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Shelton-Mason County Journal
If you haven't taken the t:
into the new boat launch
Latimer's Landing you s|
have it all paved and striped
throughs for your boat. The :
has been renewed with youn
evergreens and -- I'm happy
it looks like they have put in
of those crimson leafed mapl
want to picnic on the water,
installed a couple of nice con
uic tables. There still isn't a
there -- I heard that when t:
in a few yc
kept getti~
As I drc
the boat la
got to thin
else could
launch a b
south Pug,
By MIKE couldn't co
CALLAGHAN a quick an
thought tb
very many
little more thought, I kind of
my mind. I think you can tau
Port of Allyn, Fair Harbor, J~
State Park, Shelton Marina,
Harbor, West Bay Marina an
toward Tacoma Zittal's and I
Did I miss any?
There's a new publisher in
they are shaking things up a
Journal. I'm telling you this
deadline for this article has c]
the past my deadline was 9 a.
day morning of each week. N
deadline has moved up to 9 a.
morning, and this means I wi
most of the article writing th~
night. So, if you have someth
would like to see published in
ine Island column, please get
Thursday afternoon. My emai
for information is sobadog@m
(Editor's note: Publisher ]
Sleight has been with the Jc
since November 2011)
As summer approaches t]
going to be a lot of activities
the island. One coming up a
Start Grocery is the Beaucm
peaux Band playing some ja
dell They will be there July
Okay, here is my last rem:
the Harstine Island Theater
"Light Up the Sky" by Moss ]
will be presenting the play ir
ning on June 29, June 30 anc
have an afternoon presentati
1. The comedy revolves arom
of New York theater folk wh(
the opening of their new pla5
ton. The lead actress, the bac
several others, are in seventt
at the prospect of a tremend¢
cess, which they hope for in t
a young unknown writer. Ga
a hotel room, these people go
their paces with tremendous
many exhibitions of tempera:
The annual Island Rumm~
coming up Aug. 4. This is al~
citing event as people usuall~
the door early and burst in lo
that great deal. Those doors c
a.m. and will stay open until
See Harstine
nle to drive
area at
muld. They
with pull-
g native
to add --
a couple
es. If you
~hey have
zrete pic-
~ey put one
ars ago it
Lg vandal-
ve through
unch area I
ring, where
me go to
)at in the
~t Sound? I
me up with
~wer so I
ere weren't
After a
ach at the
,rrell Cove
d heading
town and
ittle at the
)ecause my
ranged. In
m. Mon-
)w, that
m. Friday
1 be doing
t Thursday
ng you
the Harst-
it to me by
ere are
on or near
;the Fresh
tp Cha-
y.z in their
nder for
31ub's play
Iart. They
the eve-
[ they will
~n on July
Ld a group
in Bos-
ker, and
L heaven
US sac-
he work of
;hered m
gasto and
ge Sale is
ays an ex-
line up at
)king for
pen at 9
n page B-2
"Mn a hurrkane, among
the things that get
blown down first are
ceil phone towers.
When a[! else fails, ham
radio can get through."
Journa Dno~os Dy Natahe Johnson
Ray Albee, president of the Mason County Amateur Radio Club, shows off his ham radio setup the day
before the annual Amateur Radio Field Day, a national event for ham radio clubs in the American Radio
Relay League. At t0p, a ham radio is shown.
• •
Amateur radio enthusiasts gather for annual fieM day
By NATALIE JOHNSON sored by the American Radio Relay competition among themselves, and
nalalie@m.asoncountv.com league. The annual field day has earn points based on how many other
................................................................................. taken place nationwide since 1933, stations they contact. They can get
he said. bonus points for inviting elected of-
In 1954. 14-year-old Don Myers"It's an emergency preparedness ficials and members of the press to
became known by a new name -- exercise," Myers said. "There's a con- the event, or by using solar, water or
W7WST - his call number as a li- test aspecz to it." wind power to run their radios.
censed ham radio operator. The object of the game is to contact Every year at the field day, the
"When I was a kid, radios wereas many other ham radio operators club sets out to achieve the difficult
more a big deal than they are today," as possible in a 24-hour period with task of contacting someone in all 50
he said. as many different methods as pos- states and every province in Canada,
Every ham operator is licensed by sible, whose residents also participate in
the Federal Communication Com-The Mason County club's station the American Radio Relay League.
mission and assigned a call number, at the fairgrounds had three radios "It wouldn't surprise us if we did
Myers still uses his original call num- set up - one set up to send and re- -- it would please us," Myers said.
ber today. Amateur radios are also ceive Continuous Wave (CW) andLast year the club made about 400
known as ham radios. Morse code, another for voice on all contacts and set out to do the same or
"You can communicate with a com- bands, and a third for digital commu- better this year.
purer anywhere in the world, but just nications. "We have a friendly competition
for fun on my ham radio I'll get up Some larger clubs can have 15 or with the Olympia club -- whoever
in the morning and contact Japan," more stations, Myers said. has a high score will provide a feed
he said. "Other (radiosJ are bigger andto the other club," Don Myers said.
Last weekend, Myers organized more powerful, others are smaller. "The overriding object is to have a tot
the Mason County Amateur RadioThe antennas can get elaborate," he of fun."
Club's participation in Amateur Ra- said.
dio Field Day, a national event spon- The clubs have a good-natured See Radio on page 8-4
Bikes for Books gets students pedaling
Courtesy pno~o
From bottom left, fifth-grader Noah Benson, third-
grader Melanie Pena, fourth-grader Austin
Severance, second-grader D.J. Kelley and first-
grader Annabelle Gammons receive bikes from
members of the Mount Moriah Masonic Lodge on
June 18. Lodge members, from top left, are Jeff
VanGundy, Jim Clark, Tim Timblin and Allan
Mt. View Elementary's year-ending gram was "kind of built over the years," stance, and didn't read the book.
awards assembly filled the gym with Ranney said. "This year. we took it up It also counted how many words
cheers and applause, another notch." were digested altogether, making it
Several staff members worked as a At quarterly assemblies, the mount-- possible for a new honor - induction
team to build excitement for the year- ing reading scores of individuals and into the Million Word Club. Those stu-
long reading incentive program, which classrooms were announced with fan- dents will be treated with a shopping
culminated June 18 with the assembly fare. The year's theme of "Read With trip to a Shelton bookstore, Ranney
and presentation of new bicycles to one Me Under the Sea" was carried out at said.
student at each grade level, the final assembly via a huge projector The fifth-grade bike winner, Noah
Mount Moriah Masonic Lodge of screen that displayed each top reader's Benson, read the most words at more
Shelton provided four of the bikes picture as animated sea life floated by. than 4 million. First-grader Annabelle
through its Bikes for Books program. Included in the honors were stu- Gammons racked up almost 1.1 mil-
The school's parent-teacher organiza- dents with the most improvement in lion words. She also took home a bike.
tion purchased the fifth bike. reading skills. Mount Moriah Lodge also gave four
"I'm still flying high from it," Mt. Tests for reading comprehensionbikes each to Southside, Bordeaux and
View librarian Candy Ranney said lat- helped calculate the "points" earned Evergreen elementary schools. Each
er in the week. "I'm still getting notes during the year. A computer program school has its own reading incentive
from kids saying how great it was." can even ..sloat:,.,~hose who may have
The Shelton school's reading pro- only seen a Harry Potter movie, for in- See Bicycles on page B-2
Thursday. June 28, 2012 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-1