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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 29, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 29, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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[EYALmflzgl 7‘" Jun‘é ’29:. asts Corey and d ty Slade of A T on Tim“. i __P___.. .- Classified Service tests Of Mrs' ‘J: Tax ITwp-l vvvvv'vvv "WV the week end. L 1mm V MRS CARL LIOPGAN d .KE . “‘97 p ; . i I , or er tr. Royl number G17093, of Route. 3, __ Defendant: . , Wins the Minnesota lifetime sunan in an- Keep America Democratic blanket. Call pines Store. D. Say It . - 1.60.1...33352.r‘m:‘ . K- 6-29~it- FLOWE “ “v Register Now —-- and Vote Bring comfort. - 1944; and thrill! 1'3 * ‘ NEED ‘ 1' ifln m l.“ .‘lJI’l‘i'I‘ lHa iness ,w. Us ., _Y L 02am.“ iii.“ A PLUMBER- . ‘ ll' 0 ' . '9- AL . JACK SMITH fll l‘ess lol‘eili- Floral SII lining. viral. Candidate for 42 you according to I .. Hardware B i}; 1&1 of the complaint which‘ 119d Willi the Clerk oi” said .,I ‘ Net of this action is to se- lVOFI‘e on the grounds ofl land a separation continu- ‘ chriod of 14 years. A~ W. GRAHAM. . ttprney for Plaintiff. v office NO. 1654 .E‘To CREDITORS To Hm: CLAIMS PERIOR COURT OF THE . OF WASHINGTON FOR} .COUNTY EON PROBATE) , I, Matter of the Estate of QERIETDORF. Deceased. of Is HEREBY GIVEN. Thai Administration on thr- t, uter‘man Rletdorf. deceased. ,4, ed to the undersigned, on ~ day of May. 1944. by the 3101‘ Court. sums having claims againstl ,,' are required to serve 1 of your clot. ’lt the necessary vouchers up- Wit10 Court House, Olympia. ,hhlll_ six months after the hie, 1lrst publication 01' this I“ i. gut. Within six months after e them dry 0 i ,. 85y of June, 1944. and file , v“filth the clerk of this Court l|ar|y, You’ll . . Bhlth proof of such service. at *3} be. forever barred. the tune of “w; June. 311312114, Wash., this 10111 ., ERNEST RIETDORF‘. Jr. . Jodminislrator . fHNSON. 01‘ Administrator, House. Vote For and magically . DEMOCRAT Candidate for County conservation” your clothes , County "f =" lry and , ? DEMOCRAT Candidate for County lleaners ‘TER pUMPS j Boy Carr 5°" Every Purpose -war Electric with electric , Anything , ONCRETE WIDE i‘ ELL cums EPTIC TANKS UILoiNG BLOCKS HIMNEY BLOCKS V -‘ EADY-Mlxw _. -, building Republican Candidate i . County ,.. ’i E, HALL SHELTON . CONCRETE anence — Economy District 1 Business Affairs 1 3 OD E CTS 00' NOTICE 131% C612: DITORs eVenth St Brid ‘ 36 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE PHONE 123 STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR - ra . "es ("Chest MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the. CLYDE W. JONES, Deceased. NOTICE HOME LOANS n BOND5 n Befo . llVenient Terms the law office of Chas. R. ‘; "”' Sonable Rates 5 0 DELAY Clerk of the above entitled first publication of this wit: June 8, 1944, ,shall be forever barred. LULA M. JONES. County Savings an Association of Clyde W. Jones- . v i Washington. , CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said estate. Suite 1 Lumbermen’s Building. i i 'nsurance Bldg‘. _'___..——————— HEARING ON S ' MILLO’S ’ ,' MARKET * l “the Board of County plemental Road Budget: of ‘ and that a copy of said :at the office of the : same. , ; Further Notice 15 1said Board of County iHouse in Shelton, on 3 10th, 1944, at 2:00 p. 111., said V in MEATS Eggidhegafigg‘? 01’ against lbudget and that at l26th day of June. 1944 ' 8T FOODS AT ’ 1 BOARD OF HARRY DEYETTE. Clerk of the Board. [IIII YOIIR FREIGHT BY BOAT FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON ‘ QWODSPORT No. Time Schedule as follows: “38 Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 P- m- , Olympia. and Shelton Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday CLARENCE CARLAN DER, President ET SOUND FREIGHT LINES ‘ for BERT RAU Commissioner Road District No. 3 Commissioner Road District No. 3 18 years experience in road H. Parry Jones Commissioner Experienced in Public and Estate IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Lula M. Jones, has been appointed and has qualified asv Administratrix of the estate of Clyde W. Jones. deceased; and that all per- sons having claims against the said deceased or the said estate are hereby §eqéllred1t0 serve the same, duly verii: ie will the necessaryvouc ers 51- $25.00, his interest at 6 , tached, upon the undersigned Admln- p lstratrix or her Attorney of record at Lew1s. Suite 1 Lumbermen's Building, Shel- ! estate contract retaining title in sell- ton, Mason County, Washington. th same being designated as the place for the transaction of the busmess of. the said estate, and file such .Clalmsi together with proof of service With the court within six months after the .date of notice, or such claims. , unt , Washington. Shelton, Mason Co 6_8_15_22_29‘4t‘ ‘ NERS’ NOTICE OF . COMMISSIO UPPLEMENTAL COUNTY ROAD BUDGET . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CommlSSloners of Mason County haVe completed and placed on file their Preliminary Sup_ f the ye “Gigs 1 nd e enditures 01: ar 4, a xp blidget will be ‘fu n‘ he an citizen who will call r is d y Board for the given that the ' Commissioners iwill meet at their office at the Court Monday, July for the pur- ,posc of adopting said Proposed road time and .‘place any taxpayer may appear and any part of DATED at Shelton. Washington, this ' COUNTY COMMIs—i RTONE‘RS OF MASON COUNTy, 1 WASHINGTON 31‘ PRICES , EKaXIInIiC‘ENT E. PAUL, Attest: , 6-29—7-6~2t, 1 l 6 . . FLEElght should be routed via Str. Indian. Ferry Dockv refight via Str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock. COUNTY COMMISSIONER District No. 3, Mason County Have You Registered Yet?' Cliff C. Collins Democratic Candidate County Commissioner District 3 Di I'I . 1 phone 3759, Olympia. C. P. St Ct N0 ROUNDTREE. 6-15—7-6—4t {i LEGAL PUBLICATIONS El FOR PLUMBING I No. 7779 can NOTICE OF PRIVATE SALE i OF REAL ESTATE 1N THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ; Caesar“ FOR 11111413332315 2 In the Matter of the Guardianshipl loll and estate Of SELMA; NOTICE Is 'HEREBY GIVEN, That Phone 499 l in 1 and icourt and cause, on the 12th day of lMay, 1944, the undersigned, Peter O. i ty, Washin ton. . . YOU ARE gFURTHER NOTIFIED. komISh reservatlon). A- F- 0D- ]That said order of sale provides said pelt. 6-22—7-27—6t. sale shall be made at private sale, in? not leis thanh$500.00 paid in cgash, a once 0 pure ase‘ price pal 1h Imonthly payments of not less than Lawnmowers per an- - nuin on unpaid balance of purchase and KanCS price. option to pay in full at any ‘ tlme: transaction evidenced by real i ‘ ' Administratrix of the estate* Deceased. Suite 1 Lumbermen's Build- ing. Shelton, Mason County, i l l l and estate, .Option of sellers to furnish title in— i and Fifth Ave.. Olympia. Washington. I a R. Lewis. Suite 1 Lumbermen’s Build,- IF YOU WANT CARPENTERS contact C. L. Collins, Business Agent, 1612 Division, phone 24OW. 3-30tfn. “CHARIS” ' SLAX SLIM, some- thing different for slack wear- ers. Brassieres and foundations. Phone 372R Corsettiere for ap- pointment. Bernice J.. Stewart. 6-22—~7-6—3t. Radionic ‘ Hearing Aid 5 0 Complete with crystal mzc'rophone, radionic tubes, batteries and On! modul— —ono price—one quality—Zenith finas Ito author-no "decays’ battery saver circuit. 2am to Wm Accepted by American edicat Asso- ciation Council on Physzcal Therapy McCONKEY PHARMACY lVLE O’DELL D E M 00 R AT Candidate for County Commissmner District No. 1 Six Years County Road Foreman SWEDISH MASSAGE treatments Tuesdays and Fridays at 320 l North Fifth, home of Mrs. Fra- ser. 06-22—7-2 7—‘-—6’t. FREE!. If Excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indi- gestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, NauSea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Fir Drug Store. 5-18—8—24—15t. Joe Forrest County Commissioner CHRISTMAS TREES: I wish to let my friends know that I will be buying Christmas Trees this fall, and will pay top prices for top trees. To contact me, write 1700 Yew Ave., Olympia—tele- pursuance of an order duly made in the. above entitled entered WIVELL’S RIDING HORSES: Cole Ranch miles south on Olympic highway. After 4 p. m. week days and all day Sunday. Swanson. as Guardian of said person has been authorized and directed to sell certain real estate,g property belonging to said person and; 1estate. particularly described as fol- } Phone 218.14. ows: _ __ - _ Lot Five (5). Block 1. Healey’s l W5 25 6 25 1M Addition to Shelton, Washington. AND. SWEDISH MASSAGE treatment, The North 53-1/3 feet. except the East 10 feet of Lots 5 and 6, Block 19. Frances Shelton's Addition to the City of Shelton. and. All above situated in Mason Coun- Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings after 7:30 p. m. at Star Route 1, Box 154( near Indian school on Sko— ers until purchase price paid in full; Sleyster’s Fix-It Shop __.._———~__._»__r_.__ HEMSTITCHING: 404 Franklin. Mrs. Martha Jacobs 2-1tfn. surance or abstract of title. Bids shall be in writin , and pre- S_ented and received at of ice of peti- tloner's attorney, R. F. Dotsch, Funk- Volland Building, Corner Capital Way OT may be‘ filed in the Office of the Clerk of above entitled court. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED. That said sale will be made eight (8) DRESS F0.RMS MADE TO order by your specific meas- urements. $3 each. Mrs. Loui days following first publication of Larson, phone 369M for a _ this notice, first publication June mtments_ 22, 1944, sale date belllg’June 30, PO 1944; sale may be made at any time following sale date. Dated at Olympia. Washington, this 16th day of June, 1944 FLOOR SANDER ' PETER o, SWANSON. As Guardian of the Person Swanson. 6-22-29—2t. By Day or H . our No. 1670 . .N .sssaaaraara n... J- 1" CATTO STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR HARDWARE ' LIASON COUNTY IN PROBATE Iii the Matter of the Estate of IDA MAY SCOTT. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ngi 4398 the undersigned, Samuel W. Scott, has SU MONS been appointed and has qualified as Administrator 02 the estate of Ida May Scott, deceased; and that all persons having claims against the said estate or the said deceased are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified With the necessary vouchers attached. upon the under— signed Administrator or his Attorney of record at the law office of Chas. IN THE, SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF‘ WASHINGTO FOR MASON COUNTY. i N RUTH CLARK, Plaintiff, —vs.—- RICHARD CLARK. Defendant. State of Washington to said Rich- ard Clark. Defendant: You arp‘hereby summoned to appear Within SlXtY (60)_days after the date of the first publication of this sum- monS. tO-Wlti Wlthin sixty days after the 22nd day Of June, 1944, and de- fend the above entitled action in the above ,entltled Court and answer the complaint of the plaintiff Ruth Clark and Serve .a CODY of your answer upon the underSIgned attorney for the plain- ing. Shelton. Mason County, washing- ton, the same being d5351gnated as the place for the transaction of the busi- ness of the said estate. and file such *claims together With proof of service with the Clerk of the above entitled court, within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice. to-wit: June. 29, 1944, or all such claims not so served and filed sham be , forever barred. ’ i and Estate of Selma H. ' and in case of your failure so to do- judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint Wthh,has been filed with the clerk of said court. ,The obiect of this action is to se- cure a divorce from the defendant the ground or _ 33nd treatment, “on Support and J. W. GRAHAM. 1 AttOI‘ney for Plaintiff. SAMUEL W. SCOTT, Administrator of the. estate of Ida May Scott. Deceased. Suite 1 Lumbermen’s Build- ing. Shelton. Mason County, Washington. CHAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for said estate, _ Suite 1 Lumbcrmens Budding, Shelton, Mason County. Washington. 6-29—7-6—13-20_4t, Office Add '_ Shelton. Véclgsfi. Govey Bldg . 6—22—29~7-6—13-20-27—8—3—7t. MILL woon Delivered anyWhere outside Shel. ton city limits. Two 00rd loads $7 per cord up according to distance. Leave orders at Shelton Transfer office (formerly Morgan’s Trans- fer) or phone 66. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL i I l l tiff at his office address below stated. = 5 acres of Real Estate FOR SALE: ranch. Five room modern house, spring water, 15 acres cleared land. More acre— age if desired. Small barn, chicken house. Terms if desired. Also separator for sale. E._G. Davis, Matlock Route. Seven miles out. 6-29—7-14M3t. FOR SALE: equity in 30-acre farm. Modern seven room house. Electric lights and running wa- ter. Twenty acres cleared, 10 virgin timber. 18 ton standing hay. For further information phone 217J2. J6-22——7-6A—3t FOR SALE: up and going ranch, stock and equipment. Good house, outbuildings, gravity wa- ter, good road. Four miles Shel- ton. Inquire Box S, Journal. SG-22—7-13—-3t. FOR SALE: 5 room house, gar- age and woodshed, chicken Shed and chickens. Two and one-half lots. City water. $1750. Pierre Cenotto. Inquire Ford Garage. 6-22—7-6—3t. i FOR SALE: 5 acres on Arcadia road 1%,) mile from City limits. acres cleared, 4 room modern house, wood shed, garage, chi- cken house and root cellar. In- lVICTO'RY' GARDEN INSECT DUST: pay last year’s bulk ] quire Journal office. ' ' L6-224—776—3t. FOR SALE: NWI/t of SE14 of SElé, Section 7, TOWnship 20 North, Range 5, W.W.M., con- taining 10 acres. $175.- Write Box Mc c-o Journal. Mc6-15-29—3t. 'FOR‘SALE: 5 Eros, lyacre in garden and fruit, 1 in blue grass. House, barn, garage. E1- ectric water system. on bus line. Price $2750, terms. In- cluding 2 sows, boar, 2 dozen hens, stove, etc. Six miles east Shelton on 14A. Donald Bell, Route 2, Box 112, Shelton. 6-15—7-13—1M FOR SALE: fine large home in Hoquiam, fireplace, utility room, hot water heating system, two bathrooms, full cement base- ment, space for two cars, cor- ner lot, near schools. Write Box 6-8—7-13 FOR SALE: 40 acres with build- ings, house, barn, woodshed. 10 acres cleare‘d. Cow and calf also for sale. Six miles from town on the Matlock Road. PO. Box 424. Rose C c-o Journal. Phillips. 6-15-29—3t. FOR SALE: 80 acres of land, lots of wood timber, four miles from Shelton on Arcadia road. Also half a block in the Seattle Syn- dicate near Wyandotte Ave. Vic- tor Johnson, Route 3, Box 206, phone 3F24. 5-11—6-29—8t FOR SALE 15 acres of land, cleared, with small house and outbuilding. Also good well, located about one mile from city limits. $1500 on easy terms. * 1 lot on, Arcadia Ave., unimprov- ed. $95. * * * Tourist camp on Hood Canal. 17% acres with 1500 feet of water- front, 13 furnished cabins, one 5-room house, also large dance or recreation hall with living quarters. Tidelands and water rights to creek running thru property. Plenty of wood timber for camp. This property is lo-l cated just north of Hoodsporti and is a wonderful tract of land, a real money-maker for the right party. Excellent sal- mon and trout fishing make boat rentals good. Owner is wi- dow and can not take care of property. Priced at $14,500 and owner will take small market- able home as part payment. Must have sufficient down to in- sure sale. , 51¢ * L44.) n. 7 acres of land, good home, gener- al repair shop and service sta- tion located on good_highway with lots ‘of travel. This is ex- cellent surburban property for anyone handy with general re-. living. ’ pairs to make a fine Owners age forces sale. Has always made excellent living before retiring. Priced at $7,- 000, and well worth it. * 40-acres of land with small liv- able house and outbuildings, 20 acres cleared. Also some mer- chantable timber, plenty of wood. Located about 7 miles Southeast of Shelton. Priced at $2,000 term: or $1850 cash. * 20 acres of land on the bay lo- cated about 11 miles East of Shelton by road, 5 miles by 'wa- ter. Land is unimproved but has been logged years ago. Would make a good tract of land to have as investment for future or present use. $900, terms. $ good land with some timber located just about 14 mile from city limit on Arcadia road. Good value at $585 cash. * 8 HERBERT G. ANGLE Phone 304 Angle Bldg. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heart- felt gratitude for the sympathies, kindnesses and floral offerings given us during the loss of our loved one. Mrs. W. M. Flint and family. J. L. CATTO HARDWARE Wm i For Sale : mvvvvvvvvv CEDAR ITEMS IN , STOCK ilx 4 B & B Clear 1x 5 B & B Cleai 1x 6 B & B Clear 1x10 B B Clear 1x12 B B Clear 1x 4- B B Ceilin V1 side llx 8 B & B Panels V2 side l3x4 Cedar Gutter 4x5 Cedar Gutter 1/2x8 “B” Cedar Siding ill/2x8 “Clear” Cedar Siding 15/4x10 “B” Cedar Siding ,%x12 “C” Cedar Siding l GRANT LUMBER co. Phone 106 lFOR SALE: one steel top range, ironing board, studio couch, copper wash boiler, one steel cot with mattress. Earl I. Conk- i lin, Star Route 1, Union. 1/2 l mile east of Twanah State Park. 6-22-29—2t. l prices. 200 per pound. A post card will bring it to your door. The Watkin’s Man, 812 Frank- lin. 6-22w7-6—3t. J Used Cars FOR SALE: 1939 Oldsmobile coupe, good tires and motor in good condition. Husband in the service. Must sell. 31/2 miles south on 'Olympic highway at , the Associated Station. 6-29—1t. FOR SALE: 1930 Buick 5-passen- ger coupe. Pantorium Cleaners. 6-22—7-6—3t. FOR SALE: ’35 Chevrolet coach. Call 218J1. N6-22-29—2t. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv . Wanted To Rent lw‘m "mm ;WANTED TO RENT: a 4 or 5 room house or larger. Good renters. Inquire 812 Alleghany St. Mc6-29—1t. ERAYONIER CHEMIST desires to rent four or 5 room modern house. Good local references. Phone 272W- 6-29—7-13—-3t. WANT TO RENT or lease: log- ging truck to haul logs and piling. Two years work. Phone Olympia 3019. J6-22—1t. WANTED TO RENT: upright piano in good condition. Write S. L. Rank, Route 3, Box 201, Shelton. 6-8-22—3t. mm; Rentm FOR RENT: two room furnished house. Phone 584M. A6-29—1t FOR RENT: furnished, modern one-bedroom home. $60.00 per month. Phone 345R. L6-29-,—1t lFOR RENT: 2 room modern fur- l nished cabin. Mill Creek Cabins. Phone 466M after 3 p. 111. One mile south on Olympia hwy. A2-10tfn. V mvvm Lost and Found" " 'v'v'v'v‘ LOST: old black and tan hound. . Tan head. Hama Hama district. l Reward for return. Call or write Cooke’s Feed Store, Shel- ton. . 6-8-22—312. lLOST: brown billfold containing personal pictures and keep- sakes, paratrooper wings. Find- er keep money and return bill- fold to Journal office. Mrs. Helen Corey. 6-15-29—31; CARD 0F THANKS, We wish to express our sincere gratitude to our many friends and relatives for the sympathy, kindness and also the beautiful floral offerings given us during our bereavement over the loss Of our loved one. Mrs. Guy L. Rood, , Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Rood, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Rood, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Dickinsmi. No. 1589 . NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND, PETITION FOR. DISTRIBUTION . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY . IN PROBATE . In the Matter of the Estate . of rCHRESTOPHER P. GRINDROD, De- cease . . 1 NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN that Alice M. Grindrod, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament and of the estate of Christopher P. Grindrod. d‘e- ceased, has filed ,with the Clerk of the above entitled court. her final ,re ort and petition for distribution, as mg. the court to settle and approve such final report and fietltion for dis— tribution. distribute t e roperty to the persons thereto entit ed, and to discharge the said executrix. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said final report and petition for dis- ,tribution Will be heard on Saturday, .the 15th day of July, 1944, at the hour Iof 10 O‘clock in the forenoOn, in the court room in the. court house in Shel- ton. Washington. Dated this 10th day of June, 1944. (SEAL) CLARE ENGELSEN. County Clerk, Mason County, Washington. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Suite 1 Lumbcrmen's Building. Shelton. Mason County. Washington. Attorney for said Executrix. . 6-15—22-29—7-6—4t. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals for the furnishing of hot M-C—2- road oil In carload lots not to exceed 40,000 gallons, F‘.O.B.. Shelton, Washington, to meet State Highway Department specifications, will be received by the City Council of the City of Shelton, Washington. at the office of the Cit Clerk until 8:00 P. M., Thursday, uly 6, 1944, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. A K. MCCAMPBELL, city Clerk. 6-22-29-7-e—3t. 'vava Vvvvvvvvvmvvvvv vvivvvyvviyvvvvvvvvvvvvv Page 1 . __~.____.— _...._..__I OURN ALWANMT A US For Sal FOR SALE: two 8-ft. Show cases. Shelton Printing Company. 6-8-29—4t. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less (minimum charge) 3 weeks $1.00, 1 week 50c. Lower rates for larger ads and more insertions. Reader notices 3c per word. PIGS FOR SALE: Ray. Moore, gapingmgggge °€5§f°hofi°gtgfii John’s Creek. Route 2, Box 314.; poetry 50¢ per inch: classified 6-22—7-6_.3t, display rates on request. i thAdtV?!‘tl§emeI;tS acfiepted bovebl' ’—' ' ' , .' , e eepone romponesuscri- FQR SALE- Remlngton caSh 193‘ i ers. Cash should accompan all ister, $125. DaVlS Cafe, Lllll- 1 other orders or payment ma e be- “raup Wash. fore the first Of the month to l . ' save expense of billing. An extra. ' 6'22—7'sw3t- charge of 100 will be "ade when ——-———*—-——-‘—-—-———-—-—-, billing is necessary. FOR SALE: Brindle cow. Freshi PHONE 100 y a month. Gives 4 gallons :1 day. L. Wren, Grapeview. Phone 5 « 22F5. 6-22—7-6—3t. FOR SALE: almost new foot house trailer. Completely furn- ished. Inquire O. K. Tire Shop. 6-22—7-6—3t. FOR SALE: young, well broken, gaited saddle horse. Inquire O. K. Tire Shop. 6-22-29—2t. FOR SALE: Lang range with ‘ coils and gas plate attached. Inquire 618 Laurel Street or phone 159W. W6-22~-7-6——3t lPERMANENT ,WAVE, 590! Do your own Permanent with Charm-Kurl Kit. Complete equipment, including 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, abso- lutely harmless. Praised . by i thousands including Fay Mc- l Kenzie, glamorous movie star. Money refunded if not satisfied. Fir Drug Store. 6-1—9-7—15t. FOR SALE: geese. 800d breeders. WANT TO BUY: bicycle in good £513 a few goslin . COme any, condition; Either mans or wo- Iy except Satur ay and Sun- man’s style. Write Mrs. D. G. day. C. I. Ames, Panhandle MacDonell, 104 S. 11th, Shelton. Lake. ' 6-15-29—3t. 6-15-29—3t. FOR SALE: four lid cook stove' and two-burner kerosene plate. Will accept cast iron wood heat- c wvvvvvwv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvu Wanted -gA‘AAAAA“---- .‘.b.. ‘A‘ WANTED: girl to do light house- work in the morning. Will pay by the hour. 230 South Second. M6-29—1t. WANTED: adult size girls bicycle. Phone 282W. V6-29—-1t. WANTED: entertainment ideas, stock and riders for Rodeo, July 9. See ‘ad on page 5. 6 29—1t. WANTED: man to driVe laundry truck. Inquire Mason County Steam Laundry. 6-29—1t. LIKE TO BUY: second hand ac- cordion. 120 bass with octave slide. Jacob Hess, Rt. 1, Box 2180, Shelton. 6-22-29—2t WANTED: janitor. Inquire Shel- ton Hotel. 6-15-29—3t. er as part payment. W. N. Lee. WANTED: beach—front lot and Rt. 2, Box 228, Shelton, Wash. tidelands, must have good san- 6-15-29—3t. dy or small sized gravel beach FOR SALE: 10-foot flat bottom Eggt‘ttfige ffigmtosgzdeiedodele? rowboat with oars and locks. ‘ Made of waterproof veneer. Prefer lot to be from 5 miles to 50 miles from Shelton 'on $40 cash, Phone 583M evenings . or 87 day time. 12645311.! Sound or Hood Canal. Will be in Shelton from the first of FOR SALE: large wood. or coal July to the sixth of July. Leave kitchen range with copper coils. information in care of Box Y, Green and. tan enamel. Very The Journal- Y6'15'29—‘3t good condition. Keith Holmes, WANTED. an 11/ 0,. 13/8 saw . . ,4 425 Enmor (HlucreSt)' mandrel 50 inches or longer. C. FOR SALE: John Deere, seven H' Baker! Star ‘Rome 2’ Box foot binder, tractor hitch. $165. 31' Shelton: Wash- 1332 Ridgeroad. Phone 280W. 645729—3‘ 6'22_7‘6“"3t' WANTED: girl or woman to help FOR SALE: Brown Alligafi With housework. Phone 241MX. sling pumps, worn only once. R6'15‘29"3t- Size .71/2 AAA' $5501 COSt $635 WANTED: to cut hay On Shares. Inqmre Journal Offlce‘ ' Write Henry W. Cook, Route 3, P6'29—1t- Box 265, Shelton. 6-8—7-4 FOR SALE: pair brown walking "."_ . oxfords, military heel. Size 7-B. WANTED' Steam press Operator Worn only few times. Cost $6, With alteration experience. Good will sell for $4.50. Inquire Jour- $fgg¥tgggtho§rz $11213? 1181- Contact Lt. Russell. FOR SALE: two-wheel trailer, W AITREsg and kitchen help 7‘00 x 19 6’P1y fires! .8070 mb‘ wanted. Apply Hotel Shelton ber. Vacuum hydraulic brakes. Coffee Shop. 5-4tfn. l WANT To BfiTold horses for Mink feed. Phone 391J or write for stock or heavy boat trailer. F. L. Jennings, Star Route 1, Box 36A. 6-29-——7-13——3t, Andy Hansen, P. O. Box 223. FOR SALE: lawn mower. Ore- _____ l-ltfn' gon-Trail twin bedstead and CARD 0F THANKS dresser, kitchen tables. Phone May we extend in this way our 146. 6-29—1t. sincere appreciation for the kind— nesses, sympathies and beautiful lfloral pieces offered us during our bereavement over the death of our beloved father. Mr. and Mrs. John Ballard. vav‘ ~~cvo 'vvvvvvo FOR SALE: young work horses, mower, rake, sulky plow, walk- r , ing plow, wiener pigs. One mile west Mary M. Knight school. Phone 1F41, Shelton. H. Kingery, Route 1, Box 162, E1- FOR SALE: 10 x 14 ft. water tank, 3-inch Redwood. Walter Jensen, Route 1. Four miles South on Olympia highway. Across from Frazier’s. CHARLES R. LEWIS ma- “9"”- ATTORNEY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M. Bldg. Get . . . Shelton, Washington Your County and Local M AP S at RICHARD F. EDDY Licensed Public Accountant Notary Public 325 Railroad Ave. Phone 115 The Journal Office 6-22—7-2s—1M I Welded steel frame. Suitable FOR SALE: family Jersey cow, 1 gives lots of milk. Also Jersey- Guernsey heifer, 25 New Hamp- REGINALD SYKES shire laying hens. 1934 V-8 dump truck ,with hydraulic ACCOUNTING hoist, 151mm 354, Union, Her. Northwestern Life Insurance l bert Allen. 6-29—1t. Agent FOR SALE: double bed, complete with box springs and mattress. $35. Inquire 614 Alder Street. Mrs. Evans. 6-29—7-13—'——3t.| ‘ FOR‘SALE: one set double work harness, 20 inch cellars, $50.00. ALDEN C. BAYLEY i F. A. Topper, star Route 1, . ATTORNEY AT LAW Box 154A. 6-29—7-13—3t. I I 1 Title InsuranCP Building FOR SALE: black Cocker Spaniel opposite First National Bank pups, $15. Thoroughbred. H. H. \ f Halbert, Route 2, Box 116 Phone 23 Shelton (Spencer Lake.) 6-29—1t. FOR—SALE?— kids furnituref in- l eluding two tricycles. Inquire Accident and Health Insurance 123 Railroad Ave. Phone 30 .WITSIERS FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers W. A. Witsiers, Prop. Phone 180 Shelton, Wash. 228 South Fourth. J6-29—1t. i ‘FOR SALE: household effects, l including dining room set, com- plete bed, night stand, over- stuffed chair, rocking chair and miscellaneous household goods. John Bubner, Route 1, Box 63. 6-29'—7'-13—3t. FOR SALE: piano in good condi- ‘ tion. Phone 19F31. B- L6'29‘7'13—3t' ' Accounting Tax Services FOR SALE: two-wheel trailer.- Bockkeéping Systems Sidney Tindall, 527 Fairmont. 3.29—1t_. 123 4th St. Phone 565 m“: ‘ Ira/liking four gallons daily. Also 1 - acres 5 anding 0211: and SURANC yf/tch 1:137. Merle E. Cleveland IN E -.2 m' es west on .Matlock 1m ' road. 6-29—7-13—3t. G‘ FOR SALE: pro-War DaVen'ol‘a, large kitchen sink, fruit jars. Office at Angle Building 812 Franklin St. ss-QD—‘dt.