenance opposite approximate Milepost second continuously each yeafi Lease. obtain one (1) set of drawings,publicly examine and equalize the CONSIDERATION OF Said sale will take place at the Associati on has filed an 350.27 all being located in thefor domestic supply and duri~ FOR RENT--Beautiful specifications and contract assessments extended in the ORDINANCE NO. 868 SheltoneaSt door of the Court House atin said and application for a substantial TownshipNE¥4 S E1/420 Of North,SectiOnRange 331' iTrrhigation,,,~ason~ • • • documents from the office of current year on the taxable AN ORDINANCE County State, development permit for the a"~ro~a~ion i~' fot~ete~r~°gw~ii~ 2-bedroom waterfront, lovely HAROLD E. DALKE, AIA & property of said County, for taxes DECLARING AN EMERGENCY and will be at public auction, for construction or development of a West, W.M. I PP P view, many extras such as ASSOC., 428 Cedar Street, to be levied in the year 1975, and WHICH COULD NOT HAVE cash in hand to the highest andBoat Moorage Facility located at NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Government Lot 3 of Section 2~ fireplace, garage, carport. Shelton, Washington upon the to correct all errors in valuation, BEEN FORESEEN AT THE best bidder. Ha rtstene Pointe Lagoon, that a hearing will be held on said Township 22 N., Range 1 ~ Mature couple, no pets. $190 deposit of $15.00. Planholders description or qualities of TIME OF THE ADOPTION OF Dated at Shelton, Wash., this Hartstene Island, Mason County~application by the Washington W.M., in Mason County. ., per month, lease preferred, who do not enter a bona fide bid property assessed by the assessor. T H E 1974 BUDGET AND 28th day of May, 1974. Washington, within Section 19 of State Highway Commission at itsProtests or objections ~ rll and who do not return unmarked The owner or agent of any PROVIDING FUNDS TO MEET DanW. McNair Township 21 N., Range 1 o f f ice i n the Hiqhway approval of this application m~J M ANN and unmutilated drawings and taxable property who feels there T H E E X PEN D I T U R ES Sheriff of said County. W.W.M., in Hartstene Pointe Administration Building, include a detailed statement 0, Sl~cifi.cations at least five(5) days are inequities in their assessment REQUIRED BY THE CITY'S /s/Ann Rose, Lagoon, Mason County, Olympia, Washington, on the the basis for objections; proteS!~ ili REAL ESTATE ~,o, ,o DiD opening, will forfeit or exemptions, may file a petition PARTICIPATION IN L I D No Chief Civil Deputy. Washington. Said development is 15th day of July, 1974, at 10:00 must be accompanied by a tw~j their.deposits. Additional.. . sets of and appear before the Board at 25 .... Attorneys: proposed to be within Case Inlet a.m. or as soon thereafter as dollar ($2.00) recording fee an~ i drawings and spec=ficat=ons maythe time and place appointed. WHEREAS: The City of Fristoe, Taylor and and/or its associated wetlands,hearing may be held. filed with the Department o~ REA~® 121 Radroad Ave. be secured at .the .c°st of .Appeal forms may be acquired Shelton is required to expend the Schultz, Ltd., P.S. Any person desiring to D A T E D a t O ly m pie, Ecology, Southwest Region0~ E L OR 42 -6592 reproduction, urawmgs and from t.lerK of the Board at sum of $86,000.00 byway of its Suite 1, Professional Bldg. express his views or to be notified Washington, this 14th day of Office, Olympia, WA. 985 , May, 1974. within thirty (30) days from Juo= Equal Housing Opportunity specifications may be examined at Shelton, Washington Date June participation in L.I.D. No. 25,Olympia, Washington on the action taken on this /s/W. M. Foster the offices of the Architect, 428 14, 1974. " which was unforeseen and which 6/20-27-7/4-11-4tapplication should notify the City ....... Cedar Street, Shelton, Bremerton /s/Vera Elliott was not provided for at the time of Shelton or the Board of Mason W.M. FOSTER 27, 1974. 6/20.27.2( Assistant Director for Plea Service, Bremerton, and Clerk, Board of of the adoption of the 1974 County Commissioners in writing Highway Development Olympic Plan Service, Olympia. Equalization budget. NOTICE of his interest within thirty days 6/20-27-7/4-3t ~---~-~-~-~-~---~----~---~--~-~-~- E a c h b i d s h a I I b e County of Mason, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT Pursuant to the provisions of of the last date of publication of SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION accompanied by a certified check, Washington ORDAINED by the City Section 7, Chapter 157 of the this notice. Publication dates of --~-~ NO. 11794 ~ ~111~1~ cashier's check, or bid bond made 6/20-27-2t Commission of the City of Laws of the State of Washington, this notice are June 27, 1974 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 0 payable to Treasurer, Mason ~ -- Shelton: 1973, First Extraordinary AND July 4, 1974. THE STATE OF WASHINGTOI =-~----~-----~--~--~-------- County, Shelton, Washington in 1. That sufficient funds were Section, EDWARD ALLAN 6/27-7/14-2t NOTICE OF HEARING FOR MASON COUNTY . COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE M I SSION CREEK LANI --N--O~r~CE OF HEARING ...... an amount not less than five SUMMONS BY not provided or authorized for KNEELAND and BROOKE ANN ~ NOTICE IS HEREBY COMPANY, INC., a Washingt0 ON INTENTION TOSELL percent (5%) of the bid. The PUBLICATION inclusion in the arterial street KNEELAND hereby give notice GIVEN: That the Board of corporation, Plaintiff, vs. ~ COUNTY PERSONAL Mason County Park Board No. ! 1848 fund to cover the participation of to all persons that a Separation NOTICE County Commissioners will hold a RETHA L. RAY aka RETHJ PROPERTY reserves the right to waive In the Superior Court of the State the city of Shelton in Ll.D. No. Contract has been entered At its meeting on June 7, 1974, public Hearing in the CourtroomRAY LUNDIN, 'PHILLIP informalities and the right to of Washington TOt the County of 25 insofar as the same pertains to between them, which contract has the Washington State Board on at the County Courthouse in SMITH and JANET M. SMIT, N O T I C E I S H E R E BY accept or reject any or all Mason the improvement of arterial been duly recorded in the office Geographic Names approved the Shelton, at 7:30 P.M., Monday, husband and wife, DONALD GIVEN: That it appears to be in proposals. the best interests of Mason ROBERT THUNE, a single streets, and which requires of the Mason County Auditor following name: Hiawata Creek.July 8, 1974, for the purpose of CUNNINGHAM and DIANNE ¢ County that the following No bidder may withdraw his man, Plaintiff, vs. GILBERT L.additional and unforeseen under Auditors File Number B E R T L . C O L E , considering the adoption of a CUNNINGHAM, husband aft. described personal property proposal after the hour set for the JOHNSTON, a single man, et el,expenditures at this time. 2090338. Recording of said Commissioner of Public Lands proposed Mason County Zoning wife, and EVERGREEi belonging to the County be opening thereof, or before award Defendant. 2. It is hereby declared that contract and thispublicationshall and Chairman, Washington StateMap, and Amendment to the LUMBER, INC., a Washingt0 declared surplus and sold: of the Contract, unless said awardThe State of Washinqton to an emergency exists within the constitute notice to all persons of Board on Geographic Names. Mason County Zoning Ordinance corporation, Defendants. 1966 Adams 777 Grader -- is delayed for a period exceeding t h • s a i d G I L B E I~ T L. purview of R.C.W. 35.33.090 the separation of the parties and 6/27-1t adopted by the Board of County T H E S T A T E O Serial No. 777CT5925 thirty (30) days. JOHNSTON, Defendant: regarding suchexpenditures, of the facts contained in the Commissioners on January 10, WASHINGTON TO THE SAIl NOTICE IS FURTHER 6/20-27-2t You are hereby summoned to 3. That the sum of recorded document. 1972. PHILLIP L. SMITH and JAN~ GIVEN: That the Board of ~ appear within sixty (60) days $86,000.00 is the amount DATED this 21 day of June, Any interested person may M. SMITH husband and wife an County Commissioners will meet after the date of the first required to meet the emergency 1974. appear at said Hearing, to be DIAI~NE E~ ~UNNINGHAI~ on Monday, July 8, 1974, at the NOTICE OF HEARING publication of this summons, and the City Treasurer is hereby FULLER AND FULLER NOTICE OF HEARING heard either for or against theDEFENDANTS: . hour of 11:00 A.M., in their NOTICE IS HEREBY to-wit: within sixty (60) days authorized to expend said amount /s/CarolA. Fuller Franchise Application adoption of said proposed map YOU, AND EACH OF YO~ office in the County CourthouseGIVEN: That pursuant to RCW after the 27 day of June, 1974,from the arterial street fund for FULLER AND FULLER No. 431 Amendment No. 1 and amendments. ARE HEREBY SUMMONED t at Shelton, Washington, to hear36.81.121, a Hearing will be held and defend the above entitled such purposes. . 114 West 10th, Olympia, We. Paci fic Northwest Bell DATED this 27th day of May, after the date of the fir: and determinetheadvisabilityof at the office of the County action intheaboveentitledcourt, 4. That the sum of 357-8000 6/27-1t Telephone Company, a 1974. appear within sixty(60) day making such sale, at which timeCommissioners on Monday, July and answer the complaint of the$86,000.00 be withdrawn from corporation, has filed with the BOARD OF COUNTY publication of thisSummon, and place the Board shall hear 1, 1974, at the hour of 2:00 P.M., plaintiff, and serve a copy of your the arterial street investment fund Wa shington State Highway COMMISSIONERS OF to-wit: within sixty (60) daY, evidence and take testimony, for the purpose of considering the answer upon the undersigned and transferred to the arterial ~ Commission, under theprovisions MASON COUNTY, after the 6th day of June, 197= attorney for plaintiff at his (their) street fund to support saia of Chapter 47.44 RCW and WASHINGTON. and defend the above-entitle should any be offered, as to the Six-Year Road Program for Masonoffice below stated;and in case of expenditure. CALL FOR SEALED a mendments thereto, an advisability of making such County. BIDS FOR LIABILITY, /s/RuthE. Boysen action in the SuperiOr CogJ proposed sale, All interested persons are your failure so to do, judgment INTRODUCED in regular application fora franchiseto DATED this 24th day of invited to attend and may be will be rendered against you Commission Meeting this 25th FIRE& BOILER INSURANCE Clerk oftheBoard. , aforesaid and answer t" June, 1974. heard for or against the Six-Year according to the demand of the day of June 1974. Sealed bids will be received by construct, operate and maintain 6/13-20-27-3t Complaint of the plaintiff a~ complaint, which has been filed P A S S E D i n r e g u I a r the City of Shelton, Washington, buried telephone cables upon a serve a copy of your Answer u l~ BOARD OF COUNTY Road Program, or any part with the clerk of said court. Commission Meeting thisday of at the City Clerk's office, City portion of State Route No. 101, COMMISSIONERS OF thereof. Hall, no later than 8:00 p.m., on in Mason County, Washington for the undersigned attorneys for u, MASON COUNTY, BY ORDER OF THE BOARD The object of the above ,1974. plaintiff at their offices bel~ WASHINGTON OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, entitled action is to foreclose a /s/F. A. Travis the 30th day of July, 1974, at a period to ~'xpire May 7, 1979 at SUMMONS ON PUBLICATION stated; and in case of your fail~ /s/RuthE. Boysen MASON COUNTY. first mortgage lien on real Mayor which time they will be opened the following locations: NO. 11846 to do so, judgment will property situated in Mason David T. Kneeland and read aloud. Policy period willBeginning at a point on theIN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF rendered against you according.~: be August 12, 1974 to August 12, west side of SR 101 opposite THE STATE OF WASHINGTON the demands of the complaint" DATED this 24th day of County, Washington bearincl legal Commissioner Clerk of the Boerd6/27.7/4.2t June, 1974. 1975. Specifications are available approximate Milepost 327.43 in IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF this action, which has been flit BOARD OF COUNTY description asfollows: Michael J. Byrne the NE¥4 NE~/4 of Section 30; MASON COMMISSIONERS OF Lot fourteen (14), including Commissioner at the City Clerk s office, with the Clerk of said Court. ,a The City Commission reserves thence in a general southerly JAMES B. LUNDBERG, as The object of this action is ~. MASON COUNTY, tidelands of the second-class, ATTEST: the right to reject any and alldirection to a point opposite Trustee for the LUNDBERG quiet and establish title of t~ formerly owned by the State of Helen W. Stodden ADVERTISEMENT WASHINGTON bids, to waive any informality in approximate Milepost 327.70 in CONCRETE PIPE COMPANY, plaintiff to said real est=-; FOR BIDS /s/Ruth E. Boysen Washington, situate in front of, City Clerk Sealed proposals will be Auditor & Clerk • adjacent to or abutting upon the APPROVED: the bidding, and to accept suchthe SW=/4 NEI/4 of Section 30, all INC., a Washington corporation,situated in Mason CountY' received by the Mason County above described upland, to the B. Franklin Heuston bid as it deems to be in the best in Township 23 North, Range 3 Plaintiff, -vs- NORMAN W. Washington, to-wit: Park Board, Mason County, of the Board 6/27-1t line of extreme low tide, as shown City Attorney 6/27-1t interest of the City. West, W.M. McCUE and MURIEL M. McCUE, Lot 3 in Block 6 of Missi0~ Helen W. Stodden NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN as husband and wife, and Creek as perplat thereof recorcl,~ Washington, for the following on the plat; all in the plat of Clerk-Treasurer that a hearing will beheld on said Individually; and VICTOR In Volume 5 of Plats, page .~' project: Hood Canal Highlands, according 6/27-7/4-2t application 6y the Washington VANDERPOOL and IDA records of Mason CountY.' PROJECT: WELL, PIPING to therecordedplatthereofinthe State Highway Commission at ItsVANDERPOOL, husband and Wash in~ Situate in Mas0" AND PUMP HOUSE FOR NOTICE oF MEETING office of the Auditor of said office in the Highway wife, Defendants. ton. MASON LAKE COUNTY PARK, OF MASON COUNTY County and State; Volume 8 of NOTICEOF APPLICATION Administration uilding, T H E S T A T E O F M A S O N C O U N T Y , BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Plats, pages 63, 64, and 65. TO APPROPRIATE NOTICE NO. 344 Olympia, Washington, on the WASHINGTON TO: of WASHINGTON Notice ts hereby given that Date of first publication, June PUBLIC WATERS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF 15th day of July, 1974, at 10:00 VICTOR VANDERPOOL and & COSTELLO, Attorneys BY: THE MASON COUNTY the County Board of Equaltzation 27, 1974. • STATE OF WASHINGTON, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON a.m. or as soon thereafter as IDA VANDERPOOL, husband Plaintiff, Drawer SS, PA R K BOA R D, MASON will convene at 10:00 a.m. on /s/Kenneth D. Beckley DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY FOR MASON COUNTY IN hearingmay be held. and wife: Wycoff Station -.0 COUNTY, Shelton, Washington July 1, 1974, at Mason County Kenneth D. Beckley TAKE NOTICE: PROBATE ~ D A T E D a t OI ym pie, Y O U A R E H E R E BY Bremerton, Washington 98~,, PLACE: COUNTY COURT Courthouse, 5helton, Washington, Adair, Kesperson, That BENJAMIN F. and IN THE MATTER OF THEi Washington, this 21st day of May, SUMMONED to appear within 6/" HOUSE, COMMISSIONERS and will continue in session and Petersen & Hennessey JEAN E. DASHIELL ET UX of ADOPTION OF TINA MARIE 1974. sixty days after the date of the --- ------------.------ R dO M. M ASON COUNTY adjourn from time to time for aAttorney for Plaintiff Grapeview, Washington on April PETTY, a minor. /s/W. M. Foster first publication of this summons, C OU R T HO USE, Shelton, period of not less than three (3) P.O. Address 1103 Norton 5, 1974 under Application No. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY W.M. FOSTER to-wit, within sixty days after the Psy Washington days, and not to exceed Building, Seattle, King County, $2-22263 filed for permit to CONCERN: Assistant Director for 23rd day of May, 1974, and Yd. DATE: July 1, 1974 twenty-eight (28) days. Meetings Wash. 98104 , appropriate public waters, subjectY O U A R E H E R E BY Highway Development defend the above entitled action pay too much for y0 TIME: 7:30 P.M. will _be held on July 18, 23, 24, 6/27.-7/4-11-18-25-8/1 to existing rights,~ from MasonNOTIFIED that there has been 6/20-27-7/4-3tin the above entitled Court, and wldstle. Benjamin FranlClJ I III IIII II J I Page 24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 27, 1974