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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 29, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 29, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mill Creek Inn "The In P/ace To Go" to the music of Highway 3 & Mill Creek PHONE 426.3060 "George & Cheryl" Thru Friday Night, 9:30 to 1:30 IITH E CHIEFTAINS" Piano and drums from Olympia Check for Saturday Night Entertainment! for your dancing pleasure. Try our SUPER SANDWICHES hot or cold with your favorite beer or wine! NAPPY NOUR 4-6 MON.-FRI. 2 Pool Tablesl . 2 Foosball GamesJ 3 Pinball Machines! . TV . Shuffleboard OPEN 11:00 A.M. MON.-SAT; CLOSED SUNDAY Private Room oo,,,o, For Group Parties & Luncheons CONDITIONING Fine dining, friendly serv,ce and a pleasant atmosphere are yours at Taylor Towne Cafe Friday & Saturday Live music In our lounge, 9,30 to lz30 a.m. ' FEATURING PHIL LOVGREN Dinner hour until t t ,00 p.m. Taylor Towne Cafe 426-8501 We con accommodate your party up to 50 In our Banquet Room I Jolly Scotsman Formerly Allyn Tavern PRESENTS Live Music and Dancing • Saturday Night Also Double Elimination Pool Tournament Every Monday Evening Large hams given as prizes y 3 in Allyn 275-2907 I Fri. 8, Sat. June 30 8 July 1 2 BOUNTY CHEESE BURGERS FOR $164 Hot Apple Turnovers Crisp and Delicious Now Only 34 € [ OPEN IOA.M.-1 A.M. Ii South First, Shelton Phone 426.1919 9:30 p.m.-l:30 a.m., Friday & Saturday nights in the Canal Room. Sing along with Lou Lacey Wednesday nights, 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Mabel Long, Owner Located in Hoodsport on Highway 101,877-5264 Open 5:30 a.m.-10:O0 p.m. 7 Days A Week Laundromat Open 8-8 Enjoy The 4th in our Air-Conditioned Restaurant! This Friday g Saturday, 6 p.m.-9 p.m. STEAl 'N LOBSTER Baked potato, tossed 4 9 salad garlic bread, T w coffee .............................. Roast Prime Rib ---Au Jus Baked potato, tossed $595 salad, garlic bread, coffee ..................... . ........ l Tree Corner First & Railroad, Shelton. Phone 426-2604 Open Sunday thru Thursday, 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, 6 a.m. until Midnight. Palitos is now serving homemade corn tortillas from our tortilla factory. We also have homemade tamales as you like, in the corn husk or with our special sauce. We hope you enjoy themI Crab Enchiladas tluevos Rancheros Chile Rellenos Burritos Guacamole Mexican & Domestic Beer Strawberry , Margaritas Mexican Protein" Salad HOURS: Sun.-Mon., 11:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Tues., Wed., Thurs., 11:30 o.m.-10:00 p.m. Fri. 8, Sot., !1:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m. S. Second & Cota 426-5070 Photo contest is planned Summertime is also camera time. The Shelton Public Library in cooperation with the Shelton Photo Center is sponsoring a summer photography contest for all area students ages six through 17. Contest rules and entry blanks are available now at the downtown library. Whether camera work is already a serious hobby or participants may be taking pictures for the first time, the library staff hopes that this activity will be an enjoyable learning experience. All entries must be turned in at the library on or before August 18. Pictures will be judged by library and Photo Center personnel. All prints will be returned. Prizes will be awarded in three separate age divisions and include ribbons, certificates, free film, free photo enlargements and gift certificates worth up to $15 redeemable at the Photo Center. Prizewinning photos will also be displayed in the library. Special provisions can be arranged for those young people who plan to enter their pictures in the Mason Cotinty Fair. Release of bond asked The Mason County Commission has received a request form the Blue Herren Owner's Association that a $10,000 maintenance and operation bond on the sewer system be released. County Engineer Marley Young said his department was recommending release since the group had been operating the system with no problems. Apathy is Where apathy is the master, all men are slaves. Anonymous Member named rlllllmllmllllllllllllmllll I Harry Davis, Belfair, has been n .... . .... n named to the Mason County | /1F Board of Equalization by the  n  AR$ | Mas°nC°untyC°'i'mLsi°n" l' .... " ' I I regal Publitatlons  I  I NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER t j l HAlUlI$ i FOR SALE, OLYMPIC I O • NATIONAL FOREST, A-28 Cedar Sale, located with" j PAINTING i 22&23N., R. 8W., W.M,, Grays Harbor County, Washington. SEALED BIDS will be received by the Forest Supervisor, or his representative, Federal Bu Iding, ! Residential, Commercial P.O. Box 2288, Olympia, Washington, up to and not later l than 2:00 PM, local time at place of bid opening, July 13, I & Texturing I 1978, for an estimated 12 M board feet of timber marked or l II otherwise designated for cutting. Ag&..RR.tII The minimum acceptable bid per L,,- ---v vvv M board feet is: Western redcedar: $166.81. Additional mmnummmmmnnnnmnmmnnunmmnmnnmmununmmunmmmnmnmnnnmmm nllll deposit required for slash disposal is feet for $5.00 per' M board all above species. Additional deposit required for road maintenance on National Forest roads over appraised route is $4.40 per M board feet for all species logs priced per M board feet. The contract includes a description of the maintenance work and a breakdown of the per M board foot deposit on a r M board foot per mile basis roads. All of the 'Alaska yellow cedar, iT any, determined pursuant to public hearings to be surplus to needs of domestic users and processors and Included ItmDer not meeting Utilization Standards is exempt from Timber Export and Substitution Restrictions. Bidders are advised that violations of the Timber Export and Substitution Restrictions constitute breach of contract and may result in contract cancellation refusal to award other timber sales to the violator, and/or debarment or suspension from bidding on future timber sales. The required bid guarantee is $400.00. Application Purchaser Road Credits are None. The ricjht to reject any and all bids is reserved. Full information concerning the timber, the conditions of sale and submission of bids should be obtained from the District Ranger, Shelton Ranger District, Shelton, Washington, or the Forest Supervisor, Federal Building, Olympia, Washington. 6/8-15-22-29-4t &fter you see your doctor. bring your preecrtptlon to Evergreen Evergreen Square • 4263456 • Shelton n 9 ERE S WHAT POWER COMPANY OFFICIALS SAY ABOUT NATUR0000L GAS ON SUPPLY... "lIeca:ae of the atelh,nt .wtpldy situation, we art, t,ncourttging homeowners attd others to install natural gtts in prtferetwe to eh, ctric heating betutse eh, clricitT will be increa.vingly dtfidenl in sttpi#j:" The Washington Water Power Company serves Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho with electrical and natural gas elnergy. Wendell J. Satre, President The Washington Water Power Company Spokane, Washington ON PRICE... We II probab O. set, tlw price of eh, clrldtr go up faster than gas in ,, furore. ]tt' " Bob Cowan Director of Finance Seattle City Light Cascade ural Gas Corporation Thursday, June 29, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27