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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 28, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 28, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PIONEERSCHOOLNEWS Courtesy photo Students in Pioneer Primary School recently took part in a spelling bee. Pioneer students compete in bee By KAREN EVERETT Winning the second gradepretty unbelievable," Ma- Specia~ l o the Journal bee by spelling "videotape" lina said. "I can't believe ..................... was Jayden Scott. The sec- how many words we had to ond grade finalists were Mi- spell!" There was quite a C-E-L- chael Lebeda, Logan Azul, Under the direction of E-B-R-A-T-I-O-N at Pioneer Grace Uch, Zachary Boling, parent Rebecca Stephens, Primary School during the Lynae Beltran, Samantha the Pioneer Parent Teacher last week of school as the Drywater, Austin Amund- Association sponsored the Spelling Bee Champions m son, Tanner Sims, ConnorSpelling Bee and awarded grades 1-3 were crowned. Smith, OwenVick and Rose- the winners with a trophy The first grade winner mary Hughes. in the shape of a bee. Other was Katie Davis who com- Malina Stephens became participants received med- peted against the first grade the third grade Spelling Bee als and certificates. Superin- finalists Blake Campbell, Champion by correctly spell- tendent Marty Brewer and Ashley Carson, Trentyn Su- inK the word "exchange. The Principal Peggy Sanderson pry, Gage Taylor, Makayla other third graders compet- along with PTA members Clark, Ian Wilsbach, Chad inK in the finals were Lily Trisha Davis, Heather Tay- Strey, Liliana Mazzoncini, Reynolds, Bailey Crumley, lor and Jenifer Meier served Jasmine Sanchez, Lisa El- Alijah Kraitz, Levi Giber- as judges in the competition liott and Syrena Rojas. son, Andrew Devine, Vitoand parent Tara Rigby was The winning word in first Mazzoncini, Tlalli Equihua, the word pronouncer. Dur- grade was "else." It was a Hayden Nailor, AlexanderinK the next school year, the lengthy competition as it Narrance, Rebeca Heelee PTA plans to expand the took close to an hour to de- and Xavier Martin. Spelling Bee to the district's termine the winner. "The Spelling Bee was intermediate school. Shelton School District announces meals program Nor[N~ror,,k. tL. @ 2012 A~state ~asurance Co Just 16 beautiful miles North of She#on on Highway 101 Happy Independence Day! Keep Kids & Pets Safe The Journal Office will be closed for the holiday. Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, June 28, 2012 The Shelton School District recently an- July 9-Aug. [0 (Monday-Friday); snack nounced it will be sponsoring the Seamless 10-10:15 a.m./lunch noon-12:30 p.m." Shelton Summer FeeQliag Program for Children. High School, 3737 N. Shelton Springs Road Meals will be available at no ch.arge to chil- July 23-Aug. 10 (Monday-Friday); break- dren 18 and younger in the district, fast 8:30-9 a.mAunch noon-12:30 p.m.; Bor- All meals are available without regard to deaux Elementary, 305 E. University Ave. race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. Questions can be directed to the Shelton Meals will be available at the following School District Food Service Department at times and locations: 426-2533. Altergtes Balance Problems Bell's Pals. Dizziness/Vertigo Ear infections Hearing loss/Deafness Saliva glana elsoraers SeD~al aevlatlon Skin cancer Sinusitis Sleep Apnea (surgical treatment Swimmer's Ear Tinnitus Throat cancer Shyrolo alsoroers (surgical treatment) -rLvrola cancer Tonsillitis Neck masses Nose bleeds voice OlSOn3ers Jordan Mulder. D.O. Otolatyngo~o~y Capital ENT 404-B Black Hills Lane SW. Ol'4mD~a, WA 98502 Dr. Mulder will begin taking appointments June 2. His office opens July 2. Accepting adult and pediatric patients What exactly is an otolaryngologist? Otolaryngologists are physicians trained in the medical and surgical treatment of the ear nose.mroat (ENT) as we as related structures of the head anc neck,They are commonly referred to as ENT ohyslc ans. For what specific reasons wotdd someone come to see you? As you can see from the list to the left, an ENT pnysician is specially trainee to care for a variet~ of medical conditions affecting both adult and De- elastic patients, Some more common proolems nclude allergies, ea- infections tonsillitis and sinus infections. Jordan Mulder, 1:3.O. • Ten year workmanshi~