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Colt-Palominos second baseman Brendan Adams tags an opposing player
against Mountlake Terrace on Sunday at Mason County Recreation Area.
Journal photos by Emily Hanson
during the team's game
Colt-Palominos pitcher Jack McQuarrie
reaches back for a pitch during the team's
game against Mount Lake Terrance on Sunday
at Mason County Recreation Area.
Baseball no said. 'Tin hoping we at
least pull one off. The lev-
Continued from page C-1 el of play we're up against
are guys a lot older than
"He struggled in the third we are. If we can win
and fifth innings and they one, I'll be happy. If we
hit him around." can win two, we'll make
Drinkard had three it to Sunday and we'll be
strikeouts and two walks, go6d."
He allowed seven runs on Solano said he believes
10 hits. the more baseball athletes
"Brendan Adams and play and the more situa-
Wyatt O'Connor came tions they're in, the better
around and hit the ball for they'll become at playing
us Sunday," Solano said. the game.
This weekend, the Colt- "Winning is just a prod-
Palominos are traveling uct of them putting it to-
to Maltby for the Maltby gether and they're learn-
Tournament, scheduled for ing," Solano said. "We all
tomorrow. Saturday and like to be winners, but
Sunday at Tucker Willis because they're so young,
Park. I think they'll gain more
"I'm optimistic," Sola- from just playing."
Bayshore Ladies' Golf Team Best Ball net: 1st. Gretchen Klein, Kim Anderson,
June 21 -- Best Ball Tournament Trina Arnott, Donna Allerdings, 127; 2nd, Kathy Sorgen-
Gross: 1st, Toni Stevens and Luana Ellis. ~ frei. Bonnie Morrow, Linda Stewart. Sharon Hadsall, 127
Net: 1st. Judy Prestegaard and Joan Mauritzen, 61; 2nd June 18 -- ONES
(tie l Val James and Monica Gibbs. Mary Lou Wicken and 9-hole Division
Marge Witcraft, 62: 4th, Billie Elms and Kay Warnock, 63: Flight 1: 1st, MaryLou Trautmann, 18: 2nd, Robbi A1-
5th, Harlene Robbins and Judy Zehrung, 66 berts, 19
Kps: Charleen Wallitner and Kiin Freet, No. 3, 5'3"; Judy Flight 2: 1st, Bonnie Morrow. 21.5; 2nd, Sharon Hadsall,
Prestegaard and Joan Mauritzen, No. 7.10'4" 22
Pars: Bonnie Morrow, No. 4 and No. 7
Lake Limerick Ladies' Golf Low net of the day: (tie) Robbi Alberts and MaryLou
June 13 -- Shamrock Tournament Trautmann. 33
Low gross of the field: Gretchen Klein, 84 Low putts: MaryLou Trautmann. 12
Low net of the field: Donna Allerdings, 65 June 20 -- Low Net
1st Flight low gross: Kim Anderson, 85 9-hole Division
1st Flight low net: Michele Johnson, 70 Flight 1: 1st, Barb Eberhart, 34; 2nd, Bonnie Morrow, 35
2nd Flight 10w gross: Luana Ellis, 100 Flight 2: 1st, Sheila Thomas, 39: 2nd. Clara Robinson,
2nd Flight low net: iYfaryLou Trautmann, 72 41; 3rd, Pat Wass, 44
3rd Flight low gross: Ann Johnson, 100 Pars: Gail Gagner, No. 1; Bonnie Morrow, No. 7
3rd Flight low net: Bonnie Morrow, 69 Low net of the day: Barb Eberhart, 34
man un
By EMILY HANSON Following Steph's is Hood Canalare tied for second place in the Olym-
emi~y~ma.~'oncoun/y.com Communications at 3-1 and Shelton pic League with 2-1 records. Follow-
.............................. Athletic Club at 2-1. Camco. Not This ing those teams is Sage Bookstore
Time, Lucky Dog Casino and A 24/7 with a record of 2-2. Joey B's Softball
The two adult softball leagues Bail Bonds have yet to win a game in and RE/MAX have yet to score a win
each have an undefeated team so far the Cascade League. this season.
this season. The next Cascade League games The Olympic League teams play
In the Cascade League, Steph's are scheduled for 6:15 p.m. and 7:15 next at 6:15 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. on
Espresso is leading with a 4-0 record p.m. tonight at Callanan Park and July 2 at Callanan Park and at
while Castle & Coleman Logging is MCRA. Mason County Recreation Area
also 4-0 in the Olympic League. Fuddpuckers and Team Griffey ,MCRA).
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Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 28, 20t2