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Nouldn't you LOVE a
refrigerator/freezer for
Summer is for
St. David's
Continued from page A-1
questions about the colorful windows.
"We've been talking about it a long time.
People come in and they want to see the win-
dows," she said.
The Episcopal Church in Shelton was
founded in 1888 as St. Barnabus's. The
church existed under that name, meeting at
a Masonic lodge on Front Street until 1926.
In 1968, Elmer B. Christie became the
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
priest at the church at its current location on This window at the St. David of
Cedar Street, and renamed it the St. David
of Wales Episcopal Church. Wales Episcopal Church in Shelton
"The church was inspired by the typical was made by the famous stained
little English church," Maddux said. glass company Connick of Boston.
The oldest window in the church is arch-
shaped and located behind the altar, the mid 1970s. Maddux said he recommend-
The Window was made by famous stained ed having each window represent one of the
glass company Connick of Boston. It was de- 15 mysteries of the Rosary, a prayer common
signed in the French gothic style, Maddux in Roman Catholic and Episcopal faiths.
said, and the colored glass panels were made The 15 windows are very dark, especially
with a silk screening process using iron during winter months in Shelton. Maddux
powder and ground glass, rather than being said the designer was used to working in
painted like in modern windows. California and Nevada, and didn't realize
"There's no superficial painting -- it's how little light shown into the church on
right in the glass," he said. . most days in Shelton.
Like many of the Church's stained glass Many of the windows also include plants
windows, the oldest window was given in native to Shelton such as Dogwood, wild ros-
memory of prominent parishioners, es, rhododendrons and daffodils.
"It was~ given in memory of two Davids," Small windows in St. David's front doors
Maddux said. also include symbols representing the Epis-
Those two "Davids" were David Bowercopal Church and St. David, the patron saint
Davies and his grandson David Merritt of Wales.
Kaphingst. Windows in the back of the church de-
The window was installed before Mad- pict other saints important in the Episcopal
dux's tenure as priest at St. David's, but faith, including St. Non, the mother of St.
most of the other windows were added dur- David and St. Barnabus, for whom the origi-
ing his time there, nal church was named.
The walls of the church are lined with 15 "We needed to have some recognition of
stained glass windows that were added in that," Maddux said.
City be funding the majority of commented on the city's
the project, partnership with the SAV-
Continued from page A-1 The city iwill be respon- ER committee.
sible for demolishing the "This is an excellent ex,
approved the expenditure of cracked sidewalk and re-ample of what we can do in
an extra $2,000 to move a moving thetrees and current partnerships with the chain-
fire hydrant to accommodate landscaping., ber of commerce," he said.
the landscaping concept, Goins said he expects The project will involve
which was first introduced to the project to cost the city replacing a cracked side-
the city commission on June between $5,000 and $6,000 walk, adding new plants and
18. with the added cost of mov- taking out two large and ag-
"I think in summary our ing the hydrant, ing trees, which the SAVER
request was to support mov- "It's moved from a main-committee has said are po-
ing this forward," Goins said, tenance activity to a capital tentially dangerous and a
of city staffs request at the improvement," he said. detriment to the intersection
June 18 meeting. After the commission and area businesses.
The entire landscaping job voted to approve the expen- The committee plans to
is projected to cost $25,000. diture and move the project replace them with smaller
The SAVER committee will forward, Mayor Gary Cronce trees and shrubs.
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Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 28, 2012