June 28, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 28, 2012 |
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The Shelton-Mason County Journal is seeking a hands-on
Managing Editor to lead our newsroom team and manage all
aspects of our editorial department.
We are a weekly newspaper located in the recreation heart of
Washington state.
Good leadership, organizational and management skills
are required, along with a passion for quality Community
journalism. The successful candidate will have strong editing
skills, embrace a we will get in the newspaper philosophy,
have experience writing thoughtful editorials, have strong
attention to detail and possess the ability to motivate, coach
and inspire the newsroom staff to perform at their best. Ability
to plan and manage department budget and experience in page
layout and design using InDesign are strongly desired.
We seek a person with the ability to move this department
forward in a professional manner and who is able to work well
in a team environment. In return, we offer a competitive salary
that includes a performance:based bonus and benefits.
The Shelton-Mason County Journal has a 126-year history of
publishing quality newspapers in a dynamic and established
community and seeks a person who is committed to the
continuing the tradition of publishing award-winning work.
Please emall resume in confidence, including salary
expectation to: Karl Sleight, Publisher, Shelton-Mason County
Joumal, kari@masoncounty.com. |i ....................
The Shelton-Mason County Journal is seeking an energetic, talented and
experienced reporter to join our award-winning newsroom. We are a weekly
(Thursday) newspaper and the newspaper of record for Mason County, Washington.
The successful candidate will demonstrate strong writing and organizational skills
while reporting about local government, outdoors recreation, education and human-
interest features.
You'll need a working knowledge of AP Style, be able to handle a camera and have
a clean, clear writing style that can make even the most confusing processes simple
for readers to understand.
The Shelton-Mason County Journal has a 126-year history of publishing quality
newspapers in a dynamic and established community. We are seeking a writer who
understands community journalism and thrives in a team-based environment. We
offer a competitive salary and benefits package. Please e-mail your resum6 and
best three clips to: Karl Sleight, Publisher, Shelton-Mason County Journal, kari@
masoncounty.com, lto~ ~.,~~
Transit our packets. We can't go off of what I construction on Mason County PUD
think they know or what I know that 3's new Johns Prairie Operations Cen-
Continued from page A-1 they've done." ter and is also working with Mason
Project manager Mike Oliver said General Hospital and Family of Clin-
of the community members who signed MTA needs to follow federal rules to ics on its remodel.
the letter, the letter. In an RFQ, companies don't give
"It was my understanding that the "Any federally funded project with bids for the cost of services. They only
bids ... were very close -- that it was taxpayer money (has) got to be a 100 present their qualifications for the
paper thin. If that is true, the business percent level playing field," he said. project.
needs to stay in town," she said. "My Patterson said the transit author- After MTA staff singled out HHJ
real concern is that we need to award ity will be under heavy scrutiny once and Merritt, the board entered into a
work to people that pay the taxes it begins using the $3.28 million grant, negotiation process.
here." "We're now a small fish in a big An independent assessment of the
However, MTA staff said that be- pond," he said. "The agency as a whole project done with the help of OAC
cause the organization is accepting a will be scrutinized ... it was important Services and the Washington State
federal grant, it can't show favoritism for us to be sure we did it the right Department of Transportation deter-
toward a local company, way." mined the contract amount, which is
"Foster Williams did an excellent Two months ago, MTA chose OAC not to exceed $700,000, Patterson said.
job in 2008," Patterson said. "We have Services as the community center proj- This price includes a Leadership in
to go offofwhat was presented to us in ect manager. OAC Services managed Energy and Environmental Design.
Continued from page A-1
"They wrapped up the one
project and they've been kick-
ing it ever since," Ingwaldson
said. 'They were only as-
signed one and so far I think
they've done two or three."
Green Diamond volun-
teers also added landscaping
and spread new gravel at the
Mason Transit Authority.
Ingwaldson said donated
labor can really make a dif-
ference to non-profit organi-
"When you're out there do-
nating yourself as a laborer,
those organizatibns can save
those dollars they would have
spent on labor.., and keep in-
vesting them," she said.
United Way volunteers
also completed many other
projects throughout the coun-
ty Thursday.
The Mason County Senior
Activities Association had pleted early, on June 16. painted the picnic shelter at
three projects Thursday. Volunteers from Mason Kneeland Park. Shelton Ki-
Volunteers from Penin-County PUD 3 prepared wanis Club painted picnic
sula Credit Union and Terri Habitat's House 5 in Spencer tables, weeded and spread
Flowers washed the windows Glen for a new coat of paint mulch in the rose garden in
and painted floor tiles at Nif- and cleared scotch broom Brewer Park and the Krist-
ty Thrifty and at the senior from a home site in the Sho- mas Town Kiwanis Club
center on Railroad Avenue recrest area on June 16. weeded and cleaned flower
and weeded flowerbeds at the Volunteers from the Kit- beds and planted new flowers
senior center. .sap Credit Union and Mason at the Log Park Monument.
They also plan to wash, County Fire District 2 worked Volunteers from Penin-
polish and detail the associa- at the Theler Communitysula Credit Union helped
tion's van at a later date. Center and Wetland Trails to weed outside the Mason
The South Sound Read- weed the demonstration gar- County Shelter's low-in-
ing Foundation worked at St. dens in the wetlands outside come apartment complex
David's Episcopal Church in the exhibit center, on First Street in Shelton.
Shelton to sort and label a West Coast Bank and Volunteers also helped fold
pallet of books. Hood Canal Communications and label sheets for use in
Volunteers also complet- volunteers came together to the shelter.
ed two projects for Faith in clean up the grounds trails at Maple Glen Senior Living
Action in Belfair including the Wild FelidAdvocacy Cen- volunteers sorted and orga-
cleaning, painting and stock- ter of Washington on Harst- nized donations for the Mason
ing shelves in its thrift store, ine Island. General Hospital Founda-
as well as picking up trash Volunteers also helped tion's Treasures thrift store.
and weeding around the ex- clean up the home and yard Volunteers painted the in-
~erior of the store, for a client of Catholic Com- side and outside of the North
Habitat for Humanity also munity Services. Mason County Resource Cen-
had some day of caring proj- For the City of Shelton, ter and weeded its garden
ects, some of which were com- Shelton Rotary members and picked up litter.
• N •
BANK on Case Inlet, Power tools, handtools, misc. 5288.W6/28
$735,000. Mt. Rainier view,, repair parts, table and chop GARAGE SALE-Something
privacy, 3 acres. 3 bedrooms, saw, Shop Smith. Friday-Sun- for everyone. 410 E Crest-
bonus rooms, boat ramp, day, 9am-?? 926 Grant Ave., view Dr., 9am-5pm, Saturday
outbuildings. 360-866-0064, Shelton.T6/28 & Sunday. K6/28
HarstineBeachHome.com. MOVING SALE, Saturday- 24' SELF-CONTAINED motor
R6/28-7/5 Sunday, 10am-5pm, 311 E
home, $2,500 OBO. 360-791-
1061 days, or 360-426-2061
evenings. B6/28
FOUND - 2 DOGS: 1 small
black male, 1 female boxer.
North Shore Rd. near public
boat launch, Belfair. Call to
identify, 360-275-3229. L6/28
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