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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 29, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 29, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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City approves street vacation requests The Shelton City ('ommissi()la held public hearings and approved Ihree street and alley vacation requests at its laeeling Tuesday night. The commission also heard a report from City Clerk Helen Stodden that the city's computer had been repaired and would not have to be replaced, as had been believed last week. (;ordm Smith, representing Ihc Retail Trade Committee of tile Chamber of Commerce, appeared to ask for and receive pellnission for the annual sidewalk sale planned for August 5. Smith told the commission the committee would like to block Railroad Avenue from Sccolld to Fourth for the sale. There would be more definite plal]s laler, he said. The vacations whidl were apploved were Eighth and Ninth Slicers from Euclid to Wya,dotte. Approval was conditioned on the city retaining 7!,5 feet on Euclid Street and the applicanl, Waite Construction, douatiug 7% feet along Euclid 'Street to the city for street righl-o ['-way. City Engineer Howard Godat told the commission he would recommend this since the locatiou of property lines and Euclid put the property lines right at the edge of the surfacing eta the stleel. Also vacated was South Sixth Street from Seattle to Satsop. (;odat told the commission the slreel is 11ol opened and drops inlo a canyon at that location. The city, he said, would not have any use tkr the street. Tile commission approved wJcation of the alley between 12th and 13th south of Alder Street while retaining a utility easement recommended by the Public Works Department. The commission heard a request tar tile vacation of Ninth Street from Pine Street to the alley. The street, Godat said, runs up against a bank and is of no use to the city. An easement for an existing sewer line was retained in the vacated street. A representative of Kramer, Chin and Mayo, the consultants for the new city wastewater treatment plant, appeared at the commission meeting to explain a change order which had been held over from previous meetings because of some questions. The change order involves the addition of pozalin to the concrete in the treatment plant. The consultant said the specifications had called for concrete with and without pozalin, and the contractor had selected the option of not using it. He said since pozalin helps to prevent deterioration of the concrete by hydrogen sulfide, it had been decided to have it added. The cost of the change order is $3,040. He reported construction of the force main has been progressing rapidly, and that the pump station and treatment plant are also progressing well. Police Chief Frank Rains told the commission the new animal control ordinance has gone into effect and that dog licenses are due to be renewed July 1. He also said he plans to extend the hours for the humane officer to an eight-hour day on a trial basis. City Attorney Herb Fuller reported he has started bargaining meetings with the city firemen. Commissioner Brad Owen said his name could be submitted as a representative on the Thurston.Mason Community Action Council until someone can be found to serve. The commission approved a request from the Mason County Citizens For Animals for the use of the Lincoln Gym parking lot for a distemper clinic July 8. MCCFA told proposed .... i,00,::,site not adequate ..... " Mr. and Mrs; Glenn Guyton shop on which they wanted to of Ihc Mason (.aunty Citizens construct an animal shelter was t"l Ammals were told at the ccurty commission meeting Monday the four acres of property adjoining the county Blood drive report given Tile Mason County Blood Council reports that 126 donors signed in at the blood drawing June 20. The Mason General Hospital Auxiliary assisted at the drawing. The Puget Sound Blood Bank reports that it takes 400 donors each day to meet the needs of all hospitals in the Puget Sound blood program. Eight counties- King, Clallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, Mason, Thurston, Skagit and Whatcom are members of the blood bank. too small for the purpose. They had appeared before the commission the previous week and the commission had asked County Engineer Marley Young to check into the request. Young said the proposed site was not large enough and the water supply was not adequate. He recommended the group look for property across the road from the county shop where expansion would be possible if needed in the future. Mr. and Mrs. Guyton had presented the commission with an agreement on the property they wanted the commission to consider. The MCCFA representatives asked the commission if there was some reason why there was no action being taken on the request and if so to tell them what it was. Valley governor of Boys State Eric Valley, Shelton, was from Mason County attending elected governor of the American the event. A total of 584 boys Legion Evergreen Boys State from throughout the state -which was held June 18.25 on attended. the campus of Gonzaga He was sponsored by Brad's University in Spokane. Quick Stop. Valley was one of 23 boys Fred B. Wivell Post 31 of the American Legion had the largest number of boys from any post PU D p la n s i. the state attending, according to Ruth Moore, Boys State chairperson for the local legion increase post. Valley is the son of Bill and i n rates Barbara Valley of Shelton and A general rate increase has will be a senior at Shelton High been approved by the board of School this fall. commissioners of Mason County PUD No. 3. The increase will average 15 percent overall, but could vary above or below this for individual customers. It will become effective with all meter readings after July 1. Increased operating expenses which include rising labor, materials and equipment costs necessitated the increase. A public hearing was held June 19 to explain .the rate proposal. The resolution adopting the rates was passed June 26. The Great Root Bear wants to take some of the bite out of your food costs! 10% on Senior Citizel orders over $1.00 Minor's on Mt. View BRAD OWEN, left, is shown here with Eric Valley, the Shelton High School senior he sponsored to Boys State. Valley was elected governor of Boys State last week. Three charged in stolen property case Four persons were arrested at a home in the North Mason area last Thursday morning by Mason County sheriff's deputies who went to the home with a search warrant. Charges of second-degree burglary and possession of stolen property were filed against Dawn McFarlane, 21, P.O. Box 726; Belfair. Charged with possession of of the stolen property. The burglary charges against Ms. M cFarlane accuse her of entering a building at Route 1, Belfair, June 21. All three appeared before Judge Frank Baker in Mason County Superior Court Thursday for identification on the charges. He appointed the Tumwater law firm of Jarrett and Kaeding stole n property were Christopher to represent all three., 27, Pea. Box 193, Ms. McFarlane was released Allyn, and Michael Valley, 26, on personal recognizance. Valley is being held in Mason County 1720 Bloomington Avenue, jail in lieu of $10,000 bail and Bremerton. The fourth person arrested McFarlane is being held in lieu was a 16-year-old girl who was remanded to juvenile authorities on charges of second-degree burglary and possession of stolen property. Sheriff's deputies obtained the search warrant and went to the residence about one mile south of Belfair after receiving information from an informant about the burglary and location of $5,000 bail. Meeting set The Mason County Commission will meet July 11 at 10 a.m. in the planning office, 428 West Birch Street, to discuss the progress on the update of the comprehensive plan. Tuesday holiday for man00lfal and City, county, state government offices along with most businesses in Mason County will be closed Tuesday in observance of the Fourth of July holiday. The Shelton City Commission, which normally meets on Tuesday, will not hold a meeting next week. Deadlines for news and advertising in the Journal will be early next week because of the holiday. News and advertising must be in by 5 p.m. Monday in order to get into the Journal next week. 1817 Oly. Hwv. No. For Complete Auto Repair call SAVE $ BUY YOUR MEAT LEt CHOICE IOICE CHOICE ROASTS STEAKS PORK BEEF LOCKER PACKS BONE-IN HAMS CHICKEN SPLIT BEEF SIDES OUR OWN HOMEMADE LINKS & COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE PORK LOCKER PACKS SLAB BACON TURKEYS BEEF QUARTERS CALL OR WR $100 Min• Order At Wholesale Prices• $200 Min• Order For Free Delivery BEEF SIDES ITE FOR PRICE SHEETS For The Very Best Farm Slaughter Call Us 426-5131 SHELTON'S ONLY U.S.D.A. INSPECTED MEAT MARKET. All Our Meat Fully Guaranteed. e 'u''" ......... .^ ii i i 00ii00;i;i.i m OVEICOI00T STAIN GU/Lq,TEED • WATER CLEAN-UP' DRIES F/I.Sl i FOR PAIN'IED WOOD ' HARDBOARD • STUCCO MASONRY. GALVANIZED METAL GUARANTEED • HIDES COLOR AND GRAIN OF WOOD WATER CLEAN-UP • DRIES FAST F0 SIDING • SHAKES & SHINGLES. TRIM • FENCE. € The tough acrylic housepaint made specially to cover old paint. Flows like cream! Wears like iron! 25 beautiful colors that look fresher longer. G Easy soap and water clean-up. uaranteed satisfaction. l00ffnpic Latex Stain Covers stain and paint with rich mellow solid color. Looks beautiful even after years of wear. Cleans up fast with soap and water. Guaranteed against cracking, peeling and blistering. FUL-PRUF 1,000 COLORS ! INTERIOR LATEX .,..,u,,o., *8" • Over 1000 colors • Soapy water cleanup Gal. Reg. $10.29 FUL-FLO LATEX SATIN ENAMEL • Scrubbable • Soapy water cleanup • For walls & woodwork PADCO PAINT KITS ,Is9 $12" '°°* trimmer-edger, paint wand, Gal. Reg. $16.39 paint bucket. Reg. $9.95 WIN A JENN.AIR TURKEY THIS SA TURDA Y| See the amazing self-ventilated JENN-AIR grill- range brown a turkey beautlfully...and then you could win the juicy bird at the end of the dayl t'O E N N.AI R ;h;;al:e3"60 Shelton EST 5690- U.S.D.A. Inspected ,' Olzelrl 8 a'm"5:30 P'm" "°n"Fri'84:30 ,at. • 10-4:30 ,ulrl.  LEFT ON ARCADIA RD. -- 3-8/10 MILES Page 2 - 5h!tr-r,'l:a(-1 County Journal - Thursday. June 29. 1978