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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 27, 1974     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 27, 1974
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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North Shore Notes By Leo & Margaret Livingston -- CR 5-6421 Dollie Parsons Lusk, our friendly mailperson, is When we asked her about tare plans, she said she is doing that - RETIRING. Dollie has carried the U.S. on the North Shore for 30 as a substitute and regular She started as a substitute Viola Anderson and later took as substitute for her Butch Parsons, when he over the route. She also for Marie Smith on South Shore route for eight Dollie has seen the North route grow from a simple 14-mile route 100 boxes to its present 32 and 450 boxes. The original te has been gradually [panded to take in Mission Bald Point, a run up the River and the Lynch Cove Beard's Cove developments. newest and longest addition been the inclusion of Haven, :on and Collins Lakes and the River development. This the route a circular one, up North Shore and back over hill, coming out on the new near the North Shore service Dollie says that the worst that ever happened to her finding a live snake in a mail (She shares Lou Donnell's to reptiles). She has also kittens (we never thought 'that solution) and once a dead She has also encountered and sleet and dark of night she didn't mention that. She it has been a good experience it has for all of us, too. Taking over for Dollie as of ;xt Saturday will be Bob nders who has been There will be a :tirement party for Dollie afternoon at the Tahuya ARCO Are you restocking the /sters on your beach? We our study of the amazing last week by making a trip South Benfl on Willapa Bay, If-advertised as the "Oyster of the World." Willapa produces more oysters than other growing areas on the Coast combined. We visited Wayne Morris, anager of the South Bend of the Coast Oyster His place has an oyster house, a cannery and plant for holding shelled Morris also showed us the ~ique operation for stringing shells. The strings are hung 'the warm waters of Willapa Bay naid-summer. The tiny oyster swim through the water attach themselves to the clean shells. Later they can be We have tried this on our Shore beach with some The Coast Oyster Company considerable holdings in the area, with an estimated million dollars of oysters on their beds there. We continued on to Bay nter to buy some r-cultured oyster seed. years ago a commercial operation was started by Richard and Dennis and Dr. Arnold Shotwell. are all marine biologists Oregon. They raise the tiny seed in their laboratory. are planting this cultured seed for the best. Another point of interest is county park at Goose Point at Center. The beach there is slipperiest we have ever seen clay. What is favorite kind HOOD CANAL 83' CHOICE Water, power and phone in Terms Reid Realty CR5-2868, Belfair Along the By E,E,.OR FEDE. CR 5-2774 Old Belfair Highway The controlled slash burning brought a shower of ashes to the Mission, Tiger, Panther Lakes area and did a good bit for the blood pressure this week. If a mountain could cough, Gold Mountain would be in trouble, as the thick haze and smoke almost obliterated the familiar sentinel. Memories return of the fire in 1938 that burned for days and swept near these same lakes. Art Broetje was the only one camping near Mission Lake at the time when a spark from an open fire started near the Twin Lakes reservoir, jumped across the road and took off towards McKenna Falls. Navy personnel joined with the CCC's to control the fire, and a firebreak was bulldozed that is ~till "visible and used as a trail on the side of Gold Mountain. The State Department of Natural Resources office in Enumclaw received calls that kept a man in the field calling to reassure concerned residents as the brisk wind from the south carried smoke and ashes to nearby homes. The burning is considered a routine operation to rid logged-off land of slash prior to replanting. How many birds, nests and chipmunks were barbecued in the process is a thought. Dates to remember that can be troublesome are that the final day to file a water claim and to dig razor clams are both set for June 30. Not that these can be done together, but the closures come on the same day. Razor clams can be taken only in the AM hours until June 30. The season will be closed from July 1 through September 30. For the procrastinators, the basic idea of documenting the needs of this state for water involves a deadline of June 30 for individual water claim rights. BODY SHOP BODY & FENDER WORK Allyn 275-2861 Free Estimates Windshield Installation Ran Griffey Shelton 426-1731 Home 275-6363 We Have Plenty of Gas OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Monday thru Thursday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday & Saturday, 7 a.m. to midnight Sunday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. CR 5-3211 BELFAIR Beginning June 1st Monday 9-5:30 ......... Tuesday .... 9-5:30 Thursday 9-5:30 Friday 9-5:30 Belt l lir I edica Clini will be closed Wednesday & Saturday And What Better Way To EgJa°nYin t:~qewGr;ao~tt fO:tJ~°nr: of the Marine Dealers Below. Stop In TodayH! 16'--23' Life time Warranty m ! 6' Glas-Ply with top, 50 HP Mercury. Sd EZ-Loader Trailer ................ 175 Glas-Ply with 188HP, fuIItop& s47 Calkins trailer, 25 hours, SPECIAL .... • MARLIN BOATS -- 16'-- 21' • MERCURY OUTBOARDS -- 4 TO 150 HP • SALES AND SERVICE We Spociolize in MerCruiset and Mercury Outboard Repair SOME USED BOATS IN STOCK SANDES at Belfair |1 m By DOROTHY TOBEY 426-4940 Grapeview Doin's ANN WESTBERG CR5-2120 The Pirates Cove Country Club held their annual meeting and the new 1974 board of directors are: president, Orilla Tall; vice president, Delores Larsen; secretary, Miriam Lest•r; treasurer, Roger Campbell; membership, Bill Barrett; roads and trails, Merle Parsley; and water, Mary Studley. A potluck get-together is planned for the membership and families on July 27. It will be held at the Ed Dixon residence in Pirates Cove. Mrs. Daisy Bush who winters at Clearwater, Florida is back for the summer months. She tells us her daughter, Betty Hagman of Seattle, who also has a vacation home on Stretch Island, has just had her first book published by the Bell Publishing Company. It is a mystery novel called "The Death Beads." Mr. and Mrs. Lee Longoria and granddaughter Leann of Sumner anchored their cruiser in front of the Jim Tobey home and spent a pleasant weekend visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Branch Chain Saws All models now in stock. qi9's and up At Belfair CR 5-2297 have had as houseguests their niece, Memory Hammond, and Laura Hunt of Phoenix, Arizona. They took side trips to the ocean and surrounding areas and were very impressed with the Pacific Northwest. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Arntson have recently moved to our community to make their permanent home on Stretch Island. Mrs. Gladys Cox, who has spent several months traveling, returned home in time to attend the convention and visit relatives in Aberdeen. Remember the next Grange meeting will be held July 11 preceded by a 6:30 potluck. Our volunteer fire department should receive a pat on the back for their prompt assistance in getting aid when needed. The latest call was to the Ollie Thomas home. Mr. Thomas was taken in the aid car to Mason General Septic Tanks CR 5-6155 Hospital and is still under observation. The Bob Wilder family had an unfortunate incident happen when they left here in their thirty-one-foot cruiser. They were heading up the Inland Passage to Alaska when they lost an engine at Nanaimo, Canada and were towed home. Of course/ Drain Fields INSURED -- LICENSED Village DeMIERO BELFAIR, WA. l illage Regular Dinner Menu Special Prices for children. June 28th & 29th Garage Sale June 28-29-30 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. At Rosey's brick bldg., corner North Shore Rd. & Old Belfair Hiway. Lots of Junk & Goodies Hoover spin-dry washer b Seigler heater Table saw CR5-6246 BURGLARY more than $300. Thieves entered the summer Among the items reported cabin of Irvin Russell at Lake taken were two sleeping bags, an Christine sometime before the outboard motor, fishing tackle 23rd and stole items valued at' and a lantern. Custom'Built Homes -- Roofing Foundations -- Remodeling CR5-2868 Home 479-2163 "al Price on new 1973 125 Enduro for the true Trail enthusiast! Reg. $769. NOW $ 695 Supply limited to units in stock. • FINANCING AVAILABLE 3410 Hwy.16 , Head of Bay at Garst ES 3-7444 USED BOAT SALE 23' Fiberform HT, cruiser, fresh water cooled, CB radio, depth sounder, heater, full wagon top canvas, tandem EZ-Load trailer, A-1 condition ................................. $5.500 18' Fiberform tri-hull. 160 Merc. 10, canvas, ES-Loaders trailer ........................................ $3,300 21' Fiberform Westporter, 38 hrs., many extras, canvas $5,200 16' Glastron ski or fishing boat, full canvas, 55 Evinrude, trailer ............................................. $1,595 16' Glastron ski boat, 135 Evinrude, in excess of 60 mph, trailer ........................................ $3,000 NEW BOAT SALE 21' Fiberform Sportsman, galley, standup canvas, 165 OMC, discounted to ................................. $6,425 19' Continental HT, 170 Volvo, canvas, discounted to . $5,423 18V2' Surfrider, 170 Volvo, canvas, extras, discounted to $4,690 16' Monterey OB, 70 HP Evinrude .................$2,900 16' Custom OB, 50 HP Evinrude .................. $2,500 UNION MARINA "On Hood Canal" Open 7 Days A Week 898-2252 Love rolled into one big crayon! • Glossy Shine • Shimmery Frost • Sheer Clear Color & • Sunscreen! Root beer float --canna man stick- peach fizz -- cherry pop -- cotton candy -- spun sugar lemikTetBB= CR 5-11197 9.7 Weekdays 9-8 Friday . 10-4 SundayCR 5-5161 Pre-lnventory Sale Starting [ We re reducing inventory for June 30 fiscal inventory. [ I Warehouse prices plus BIG MARK DOWNS in every Department. J J 14 USED APPLIANCES--DRYERS From $30, WASHERS from $30 J I l~ryT:ays WAREHOUSE FREIGHT SALES 6th oJ6M0olnt~tohmeSrt; I Free Delivery NEW HOURS: Mon.-Thursday 9:00-6:00; Friday 9:00-8:00; Saturday 9:00-6:00; Closed Sunday 377-3766 PRICES REDUCED DURING OUR |• FULL EXTERIOR. FUL-STAIN REGULAR $4 72 Gallon SALE A quality exterior wood finish richly pigmented to provide durability and hiding. Ful-Stain is recommended for use on new, previously painted or stained exterior wood and trim surfaces. FULLER EXTERIOR LATEX REGULAR SALE FUL-STAIN Used on new, previously finished, or stained wood. Provides on extremely durable high hiding finish having outstanding resistance to color fading, moisture blistering, and mildew. FULLER FUL-PRUF INTERIOR LATEX MIX TO Ally COLOR \ 68 117--2nd STREET WIIItBAy$ | le S -- Mlr@IN¥ l~:Jl@ FOOT Of 2M STRgT ON TN! WAIIlIIleNT pAllING 0 $-1495 June 27, 1974 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Masory County Journal - Page 3