June 29, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 29, 1978 |
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ury finds Jim Lee West guilty of burglary in trial this week
Mason County Superior
jury Tuesday afternoon
less than an hour to find
West, 30, Bucoda, guilty
was accused of breaking
the Mann Real Estate Office
The jury was selected
'nday morning and began
evidence in the case
testimony in the case
with a deposition from
Mann, owner of Mann Real
who testified when he
to work the morning of
1 he had found the back
of the office forced open,
safe open and papers
He said the tumbler had been
off the safe, the safe
and papers scattered
lann said in the deposition
he later became aware a
ttle-First National Bank
card he had in the
was missing. He became
of it, he said, when he
a call from the bank
if he wanted his lost card
Mann's deposition,
Dobie, a detective with
Shelton police department,
the witness stand to testify
gone to the Mann Real
Office the morning of
1, had found the back door
open, the safe opened and
scattered around.
said he took five
from the front of
fe and sent them to the
Bureau of Investigation
him he had found the card in a
boat he had purchased the day
before in Portland. The officer
also said West told him he had
lived in Arkansas, Missouri,
Texas and California and had
never lived in Washington.
He said West had originally
been stopped because he was
carrying a red gasoline can which
was similar to ones which had
been reported stolen in Astoria.
He said after finding the
gasoline can was not one of
those he was looking for and
getting identification from West
he had allowed West to leave but
kept the Mastercharge card. He
said he received a call from
Mann about the card June 30.
Also testifying was Ken
Killum, another officer from the
Astoria Police Department who
testified he was on duty with
Sandercott the evening of June 4
when West was stopped and that
he had written down the name
and number on the Mastercharge
card after it had been handed to
him by Sandercott.
Defense attorney John
Jarrett questioned both of the
Astoria officers closely about
their identification of West as
the man they had talked to June
4, 1977.
The next witness called by
Applying for marriage
licenses in the Mason County
Auditor's Office this week were:
Arthur Mall, Jr., 22, Shelton,
and JoAnn Ellison, 18, Shelton.
Glen Smith, 25, Shelton, and
Irma Hayman, 22, Vancouver,
Todd Brewer, 21, Shelton,
and Joan Gibson, 20, Shelton.
Scott Lovgren, 23, Shelton,
and' Anita Hoepfner, 18, Shelton.
Donald Coulombe, 35,
Shelton, and Nancy Lauzon, 30,
Kim Nicklaus, 23, Shelton,
and Stephanie Gill, 23, Shelton.
Ronald Raymond, 44,
Shelton, and Neva Hoepfner, 42,
James Waldrip, 20, Shelton,
and Gayle James, 19, Shelton.
Matthew Mulanax, 19,
Lynnwood, and Sandra Johnson,
17, Lynnwood.
Deputy Prosecutor Richard
Admason was Mason County
Deputy Sheriff Dean Byrd, who
testified he had taken West's
fingerprints when West was
booked into the Mason County
jail May 1, 1978. The
fingerprints, he said, were placed
in the county jail records.
Jean Lester, records clerk for
the Mason County sheriffs
office, was next on the witness
stand. She stated she had taken
the fingerprint cards which Byrd
had taken and sent one of them
to the FBI office in Washington,
Benjamin Moore, a
fingerprint specialist for the FB1
in Washington, D.C., testified lie
had compared the fingerprints
taken of West at the Mason
County jail and those taken by
Dobie t'ronl the safe at Mann
Real Estate ,and that the two sets
of fingerprints were of the same
person and no one else.
West took the witness stand
in his own behalf as the defense
opened its case.
He said lie and his wife and
children were on a trip from
California, where they were
living at the time, through
Oregon and Washington in May
and early June of 1977.
He said they stopped in
Shelton during the trip and he
remembered parking his vehicle
in front of a bar and walking
through an alley where he
observed a door open in one of
the buildings. He said he went
inside, where he saw a safe open
and papers scattered around.
West also said there was a
Mastercharge card among the
papers, he picked it up and put
it in his pocket and then left.
He said the family proceeded
on its way and that the card was
taken from him by police
officers in Astoria, Oregon. The
family, he said, arrived back in
California early in June.
Under cross-exanfination by
Adamson, West admitted he had
been convicted of possession of
burglary tools in Missouri in
He said he had gone into the
building where the safe was
about 2 p.m.
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ason Lake
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Dobie on the
less stand was Steven
a patrolman with the
0ria, Oregon police
He testified that on
Waning of June 4 he had
West in the downtown
in Astoria and, when
Was asked to produce
tification, he submitted a
0uri driver's license.
said in seeking
0hal identification he had
to see a Mastercharge card
observed in West's wallet
West was looking for his
license. The card, he
had the name of Kurt L.
and he had it checked out.
said West told
Come see the old fashioned
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West also testified he had a
broken collarbone which he had
received when he was thrown
out of a Jeep in late April or
early May. He had a brace on his
shoulder at the time he was in
Shelton, he said.
Ann West testified the West
family was on a trip through
Washington and Oregon in May
and June of 1977. She stated she
did not specifcally remember
stopping in Shelton. They arrived
back at their home in Scott
Valley, California, on June 7.
She said at the time they
were making the trip her
husband had a broken collarbone
and was in a brace, which made
it difficult for him to move his
arm. lte had difficulty shifting
the vehicle they were riding in,
she said.
Members of the jury were
Ilse Jones, Mona Riddle, David
Johnson, Melvin Cleveland, Nels
Person, Rebecca Hutchins,
Harold Harsh, Dianna Lynn, Kim
Goldsby, Diana Niemyer, Janet
Barren and Albertha Zenew.
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Thursday, June 29, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11