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injuries in Shelton fire
"I've got to find a new place for
Mom, but I've never done this before.
What can you tell me about Alpine Way?
What do I get for the money? I don't even
know what questions to ask!"
By EMILY HANSON up smoke. The smoke set off "It was a one-alarm fire
F~mi(y@masonco~n6,.c'om the fire alarm which alerted but it was rung out twice to
..................................................................... the occupant. She saw the add Mason County Fire Dis-
smoke in the bedroom, was trict 13," he said. "They send
There were no injuries in- unable to operate the fire ex- out a water tender. Mason
volved in what has been de- tinguisher and called 911." County Medic One respond-
scribed as a lucky fire.An ambulance was ap- ed as well."
At 11:57 a.m. on Saturday, proximately one block away 'He said the bathroom area
Mason County Fire District 4 when the call came through, of the home suffered smoke
received a call for a structure When it arrived on the scene, and fire damage.
fire at 40 S.E. Foxglove Ave., firefighter Ed Michalak went "We had to tear apart the
Shelton. in to the home. fan and open up the roof to
Chief Bob Burbridge said"He hit the fire with a dry make sure it was out," Bur-
the resident, Dawn Shaver, can and suppressed it and bridge said.
had recently replaced a num- contained it to the fan, c.eil- He estimated the mobile
ber of electrical outlets in the ing and roof area aroundhome to be from the 1970s
mobile home. the exhaust flue," Burbridge and said mobile homes that
"The exhaust fan in the said• "It bought us someold can be quite dangerous in
bathroom, whether because time before the rest of us got a fire.
of electrical or mechanical there." "The biggest message here
issues, generated heat and Burbridge said Mason is smoke detectors work,"
ignited," Burbridge said. "As County Fire District 4 ar- Burbridge said. "It alerted
the fire progressed, it got rived on the scene within two the occupant, she called and
down to the bathroom carpet, minutes and the fire was out our guy was in the area and
which caught fire and sent in "a minute." we got it knocked down."
Journal photo by Jessie Mullen
Nathen Rivera Roque signs up for the summer reading program on
A: We're here to help. We've
been providing a safe and lovely ,
home for seniors for over twenty
years. For less than the cost of the
nursin home, Alpine Way has private
apartments with private showers, 24-
hour on-duty licensed nurses, a shuttle
bus to downtown shopping and doctor
appointments, a variety of activities,
social areas for gathering and visiting, a beauty and barber shop, chef-prepared
meals, laundry services, and security. Everything is on one level (no stairs!) and
parking is available for residents who still bring their cars. A full-service hospital and
several clinics are just a few blocks away. Best of all, we are complimented the most
for our friendly and helpful employees.
If you're ready to help Mom find a new home, come and tour Alpine Way. We'd love
to treat you to lunch, show you our lovely apartments, and answer all your questions.
Call Kathy Burbidge at
(360) 426-2600
for a free lunch and tour
900 West Alpine Way
Shelton, WA 98584
Tuesday at the Shelton Timberland Library.
ing kicks off'
By JESSIE MULLEN es for participation from the Friends of the Prevent Uncomfortable & Costly Dental Problems
je.~se@m~sc,~cc ~ty.com, Library," Selby said.
' " ~ " " The 2012 theme for the program is "Dream
Big - Read!" for younger children and "Own
Stopping the summer slide is Kristi Selby's the Night" for teens. The Shelton library will
goal. kick-offi~s program with a party at 1 p.m. on
Selby is the youth services librarian at the Saturday at the library. Starting at 1 p.m.,
Shelton Timberland Library and she believes Mrs. Mason County, Sara Hall, will read
the summer slide, or when students forget what stories to the children, then, at 2 p.m. the
they learned during the previous school year, can Knights of Veritas will demonstrate medieval
leave students a couple months behind schedule swordfighting techniques.
in the fall when they return to school• Reading, The library has events planned through-
according to Selby, is a great way to stop it. out the summer including a sing along with
"Kids who participate in a summer pro- Caspar Babypants on July 18 and a stuffed
gram at the library are more likely to main- animal sleepover on Aug. 9.
tain their reading and learning skills over the "At the library, kids and teens can pursue
summer months and avoid the summer slide," their personal interests," Duffy said. "Say for
said Timberland Regional Library youth ser- example, someone is fascinated by the King
vices coordinator Ellen Duffy. Tut exhibit in Seattle. At the library they'll
Selby also pointed to research from The find loads more about King Tut to read and
New York State Library that said summer view. By reading materials of their own
reading habits play a critical role as a foun- choosing, they'll expand their reading skills
dation for later success. She hopes to match and enrich their lives."
last year's participation of more than 1,000 A full list of summer events is available
students. So far, at least 300 have signed up.
'Wge have a reading incentive program
geared toward children, including great priz-
From top: Michelle Downing, Richard Downing,
Hunter Downing, Forest Downing.
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Skookum Rotary brings in new board
By JESSE MULLEN Cahill said. "It has a long the outgoing assistant gov-
je,s.se@masoncottnty.com standing reputation and in- ernor for the regional Ro-
....................................................................... frastructure making it pos- tary organization.
sible for one person with a '~The board of directors
Mason County's Skoo- great humanitarian idea for the new year are ex-
kum Rotary club inducted or dfeam to make the idea perienced and energetic
new board members last a reality and make that leaders and I look forward
week at the Lake Limerick dream possible." to working with them in
Country Club. Beginning Cahill also said she looks the upcoming year," Cahill
in July, outgoing presi- forward to working with said. "The Rotary motto
dent Denis Leverich will the other newly inductedis 'Service Above Self and
hand responsibilities over board members, that ideal of service is a
to president-elect Candace Skookum Rotary hosts driving force. The annual
Cahill. OysterFest each year at theme for the new year is
"My mission as presi- the Sanderson Field Events 'Peace through Service.' An
dent of the Rotary Club of Center and Fairground. example of that in action
Shelton Skookum is to re- OysterFest is an annual is Rotarians working with
new the focus on literacy fund-raising event for non- leaders in Afganistan and
programs," Cahill said. She profit organizations serving Pakistan to continue to pro-
also said she plans to work Mason County• Proceeds vide access for hdmanitar-
with the club on peace and from the event are used by ian workers as they provide
conflict prevention, disease Skookum Rotary for the immunizations against Po-
prevention and treatment, Mason County Science andlio for young children."
water and sanitation, ma- Engineering Fair, Kids Day Along with setting the
ternal and child health and at OysterFest, academic ex- mission for the club this
economic and community cellence programs, scholar- year, Cahill will host the
development, ships, Music in the Park, weekly Skookum Rotary
"Rotary is a tool used homeless projects and meetings• Skookum Ro-
by good people doing good more. tary meets at 7 a.m. every
things in our local commu- The induction event was Wednesday at St. Edward's
nities and in the world," hosted by Jerry Obendorf, Catholic Church.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal-Thursday, June 28, 2012 - Page A-3