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Keeping backyard chickens
A~ell across America there has been a
newed interest in keeping a small
ock of chickens in backyards. My
niece lives in urban Philadelphia and she
and her roommates tend chickens and sell
the eggs to their neighbors.
Those interested in eating locally have
become increasingly interested in growing
their own food, which includes gardens as
well as poultry. Many municipalities either
already have or are in the process of draw-
ing up regulations for keeping chickens in
the urban environment.
In the City of Shelton, Erik Birk is the
Code Enforcement Officer. He was happy
to share with me details of codes that per-
tain to keeping backyard fowl. On a typi-
cal city lot (60-feet-by-100-feet) a family
can keep four to five hens as long as they
live in a confined, sanitary area. Because
of noise, roosters have been defined as a
public nuisance due to the repetitive crow-
ing at all hours of the day. It is not legal to
keep roosters on city lots. Regulations may
be different than these if you live within
a community that has its own covenants.
In Mason County there are no restrictions
regarding backyard fowl, but planner Al-
lan Borden reminds us to be careful that
structures are not placed within 20 feet of
the back property line and 10- to 20-feet
of a side property line. Please be careful
of streams and wetlands. Chicken waste
should not reach these Waterways.
Gardeners can attest to the benefits
of keeping chickens if they are well man-
aged. Some keep birds in portable chicken
coops or "chicken tractors" that they move
around the yard cleaning out weeds, gob-
bling up insects, and leaving a rich trail of
fertilizer on the freshly
tilled ground -- fueled in
part by kitchen scraps.
A chicken produces
about 4 ounces of manure
per day. High in am-
monia, this manure can
burn plants if it is ap-
plied directly to planting
By JEANNE beds, so you need to pro-
cess it in some way first.
REHWALDT Remember to wear gloves
if you're handling fresh
chicken manure, as it can harbor viruses,
worm eggs or bacteria.
USDA organic standards require 120
days between the addition of raw (uncom-
posted) manure and the harvest of a crop
whose edible portion has contact with the
soil and 90 days before harvest for crops
without direct contact.
The Mason Conservation District has
a program that allows residents to rent
chicken processing equipment. This en-
ables chicken owners to process the birds
once they stop producing eggs making way
for a new crop of chicks to start laying
ti hall so your attendanceevent that promises to
Hars ne is greatly appreciated,be bigger and better. The
Continued from page B-1 Also, this is a way youfair will run from July
can volunteer to help by 27-29. Over the years
1 p.m. At the same time. donating unwanted itemsJudy and I have tried to
the farmer's market will around the house to thecontribute to this great
be going on, so there will cause, tradition. I know that the
be plenty to keep you For more than 100 local 4-H kids here on the
busy and lots of tempting years the fair has been an island really need this
stuff to spend your money important part of'Masonevent to be successful. So.
on. The rummage sale is County and you are in- if you can make it, please
a big fundraiser for the vited to attend this year's plan to attend.
Continued from page B-1
program and" determines
the criteria t%r its bike
In addition to the bi-
cycle donations, Mount
Moriah gives a Pioneer
Middle School eighth-
grader a $300 scholarship
redeemable upon gradu-
ation from high school.
This year's winner was
Caroline Ray.
Fundraisers support the
lodge's philanthropic con-
Projects coming up this
summer and fall include a
Fourth of July fireworks
stand at Bay Shore Golf
Course, a golf tournament
there July 7, ice cream
sales at the Mason Area
Fair and Taste of Hood Ca-
nal in Belfair and a food
booth at Oysterfest.
Courtesy gnoto
Pioneer Middle School student Caroline Ray
received Mount Moriah Masonic Lodge's
annual $300 scholarship during eighth-grade
promotion ceremonies June 19. The scholarship
certificate, redeemable when Ray graduates
from high school, was presented by the lodge's
current master, Jim Clark, left.
:£ Worship Service :ii :
10:00 a.m.
Children and Adult Sunday School 9 AM Childcare both services
Sunday Services
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'-- 7:OO pM I Mi~l-W~ek Service ,
Nursery to 2 Years
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('hilelren:~ c'la~ses
:OO PM I Gatewa~ to Recovery r~ purpose *d ~ ~/~d~ i~ IO help
Witness, ~Vo~f0rc, and Work for His Kingdon,.
ADDRESS I PtlONE 1360 4262758 WeBSITE I www, gatewaycEcom
A place ~here all are welcome
324 W. Cedar St. Shelton Office phone: 426-8472 www.sdow.org
7:30 & 10:30 a.m. Christianity Class
9:15 Conversational Bible Study Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Father's Day
Craft Fair
Friday, June 15th
5 to 6:30 p.m.
at St. David's
Lutheran Church ................. ................ ........
Miss0nri Syll0d
206 East Wyandotte Avenue www.sheltonfbc.org 360 426-8461
Sunday Morning Worship 0 + 10:30 am
Contel~lporary Service .......... 8:30 a 13"1. Sunday School for all ages
Christian Educatkm ................. 9:45 a m. NightChureh 6 pm
Traditional Worship ............... ll:00 a.m. Domingo LaIglesiaBautista 6 pm
Servicio en Espa~ol
Office 426-6353
Wednesdays 0 pm
Daycare 4273165 roum Church, AWANA K-6. Adug Classes
www.mtoliveshelton.org Jueves6pm ELgrupodelosLatinosJOvenes
1113 E. Shdton Springs Road
Shdton, WA 98584
(360) 427-69.98
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m,
Refreshed -- Restored -- Renewed
in Rivers of Grace
Alliance Church
2320 Washington St.
Sunday Night Worship 6:00 p.m,
New Community
Church of Union
Sunday Gatherings
r t
(All a e ~vetcome. )
8:30 and 10:30
at the
Union Fir© Hall
50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592
web site: www.thenccu.org
Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 28, 2012
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