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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 29, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 29, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ayljune 2 yul’une 29, 1944. i : High 1:54 a.m. 13:. ft.l High 2:30 am 12': ft l Mrs} Edvfztu‘d Low 8:55 a.m. 3.3 ft. Friday Low 9:39 a.m. 2.3 ft.‘ then $1105 5 ngh 22:41 p.m. 9.8 ft. 'Juneil High 4:08 p.m. 10.3 ft. BKS G901?“ LOW 7:58 p.m. 4.2 it, Low 9:00 p.m. 5.3 ft. l lion-Seal i=5 Lv. 5:45 06:00 6:15 7:00 8:15 8:50 9:30 ‘ 10:10 10:50 , . 11:30 12:10 _' 12:50 \ 1:30 ~ 2:00 ‘ 2:35 A 3:00 3:40 j 4:25 5:15 6:00 ” l'on 1m pm . "‘Répizb.iics,, ‘ ' V Can, . o . Wino Film A’ R i E s , I . (_ 63:9 JULY» 11, 194.4 I I Advh'H‘émfin‘) 8:40 .‘ * i . .1 ' ‘ ‘ 9:40 10:20 11:30 12:30“ apt Sunday, ‘ / Ball Lij To the Voters . r . 11, Jefferson and Clallam Counties, Wash. “3’ of you, I am personally known and I wish the amount of ‘ blemade it possible for me to call upon my old friends and . _ther voters and make new friends; however, lack of time _ Impossible. There are so many geod new people'in the tith whom I am not personally acquainted that I feel that , 9“ them something of myself and something of my platform. , a candidate for the State Legislature of Washington from gislative District, which comprises Mason, JefferSon and I nties. I was born and have spent my entire life in Mason l’lave served four terms in the State Legislature and am I L familiar with legislative procedure. I have also served as Igt‘Arms and Deputy Sergeant, and I believe I “know the $11 a modest home and have raiSed by family in Mason of my interests are in the Olympic Penninsula. .I am ,Wlth the interests of the farmers, their problems and favor , ’lge Program. I belong to the Skokomish Valley Grange. acted, I pledge that I shall do my best to see that labor does Wthing it has gained and will work to extend legislation that , ‘31 to labor and the state. I favor the program ,of the State 7 hpill‘tment and am strongly in favor of the construction of a .ery in Skokomish Valley in Mason County, Washington. neve in legislation outlining a broad, comprehensive post-war “1 Order to provide work for returning servicemen and for the prosperity of the State. I shall work for the interests ‘ I v en and believe that a program should be adopted for the ~ em: of the public highways on the Olympic Penninsula where I, ' Value may be received for expenditures made, something ' and not a mere leaf-raking program. I favor the forestry , d the reforestation of the logged-off lands and legislation who ‘8 owners of smaller tracts of land may be assisted in a f0I'estation program. I am in sympathy with the awards to .135 and shall do myvutmost to see that the grants to senior Increased so that they may meet the advancing high cost (Sou \ .’ 5* aid to schools, I favor the consideration of the desires of r Eoups in rural schools, so that their wishes may be carried >. at the democratic control of schools shall remain in the M E s S 5‘ In so far as is possible with the best educational facilities 1h h of the country. I believe in giving the youth of the State > .h at is possible in education and opportunity. approve of my program as outlined above, I will appreciate .rt- If you don’t approve of it, I shall be glad to learn from I“ the same is defective and if you can convince me that my ' e-fECtive, I am open to reason and shall always work for itEve to be the best interests of my community, state and Respectfully submitted, George N. Adams (Paid adv.) 1de for woods. ax and 5: :eption. , , i- . was-w «v ny W111 . from - ' - y Make Your Post-War Home in v PROSPEROUSKING COUNTY cess of This is . :remen- ' 8c"'gmvins in Tax Title Lands . . .‘ sted in ’ ACREAGE AND HOME-SITES . largely ,(slrn‘75 lot: 40’x103’ each m/I, from $75 to $150 “"7- re“! graded, cement walk: in, some utility improvement.) Valley—Hundreds of parcels all sizes: Map FT??- h unin- \ "Watt: to Boeing’s, 20 minute: to Shipyard: and town) 3 woods 'l Ore than 2,000 parcel: as (our 4: $10 per lot- trave1_ ' north of Pierce County Line. 2 lakes in development.) , - Several 40 acre tract: from $20 to $50 per acre. Bulld 9961 both East and West of Tacoma Highway. N‘W "1 leave e9 Lake and Mirror Lake.) itch be,- , ' Facts About KING COW" PROM" DEPARle 312?? Parcels of land sold. {3 “0.000 added to the tax rolls. "in svile: 5,300 parcels for $1,150,000. i .Tltle property sales have played an important P3rt m f improved financial status of King County. -°“’-‘ Years , . . ' , ggnded indebtedness reduced nearly $5,0001000- ’ ‘ arl'am: Indebtedness reduced over $2,000,000- 3 V AssWeed Valuations increased over $60,000,000- :Russeu. u. FLUEN‘I‘ COMMISS!ONER V, ,okiflg County Property Department 2‘6-A County-City Bldg., Seattle A mug-ah.“— Tides of the Week NOTICE ’J‘O WATER PATRONS Spa-inkling regulations will be in of- feot on and after June 29th. Those with even house numbers will l sprinkle on even days from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Those: with odd house numbers will sprinkle on odd days from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Hose used without nozzle is pro- hibited and any found using hose. without nozzle will be enallzed. E. E. BREW R. Supt. Water Department, City of Shelton. ~ 6-29-47-6-13-30 No. 1541 I NOTICE OF SALE REAL "PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN T. SMITH, Deceased. NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned offers for sale and Will, on or after the 15th day of July, 1944, sell the following described real' property situated, in the County of Mason. State of Washington, and a] of the right, title, claim. equity and interest of the said deceased therein or thereto, to-wit: Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 1, Cyphert's Addition to Shelton, Washington, together with appurtenances. t'hereunto belonging. All bids or offers must be in writingl and may be left at the law office of| Chas. R. Lewis. Suite 1 Lumbermen‘s Building, Shelton, Mason County, Washington, or-delivered to the um dersigned Administratrix personally or may be filed in the office of the Clerk of the above entitled court at‘ any time after the first publication of this notice and before the making of the sale. All bids shall be in writing and shall be accompanied by cash or cer- tified check equal to 10% of the am- ount of bid. Such sale shall be for cash and/or cash and credit, subject to the ratifi- cation, confirmation and approval of office of W. C, Nickum and Son.~ PolSon Building, Seattle on deposxt' of $25.00 when the same haVe been, completed. 1 Sealed bids will be received by the Board of County GDmmissioners at their office at the Court House at Shelton, Washington up to 2:00 pm- JUIY 1, 1944, and then publicly opened. I The "time for completion of lhlSi contract Shall be. September 1. 19411.; The right to reject any and all i, as IS Ye \rved oz: tho B .rri of Cr ionoi's ’ ‘ m ()0: the above entitled court. The undersigned Administratrix re- serves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 26th day of June, 1944. MARY A. SMITH, Administratrix of the estate of John T. Smith, Deceased. CHAS. R.-LEWIS. Attorney for said estate, Suite 1 Lumbermen’s Building, Shelton, Mason County, Washington. . 6-29—7—6-13—3t. MASON COUNTY CALL FOR BIDS REACHING FERRY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Count Commissioners of Mason County, ashington, that bids will be received for the complete construction of a wooden hulled Beach-mg Ferry, approximately 64 feet 9 inches long. by .25 feet 4 inches wide. Complete plans for the construction of this ferr may be examined at the office of . C. Nickum and Son at the Poison Building in Seattle after July 6th. 1944 when detail plans will be completed. Preliminary plans of the ferry to be built may be exam- ined at said Naval architects office, or at the office of the Board of Coun- ty Commissioners at any time from date of this notice. Complete plans of the ferry may be had by prospective bidders at the u. 1 u. . with day or June, 1011., . HP COUNTY CO MIS— SIONERS HF MASON COUNTY,« WASHINGTON VINCE. T P R. '1' . E. IXUL, .ENCKMA -29—7~6—2t. Ca so No. 4193 NOTICE 0 SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ES’I‘A’I‘I‘I‘ Under (general Execution IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY WASHINGTON SERVICE CORPOR- ATION, I. ALEXANDER, assignee, Plaintiff vs ROBERT MAIN and CLARA MAIN, Husband and wife, Defendants. Under and b Virtue of a general execution issu out of and under the seal of the Superlor. Court of the State of Washington. in and for said County, on the 13th day of June,‘ 1944, upon 3. Judgment rendered in said Court on the 28th day of Nov- ember, 1942, in favor of Washington, Service Corporation, A. I. Alexander. and against Robert Main assignee. and Clara Main. husband and wife. judgment debtors for the sum of .Three. Hundred Sixty Four and [oz/moo ($64.92) Dollars, together with. «attorneys fees. Interest, costs and aincr\eased costs. and to me directed and delivered, I did on the 27th day of June, 1944, levy upon all the right. title and interest of said Judgment debtors in and to the following de- scribed property to sailsfy said judg- ment, to-wit: Beginning at the South one-quar- ter comer of Section Nine (9), Township twenty-three (23) North. Range one (1) West, and proceeding thence along the Nort —. > . TIRE REPAIR an , Vulcanizing‘ We have just installed a Genuine Dill Vulcanizer for the best quality work. Lubrication Battery Service Car Washing and Polishing lflE’S PLACE , 629 Alder, Computed for Oakland Bay (Hood Canal tides are one hour 5': 55 minutes earlier) High 3:04 a.m. 13.1 ft. Sat. Low 10:21 a.m. 1.3 ft. Julyl High 5:19 p.m. 11.2 ft. Low 10:01 p.m. 6.1 ft. High 3:37 a.m. 13.0 ft. Sun. Low 11:00 a.m. 0.2 ft. July2 High 6:15 p.m. 12.0 ft. Low 11:00 p.m. 6.7 ft. High 4:11 a.m. 13.0 ft. Mon. Low 11:38 a.m. -0.9 ft. July3 High 7:02 p.m. 12.9 ft. Low 11:53 p.m. 7.1 ft. High 4:50 a.m. 13.1. ft. ‘ Tues. . Low 12:17 p.m. ~18 ft, Julyl 7:5"; ~24 ii? I“ Wed. . July 5'.- 9 Low. 1:33 a.m. 7.3 ft. Thurs. High 6:14 a.m. 13.3 ft. July6 Low 1:38 p.m. —3.0 ft., High 7:04 p.m. 14.5 ft. and tion West Eleven Hundred Eight and Twenty-nine feel old along said North margin of the old Navy Yard Highway on a curve to, the right having 01‘ North 47° 15' 15" East and radius of Fourteen Hundred sixty‘tvm and Seven—tenths (1462.7) feet a distance Fourteen and Ninety-five Hundreds ths (14.95) feet to the Southeasterly COI'HOI’ ed and the true point of beginning. Thence proceeding along said Nora therly margin of the old Navy Yard Highway on a curve to the left Assessor Mason County. FANNIE C. PHILLIPS. dischar '0 said administrator: and haying an "initial course oLSouth 6-29a—7s8e—2t. Executrix of the Estate of that sail Report and petition will be 47 50 23 West and radius of . Charles W. Phillips, De- heard on the 22nd day of July, 1944, at 17011110911 Hundre‘; _SlXt§"tW0 39d N0_ 1667 ceased. 9:30 A. M.. at the Court Room of the. , P ,k SW9“ TWIUIS (1452-1) ft‘F‘t- a (1‘5" NOTICE To CREDITORS T0 lALDEN C. BAYLEY, Probate Department of said Court. GK“lg”? N LegalFifiYantik-iééggandvespi'fntyfitgfsg FILE CLAIMS Attorney for Excigcutlrc‘lix. Dated tngAl‘l'iFt‘llEd‘éléEgSIgunP. 1944. S .11 ‘ ; 1" ile Insurance ui in . ,1. L N, . . South 4/." 50' 03': \Vf-St Seven Hun- XED Entelton. Washington. g Clerk of said Court. sum-lay ' “Tommy ' quefidafi dred One and Thirty—six Hundredths , FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. 6-22-29—7-6-13—54t. (SEAL) July 2. 3, 4 (701.36) feet : of beginumg of 11 s description; In the Mattel. of thp eq W , , , , . , . ate of “ l mm “13.31:: cgggggs ,VSV-HtsIgLIPgWDecea-ged- HIS BLTLER S Vb x) . at BY EN. tiat ” NM"; ‘ :fl hf), [Apt], Letters Tcstalimntai‘y on the Estate " “:‘f of “ rlos 'VV. Phillips, (1: (Based. worn Deanna 'Dufl'in' Pat "mm". 5),!” 1.: -‘ ‘Hrl on “it; el‘fil‘ii‘fl ‘n... ‘ o‘rlom: x H . . H?“ 1",,‘1' a —.- I will s Ethical». :2 :ail‘ criy. a ,, noccs GINLGRY toget * V”, est, ‘ x1 . I‘; ‘5} amounting: in ill“ .xm of ‘ l' Huild EN 01 Flynn Tllll’l)“lwn and 2333/10” (1101.23 .l)\"l< , _ . 1&1”;- 1 1 ll, 1 L 1] : Spec1al Free Admissmn to ai( sa :- wi tukv p ace :1 .10 , ,- _ front door of the Court House at this shovs With the pur . chase of a bond from any- Shelton in said County and State. and will be at public in hand to the highest and best hid- der. AWAKE AMERICAV.R‘EAD YOUR BIBLE! Dated at Shelton, Wash, this 27th day of June. 1944. ,snnmonmson com JOURNAE 7‘, A,» _Mn—~ LEGAL PUBLICATIONS NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION The Board of Equalization 01‘ Mason County, Vv’ashinglon, will meet in open session on Monday, July 3, 1944, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M.. at the office of the County Assessor, in the Court House, Shelton, Wash. for the purpose of equalizing the assessments of the property in the county and will continue in session from time to time for a period not to exceed fwa weeks. WARREN LINCOLN. Page South ('Plltf‘l‘ Nine (9) No. 1593 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF‘ THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY I IN PROBATE In the Matter of the CHRISTINA FLANAGAN, Notice ishereby given that Jesse} M. Evans. administrator of the Estate of Christina Flanagan, has filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court his final Report and petition for dis- tribution, asking the Court to settle said Report. distribute the property. to the persons thereto entitled and to] I l l l I l l w Journal Want Ads get Results! Friday and Saturday North 0“ 24' 20' line of said Sec- l Hundredths (1108.29) the North margin of the Yard Highway; thence to Navy attathed, upon the undersigned at the lLaw Office of Alden C. Bayle'. Title Insurance Building, Shelton, ashmg- ton. that being the place designated for the transaction of the business of the estate. Within six months after the date 'of the first publication of this notice. to-wit: within six months after the 22nd day of June. 1944, and file same with the Clerk of this Court, together with proof of such service. or they will be forever barred. Dated this 22nd day of June, 1944. as initial course Estate Deceased. of RM” THEATRE of the tract herein describ- 6-22 29—7-6~3t. which is the true point ’ IN PROBATE '.!! Only-Lain” 6 'W’eihie lllitfi‘ 24th LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT auction, for cash where on this day. I SERVICE . . Phone 392 REPUBLICAN TICKET Thurs. - Friday Saturday July 6, ’7, 8 DOUBLE FEATURE “FRISCO KID” Starring James Cagneyand Margaret Lindsay | Also . 'A Feature Picture made by the Armed Forces “ATTACK” E. F, MARTIN. Sheriff of said . County. 6-29—7-6-13-20-27—5t. l IS DEEPLY CONCERNED IN THE PROBLEMS OF CLALLAM, JEFFERSON AND MASON COUNTIES l Resident Port Angeles for 39 Years. 18 Years of Successful Operation of retail Lumber Business om Simon I ' mr 5:31.: urinates— sox 5547:“. aw. i I ‘ Primaries, July‘ 11th, 1944 l l 1 (Paid Advertisement) * SPEED THE VICTORY—BUY WAR BONDS g 0 Just as certain regions in the old World were Icwored spots W for the production of fine beers. so does this great West provide every advantage to delight ‘ the brewer's hem-l. Here grow the world's choicest golden groin: and the finest of aromatic hops. Here the purest of sparkling brewing waters are found. Beer is essentially c: product of nature and nowhere has nature been more lavish in her gills. As ct result. beers from this region are known and. favored throughout the nation for their buoyant zest and golden refreshment. Where else in all the world con man find such varied resources at handler all the good things of life as in this bountiful West? "In the Well it's Rainier Boot." Since 1878 this product of Wash- ington's oldest industrial Institu- lion has been Nationally ruinous and it is today One of the \Great Trade Nani” of America ‘k . SEATTLE BREWING a. MALTING co. Since 'K E. G. Sick, Pres. WASHINGTON'S OLDEST INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTION /o, . r 4410' mmuu'i' M H .l g),