June 29, 1944 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Pagé 6
Mr. and Mrs. Chase
Honored Saturday Night
Mr. and Mrs. Charles‘Chase
were honored Saturday evening
with a surprise birthday party.
The guests included members of
the Southside Bible Class and
The evening was spent socially
with singing and games.
Refreshments were served to
about 20 guests.
Journal Want Ads get Results!
Washing Machine
Service I
Complete Stock Wringer Rolls
Here. for \Veekend
Miss Dorothy Ann Vail of Seat-
tle spent the week end in Shel-
ton with her parents, Mr. and
Phone 334 123 So. 2nd Mrs. W. E. Vail. Miss Vail is em-
ployed in the office at Boeings.
If You’re Not Registered
You Can’t Vote——
Buy More Blonds
Ten years in office of Insurance Commissioner
as State Fire Marshal.
Ten years in business in Spokane . . . A
competent candidate for an important office.
For a fair. honest and efficient administra-
tion. vote for
BROOKS for Insurance Commissioner
23I5 Maniio Blvd. Spokane IO. Washington
(Paid Advertisement)
(Mrs. RUTH
Republican Candidate for
24th Legislative Dist
Jefferson Mason Clallam
Your Vote and Support will
be Appreciated
Here’s The Man for Congress!
‘XXRO—Abei'deen-HoquiamQ 8:15
KWLK~LongvieW-Kelso, 8:15
KELA~Centralia-Chehalis, 10’ :00
KGY—OIympia. 8:15 ,
KVAN—Vancouver, 8:15
KXRO—Aberdeen-Hoquiam. 8:15
KWLK—Longview-Kelso. 8:15
KELA—Centralia—Chehalis, 8:15
2; KGY—Olympia. 8:15
3 KVAN—Vancouvcr. 8:15
KXRO-«Abordeen-Hoquiam. 6:45
KW'LK-—Longvicw-Kelso. 6:45
KELA—Centralia—Chehalis, 10:15
KGY—Olympia, 6:45
KVAN—Vancouvca', 6:45
(above time is p. m.)
“The Man Who Will Win
in November”
\ (Paid adv.)
Republican Candidate
for Good Government
We ask for cooperation in
reporting the Society Columns
news. Social affairs, club meet-
ings and other events should
be reported the following day. I
All copy must be in by three I
o'Clock on Tuesday afternoons.
Brides should confer with the
Society Editor in advance of
the wedding so accounts can
be carried promptly.
Shelton Garden Club
Holds Monthly Meet
One of the most enjoyable meet-
ings of the year was held by the
Shelton Garden Club Monday af-
ternoon at the home of Mrs.
George Drake.
Mrs. W. C. Batchelor, treasurer,
reported another donation of $25
to the Park Fund by Roy Eells,
bringing the present total close
to $300. The club expressed their
appreciation for the donation.
Mrs. Drake reported on the
landscaping plans her committee
is working on for the park. It is
difficult to secure choice shrubs
and trees at this time, but Mrs.
Drake said the growers had as-
sured the committee that by fall
there would be more to choose
At the gate to be erected at
the entrance it is planned to have
lavender, purple and pink lilacs.
Rhododendrons and azalea will
be planted in the shady parts,
scarlet hawthorne at the back
entrance by the Girl Scout hallI
and Junipers and Barberi nearby.
There will be Golden Weeping
Willows in front of the small
building and Copper Beach in
other parts. The committee ap-
preciates the fine cooperation
they have received from Mr.
Grunert and Mr. Brewer.
Mrs. Guy Hutchinson, president,
appointed Mrs. L. D. Hack to re-
present the Garden Club on the
Red Cross Nutrition Committee.
The State Committee expects to
send two representatives to Shel-I
ton in July to demonstrate can:
ning and freezing of Victory
It was voted to send Mrs. Hut-
chinson and Mrs. Cropper to the
W.S.F.G.C. meeting in Seattle on
July 12-13. ,
Picnic plans were made for'
Wednesday, July 28 for the girls
and boys who assisted with theI
Tag Sale for the park. Discus—.
sion on gardening was held fol-I
lowing the reading of several pa-l
Mrs. Kullrich passed specimens-
of unusual flowers now in blossom
and distributed small cartons of
snapdragons she had grown from
seed. Mrs. Alfred Killmer brought
blooms of the beautiful rose, The.
Mrs. Drake, assisted by Mrs.
Hutchinson and Mrs. Gonter serv-
ed a delicious tea after the meet-
,ing and before the members view-
Ied her lovely garden.
U.S.0. Enjoys
Picnic Sunday
Over 50 service men and junior
hostesses enjoyed a picnic Sun-
day at Twanah State park. The
transportation was furnished by
the Navy. During the afternoon
games of all sorts were played,
IMax Cohan swimming the Canal.
Wednesday night a street dance
lhad been planned under the direc-
tion of Miss Helen Mae Hatcher,
but due to the cold weather the
junior hostesses and servicemen
danced on the porch instead. The
outside lights and decorations,
which could be seen from all
over town, received much compli-
mentary comment.
The U.S.O. committee also re-
ported they Were very delightfully
surprised last week with a. new
“U.S.O.” sign presented them by
the squadron stationed at the
Shelton N.A.A.S.
Homebuilders Hold ‘
Picnic Meeting
The Homebuilder’s of the Bap—
tist Church held a potluck picnic
meeting at the Island Lake home
of Rev. and Mrs. J. O. Bovee
Tuesday evening.
12 - 14 16 - 18
LILLIAN WARREN, Society Editor
Belfair Teacher Weds
In Chehalis Saturday
At an impressive double-ring
ceremony, Miss Jean Kieszling,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Kieszling of Bremerton, became
the bride of Edward F. Pemerl
of Seattle, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Pemerl, Sr., of Chehalis.
The marriage was performed at
St. Joseph’s Church in Chehalis
at 10 o’clock a. In. Saturday, June
17. The Reverend Father McCpl-
lough officiated.
The bride entered on the arm
of her father to the strains of
the “Priest's March" played by
Mrs. Dennis Doyle at the organ.
During the nuptial mass Mrs.
Marvin Grason sang ::Ava Maria”
and “Panis Angelicus.” For her
wedding the charming brunette
bride wore an aqua dressmaker
suit with gold and brown acces-
sories. Her corsage was brown
orchids and Johanna Hill rose-
buds. .
Miss Roselyn Kieszling of Brem—
erton acted as her sister's brides-
accessories and her corsage was
gardenias and pink carnations.
The groom was attended by his
brother, Sgt. Fred Pemerl of
Camp Carson, Colo.
The bride’s mother wore a pink
ensemble with a corsage of pink
and white carnations. The groom's
mother was attired in a blue suit
with a corsage of red and white
A reception for 75 friends and
relatives was held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pemerl, Jr.
The three-tiered wedding cake
topped by a’miniature bride and
groom, was cut by the bride and
served by Mrs. Peter A. Henrick-
sen of St. Helens, Ore., sister
of the groom.
Mrs. Herbert Colvin, of Brem-
erton, sister of the bride, poured.
The guest book was in charge
of Miss Barbara Pemerl, and Mrs.
Joe Myer of Tacoma was in
charge of the gift room.
Out—of—town guests were from
Seattle, Bremerton, Tacoma, Pu'y-
allup, Ellensburg, Longmire, Nap-
avine and St. Helens, Ore.
The young couple later left for
a short wedding trip to Canada.
Upon their return they will re-
side in Seattle, where the groom
lis employed by the Boeing Air-
craft Corp. The bride is a. gradu-
ate of Central Washington Col-
lege of Education at Ellensburg
and for the past two years taught
at Belfair. The groom is a grad-
uate of Technical Aeronautical
School in Glendale, Calif.
Jordan Clappers
Given House warming
Mr. and Mrs. Jordon Clapper
were complimented last Tuesday
evening with a surprise house-
warming from the Rebekahs and
their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Clap-
per, who have been remodeling
their home ,received a. lovely ta-
Ible lamp and magazine rack from I
'for the Deaf at Vancouver and
the group.
Guests included Mr. and Mrs.
Mel Dobson and Mary, Dimple
Norris, Mabel Burke, Alma White,
Hannah Peterson, Elizabeth Simp-
son and her mother Mrs. John-
son, M. B. Schumacher, Myrtle
Williams, Inez Shorter, Mr. and
Mrs. Gene Martin, Mamie Earl,
Anna Wyatt, Guy Call.
Elizabeth Butler, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Dahlman, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Frazier, Mary White, Eva
Hanson, Mr. and Mrs; Harry
Young, Sylvia Bicknell, Grace
Anderson, Emma Brumbaugh and
Anna Fordyce.
B.Y.P.U. Honors
Two Members
The Baptist Young‘ People’s
Union honored two of its mem-
bers after the services' Sunday.
The honored guests, Byron Deffin-
ugh and Ivyl Daniels, who leave
t is week for the service, were
presented going away gifts.
Arcadia. Economic Club
Holds Regular Meeting
The Arcadia Economic Club
,met at the home of Mrs. Ray
Killmer on Friday, June 23, with
14 members present and five visi-
tors. Mrs. Wilma Saeger and Mrs.
Betty Savage joined the club at
this meeting, other visitors were
Mrs. C. Saeger, Mrs. Sam McGee
and Mrs. Mathews. I
Mrs. Art SWearinger won the
nickle drill. There were two large
birthday cakes for those having
Ibirthdays in the month of June.
The next meeting will be a pic-
nic at the home of Mrs. Roy Rit-
ner on Friday, July 14.
Eagles. Auxiliary
Holds Meeting
The Eagles Auxiliary met Mon-
day evening for a regular session
with the new officers in the
chairs. One member was initiated
and one transfer excepted.
After the meeting a potluck
luncheon was enjoyed.
Navy Mothers Club
Schedules Meeting
The Navy Mothers will hold a
regular business meeting July 6
at the Eagle Hall at 8 p. m,
The-,membership drive winners
will be given a supper treat fol-
lowing the meeting by the mem-
bers of the losing side.
From Vancouver .
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Davidson
entertained at their home Sunday
with a dinner party for Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Vallet of Vancouver.
Their guests included Mr. and
Mrs. Vallet, Mr. and Mrs. I. L.
Wilson and Dr. and Mrs. B. N.
Attend Grand Chapter
Members of the Shelton O.E.S.
attending Grand Chapter in Wen-
atchee for three days last. week
were Myra Collier, worthy ma-
tron, Ella McCulloch, grand repre-
sentative, Vera Duffield, Elsie
Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Claude
To Aberdeen
Reverend J. O. Bovee will have
charge of the service at the Bap-
tist Church in Aberdeen this Sun-
day, Jilly 3o
I man.
:used for the decorations.
Viola Mac Snyder is
Bride of C. J. Evans
Miss Viola Mae Snyder, (laugh-I
ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Sny-‘
der of Fairmont Street, became
the bride of Clement J. Evans
Sunday afternoon, June 18. The
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Evans of Vancouver, Wash.
The double ring ceremony, per-
formed both by oral and sign
language, was witnessed by 65
guests. Father Marjnihan solem-.
U.S.O. Hostesses
Hostess Organizations for I
this week: I
June 23mW.C.T.U.
June 24r--Arcadia Club
June 25m Music Study Club I
June 26—Virginia Lund’s Sew- I
ing Club ,
June 27——~Hostesses at Large
June 28—Bordeaux P.-T.A.
June 29—Degree of Honor
June 30—Hostesses at Large
July 1*P.E.O.
Miss Verna B. Bond
Weds Capt. Cattrall I
nized the marriage in the St. Jo- Ifriends is 'the news 0f the
seph Church at Riverton at 2:30
in the afternoon.
Given in marriage by her fa-
ther, the bride was lovely in a
gown of white net over satin
styled with long full sleeves. HerI
finger—tip veil was caught to a
coronet of tiny pearl flowers. Her
only jewelry was a three-stand
pearl necklace, a gift from the
groom. She carried a bouquet of
white rosebuds and stephanotis
on a white prayer book.
'Angelina D. Ambrosio, maid oft
She. carried a bouquet of pink
rosebuds and sweet peas. The
bridesmaids were Rose Marie
Carlson, cousin of the bride, Dor-
othy Vail and Charlotte SChulze.
Their gowns were fashioned with
fitted taffeta bodices and full net
skirts in pink, light blue and Alice
blue respectively. They wore
matching half hats with veils and
carried bouquets of pink snap-
dragons with yellow iris.
Judy Lewis, the flower girl, in
a floor length dress of yellow netI
over taffeta carried yellow snap-’
dragons with orchid iris. Mrs.
Snyder wore a black two-piece
afternoon dress with white trim;
and matching accessories and the
groom’s mother wore a navy blue
ensemble with matching achessor-
ies. Both wore corsages of gar-
denias and pink rose buds.
Theo. Brighton was the best
At the reception that followed
at the Seattle home of Mrs. Law.
rence Carlson, aunt of the bride,
sweet peas and rosebuds were
Mrs. Claude Rhodes, Mrs. Glen
Lewis, Mrs. Hiram Lewis, Muriel
Morley and Mrs. L. Carlson serv-
ed and Rose Marie Carlson was
in charge of the guest book. The
bride’s linen covered table was
attractively centered with» a three-
tiered cake topped with the tra-
ditional miniature bride and
groom. Stately glowing white tap-
ers in crystal holders were placed ‘
on either side of the cake.
Later when the bridal party at-
tended the Crystal Ball Room the
orchestra played and dedicated
"I Love You Truly” to Mr. and
Mrs. Evans. For traveling Mrs.
Evans wore a light blue tailored
suit with white accessories. Af-
ter a short wedding trip they will
make their home in Seattle.
Mrs. Evans attended the School
is employed at Boeings. The
groom attended school in Mon-
tana and served for a year in
the Air Corps before receiving a
medical discharge. He is now em-
ployed by the Kenworthy Truck
Co. .- .
Among the guests were Mr.
and Mrs. A. M. Drown of Se-
quim, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rhodes
and daughter Pat of Shelton, Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Breitspecher of
Studer Sisters Have
Double Wedding
In the presence of many friends,
Elizabeth V. Studer and her sis-
ter, Amelia Studer, were given
in marriage by their father, God-I
frey Studer, at a double wedding
ceremony Friday evening, June
9 at the family home at Satsop.
Miss Elizabeth Studer became
the bride-of Walter L. Scherr,
United States Seabees. Mr. Scherr
is well known here through his
employment at Daviscourt Bak~
Miss Amelia Studer became the
bride of Dean R. Herring of Los
Angeles, Calif.
Calla lillies, rhododendrons, peo-
nies, ferns and red, white and blue
streamers decorated the home.
Rev. W. R. Caldwell officiated.
Miss Elizabeth wore a wedding
gown of white chiffon and MissI
Amelia chose a similar cut gown!
of white taffeta. Both brides
wore finger tip veils, caught to
their hair with white flowers.
Their bouquets were of pink
roses, sweet peas, gardenias and
carnations. tied with pink ribbons.
Miss Margaret Studer, Mrs.
Grace Loertscher and Mrs. Marie.
Wolfisberg w e r e bridesmaids.
They carried bouquets of roses,
sweet peas,, gardenias and carna-
tions. Mary Ann Studer, Pauline
Studer and Laura Lee Loertscher
were the flower girls. -
Mr. Loertscher and Harold
Miles were the best men.
A reception followed with Mrs.
E. LoertSCher. Mrs. Rudy Loert-
scherand Mrs. Fred Borhen serv-
ing from a table centered with
snowballs, rhododendrons and
Mr. Scherr has returned to his
base at Providence, R. I. Mr. and
Mrs. Herring will visit Los An-
geles for a month before making
their home in Aberdeen. I I
Among the guests Were Mr. and
Mrs. H. Miles, Mr. and Mrs. N.
Dronen, Mr. and Mrs. H. Riencll
of Shelton and Mrs. A. Lemke and
daughters Donna Lou and Betty,I
and Mrs. Anna Worden of Dayton.
Family Reunion is I
Held Sunday Afternoon I
Sunday afternoon the Loughnan
family held a reunion at the
home Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lough-
nan, Shelton. The occasion was in
celebration of the 20th wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
J, Loughnan of Darrington, form—
er- Shelton residents, and the
birthday anniversaries of Stuart
Loughnan. Mrs. Lloyd Loughnan,
Roy Loughnan. Mrs. Leo Martin
and Miss Nancy Erickson of Des-
Moines. VVQShu. 311 Of whom cclc-
brated their birthday anuiversal‘v
1e; during the month of June. I
read by Chaplain Ivan C. Whip-
ple and Brig. Gen.
Nold gave the bride away.
tin and lace, en train,
carried white rosebuds. Miss Peg-
gy Peck, her bridesmaid, wore a
blue gown and carried pink rose-
maid. She wore a navy blue dress‘ I honor, Was gowned in Pink taffeta
k 't ‘th h‘t d b1 e with a matchin veiled half hat.
ma er sul WI w 1 e an H g best man. Eight of Capt. Cat-
trall‘s fellow officers acted as
ushers and the saber escort. The
couple left the chapel under arch-
ed sabers.
her home in Shelton and has been
Mrs. William T. Cattrall of As-
-A. Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. John
Of interest to her many Shelton I g
ding of Miss Verna B. Bond. She
was married to Captain W. Cat—
: trall at the Ft. Richardson chapel,
military style.
Alaska, June' 10, in
The double ring ceremony was
George J.
The bride’s gown was white sa-
and she
Capt. Arthur J. Parker was the
A reception followed immediate—
at the C. 0. quarters.
The bride was employed at Ray-
onier Incorporated while making
employed at Anchorage for the
past 15 months. Capt. Cattrall has
been stationed in Alaska for three
years. He is a son of Mr. and
Capt. and Mrs. Cattrall plan to
make their home on the post for
the present and are planning a
trip outside in the near future.
Horace Miller is
Honored Friday Eve
Horace Miller was honored with
a surprise birthday party Friday
evening, June 23 at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Pete York. A pleas
ant evening was spent in cards
and music.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. William Grant, Mr. and Mrs.
Vanderwal, Mr. and Mrs. Dal
Clark, the hosts and the honored
guests, who received a number of
cards and gifts.
At Summer Home
Mr. and Mrs. Winston Scott
and children have moved to their
summer home, “Scott’s Alley" on
Spencer Lake. They are renting
their home on Angleside to Mr.
and Mrs. Tim Leach and chil-
dren Joy and Jim of Montana.
Mr. Leach is employed as a con—
tractor on the building of the
Shelton—Bremerton railroad.
In Spokane
Miss Elizabeth Butler attended
the Rebekah Assembly at Spokane
last week end. She went by way
of Walla Walla to visit her nep-
hew, Pfc. Donald White, stationed
at McCaw General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Dobson also
took in the Rebekah and Odd
Fellow assembly at Spokane.
To W'alla Walla—
Mrs. Lydia Wolfe and grandson
Billy, left Tuesday for Walla
Walla to visit Mrs. Wolfe‘s fa-
ther, W. H. Worden.
J c. ptNN‘V
Thursday, June 29;
Mrs. Wallace Anderson
Given Bridal Showers
Mrs. Wallace Anderson, nee
Agnes Rose, a recent bride, was
complimented with two 'attractive
showers the past week.
The first was held Thursday,
June 15, at the home of Mrs. Emil
Venzke. Guests included Mrs.
Oral Mercer of Olympia, Mrs. Al
Downer, Mrs. Claude Rhodes and
daughter Pat, Mrs. Watson Ross
and daughter Charlette, Mrs. Al-
bert Rose, Mrs. Roy Savage and
small daughter, Mrs. Alva Down-
er, Mrs. Floyd Anderson, the hon-
ored guest and the hostess.
Lunch was served at 3 o’clock.
The bride received many lovely
ifts from those present and from
guests unable to attend.
Friday evening Pat Rhodes and
Charlotte Ross were co-hostesses
at the latter’s home for a shower
honoring Mrs. Anderson. The eve-
ning was spent in games and
dainty refreshments were served
buffet style during the evening.
Among the guests were Mary
Eliason, Winnifred Collier, Alta
Bailey, Beverly Burrell, Mildred
Carter, Marjorie Downer, Irene
Bailey, Ramona Jackson, Joan
Frisk, Florence Fentiman, Bar-
bara Groshong, Donna Lou Lem-
ke, Marilyn Waklee, Joan Soper,
Harriet Smith, Marjorie Ann
Valley, the hostesses and the hon-
ored guest, who received many
lovely gifts.
W.C.T.U. Schedules
Meeting for July 7
The Shelton Woman‘s Christian
Temperance Union will hold its
regular monthly meeting on Fri-
day, July 7, at the home of Mrs.
E. W. Whaley, beginning with a
1 o’clock potluck lunch.
Mrs. Roy Eells will lead the de—
votions and Mrs. Harold Chase
will have charge of the program.
All interested women are cor-
dially invited to attend.
From Seattle
Mr. and Mrs. James Gilbertson
and daughter of Seattle spent the
week end in Shelton visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Byrne and fam-
From Tekoa
Mrs. J. D. Bentley of Tekoa,
Wash, is visiting at. the home of I
her sister, Mrs. Phil A. Johnson.
Weekend Guests
and Miss Betty Slade of A ‘
Iwere the guests of Mrs.
IHollitz over the week end~
Mrs. Jack Corey and d
OF‘ \VAs
Say It ..
, .
They Bring Comfort. jv (
and Happiness “court and anew
FUNERAL DESIGNS A eithr mainmr.
I fund,“
Travis Floral SII “1‘1
his crime .
and in c:
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Shelton Hardware 3' gam“ W“
Phone 232
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“(‘0 Addre ,
No. 1664
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The Me of your clot. 't the necessary
“‘39 Court Hou
,hhlll_ six inontl
hivfitnrstfl publice
you have them dry 0'“ this? Ill} .lillnanl
, vVjfih the clerk 1
ed regularly. You ll . Bhlth proof of I
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J Olylnoia. Was
film. 1944.
Agglasr RIETI
. oHNélglsqtiatm
. . l to. . .
brIn t e5 . 1 AdlhllllSll'all
gIng your clo h , HOUSE
will expand magically .
playing the tune of “W‘
ti me conservation"
Mason County "f '-
Laundry and ,
WP" Every Purl
We have a limited quantity of pre-war Electric
Room Heaters. 15OQ-watt capacity, with electric
’ $35.00
Dancing 9:30 1:30
You’ll cut a pretty figure in
trolling suits, whether you’re headed for sun.
basking or active swimming';
fitting knitted suits with full
Ballerina cottons in gay prints
sapling-slim bra and Shorts
rayon bengaline or satin, brightly patterned
or solid-toned. Popular colors in 32 to 40.
0111' curve-con-
Slim, smooth-
or half skirts.
, vivid stripes.
suits of sleek
, Anythin
EADY—Mle- .
anence — Ec
. .ONCRE']
' aev‘g1tl’l St. Br
Music by Miles Orchestl‘a ‘ BONE 123
Spend Freely on \OAN
BUY MORE Than Befo llvenient:
. ‘; "“ sonable
3: 0 DELAY
I County E
31! Assoc
I ~. lhsurance l