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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 28, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 28, 2012
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Courtesy of Robin Nault Shelton girls' rugby players Diandra Nault, from left, Kaitlin Woods and Devon Vieria push their opponents during a ruck on Saturday while playing for the Washington Loggers, the state wide girls' all-star team. Rugby Continued from page C-1 country. Last weekend, Brian Nault, who could not play in the Idaho tournament due to a concussion, was invited to the All-American camp. "Brian has a bright fu- ture," Sullivan said. "His potential is pretty high." Nault said he was really excited to be invited to the camp, which will take place in December in Arizona. "I'm glad I can get the experience to go over to Arizona and be with other All-Americans," Nault said. "I'm speechless." He said he is very hon- ored and proud to have this opportunity and that the in- vitation surprised him. "Hopefully, I have a good chance of making it onto Team USA Rugby," he said. "I believe in myself so hope- fully I'll do well at camp." To prepare for the camp, Nault said he'll be doing a lot of cardio exercises over the coming months and building up his strength. Love golf tournament signs three celebrity players STAFF REPORT pr@masoneou nty.eo~ Three celebrity golf- ers have signed on to play at the second annual Love INC Golf Tournament next month. Julia Cruz and Nesby Glasgow will join Don James as the celebrity golf- ers for the tournament, set for July 30 at the Alder- brook Golf Course in Union. Cruz is a former Seat- tle Mariner record holder and now the voice of the Mariners. Glasgow is a for- mer NFL player who also played for the University of Washington as a four-year • starter, All-American who played in the 1978 Rose Bowl. James is the former UW head football coach. James attended Love INC's tournament last year, as well. During the tournament, there are several hole-in- one prizes, including a car donated by Gillis Auto Center and $5,000 in cash. In addition, Gillis will do- nate prizes to all hole-in- ones made on the par three holes. Team prizes total $3,600 in cash value. The cost to play is $125 per player, which includes green fees, tee packets, din- ner and auction. Cart fees are extra. To register for the tournament, go to www., Extra dinner tickets are $30 each and must be, purchased in advance. Alderbrook Prop- erties and Falcon Finan- cial/Drew MacEwen are title and tournament span-• sors, respectively. Due to the success of last year's tournament, Love INC was able to touch the lives of 508 adults and 246 children who otherwise would not INC Golf l~urnament have been helped, and Dinner "Coach James, Cruz ....... and Glasgow are excited to When: Sclomble format b gins at 1] o.m,; be on our team," said Bill Kendrick, former Superin- .... tendent of Seattle Public Where~ hlderbraok Golf Course in Union Schools and now Love INC golf chairman and board £0st: 5125 per gotfer, dinner tickets 530 member. "These men are so : : impressed with what Love INC stands for and does for our community, they jumped at the chance to help." All proceeds from the golf tournament go to Love INC of Mason County, a I Din J~mes, former~ Uoivers ty of Washington head football coech I Nesby Glasgow, former NE player who Qlse p eyed for the UW footba team as a fore/ear Stn er, AIl4m tkan who played in ~ ~9Z8 Eo~ Bowl 501(c)(3) which mobilizes the local churches in Ma- .... son County to assist those I:Ju!iOOUzifo~merSeoVde/~Oriner in need. ~ i~O~ I~l~er, now Voii~ r,~:the ~Qriners "No money leaves this :: : : ..... area," Kendrick said. Halo,in-one Prizes: The scramble format event will start at 11 a.m. with registration at 9 a.m. ::::::~ A catered dinner featur- ing specialty barbecue by Smoking Mo's Kitchen will be served at 5:30 p.m. Love INC operates a ::..":.: ::: : : : ..... clearinghouse to verify the needs of clients and to as- sist those with legitimate needs. Shelter, food, util- ity assistance, firewood, clothing and many other basic services are provided through Love INC's net- work of churches and vol- unteers. Support of Love INC allows the transforma- tion of lives and communi- ties. To date, there are 17 local churches supporting Love INC and the list grows weekly. For more informa- tion on Love INC go to i:!? A smart way to sa~"'br future heWthcare needs. Our HSA, works similar to an interest bearing checking account--you coo pay for qualified medical expenses via check, debit card or online banking. This flexible account, combined with a high deductible health plan (HDHP), is the perfect way to save and pay for medical expenses. Ask us how you con benefit today! hShs are a tax-free savings account available to individuals who have a qualified HDHP, where funds are used to pay for current and future medical expenses. Mamber FDIC Shelton Branch 1 360.426.4431 301 EWallace Kneeland Blvd., Suite 115 the quality bank Serving the Pacific Northwest since 1921 ,~ ~v~.°m For Extra Value ~t-~ The Most Complete Pack, ages in Town! BASC SHEg PRIEBUlLT StlEgS 8'x12' 6'x8' 10' x 12'..s875o° 12' x 16')..$'1,300o° PVC & COMPOSITE DECKING Good Evergrain Elements s1.591f Getter Fiberon (PVC CAP) 2.39 If Best Azeck PVC & Tuffb0ard PVC 2.99 If Limited to stock on hand ask about contractor mfgr. rebates 18 X 12 um ook 4X16 4o uuS45[) 8X16 $7~ 6 DRU M "/q,~ WE STOCK YEAR ROUND PELLETS & FIRELOGS Delivery Available RAILROAD TIES 6X8 - 8ft Askabout 9'- 16' ) Switch Ties Golf Tournament the Wild Felid Advocacy Center of Washington 501(c)3 nonprofit organization • 2012 8:00 am Shotgun Start (Scramble Format- No handicaps) $75.00 donation per person ($51.00 donation for Bayshore Golf Course Members) Individual and team entries welcome To reserve your cart call: 426-1271 ($12.00 per seat + tax) ~ce Register by: July 13, 2012 Information/registration" (360) 427-4466 www.wildfel¢o or s8,000 in team, contest & door prizes! Competition Prizes Grrrreat Silent Auction ! 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