June 29, 1944 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 29, 1944 |
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(age 4
New Varnish
phor, shellac, ethyl,
mercury bichloride.
him for
Public lends
(Paid Adv.)
P“ 1
Thursday Saturday
Shelton. Wash.
East Side Kids
Sunday Wednesday
. Roy Rogers
Thursday - Saturday
TOR OIL is a heavyweight
champion built to bear big
burdens. With trucks and trac-
tors working overtime, carry—
ing bigger loads than ever,
engine parts are taking a
terrific beating— and engine
parts are scarce. You can cut
wear to a whisper with RPM
Heavy Duty Motor Oil, spe-
cially developed to make
alcohol and
Sam (larke
Republican Fo resfe r
and Engineer, has had
22 years education
and experience fitting
Slate Commissioner
heavy loads easy on engines.
For gasoline and certain
Diesel engines, RPM Heavy
Duty Motor Oil contains spe-
cial compounds that keep en-
gines clean, prevent ring stick-
ing, resist formation of carbon
and sludge. It sticks to hot
spots where engine wear is
RPM Heavy Duty Motor
Oil gives you that margin
of safety that saves repairs,
stretches the life of scarce
It’s Doing a War Job Now—
and the [demands for RPM
Heavy Duty Motor Oil are
heavy. So, we can’t sell it now
for passenger cars or for trucks
under ZXg-ton size.
1st and Cota
Hi School Service
Red Cross Prepares
A new varnish to prevent books
from molding in warm, damp places For More Prisoners
contains turpentine, castor oil, cam-
In View of the possible increase
: of American prisoners of war dur-
[ing the European invasion period.
in three months reserve of Ameri-
can Red Cross standard food
packages has been established in
virtually all German prison camps
it was announced today by Am-
erican Red Cross national head-
Nearly all prisoner of war
camps in Germany have been sup-
plied with reserve clothing as
well. Shipped by the American
Red Cross, these supplies have
been issued through the Interna-
tional Red Cross Committe in
Geneva, Switzerland. =
No. 351
COUNTY Tgfi ngnuuowm:
A Municipal Corporation and one of
the Counties of the State of 'Wash—
Tigfon. Plaintiff.
sons hereinafter named as owners of
any of the hereinafter described real
property. and all persons unknown
owning or claiming to own, or having
,or claiming to have, any right. title.
: estate.
interest or
said property or any
You. and each of you, are hereby
notified that the above named plain—
tiff, Mason County. a municipal cor—
poration, and one of the lawfully
organized and existing counties of
the State of Washington, is the. owner
and holder of a certificate of delin-
quency issued in one certificate in
book form and dated the 24th day of
equity in and to
part thereof.
1.111110. 1944. by the Treasurer of said
‘Mason County. Washington.
and is-
Sued to the said Mason County for
the' several amounts due and owing for
taxes on each and every lot. tract,
or parcel of land hereinafter more
particularly described and set forth,
said amount being set out opposite,
each particular description and being
the amount duo and delinquent upon
each particular lot, tract. or parcel of
land respectively for taxes for the
year of 1937. for which said Mason
County claims right of foreclosure as
will more specifially appear by refer-
encc to each particular description
herein, together with all interest.
costs. and penalties thereon up to and
including the 24th da‘y of June. 1944.
the name of the person. firm or Cor-
‘ poration to whom or which said prop-
crty is assessed being Set forth with
'cach particular description. all of said
1 Page 27.
property being situated in Mason
County, State of Washington, and bo-
ing more particularly described as fol—
lows. to-wit:
Original Certificate No. 1, Roll 1.
Line 19. Assessed to Ham-
mond, Raymond; Tract No. 10 of Lot
3 Ex R of W. Sec. 28, Twp. 22 N..
R. 1, Tract No. 10 is de—
scribed as follows: Beginning at a
point. on the East line of Govern-
ment Lot Three (3) in Section 28.
Twp. 22 N. Range 1 W.W.M. 270 feet
northerly from tho SE. corner of said
Lot 3, Thence westerly 1560 feet more
or less to Beach along a line which
is parallel with and 270 feet north
of the South line of said Lot 3.
Thence Northwestcrly along Beach
310 feet more or less to a line- which
is parallel with and 540 feet north
of the South line of said Lot 3,
Thence Easterly along the line 1675
feet more or less to the East line of
said Lot 3, Thence Southerly along
the line 270 feet to place of beginning,
containing 10.26 acres of land. more
or less. Year in Certificate 1937, Cer-
tificate $2.91.
Original Certificate No. 2. Roll 1.
l23 N. R.
line of cxtrcme low tldc and in front
of. Lots 9, 10 and 11. Sf‘ctlon 31. Twp.
1 W. with a total frontage
.8010 lineal chains. morn or loss meas-
‘ured along the mcandcr linc. Year in‘
. tho meander
Page 44. Linc 23. Assessed to Mickel--
Sena und 14 Mickelson, Chester
son, .
und V2; Tract No. 6 of SE14 NEIA
(Chester Mickelson's - 1/2 Interest).
Sec. 29 Twp. 23 N.. R. 1,
.Tract No. 6 is described as follows:
east quarter ~
Beginning at the Southeast corner
of the Southeast quarter of the North-
of Section 29, Town-
ship 23 North, Range 1 West
thence West along the South line of
said Southeast of Northeast 270 feet
to a point; thence North 270 feet;
thence East 270 feet to the East line
of said Section 9; thence South on
saidsection lin to the point of‘ be-
ginning; except from the above de—
scribed tract of land Right-of—way
heretofore deeded to State of Wash-
ington for Public Highway. Year in
Certificate‘1937. Certificate $1.09.
Original Certificate No. 3. Roll 1,
Page 47, Line 24. Assessed to Puget
. Sec.
Certificate 1937.
Original Certificate No, 4.
Certificate $17.32.
Roll 1.
Page 48. Linc 30, Assessed to Puget
Mill Cog» Tax. No. 741, Sec. 32. Twp.
23 N., R. l, VV.VY,M. Tax No. 741
is described as follows: All tide lands
9f the second class. owncd by Lhr‘
State of Washington. lying between
the lino of mean low tidv and the
line of extrcmo low tide and in from
of Lot 3 and the VVesl side of Lot 2,
Sec. 32 with a frontage of 28.70 lineal
chains, more or less moasurcd along
lino. Year in Certificate
1937. Certificate $6.14.
Original Certificate No. 5. Roll 1.
Page 51. Line 2. Assesscd to Norton,
George E.: S 30 Acres of Lot 1. Sec.
1. Twp. 20 N.. R. 2. Year
in Certificate 1937. Certificate $14.54.
Original Certificate No. 6, Roll 1.
Page 52, Line 18, Assessed 10 Murphy.
Frank L‘.; Nit; SE‘; SEEK. SE34, Soc.
2. Twp. 20 N., R. 2. Year in
Certificate 1937, Ccriilicafc $.49.
Original Certificate No. 7. Roll 1.
Page 52. Line 19, Assessed to Hol—
lick. Katherinc: S"; SE11 SE14 SE13,
Sec. 2. Twp. 20 N. R. 2. W.W.M.
in Ccrlil‘icalc 1937. Certificate
Original Certificate No. 8. Roll 1.
Page 58, Line 9. Assessed to Snod-
grass. R. L.: Tract No. 2 of SE11
NWli. Sec. 9, Twp. 20 N.. R. 2. W.
W.M. Tract No. 2 is described as fol-
lows: Beginning at the NE cor. of
the SE1... of the NW!. of Sec. 9.
Twp. 20 N. R. 2 W.W‘.M. run south
on quartcr section line 330 ft; thence
W 660 11.; thence N 330 11.; thence E
to place of beginning except right of
way for county road. Year in Certifi-
cate 1937. Certificate $.96.
Original Certificate N03 9. Roll 1,
Page 106, Line 7, Assessed to Bank
of Calif. Nat'l. Ass‘n; SW14 NWli.
Sec. 7. Twp. 22 N., R. 2.
Year in Certificate 1937,
$5.37. ‘
Original Certificate No. 10. Roll 1.
Page 106, Linc 10. Assessed to Bank
of Calif. Nai'l. Ass'n.: NW1; SW14,
7. Twp. 22 N.. R. 2 W.W.M.
$5 87 in Certificate 1937, C(‘r‘tificate
Original Certificate No. 11. Roll 1.
Page 106, Line 11, Assessed to Bank
of Calif. Nat'l. Ass'n.; SW14 SW14,
Sec. 7. Twp. 22 N., R. 2. W.W.M.
Year in Certificatc 1937. Certificate
Original Ccrtificatc No. 12. Roll 1,
PageVIOG, Line 41. Assessed to Hewitt.
Anna Elizabeth 1/3, Hewitt. Mary
Brewer of al '2/3; NET/1, SE14. Sec.
8, Twp. 22 N.. R. 2,.- Year
in Certificate 1937. Certificate $6.74.
Original Certificate No. 13. Roll 1.‘
Page 120. Line 13. Assessed to North
Pacific Public Service Co.; SE14
NWl/i. Sec. 29. Twp. 22 N.. R. 2.
W.W.M. Year in Certificate 1937. Cer-
tificate $11.12.
Original Certificate No. 14. Roll 2,
Page 8. Line 22. Assessed to Ver-
beck. Albert: SE14 SWIA. Sec. 8,
Twp. 19 N.. R. 3, W.W.M. Year in
Certificate 1937. Certificate $12.00.
Original Certificate No. 15, Roll 2,
Page 55, Line 26. Assessed to Puget
Mill C0.; NWlfi. SEEK, Sec. 27. Twp.
20 N., R. 3. Year in Certi—
ficate 1937. Certificate $4.84.
Original Certificate No. 16, Roll 2.
Page 55, Line 28. Assessed to Puget
Mill Co.: SE14 SE14. Sec. 27. Twp.
20 N.. R. 3. W.W.M. Year in Certifi-
cate 1937, Certificate $4.84.
Original Certificatc No. 17. Roll 2.
Page 70. Line 17, Assessed to Gordon.
Mabel V.; NWlA SW14. Sec. 1, Twp.
21 N., R. 3. W.\V.M. Year in Certifi-
catc 1937. Certificate $5.77.
Original Certificate No. 18. Roll 2,
Page 96, Line 13, Assessed to Raleigh
Chinn 3/4. Cary. Walter Edward et
a! 1,2,: NEW. SE14, Sec. 8, Twp. 22
N R. 3, W.W.M. Year in Certificate
1937. Certificate $8.19.
Original Certificate No. 19, Roll 2.
Pagc 96. Line 35, Assessed to Raleigh
Chinn 3/4, Cary. Walter Edward et
al 1/1: Sill/1,; NEH}. Sec, 9, Twp. 22
N. 3, W.W.M. Ycar in Certificate
. R.
1937, Certificate $5.77.
Original Certificate No. 20, Roll 2,
Page 96. Line 39, Assessed to Raleigh
Chinn 3/4. Cary. Walter Edward of
a1 1.4.; SW14 NW1/, Sec. 9, Twp.
22 N.. P... 3. Year in Certifi-
cz‘lc 1937. Certificate $40.43.
Original Certificate No. 21. Roll 2.
Page 96, Line 40, Assessed to Raleigh
Chinn 3/4. Cary. Walter Edward ct
al 1,41,: SELL NVVM. Sec. 9, Twp. 22
N.. R. It. W.W.M. Year in Certificate
1937, Certificate $9.17.‘
Original Certificate No. 22, R0ll‘2.
Page 97, Line 8. Asssscd to Raleigh
Chin Co. 3/4. Cary. Walter Edward
ct 31.1.11; SE14. NW9; Sec. 10. Twp.
22 N.. R. 3. W.W.M. Year in Certifi—
cate 1937, Certificate $21.29.
Original Certificate No. 23. Roll 2.
ago 97. Llne 9. Assessed to Raleigh
'hinn Co. 3/4 and Cary, Walter Ed-
ward et a1 1.6.: NEE/4 SW14, Sec. 10.
Twp. 22 N., R. 3, Year in
Certificate 1937, Certificate $5.77.
Original Certificate No. 24, Roll 2.
Page 97, Line 12. Asscsscd to Raeligh
Chinn Co. 3/4 and Cary, Walter Ed-
ward et al ‘4: SE34 SW14. Sec. 10.
Twp. .22 N.. R. 3. W.W.M. Year in
Certificate 1937. Certificate $5.77.
Original Certificate No. 25. Roll 2,
Page 99. Line 8. Assessed to Raleigh
Mill 00.; Tax No. 742, Sec. 31, Twp. . Chinn 3/4 and Cary, Walter Edward
742 , et a1 IA: Lot 4. Sec. 14. Twp. 22 N.,
as follows: All tide lands ; R. 3. W.W.M. Year in Certificate 1937,
23 N.. R. 1. Tax No.
is describe
of the Second class owned by the 1 Certificate $5.63.
State of Washington. lying letween
Original Certificate No. 26, Roll 2.
the line of mean low tide, and the Page 99. Line 9, Assessed to Raleigh
._..__.--_______... ,_
Page 118, Linc 12, ASSOSSE‘CI to Hewitt.
Anna Elizabeth 1/3 and Hewitt. Henry
Brewcr of al 2/3; SEM .WM, Soul
5. Twp. 23 N.. R. 3, W.W. Your
in Certificate 1937. Certificate 6.03.
Original Certificate No. 34, Roll 2,
Page 119. Line 33. Assessed to Hewitt,
Anna Elizabeth 1/3 and Hewitt, Henry
Brewer of :11 2/3; NEE; NWl/g, Sec. 8,
Twp. 23 N.. R. 3, W.W.M. _Yca1: in
Certificate 1937. Ceilificate $3.84.
Original Certificate No. 35, Roll 2.
Page 121. Line 14. Assessed to Knoc-
land Invest. (10.: Lot 3. Sec. 11. Twp.
23 N. R. 3. Ycar in Certifi-
cate 1937. Certificate $9.70.
Original Ccrtlficate No. 36. Roll 2,
Page 121. Line 15. Assessed to Knee-
land Invest. Cm; Lot 4. Sec. 11, Twp.
23 N., R. 3, W.W.M. Your in Cor—
tificatc 1937. Certificate $9.70.
Origian Certificate No. 37. Roll 2.
Page 122, Line 38. Assessed truKneo-
land Inv. 00.; NW}; NW9}; or Lot
.1, Sec. 14. Twp. 23 N.. R. 3, W.W.M.
Year in Certificate- 1937; Certificate
Original Certificate No. 38. Roll 2.
Page 123. Line 1, Assrssed to Knee-
land Invest. 00.: Lot 1. Sec. 15, Twp.
23 N.. R. 3. “Year in Certifi-
calc 1937. Certificate $6.58.
Original Certificate No. 39. Roll 2.
Page 128. Line 4’, Assessed to Al-
bright, Emma ; NW 1,4 SE 1/1 SW 14.
Sec. 23. Twp. 23 N..~ R. 3. W.W.M.
Year in Certificatc 1937, Certificate
Original Certificate No. 40, Roll 2,
Page 153, Linc 42, Assessed to Buol
Logging 00.; Lot 4, Sec. 31. Twp.
24 N.. R. 3. Year in Certifi—
cate 1937, Certificate $183.39.
Original Certificate No. 41, Roll 3.
Page 4, Line 3, Assessod to .Nichols.
Walter; SWI/s, NEE/1. Sec. 5. Twp. 19
N., R. 4. Year in Certificate
1937. Certificate $7.69.
Original Certificate No. 42, ,Roll 3,!
Page 4. Line. 4, Assessed to Ander-i
son, Ella M.; SE14 NE‘A. Sec. 5,!
Twp. 19 N.. R.-4, Year in“.
Certificate 1937, Certificate $7.69. i
Original Certificate No. 43, Roll 3.:
Page,6. Line 43. Assessed to Rice,;
NW14. l
Tyrone; No. 196 SW1/,, NEIA
Sec. 7, Twp. 19 N.. R. 4. W.W.M.
Year in Certificate 1937, Certificate
$2.09. 1
Original Certificate No. 44. Roll 3.
Page 3. Line 13, Assessed to Lund.
Gunnar; No. 184. NEE; NW3; NW9.
Sec. 8. Twp.'19_N., R. 4, W.W.M.
$293; in Certificate 1937, Certificate
Original Certificate No. 45, Roll 3,
Page 8, Line 27. Assessed to' Rice,
Tyrone; N0. 232 NE‘A NWM. SW1A.
Sec. 8, Twp. 19 N., R. 4,
fiegf in Certificate 1937, Certificate'
wOriginal Certificate No. 46. Roll 3.
Page 73. Line 16, Assessed to anr.
Anastasia: SEW. SE14 ex. N943, Sec.
31. Twp. 21 N., R. 4. Year
in Certificate 1937, Certificate $2.67.
Original Certificate No. 47, Roll 3,
Page 89. Line 18, Assessed to Hanson.
Buster F.: 81/; of Tr. 2 in Lot 3
ex Tr. 3 and R of W, Sec. 26, Twp.
22 N.. R. 4, Tract 3 is de-l
scribed as follows: Beginning at a
point 10 chains south by government
measure and 16 chains east from the,
West quarter section corner of said;
section 26; running thence cast 350
feet; thené south 5 chains by gov-
ernment measure; thence west 350
feet: thence north 5 chains to the
beginning containing 2.66 acres. Year
in Certificate 1937. Certificate $51.63.
Original Certificate No. 48. Roll 3.
Page 89. Line 21, Assessed to Frink.
Jeanette and Hanson, Ellen; Lot 4?
ex R of W. Sec. 26, Twp. 22 N.,:
R. 4, Year in Certificate:
1937. Certificate $97.56. l
Original Certificate No. 49. Roll 4.
Page 1. Line 30, Assessed to Netti
Geo.; Tract 6. Sec. 1, Twp. 19 N.,1
R. 5. W.W.M. Tract 6 is described as
follows: Commencing at a point sev—
en (7) chains North of SE. corncr of
Sec. 1 Twp. 19, R. 5 run;
thence W. to the meander line of the.
lake; then in a northerly direction‘
following the meandering of said;
lake to a point directly west of a
point seven (7) chains north of the
point of beginning; thence E. to said
point seven (7) chains north of said,
point of beginning; thence S seven
(7) chains to point of beginning. This]
deed is given subject to a reserve of
a road two (2) rods wide along the
east end of said tract for a highway
and a pat_h ten (10) feet wide along
the lake snore for a footpath in com-
mon with the abutting property. Year!
in Certificate 1937, Certificate $5.79.
Original Certificate No. 50, Roll 4,i
Page 9, Line 1, Assessed to Gleason.
James R.; NE1/4 NEH/4, Sec. 16, Twp.
19 N.. R. 5. W.W.M. Year in Certifi-
cate 1937. Certificate $9.00.
Original Certificate No. 51, Roll 4,
Page 21. Line 45, Assessed to White,
Joe Wren; El/z EV.» SE12, SE14, Sec.
4, Twp. 20 N., R. 5. Year,
in Certificate 1937, Certificate $1.60.
Original Certificate No. 52, Roll 4,
Page 30, Line 20. Assessed to Taylor.
Margaret; .Esrom Place Tract 75, Sec.
13, Twp. 20 N., R. 5 Year
in Certificate 1937. Certificate $2.40.
Original Certificate No. 53. R011 4,
Page 30, Line 21. Assessed to Taylor,
Margaret; Esrom Place Tract 76, Sec.
13, Twp. 20 N.. R. 5, W.W.M. Year
in Certificate 1937, Certificate $2.40.
Original Certificate No. 54. Roll 4,
Page 37, Line 9. Assessed to Gallo-l
way, A'. 3.; SW14 NWI/ NWMi. Sec.
25, Twp. 20 N.. R. 5, wwm. Year
in Certificate 1937. Certificate $1.61.
Original Certificate No. 55, Roll 4,
Page 43, Line 19. Assessed to Gallo-
way, . 13.; S94 8% NEIA SWIAJ
Sec. 35, Twp. 20 N., R. 5.
gfzear in Certificate 1937. Certificate
Original Certificate No. 56, Roll 4.
Page 43, Line 23, Assessed to Gallo-
way. A. B.; NV; 8131/ SW14, Sec. 35,
Twp. 20 N., R. 5. W.W.M. Year in
Certificate 1937. Certificate $3.53.
Original Certificate No. 57, Roll 4.
Page 43, Line 27. Assessed to Gallo-
way, A. 3.; SW14 NEi/ SE14, Sec.
35, Twp. 20 N., R. 5, Year
in Certificate 1937. Certificate $1.76. .
Original Certificate No. 59, Roll 4,
Page 58, Line 22, Assessed to Bige-u
low, W. L. 1/2 and Thompson, Susie
W. IA; SW14 SW14 SE14 ex Eva
(Thompson 1, Interest), Sec. 27, Twp.
21 N.. R. 5. J.W.M. Year in Certifi-
cate 1937, Certificate $.35.
Original Certificate No. 60, R011 5,
Page 5, Line 16, Assessed to Johnson, l
is keyed to these times
if is our policy to maintain ,
a complete supply of [460-
Included are the miraculous
Sulpha drugs which are avail-
able for prescription by
tinny-fresh drugs at all times. 1
your physician. 1
Chinn 3/4 and Cary. Walter Edward Carrie; Allyn. “Lots 11:20. “Elk.”
at al ‘2; NEW. “SW11. Soc. 14, Ttwp. in Certificate 193:.
22 N.. R. 3, W Ycar in Cor ifi— ).
catc 1937. Certificate $5.77. Original' Certificate No. 61. Roll 5.
Original Cortii'icufc N0. 27, Roll 2, Pagc 47. Linc 41, Assesscd to
99, Line- 12, .ASScssc-Ll to Raleigh Pat: .llcReavy’s lf'll.l’.
Addition to
Chinn 3/4 and Cary. Waller Edward Hoodspor‘i. L- ~ _ 47, .34.. Year,
lag, if}; VSfV&$/..YScd 1vlb'll‘1wp.
illokjf‘l‘fi11‘)l('a(f£l% 2. .600 P01).1.1._ {
.. . u . . . . 031‘ in t" 111‘ 1‘1, la 19‘ a . 1.. l 0,!
(‘att- 1937, Certificéilo $5.77. P3510347. Line 42.. As d 1.} 151112132]
Original Certificate No. 28. Roll 2, Pal: Mcltenvy's F.
Vflf‘idll'jflll to;
Page 100. Line 17. Assessed to” Wood, Ho-ydspori, Fruc. Lots 41:
awlallc.‘ 34;}
John 12.: N-EIQV‘NEuYSNJ. 17L Ttwp. m Coriiiicah- 19.11, U-rlilicatc
22 N.. R. 3. W. .‘\l. our in ‘11' ifi- v
cute 1937, Certificaitc $20.07. Original Ccrtificnlc No. 63. Roll 5.‘
Original Certificate No. 29, Roll 2. Page 47. Line 45. Assesscd lo Ismay.
PzichIOO. Line 20, Assessed to \Vood. {and Mcficagy’s Fl'irst
{Siddgliién giro;
John 8.: SE1" NEW. Sec. 17. Twp. loospoi-t. ‘i‘ac. sot _ , .5...
22 N., R. 3. Sana:- iu Ccrtii‘i— in Certificate 1931. Certificate.
at 193”. Cerlil’c't'» $.63. '.
( Opt-iginal C(‘l'Ill‘lli'flat‘C‘ No.) 30, Roll 2.‘
Original Certificate No. 64. Roll 5,’
Pagc $0. Line 31. A15sosscd to Wood. i Page Ilsim' 46,
‘ P‘ ' in ’- ~ - . 1 v i; -' ‘
22113..“R. 1 firfii’fdspdi‘yffiijd‘ts 11-20. Blk. Year
, Cale 1937, Certificate $91.80. lin Certificati- 1937. Certificate $.68. r
Original Certificate No. 31. Roll.2,: Original Corlificatc No. 65, Roll
Page 113. Linc 10. Assessed to Hewxfl, Page 5:). Lino 2. Asvsossed t¥)1(
Anne Elizabeth 1/3 and Hewitt, Henry cnbachpr. Lllllf‘; Lakewood arr. t.
lirerxlpcr (2&331N2/31;3 Ngfliev Ybec. %-46.fi§l¥é 3;.H‘Yeax m
Celt: ion 1,
.. . .. .. . . . . car, .cri 'a .
fn Cglfificate 1937. Certificate1 $6.03. I Original Certificate No. 66.
Roll 5.
Original Certificate No. 32, Roll 2, Page 66. Linc 26, Asscsscd go
Page 118. Line 11, Assessed to Howitt. Edwin: Lakcwood I Plat. . Lois
Anna Eliztabolchl/il oral] I’lcvsv‘ikrti Hobnry gi-Jélkaer. 3491:9111:
1n Celliiicafc 193:, ,
,Bl‘E‘WPl' c :1 ,"Il: S l; . ‘cc. ‘er ice 0 ..
l5. Twp. 23 N., R. 3. Year~ Original Certificate No. 67. Roll 5.
tin Ccrlificutc 1937. Certificate $6.03. lPagc 72. Linc h H 4r
Original Certificate No. 33. Roll 2, Henry: Lakewood Plat I . Lots 0-
48, Blk. 3. Your in Certificati- 1937,
16. Assoswd to Vaughn. l
Certificate $.96.
Original Certificate No. 68. Roll 6.
Page 16, Line 43. Assessed to Carl-
son, Geo. A.; Beverly Heights. Lot
17, Blk. 5. Year in Certificate 1937.
Certificate $1.06.“ _
Original Certificate No. 69, Roll 6,
Page 26. Linc 31. Assessed to Mor—
d W.: Hillcrcst. Lot 1. Elk.
Certificate 1937, Certificate
Original Certificate No. 70, Roll 6.
Page 33. Line 10. Assessed to Peder-
James First Addition.
gan. Lloy
10. Year in
son. Lillian; i I
Lots 24. Blk. 2. Year in Cornficate
1937, Certificate $.47.
Original Certificate No. 71. Roll 6,
Page 33. Line 17. Assessed to Peder—
son. Lillian; James Fll‘Sb..Add1t10n,
Lot 1. Blk. 3. Year in Certificate 1937,
Certificate $.16. _
Original Certificate No. 72, Roll 6.
Page 33. Line 19, Assessed to Peder-
son. Sillian; James First 'Addmon.
Lot 6. Blk. 3. 6Year in Certificate 1937,
Certificate $.1'. .
Original Certificate No. 73, Roll 6,
Page 33, Line 25. Assessed to. Rhmes.
Minnie M.; James First Addition, Lots
1-2. Blk. 4. gear in Certificate 1937,
Certificate $.3 .
Orginal Ccrtificalc No. 74, Roll 6.
Page 33, Line 27, Ass sed to Rlunes,
Minnie M.; James F .t Addition. Lot
4, Blk. 4. Year in Certificate 1937.
Certificate $.16.
Original Certificate No. 75. Roll 6,
Page 33. Line 33, Assessed to Rhmes,
Minnie M.; James First Addition, Lots
12—16. Blk. 4. gear in Certificate 1937,
Certificate $.7 . _
Original Certificate No. 76, Roll 6‘.
Page 35, Line 2, Assessed .to Pedorson,
Lillian; James First Addition. Lot 4.
Blk. 10. Year in Certificate 1937, Cer-
tificate $.16.
That any
tracts. or parcels
of the foregoing lots.
of land hereinbe-I
0 K
g anon
BINNS 825 Franklin
Auburn Golden Flake
‘Prepp’s _
Drug Store
fore (inscribed and havng boon includ-
hpziymcnt ihcrcof be made, or n judg-
ldays 1.60 days) after the date of the
.1hc 29th day of June.
Thursday. Ju
with all c. inlcrcsl or penalties Visiting Here
ed in thr- (_‘orm'icaic ot' lwlimucncy almchcd Him-em. . . .4 y .
"’4 E
licrcfor‘orc issued to Mason County in tho event or your failure to zip-l
, MI' and ML”; I{OW 8:55 5
will ‘m- 501d subject to any local im- p021:- nnd (in-fond such action
and pay i have had as the” hue: S ‘r ngh 2:41 I
prom-men: ass ssnwn‘is lor pm" ;. 1h.- miount duo on such lnl.
li‘acl, or past two weeks George L0“. mfg
drainage, irrigation, or any other pai‘ccl of land assessed to you, or in
l genitth 1.4., 1
or sort oi local improvcmcm : Which You lmvc an intcrcsl as llPl‘P- L ‘
man lawfully nose . innbovo rated. Judgment will be ron- _A
That all of tin cvoral amounts dm-vd against you and against the
horoinabovc sci opposite Ihc scvcrul lot. (incl. ul' pux'i‘t‘l
of land. forc-
(if iplions of car-h particular lot, closing lliorcon the lion of Mason
1r. ., or pnrccl of real m-opmly boar County for its i'ci-til‘iculc
or dolin-
intcrosi at tho rate: of \wclvc per «um qucncy. which included all taxes.
allivs. inicrcsf, and costs against each
of said lots. tracts. m- parcols of land
up to and including the (info on which
(12%) pcr ahnum from and including
ihc 241.11 day of .Tunc. lEI-l-i. until lhv
nxenf ancred heroin. said (:Fl'tificali‘ was issued.
You. and oath of you, are. hereby Any pleading. answer. appearance“ I
sunmioncd to appear within Sixi)’ or proccss. shall be sex'vcd upon
undersigned attorney for tho plaintiff.
Mason County. of his office below
staiod. and a copy thereof filed with
_1hu clerk of the above entitch court.
first publication of this: summons and
notice, (o-wil: within sixty (lays allel-
1944. exclumv:x
1:9 29;
Milne 2*
High 1
of said date, and defend the above MAsoN COUNTY,
entitled action in the obovc entitled; A Municipal Corporalion.
court. and serve a copy of your air-I By ()MER L. DION,
swcr upon undersigned {it’lltorncyh for } L Treasurer“ T '
laintll‘i'. at his officc nitrcss ex‘c- ClAR ES T. WR .111 . _ L,
iilliolow given, or pay the amount as Acting Prosecuting Attorney and
hereinabovo sot forth upon each of Attorney for the plaintiff herein.
Office and Post Office address
said tracts or parcels of rcal property
of Attorney for Plaintiff":
of which you are the owner or reputed
Lv. Bremen-ton L
Pvt. Everett I'oun'e
(Paid adv.)
For fishermen and Campers Only
The 4th of July has always been a day set aside for
fishermen, picni'ckers and campers to get out into the woods.
Our wooded areas are unexcelled for a' place to relax and
enjoy natural surroundings. This year will be no exception.
Many people are in need of relaxation and rest. Many will
take advantage of the coming holiday to get away from
the noise and tension of the cities.
The Simpson Logging Company is in the process of
growing a new crop of timber on cut-over lands. This is
a loo-year project. Holding these lands requires a tremen-
dous investment with an uncertain return.
Our surrounding communities are also interested in
this project. Future payrolls, taxes and business are largely
dependent on: timber.
Fishermen and campers have been charged with unin-
tentionally starting fires. Fires can be kept out of the woods
by Observing these simple rules. Don’t smoke while travel—
ing- If you must smoke be sure it is in a safe place. Build
camp fires only in places where permitted. When you leave
be sure .your fire is completely out. Break every match be,-
fore throwing it away.
hlemade it I
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Impartment and
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We in legislati
'. Order to pr
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owner, or 1;: which )iuil oiwnhgrpclaim g’EasIon C(R'nty_CoLurt
House, 5.50 cm 5.4 .7
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10:10 9:30
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2:10 1 30 1'
3:00 2 00 ‘
3:40 2:35
4:40 3 _0
4:55 3 0
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5:50 5 5 '
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: . '3:- 7:15 6:30 .
g Buy extra bonds— §
' z '
g OLD and buy them “1”- § 9:00 8:40
5. § 10:00 9:40
g . § 11:10 10:20
? S 12:15 am 11:30
. ' Similar” S 12:55 12:30:! .
«g ‘ BRAND autumn”: § 0 Except Sunday. ‘ r
// "CHEERFUL AS 11s NAME” § . n Jeffer,
National Distillers Products Corporation, N. Y. c 86 Proof --- )1 § H ’
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