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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 27, 1974     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 27, 1974
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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000 The gunning down of fugitive smoker Willard Crumm by FBI and local law officers in Belfair State Park ends a manhunt that will certainly standout as one of the highlights of 1979. Crumm was spotted late Tuesday night near the park by a citizen who recognized him from a wanted poster and called police. Dozens of men, including agents from the FBI's famed "Iron Lung" squad threw a cordon around the area. A spotter helicopter from the Public Health Service moved in to provide aerial lighting of the dark grounds. Crumm was known to be armed with at least several cigarettes and a box of blue-tipped kitchen matches. Earlier reports indicated that he was also carrying a com-cobbed pipe but a thorough search of the body failed to find one. The 53-year-old Crumm's death brings to an end a smoking spree that has received national attention. It began when Crumm escaped from the Health Department's maximum security smoker's facility at Sedro Wooley. The facility, a former mental institution, was turned into a prison for offending tobacco users when Congress passed stiff anti-smoking legislation in 1975. The tough "No Puff" laws made it a federal offense to smoke within 400 miles of the U.S.A. The legislation sailed through Congress following release of a study sponsored by SMOKESCREEN (an organization of reformed smokers) which suggested that the smoke from a single cigarette could possibly be harmful to all living things in a 400 mile radius. After his escape, Crumm made his way to Seattle and somewhere along the way armed himself with a carton of cigarettes. Authorities now bdieve that Crumm had several cartons of filtered cigarettes hidden in secret spots he established at the time the anti-smoking laws went into effect. Crumm had a long history of smoking dating back to his days in the Marine Corps during the Second World War. He was interned in the Sedro Woolley Center after being caught smoking in public at a Univeristy of Washington football game in the fall of 1978. Following the announcement of his escape, Crumm was reported sighted throughout the state and across the nation. Authorities discounted almost all reports as crank calls. The first confirmed sighting of the fugitive occurred in Seattle where a janitor reported seeing Crunm smoking behind the gymnasium of Queen Anne High School (Crumm's alma mater.) A search was quickly launched but the elusive Crumm evaded captur% Several days later a hysterical elderly woman telephoned police to report that she thought she had seen a man smoking in public on the upper deck of the Bremerton ferry. However, the woman was unable to positively identify the smoker as Crumm, as it was night and raining heavily at the time. By then a full scale manhunt was underway throughout the Puget Sound region. In a goodwill gesture, the government of Poland, the first European country to get tough on smoking (in 1974), sent several of its crack agents to assist the FBI. Heavily armed groups of citizens from various anti-smoking posse organizations were also called in. On Monday, Crumm pulled the wildest stunt of his smoking orgy when he walked into a waiting room at Harrison Memorial Hospital in Bremerton and offered a cigarette to an expectant father. The man was so shocked that Crumm made good his getaway before help could be summoned. Following a tip from a local man that he had seen a short, fat fellow with a "'brawn'stain" on his index and middle fingers eating at a Belfair cafe, authorities flooded the area with men. On Tuesday the chase ended. Law enforcement personnel, under the direction of FBI agent Lance Clawson, surrounded the park and cam iously moved in. "It was dark as hell," said Clawson, describing the action, "I don't think he even knew we were coming in on him. When the spot light from the choppe hit him he had a cigarette in his mouth and it looked like he was going to light it. We just opened up wlien we saw ihat. We dkln t want that smoke to get us. / Concrete Mixers -- Power Mowers -- Garden Tiller -- l Pipe Threaders -- Etc. -- Open 7 clays • week -- 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. / | gelfair Trading Pod | L CR 5-3525 Corner N. Shore Rd. & Old Belfair Hiway J SPOT REALTY, INC. If you have lots or acreage suitable for developing -- I have a cash buyer who may be interested. Foot of Mile Hill Manch~J;tar Hiway * Office Phone TR a-5522 OFFICES OPEN EVENINGS 'TI L 8 P.M. P AL]OP' Belfair AnDa RepreNntative: Bob Oick Home Phone: CI~ s-14al Looking for the BEST BUY With the BEST QUALITY and the BEST SERVICE in the area? Come to Bayview Mobile Homes With a complete selection of the Rex Mobile Homes See our double wides available for immediate delivery. • REX • LEISURE MANOR • ELCAR • BROOKWOOD • PACI FICA • Wl LDWOOO Easy Terms-- We'll make the terms to fit your mobile home needs. Bayview Mobile Homes Gorst 377-446 ! - ImlmlHHIWHIIHIIIHIIIH~IIHmlIIHIIHBH, Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528 Telephone C R 5-6680 JAMES H. JENNER .................................. Editor CAROL WENTLANDT ............ Advertising Manager, CR5-6259 Published by Shelton Publishing, Inc., Post Office Box 430, Shelton, Washington 98584; telephone 426-4412. A section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal. Letter to Editor: 'Editor, The Herald: Like many of our neighbors, we have been wondering what has been taking all the baby mallards • that have been hatching along our shores. The hen, that less than two weeks ago hatched 14 babies under our living room window, today has only 3 left. Well, we finally know one culprit. Yesterday - for the second time - we saw a gull pick up a baby duck next to its mother, land on a float and start to devour it. The mother, in panic, left her 3 remaining babies and dashed toward the float in hopes of saving the little one - but to no avail. Bob Sutton. Belfair • ,rntson retire Herbert E. Arntson, professor of English at Washington State University, plans to retire September 15 after 28 years on the WSU faculty. Arntson, who specialized in teaching creative writing, was for several years the director of the creative writing program in the Department of English at WSU. He has published six novels for young people, in addition to short stories, poems and scholarly articles. In 1961, Arntson was awarded the Franklin Watts award for "a distinguished contribution to children's literature." The award followed publication of his second book, "Adam Gray: Stowaway." The Arntsons expect to move to Grapeview where they have a home. Edward F. Cokelet succumbs Edward Francis Cokelet, 89, passed away June 21 at Hemit, California. Affectionately known as "Pop" around the Belfair area during his residence here, Cokelet started the Belfair Plumbing business in 1952. He was actively engaged in it for 10 years, working until he was 78 years old. The Belfair Community Baptist Church and the Belfair Full Gospel Church received much of his efforts in this field. Cokelet was born in Brooklyn, New York, November 17, 1884, and as a young man worked as a gas fitter, which enabled him to tell many interesting stores about his days reading gas meters in the green opium dens in New York City's Chinatown and Bowery districts. He married Minnie Brown and lived in Port Washington, Long Island, for 25 years before following his eldest son, Edward, west to Belfair in 1942. As a skilled coppersmith he joined Puget Sound Naval Shipyard where he worked until the end of World War II. Some 10 years ago he went to live with his daughter in Hemit, California, where he passed away June 21, 1974. He is survived by two sons, Edward B., Belfair, and Norman P., Bremerton; two daughters, Ethel G. Mullen, Belfair; and Hazel W. Todd, Hemet, California; 14 grandchildren; and several great grandchildren. He was a member of the North Mason Kiwanis and the Belfair Community Baptist Church. Services were held at Belfair Community Church June 25 with Pastor John Senn and Pastor Robert Havens officiating. Burial was at Twin Firs Cemetery in Belfair. Keep a bright spot in your Phone ES3-2544 Local Men to Serve You I iT---? ................... ~ _-_-_-~_-: ~ _-__-~:_- :: - ;~ ~ ~ flHIHIHIflllmlfllIIHHUHIIIHHliHI Oage 2 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - June 27, 1974 CALL US John Johnson AI Eddy Chauncey Vaughn ARCO HEATING OILS STEAKS • PIZZA • SANDWICHES Cold Beverages Gas Dock Now Open PLENTY OF GAS 10 a.m. to 12 Midnight 1 mile past Belfair State Park on North Shore Belfair, Wa. CR5-6226 DANCING - SPECIAL HAPPY HOUR 4:30 to 6 p.m. Discount on all Drinks=• IS BACK IN BELFAIR Bill Guy and The Rednecks playing great country Fri. & Sat. 9:30 to 1:30 a.m. Enjoy Eileen's fantastic Organ Music Mon.-Thurs. 8-12, Sun. 3:30-7:30 f (¢1 r Yes, you can buy gas on ;i i r Sundays in Belfair t'al Restaurant Hours: ~;~ ~# Men.. Thurs. 6 a.m.-12 Mlclnight~ii FrL & Sat. 6 a.m.-3 a.m. ~k~ Sundays 6 a.m.-1 a.m.. GIo Room I Plenty of free •aiRing, ~ ~i\K¢lll I lots of room for ~ lli~ I campers & trailers. |~| /In ! .... :! By INGA MARIE ST. CLAIR 426-8824 Jan and LouSe Hudgens have been entertaining relatives from West Liberty, Iowa. Jan and LouSe are real happy to have their yard work on their rock wall and fence finished after four months of waiting. However, it was completed too late for their vegetable garden to be planted; better luck next year, folks• Bill and Brenda Surprenant Sunday Services 8:30 a.m. .. Morning Worship 10 a.m ..... Morning Worship 10 a.m ....... Sunday School Tuesday, 6:30 p.m., High C's Wednesday, 6 p.m., B.Y.F. BELFAIR P.O. BOX 407 John Senn, Pastor Church phone- CR 5-6262 attended the Shelton Home Show and were one of the lucky winners at one of the drawings. They got the good news last Monday night that they were the recipients of a beautiful charcoal broiler. What a welcome gift to receive at this time of year. Have fun and enjoy your gift, Bill and Brenda. Conglatulations to Don Cox Jr. who has graduated from Central Washington State College in business administration. Don was a Highclimber at Shelton High School and continued his football career at college. In his senior year he was given the inspirational award by his team. Upon graduation Don North Shore Grocery NEW OWNERS Complete Line of Groceries Open Everyday Except Monday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. There is more to coloring than meets the eyel Tidal Wave Beauty Shop d' 5.25o9 TREVA'S MINI Fresh Meat -- Groceries -- Gas -- Old Belfair Highway FISHING GEAR 10 a.m. to 9 p,m. Daily except Sunday tO a.m. to 7 p.m. I Ii ii ectdc Fans Tea stmaster We discount -- Sell for less Discount on some floor models. Belfair Shopping Center - CR 5-2020 • Plumbing • Paint • Fishing & Sporting Supplies • Tools • Housewares :" • Building Hardware LF Ill HARDIVi ERNIE & HAROLD ARIES 2R 5-2031 Weekdays 8:30-5:30 p.m. -- Sat. 8:30-5 p.m. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meeting Sat. 8 pm - CR5-3539 Christ Lutheran Office CR S-2SS4 P.O. Box 663 Belfair -- South of Tavern CHRIST LUTHERAN Church at Belfair Wit PIl r ItUP$ #S WATEIt , Service of Worship 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Age 3 - 6th grade -- 10 a.m. COME AS YOU ARE Lower Elementary School Gym Nursery Provided • ASTOR •AUL E. CHRIST CR 5-3354 CR 5-3552 Heeded To Rent Immediately TO NEW COACH 3 Bedroom House, Call Collect 474-1549 k accepted a position we1 Weyerhauser Company Longview, Washington. Congratulations also go Donald and Nancy Welch on arrival of their fifth Bill and Donna Freeto are the proud parents of Louise Freeto, who made debut on June 14. Catholic Mass at 11:30 a.m. Belfair Community Ba Church, Father Don Piro of Gabriel Catholic officiating. BELFAIR FULL GOSPEL CHURCH Assembly of God Sunday Service 9:45 a.m.Sunday School for all 11:00 a.m ...... Morning Worshi~ 7:00 p.m ..... Evening Evangelistic Wednesday 7 p.m ....... Bible Stucly & Pastor Leo Hamar CR5-6315 Haul Rock Fill Dirt B&D CR5-2195 CR5-2113 Cutting- Tall grass, blackberries, Scotch broom, salal, etc. $5.00 per hour ES 7-5018. Do you like Fiat -- Triumph -- Land Rover See our full line of • 124 TC Special • 128 2-door • 128 4-door • 124 SPort CLEAN USED CARS 1967 Fiat 1972 Audi 1970 Triumph 1972 Volvo 1967 Sunbeam er 1973 Porsche 914 4 Wheel Drive Specials 1974 Jeep Cherokee 1974 Land Rover w/winch 1961 Chev Stock Truck 1-ton duals, V-8, 4-speed Located at the Bremerton Auto Center "F I A T "Mileage Country" 377-3928 52051ST STREET, BREMERTON iii ii ii r R I U M H Herring .............. $1.10 lb. Next to Bob's Chevron Station BELFAIR CR5-2991 Summer The Pant Top Personality s9 \ '// We've come up with just the topping for your actwe summer-go-rounds! It's a free 'n easy tailored shape-- to tie or not to tie--aS your whimsey wishes. Contrast stitched in sunny-side colors and gloriously easycare in equal parts polyester and cotton. Sizes 8 to 18. MARY WRIGHT PHONE CR 5-2033