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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 29, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 29, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Hood Canal West: ,, ,ill ,i Hi Recreation opportunities in National Forest, National Park are described who want to have a campfire, has two campgrounds in the backcountry, one should hang about the Olympic National Saturday in front of the By VIRGINIA REIS The Hoodsport Ranger District of the Olympic National Forest commented this week on recreational opportunities available in the Hoodsport area this summer. They provide 15 trails and six campgrounds. The trails vary in length and difficulty. All the campgrounds except Seal Rock are free of charge. Seal Rock&apos;s fee is $3 per night. Caution should be used when traveling on forest service roads. They are curvy, narrow and many have log.truck traffic on them. It is reconlmended motorists drive slowly, stay on their side of the road, and use their headlights. Summer means the fire season has arrived• Those camping in an undeveloped area, Crime Prevention Tips: Shoplifting is costly to all will need the following tools: a bucket that holds at least one gallon of water, a shovel at least 36 inches long, and a two-pound axe. Choose a safe place away from low-hanging trees to build a fry. Clear needles, twigs, etc. down to the mineral soil layer, to prevent the fire from spreading. When putting out the fire, use water and stir the coalS with a stick• When you think your fire is out, cautiously put your hand down into the coals. You should not be able to feel any heat. Backpackers are not required to carry the axe, bucket and shovel. Please be selective in where you build your fire, and be sure it is completely out. Hoodsport vicinity. One is in the Staircase area, with a $3 fee, and the other is at the end of the Dosewallips Road, and is free. Staircase will be providing naturalist activities starting this weekend. The agenda includes children's programs, nature walks, evening campfire programs, and fire-prevention demonstrations. Access to more than 600 miles of trail can be reached from both Staircase and Dosewallips. It is recommended that you use a backpacker's stove instead of building campfires when' traveling in the backcountry. There are 12 areas in the park where campfires are not allowed. food and garbage at least 12 feet off the ground and 10 feet from any tree. This is to prevent food and gear from being damaged by the black bear which are abundant in the park. The Golden Age Passport, for persons 62 years of age or older, is available at the Hoodsport Ranger Station. The Golden Age Passport is a free lifetime entrance permit to those national parks, monuments and recreation areas which charge entrance fees and are managed by agencies of the federal government. It also provides a 50 percent discount on federal "use" fees charged for facilities and services such as camping, boat launching, parking, etc. Forest, Olympic National Park and surrounding area, stop by or call the Hoodsport Ranger Station, open seven days a week from 7:45 a.m. tO 4:30 p.m. COMMUNITY NEWS The Hood Canal Lions Club will have its annual installation banquet at Alderbrook Inn tonight at 7:30 p.m. The slate of new officers to be installed is president, Nick Engels; first vice-president, Rick Sperling; second vice-president, Wendell Lewis; third vice.president , Jim Hammond; secretary, Randall Updyke; treasurer, Lea Hein; tailtwister, Don Meyer; and lion tamer, Fred Manvellor. The Lilliwaup Community community clubhouse, starting at 9 a.m. and ending when there is no more to sell. Club members who have not already been contacted should take. favorite goodies to the clubhouse as early as possible Saturday to be included in the sale. The Lake Cushman Women's Golf Club con]petition on June 21 was named "Bingo, Bango, Bongo." It means that each hole was worth three points, one for first on the green, one for closest to the pin, and the third for first in the hole. Winners in the first division were Arlene Baker in first place and Anne Anderson in second. In the second division Audrey • .,',, Harlene Robbins came in  In division three, Gls0 Mohrmann was first, and GI Pederson was second, i Three generations enou It is better for all the woi instead of waiting to ex! degenerate offspring for or let them starve for imbecility, society can p those who are manifestly , from continuing their kind .1 principle that susta compulsory vaccination is bro enough to cover cutg i Fallopian tubes... Tht generations of imbedlo $1 enough. : By DIMITRI TODD, Crime Prevention Officer The Olympic National Park Also, when traveling in the For further information Club is having a bake sale Schroeder had top billing, and Oliver Wendell HolmeS(] Mason County Sheriff's Department ,_ I I Shoplifting costs Washington consumers approximately 150 million dollars a year and is on the increase. The losses are two to four percent of total sales, which in some cases is enough to cancel out proflts for many stores, r Summer Dollar Stretchers Shoplifting is known by many names--ripping off, pinching, vegre e liberating, borrowing - however, under the laws of Washington _ _ Prices limited to stock on hand. shoplifting is included in the statutory definition of theft. Most  Closed 4th of July. i shoplifting incidents involve merchandise worth less than $250 and I--..- ?" are classified as theft in the third degree. This is a gross misdemeanor, Evergreen Square. 426-3456 • Shelton JJ'J (/ ...'X, carrying for adults a penalty of up to $1,000 fine and/or a jail term  [H | " f"- ")IA') " .... [':GIVI of up to one year. Sponge Ii I i" Commercial Service Systems of Van Nuys, California states that o Desk Photo ] Shell 13 was the age f the shophfter most frequently apprehended, followed by the ages l4,15,16,12 and l7. The ages of shoplifters /' , / [ ranged from five years .to 92 years. However, the major portion of .  Col I o e P   :: Sayl¢ --  tl apprehensions involved the young."  at The survey further states ..... women achieve equahty In being " _."_i Wcllnut Frame -w • Save I|MiJ U\\;\ ! llllLID (- Will look nice on any desk. / ll   I • " -- IAdv e apprehendedto 6 p.m. producedat almostthethe mostSame apprehensionsrate as men." Theand timewouldPeriOdseemOfto3 t" \\;V /llrln 14  " 99 / sugg. Value $2.79   / Immersion Heater leek indicate the best time to establish additional security or alertness /1L  / / Rapid heating   i i0(I of coffee, soup,  withinand establishments such as drug stores, discount stores __ __ lm i I Sugg. Value $6.95 J 'i ' - :,'! / Yl .... bab's bottle . ll)  I r  Washington's Anti-Shoplifting Law does create a civil cause of Porte Dolly I .....   |U.L. listed.  [ action which may be brought by the merchant directly against the shoplifter, thereby providing a form of victims' compensation. The Load 8, Tote  iReg. $3.49  ' l victim-manager may be able to recover actual damages, a penalty and ab . a, i ( ..,:::::---. • I' costs. P  O0 l The law provides that the parent or legal guardian having custody     18 Gel. I / I ": <------- W - -- : race] of an unemancipated minor who shoplifts may be held civilly liable. Sugg. Value $3.95 4 jilt IgW -  Trash Oo|do, Fir In such cases the merchant can recover actual damages not to exceed .00 1/ (! Vigor. Any dividual store manager or grop of people interested in  Con having a class conducted on shoplifting prevention and what can be I " ,\\;\ I 'l l  '1 Wtohveh'da:Te I Lawn A.d done to help eliminate this problem should contact the Mason County Sheriff's Department, Crime Prevention Unit. Flame Re //00-I-III I lml Fertilizer ' i mm l I It I I I ! l= ___ I I ---= I Special slow-release , :: ea, uaroe ue g g .... I _ 9 II-----I Lifeguards needed , m- • mu.u I l m.__-- j  gr.en for weeks .... I  L fOX TherelffeadSisana, immediatefive Washtngtonneed shortageSCentral Ferry,in the areas (except ,I ---XlJ B  .1_ __... ,I '' : 11 OVl  =    kr 1 J   l " Wa State parks. Applications are available I V Vl" ,4,- I 09 8.98 3$ O0 No 337 ""='" .... Positions are open at Belfalr, from the Personnel Office, =1 eg 5 Lake Wenatchee (leavenworth), Washington State Parks and " - 2S Lbse Bird Lake Chelan (Chelan), Osoyoos Recreation Commission, 7150 Lake State Veteran's Memorial Cleanwater Lane, MS KY-1I, Sugg. Value $8.95 I Sugg. Value $1.98  ....... 0pti Park (Oroville), and Central Olympia, Washington 98504, ' ' t For the real backyard chef   ugg. value /.va Ferw(Pomeroy). telephone 753-5760, 753-2012. Starting salaries range from $630-$696 per month. Lifeguards must be at least 18 years of age, have a current senior or advanced lifesaving certificate or water safety instructor's certificate. They must also have a Red Cross standard first aid certificate and visual acuity of not less than 20/40 uncorrected. Local applicants are preferred, due to housing Are You Losing Valuable Heat Dollars? See Jim Benedict for FREE heat loss estimate and a custom designed heating system to best meet your needs! Specializing in heat pumps and other forced air systems. 426-8201 Installation Available • Sear has a credit plan to suit your every need ,%aisfo.tion Guaranteed or your Money Back i Sea0000i 141.:lR.% ROEBUCK ANt) CO. FVERGREEN SQUARE 2 I-Ihmr Sh.lqiltg .t21,4121tl Simpson Employees' Federal Credit Union where gou borrow... INTEREST RATE MINIMUM DEPOSIT D MINIMUM TERM FIRST YEAR YIELD* DOLLAR AMOUNT * AT MATURITY, Federal regulations prohibit payment of dividends in excess of available moneyl *Dividends left on deposit until maturity will result in amounts shown. Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 29, 1978 Ken Fredson, Manager Post Office Box 639 Fifth  Cedar Shelton, Washington 98584 Telephone (206)426-9701 Closed .Monday, July 3 y, July 4 for the holiday.