June 28, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | |
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Yacht Club Changes
Cruise Destination
Fourth of July c.rtdse scheduled
by the Shclton Yachl club. will be
to McLains (Jove instead of
,larrells Cove• McLains Cove is
located just across fFool Jerrells.
Canal Gardene s
Enjoy Annual
Rose Luncheon
The annual R,,se Luncheon of
the Houd Canal Garden Club was
and fewer crow(h: are expected heht :.it the Canal club house last
there. Thursday. Abont sixty five ladies
Poihmlc meals :rod boat hopping (,njoyed the afternoon gathering.
is I)einy, planned, as usual. All C, bairnlan of tim Rose Luncheon
(:lub members at(' invit(,d lo bring/ was Mrs. Ceeil Githert,
lheir food and appetites. ] Lace covered tables wero beanti-
The r(%,,ul,'tr husiness meeting fu] with roses of various colors.
will be on Thu)'sd:',.y, July 5 at the ] Colored slide were shown by Mrs.
PUI.) bl)il(linK be ffinning at s p.m. ]=hlssell Sch)'oeder. The pictu)'es
.......................................... wore of the local gardens.
The strongest symptom 0f wis- Musical entertainment was fuIl-
lshed by Don Bearden and Sandy
donq ill nlau is his being sensil)le[ B(.u.ovesky "'
of his own follies.
................................ 72-'12L: ............ " ............ 772"""i .............. --7""
buy four gallons...
get the fifth one
1ST & PINE ST. PHONE 426-4393
By Ethel Dalby
UNION - The entire communi-
ty was saddened by the passing oi
Cindy Rutter last Friday evening
at Shelton General Hospital. She
had undergone a serious surgery a
few weeks ago, and h]ter had been
removed to the University of
Washington Hospital from which
she was returned to her Union
hon'le a week ago. When her con-
dition became worse last Thurs-
day, she was again taken to Shel-
ton General Hospital and succumb-
ed the next evening at 5:30.
Memorial services for the imme-
diate members of the family were
held Monday at Emmanuel Episco-
pal Churci of Mercer Island• the
same edifice in which Cindy had
been confirmed. Surviving are her
mother, Mrs. Janet Rutter, and
younger sister Magen, her father,
William Rutter of Seattle, grand-
mother. Mrs. Cnl!ow Weber, and
uncle, tile Rev. Father John Day
of the Episcopal Church of Port-
land, Oregon. Sincere sympathy is
extended Janet Rutter, Magen, and
other members of the family at
this time•
A LOCAL FRIEND sent this
note as a tender expression of his
own sympathetic sentiments: "Her
death, coming at a time when the
symphony of summer is in full
swing, adds a strange and discord-
ant note, and is out of tune with
the season of the year as with the
,season of her young life."
Mason County friends and school
mates have contributed to Cancer
Fund in memoriam.
A summer picnic supper, which
will be followed by an evening of
games, is being sponsored by Un-
ion Improvement Club Saturday at
6 o'clock at Union Community
Hall. Mrs. Tillie Slmrman is in
charge of arrangements. Game
prizes will feature marine-use ob-
Jects, such as fishing tackle, so
there should be a good turn out of
fishermen. Special prizes will be
on hand for the ladies. Randall
Updyke, who is chairman of the
general planning committee, prom-
ises an even better collection of
prizes than he obtained for the
clubs' spring party, which was
such a success.
Supper tickets are on sale at
Balrs Food Center, Gwin's Gro-
cery, Wheel-Inn Cafe and Hood
Canal Marina. Admision is $1.00.
The public is cordially invited
and everyone assured of a fine
supper and general good time.
show you...
YOUR CO00iEgiigE Bill
SAFLC02L om flete msur. en cummerc •
wn the lmest, most c I ome, auto, buat--ev o ex ensive duphca"
o e on your h • at means n P knoWS
oat Insuranc _ ", fits a pMm rh because he
ec: • eevery pohcy s coverage, gaps, • •
,,,suranc no dangerou , best for yore " • s
ion of coverage: • ' . ,, pogrom that s _ nsurance m tht
he ,,planned Pro_tectl° 2 p . FEC0 and GENEtAL. I. ponce cover-
sAFEC0, LI increase your msu . s the
A ent for " w ou can . e to dmcus ,
The g w ouho Y leasur
a,ea ulb }aa toshO ,, €ot. it ul b h,s p ii ¢oenie,,. e,
e with" out increasing, Y - these pr olicie, at yo
ag advantages offered by) ours a day. •
many ..... .enth away, 4 h 4
iust a pnon = • = l A. . -r--- ""
116 North Second St. Phone 426-3357
"Little League" they are Rieky
Bueehel, Mike Fanning, Colin
Morris, Robert Johnson and Chuck
Viger. Mr. Joe Bourgault is acting
as manager for the champ ball
players. The League played against
Southside last week and came out
as victors. They are meeting in
Shelton to play Hillcrest Tuesday
of this week. Mr. Johnson is also
lending a hand•
Mrs. Adel Kimball retm'ned last
week from Sitka where she has
been visiting Mrs. Jim Kimball
(Tulla) for the past few montls.
Robert Gwin, Master of Union
Masonic Lodge No. 27, attended
the session of the Grand Lodge at
Tacoma Masonic Temple June 19.
20 and 21. Also attending were
John Wing Huson. Depllty to the
Grand Master of district No. 12,
and Senior Warden Gordon Stolve
of Tahuya. Some 1500 Masons at-
tended the session. During the day,
the visitors were also taken to visit
the Masonic home at Zenith via
chartered bus.
MRS. JEAN MOORE and moth-
er, Mrs. Dorothy" Jessup, drove to
Tacoma Wednesday, with Mike
Moore. who was leaving via train
for Vancouver, Washington, to
spend a few days with Mr. and
Nfrs. Homer Moore, his paternal
Returning with Mrs. Moore and
her mother was their friend, Mrs.
Albert Ellingson of Tacoma, who
is their houseguest for the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Timm and
children Diane and Bill, Jr. en-
Joyed a campout over the weekend
at Lake Lena.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Shirey an-
nounce the arrival of Annette
Elizabeah 3une 19. The young
lady checked in as weighing 7
pounds and 1 ounce. The mother
is the former Karen Dalby of Un-
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sterling
have taken a cottage at Olympus
Manor for the summer season, so
Larry will be commuting daily to
his work at Keyport, while Kaye
gets in a few visits with local
friends and mother•
Mrs. Don Beckman is home
once more after a pleasant visit
with her sister and other relatives
at Portland.
of Hood Canal Marina are in the
process of being driven, with caps
and cross-beams already in for the
approach• Completion of the struc-
ture and float will follow in the
very near future, according to the
report of the owners. It is inter-
esting to note that the new dock
is being erected on the precise site
of the old one built by the late Guy
Garfield. At the time he operated
the old time grocery store then
located on the site of the Marina
Building. According to Randall
Updyke some of the old pilings
still, are visible.
:. The old time Union City wharB
of 80.year s ago, where Nell An-
dersen held forth as village post-
master as late as 1911 (when we
called for our mail our new title
of "Mrs." while on our honeymoon)
was completely destroyed by a fire
about 1913, The late Clive Hauptly
built his own new dock on the
site of the old time wharf. Wlen
these pilings were destroyed by
storms and the passing of the
years the Garfield dock was built
a couple of hundred yards to the
right of the old time wharf, where
Seattle excursionists landed so
many years ago and as late as
15 hT: ¢:ne,, ° 1£ t ea:rr ;hStaeri
steamer Potlatch. The late Capt.
Holbrook was in command of both
Initiates Members
Clarence Jagnow, Harold Hubert
and Roy Kimball are new members
recently initiated into the Shelton
Moose Lodge No. 1684. They were
initiated with 15 others who were
enrolled into Olympia Moose Lodge
No. 1759 at ,Laeey, in honor of
Ha'told Tiny' Wallace, Washing-
ton State Moose Enrollment Di-
rector. The Olympia ritual team
performed the impressive enroll-
ment ceremony.
After the ceremony, home-made
oyster stew was served to all
members and guests by the host-
ing Olympia Moose Lodge.
Shelton Moose members ae-
conpanying the new members to
Laeey Were Governor, Gerald Hart
Otto Hanson and A1 Ferrler.
Try A Journal Want Ad
, ii, , , ,, ,, , ,
A hearty welcome to...
Mr. and Mrs. Max M. Cash
as the new owners and operators of the
where they will continue to provide Matlock car and truck owners with the highest .quality
Off Company Products
through GOTT OIL COMPANY, Mason County distributor
At Matiock General Store you will always find
So cia I E v en ts
Society Editor • Jenny Knautz • Phone 426-4412 I
JUNE WEDDINGMiss Ann Coffman became the bride of Mr.
Dick Reed in a candlelight ceremony, Sunday, June 17, at the
Methodist Church. The bride recently graduated from Linfield
College, McMinnville, Oregon, where she was affiliated with Phi
Beta Mu Sorority, P Gamma Mu, and was president of Cap and
Gown. The bridegroom attended Olympic Jr• College, Bremerton
and is currently serving in the army.
Baskets of pink stock and white
chrysanthemums decorated t h e
Methodist Church for the candle-
light ceremony Sunday evening,
June 17, when Miss Ann Vincent
Coffman became the bride of Mr.
Dick Sheldon Reed• The bride's
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Arthtu'
Coffman of Shelton.
Officiating at the ceremony was
the Rev. Robert Rings of the Shel-
ton Methodist Church. Music was
;furnished' by Mrs. Olavi Aho at
the organ, and Dr. Michael Fahey,
who sang "Song of Ruth" and
"The Lord's Prayer".
Portland. Ore•, and Miss Anne
Hirte of Lyons, Oregon.
Miss Cheryl Ann Cakes was
flower girl, and was adorable in a
pink lace dress as she carried a
basket of pink and white chrysan-
Best man was Mr. Reed Tindall
of Bellingham. Mr. Edward Car-
ney, Jr. and Mr. Pat Carney,
brothers of the bridegroom, usher-
ed. They, as well as the bride's
father, were resplendent in white
dinner jackets.
The bride's mother wore a
Women's and Children'S
the class of 1937
high school wilt
evening at tile
Shelton Airport,
who are in the
to attend the
at 6:30 p.m.
at 7 p.m.
the reunion is
Lee. Work-
Kimbel, Marie
Stewart, Jim
.ra Lowe and Helen
arriage licenses
7r., 28, Outlook;.
22, Outlook.
1.9, Shelton
nd, 15, Shelton.
a, 23, Athena,
Goodwin, 24,
20, Tacoma,
16, Tacoma.
53, Elms and
be hel
in Poi
.i , . 43, Shelton.
I Ads Pay i%t°2
REE! FREE! FREI askels' if°r;'
. I1 yon
: i i in loc
Your choice of _ It mitte
' -. raIlill, II hundr
• ,,o ]and tt
or ELECTRIC COFFEE P L Clay I Job {}I egonms
,, -, .. .. • • o :!° helton, ash. I!'viil b
wnr.. .uu O.LL .'ot;?.Uke ,'I,'rid.
To give you a free estimate" : -72 ,li, frombUildil
Your Home -- We have all tYPYl - ................ :-:: ...........
roofing and siding availaba:-._ Il I
Local Contractor •
Experienced Workme :.._
Incorporated trade associ
CALL NOW -- Phone t" States Brewers Associati,
, the same year that
Local Construction
Payments as low as $6.00 per
on Any New Car in Our
every available steamb
carrying prospectors to
But whether they fount
sheath gown of dusty rose lace
The bride chose a gown of bou- with a corsage of pink rosebuds 1 | _ ted )ioneers knew theyc
and white carnations Mrs Edward resh "n a fnrnlnc
quet taffeta designed with a lOU ave
• ' • . nent I ............ o ol
basque bodice. The tightly fitted D. Carney, Jr., representing the If'as n-
, uW, beer was W '€
waistextended to a point at the bridegroom s mother, wore a beige .f ashington.
center front, and the full skirt was '. '"Oder •
sheath gown of embossed cotton .. = ..,., Cilia,, atton--light, sparkling
fashioned with deep pleats at the satin with a corsage of pink cat'- .amnler american . . , , o, o, No-.-oo...- ,-oo,,
front and gathered fullness in the nations and rosebuds The bride's -'.r0ks i .... "'-':''. ...... ..
• ")11- - wasnmgton nave a|wl
back. Deep v-shaped tricks gave grandmother, Mrs• C. R• Waddle, /i I • %1 '' UWshi .....
l o n a p mat goes w th eve
elaborate fullness and detail to the Olymp"a was 1 vely i ¢ black .amnler UlaSSlC , , , , ",|l, ' g
crepe, dless' with pink accessories ';" : Its ce •
• -" • -" . ,I/JES- ntenmal year the Un
was trimmed with an applique of and a corsage of pink ana wni[e H u. . u a/ ucia; .... ' ..
Alencon lace. The scooped neck- • ,, uun Still works constant
carnatmns.. , valiant benan , , , , eOfhi .
line was trimmed with a. front The wedding recephon was held ' ,, ghstandardsofqualtya
• . ra
yoke ofAlencon lace with an em- in the Colonial House w,Lb Mrs. | "" " . €1 nd ale are served.
broidery of seed pearlB. Long Pat Carney and Mrs. Gerry Ripley][ rlymoum eaan i • • I V' .., .:.
sleeves extended to a point over pouring, Mrs. Clarence Anderson]i ' , ,',*
the hands• She wore a bouffant and Mrs William Gott cutting' the ll ,,1'
fingertip veil caught to a crown of cake and Mrs. James K. Anderson i ,, ,o, l" dkllaVll{ *"*'-'"
seed pearls, and carried a cascade presiding at the punch bowl. Mrs. ] -'u" ,'*'*'" ....... 'Y',ff--k%(
ofroses and stephanotis. William H. Smith was in cbarge[l' ]I:TI[ rlPlZ::l • :..g]))l I ..'...:.,,*
), • 1IX]kiN 1]k I llL¥10 "UIIII F-U
Miss Carol Ccffman was her sis- of the guest book, and M,s. Dav,d 11 , /) I .... '
ter's maid of honor, wearing • a Bender of Seattle was in charge II ,d'',,,(/ I SUkWk
gown of moss green chiffon ovet', of the gifts. " | VlUD¢I IIIllll[ TM ,-,m • . [
pink carnations and rosebuds, field College, McMinnville, Oregon [| nllNULL IliV|Vil|aO ' : -- ........
where she was affiliated with Phi I , "
Bridesmaids, gowned similarly, Beta Mu Sorority, Pi Gamma Mu, I __ _. __
and carrying pink carnation nose-
gays, we'e Miss Sally Ferguson of and was president of Cap and ]] CHRYSLER- PLYMOUTH-.!
-- " --- he' bridegroom attended O y - [ -- ':!
American Legion Aux, pie j,. College, Bremerton He is | . ........ -V, Ol'l# ,
currently serving in the army, aft- [I ,u, 0. 'lrSl: . , ' rii ,:,
er which he plans to continue his l|
inslallahon Held , edtmation. , ...........
American Legion Auxi!iary in- SA ;
stallation of officers was con- ,
ducted at the Women's Club House £ Wdh A 6oo
it s . . me again at your
at Potlatch, Friday evening. Offi-
cers installed wet'e Mattie Back- Plymouth.Valiant Dealer's IPE PRI
lund, president; Anna Johnson, . " ,..j
vice president; Virginia Wallin,
secretary; Maxine Smith, treas-
urer; 1Verle Smith, chaplain and 'lash,
Alice Hill, sergeant at arms.
model 80
Present aL the installation were
the district offices. Refreshments
were served at tlm close of the
Nvy Mothers Slate
Meeting July 5th
Navy Mothers of Mason County
will hold their regular meeting
Thursday, July 5 at the Memorial
Hall. The meeting will start at 8
p.m. Entertainment will be furn-
Earl Dickinson received word
this week from his wife, Carmen
and daughter, Edna Webber, that
they have enjoyed fine weather at
Salt Lake City. The women were
taken by a guido , on a tour
through the various places in the
Mormon Temple. They were shown
around the grounds of beautiful
flowers and attended an evening
organ concert. The gentleman
playing the organ was 80 years
old and a wondexfful musician.
One of the days they took a
special bus tour of the city and
thought it was very beautiful. An
interesting feature they noted was
the main street, 133 feet wide.
The populated city of 300,000 has
a great educational system with
12,000 students enrolled at the
University of Utah.
The following day they left for
Colorado Springs, where they
spent a day and night, touring
the city. Presently they are visit-
ors in Kansas City. They plan to
visit a few dther places of interest
before arriving at Fort Benning
where :Mrs. Webber's son, Jack
is station.ed. He is near Columbus,
Georgia. Jack does typing and
clerical work for his Battalion.
aroid Camera
Use ournal Wanl Ads
(Sell All Valiants E.mmediately!) IIQDAbr n- ,
PR,C00 N00WS VAL,ANT-VAL,ANT ,s P.,C00O ILlly 35ram 1
$473 less fon OLDS F-85 $73 less fon CHEVY |1 .:,rb,. ..
$374 les. fhon BUICK SPECIAL $70 less fhon RAMBLER iir -][ :Jhmm
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I $256 less than PONTIAC TEMPEST $62 less than CORVAIR _lilglll liAIl!!/t Rll'" --
i $154 less fon MERCURY COMET $55 less fhan FALCON l,ar u
"Based on comparison of Manufacturers, Suggested Retail Prices for IoWH:; Va'.
passenger modes. Whitewa. tres a.d whee coves extra A. ,node,s " Mih.o .......
Valiant and Rambler Classic include a heater as standa;d equipment, I0? | ||||
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Valiant salesmen will Sell All y aliants _
KIMBEL MOTORS, INO..:. 707 Soulh Firsi