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June 28, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 28, 2012
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have fishing 427-9099 19390 North U.S. Hwy. 101 supplies! Skokomish Nation, WA 98584 Skokomish Indian Tribal At the intersection of Hwy. 101 & Hwy. 106 Enterprises (S.I.T.E.) minutes north of Shelton on the Skokomish Indian Reservation STORE & DELl SPECIALS -- JUNE 21- JULY 4 !:P tlatch il NORTHFORK BAR & GRILL Coors & Coors Light S 18 pk I~ ~oz Cans Bud & Bud Light SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks To Your Health Marlb o ,, iiii ii;;: ~b l~U '~i!~ !ar:(on~ "J4~:' Next Sheriff - Casey SaLisbury SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN - WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF ABSCONDED SEX OFFENDER Prepared by: Dale: June 27, 2012 Detective winiam Adam Bulletin#: 12-20 the ~ason CotlPav Sheriff's Ol'fice is releasiag file lbilowing ill~()l'll~aliO[I p~ll"SHi/ll[ IO I'(('W 4.24,550 and the \~/nsffinghln State Supren'~c (!Otlll decision i~l wl~ich auflmrizes law e nl'orcen3enl agencies to infbrm the public of a sex o fl~.nde~'s ~elease when; ~ the discrclkm of the agency, the release l!inlbrl: ~ 1 w ¢ a ice ptlbl]¢ sa[inv and pro~cetion. 'rhe hldividua] who appears on ~his i~ofilicatio~ ha~ been cotwi¢~ed of a sex o[~lSe that i'equires registration with {he SherifFs ( lfice ia ~he county ol ll~lCil ~esidence Further, their pre~ious crimitl~] s ~ ~ p ces them in a classification level Milch r'eflecls the poteatia} a) re~of[bnd. Ibis sex of't'ender has .q(sr~¢d lhe se~tence illlpost}d on him by fhe courts al~d J3as advised the Mason County Sherit'r's Office Ihat hc will be living in lhc location below. TITO ESTRADA IS WANTED BY THE PI)L1CE AT TIllS TIME. THIS NOTIFICATION IS NO~ INTENDED TO INCREASE FEAR, RATII F.R, IT IS (IUt~ BEIA E F I'HAT AN INFORMED PUBIAC IS A SAFER PLiIILIC. "[he Mason (ountySherJff'sOfJ~cehasnolega u o" v odreclv, hereasexo'J~nde'l~ayorn/aytlotlive. UnJess court ordered restrictions exist, thisoffenderis constiltllionally flee to [Ne wherc~cl hc clio( scs. Sex ( 'lb c "s a 'c Ii%Hvs lived itl otlr ¢Olllnlunilics. bt4 iI ~.MISI}" t p ssagc of tilc (onlmtlnily Ploec onAc " 990 bee ~ [, esseroffel~derl'Cgistru,io/ddmtlawenl'orcementevellklevw ecthev~ereli~ing, hlmanvcases law erl|brcelllen[ is 11 )~, ~h e 13 share that hllkwi/13tioll uith "~ott. C[ ze abuse o" his inl~l'm3tit ~ o h'e e , Ii rnidate or harass regislered sex offenders will tlln be tolerated. FHrlhel', sHch ahBse could porch ia) y c ~ c "( 'ce e's tv to do COlD[llllllitV n(ailicaliotls. We believe the Otll~¢ perslx~ Who wins if COtllmullil~, nolit~tc'atiOll e~lds is the sex ol'fel~del', since sex ( ~ c e's de ve their power through secrecy. If ",'o ~l have a nv inl'ormalion re~al'dillg current criminal activity of [hill or tiny other offender, please call 911. For olher sex on~nder infornmtion, !~l.,~.~ ~:// TITO RICHARD ESTRADA WHITE HISPANIC MALE-DOB: 01/08/1991 ~;'-06"- 170 LBS.. BROWN HAIR & BROWN EYES Tito ESTRADA is required to register as a sex of Jbnder due to a conviction on 01/05/2007 lbr I count of Residential Burglary with Sexual Motivation and 2 counts of l~lony. Indecent Liberties, King County. cause #06-8-0005026-8. This mviction is from when ESTRADA was almost 16 years old, he raped and sexually assaulted a 30 year old woman on muhiple period of a few ntonths. Unbeknownst to the Mason County Sheriff's Office, ESTRADA moved to the Union area of Mason County in February 2(.112, but never registered. ESTRADA is believed to be hiding somewhere in Mason or Grays Harbor Counties. Due to these factors. ESTRADA is considered a ItlGll RISK. ESTRADA is assessed by the Mason County Sheriff's Office as a level [ sex offimder, but due to his Fail To Register and hiding from Law Enforcement, he is now risked as a This is tlae highest level given lo a Sex Offender, meaning that the subject is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend. n~you observe ESTRADA, do nt)t approach,_but call 911. ESTRADA'S WHEREABOUTS ARE UNKNOWN AND HE IS WANTED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT Saltwater Park slated to reopen STAF~ REPORT performs all regular main- $7 and $8 to park a trailer. pr@ma~o;~co~n~y,com tenance of the parking lot, There will be no charge to picnic areas and park land, use the restrooms or to park scape, and use the picnic grounds. As crab season ap- Located on U.S. High- When Skokomish Park proaehes 6n Sunday, the way 101, Skokomish Parkat Potlaeh was known as SkokomishI Tribe announc- at Potlatch is situated three Saltwater Park it was op- es the reol~ening of the for- miles south of Hoodsport : crated by the City of' Ta- mer Saltwelter Park located and 14 minutes north ofcoma. It was transferred to on Hood Cgnal in Potlatch. Shelton. It is often referred the tribe in 2011 as part of The park will now be to as the "powerhouse" boat the settlement between the known as ~kokomish Park launch due to its location tribe and the City of Taco- at Potlach2The key feature across from Tacoma Pow- ma for damages related to of this pa~k is a fantastic er's Cushman (Coleman) construction of dams on the boat launcl~ into the beauti- Powerhouse No. 2. Skokomish River. ful Hood Clmal. For the month of July, aFor more information, The Sl~okomish Tribe has invested in improv- ing the parking areas by grading aOd graveling tne parking lot. The tribe also daily boat launch and park- ing fee will be in effect ev- ery Friday, Saturday and Sunday as well as on July 4. The boat launch fee is contact Lisa Breckenridge at Skokomish Indian Tribal Enterprises via email at lis- ab@skokomishenterprises. org or 877-2024. Doug Hanna Memorml Scholarship awarded Three graduating stu- Shelton for 19 years. Heawarded to students inter- dents fro~ Shelton High is responsible for bringing ested in becoming a mu- .School were recently pre- competitive swimming to sic educator. The student sented $2;500 each from Mason County, scholar- must have a 2.0 or higher the Doug ~anna Memorial ship organizers said. HeGPA and possess musical Scholarship. died in 1987 and his family merit. The students -- Madison and friends established the Petersen is a 2012 grad- Pinter, Jennifer Monnie scholarship in his memory, uate of Tumwater High and Steplianie Howard- For more informationSchool, having earned a received t~e scholarships cal 426-5821. GPA of 3.49. May 17 at the school's . She received the Choral Awards Nlght ..... .... Artist of the Year Award The sdholarships are ~nellon resloen~ and placed third in the SCHOLARSHIPS earns scholarship awarded 0nly to Shelton High School students who graduate and are pursu- ing higher education in the field of education. During the two-part scholarship, recipients are eligible tol reapply during their sophomore year of school for a second mon- etary award. Hanna iwas a teacher and swimming coach in Radid State Mezzo Soprano con- from WWU test. She was a piano ac- Western Washington companist and part of University student Han- choir, band, theater, tennis nah Rose Petersen, daugh- and youth group. ter of James and Sally Pe- An incoming freshman tersen of Shelton, received to Western, she hopes to a $1,000 Ada and Don Wal- obtain a degree in sec- ter Endowment Scholar- ondary music education. ship for the 2012-2013 aca- She wants to pursue a ca- demic year. reer directing high school The Ada and Don Walter choirs and providing vocal Endowment Scholarship is training. Continued~from page B-1 However, continuing the ham radio field day in the digital agq serves a broader purpose, climb members said. "In a hurricane, among the thing~ that get blown down first are cell phone towers," Myers said. "When all else fails, ham radio can get through." Mark Henderson, a mem- ber of am~tteur radio club, also participates in the Mason COunty Communi- cations Sdpport Team, and the Amateur Radio Emer- gency S~ervice (ARES), which are: made up mostly of ham radio operators. In an emergency such as Hur- ricane Ka~rina, he said ham operators ~re vital to emer- gency response. "The first people on the air were the ham opera- tors," he s~id. Septic, Sewer & Water Line Repair Driveways Surface & Repair Wholesale Topsoil, Compost. Bark & Mulch HLLME981BN Roger Fredrickson, Pastor bleefin9 at P.O. Box t722 Ultiwaup CommunRy Club H00dsp0rL WA 98548 28621 N. Hwy. 10t (360) 229-3053 Ulliwaup, WA 98555 Email: bibtechape/ Sundays at 10:30 a.m. P/ease join us in womhipping the Lord in relaxed reverence! Them is always a place for you! The Journal will deliver your business card* to over 25,000 readers 12 times a year for only Shelton-Mason County 36C 12 Let your current customers and your community know you're here to serve them especially when times are www, masoncounty, com • . . ........ * as a business card stzed black & white ad pubhshed once per month 360-275-6680Account- herald@mas°nI°unty'c°m- -- r • Jesse Mullen, General Manager - and OPEN DISPLAY (ROI ): JOURNAL 360-426-4412 DISPLAY CLASSIFIED Dave Pierik. Advertising Manager - • Harvey Morris, Manager harveyr Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 28, 2012